Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (3501 - 3600 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#4441 Visual Basic or Command Line feature Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4442 Open file with other editor Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4443 .htaccess isn't shown Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4444 Pause resume not working during upload of video files to Feature request low FileZilla Client outdated
#4445 SSH to Mainframe Tectia Server Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4447 Are you sure you want to cancel transfer? Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4448 Information shown on about dialog are not correctly copied to clipboard Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4449 Remote Site List incomplete Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4450 Directory Comparison feature not fully finctional. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4453 unable to get wordpress themes loaded onto website Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4454 Remote directory and file not displayed under Vista Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4455 Cannot launch Filezilla, not found Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4458 File transfer should default to ASCII for MD5 files Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4459 File last modified date on Local Site display is not updated Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4460 FileZilla Client retry too fast during data transfer Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4462 Downloaded new update, now directory listings don't show. Bug report normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4463 Cannot download or upload into UTF 8 named directorys. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4464 Hidden file silently overwritten Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4465 Find Entire remote site - Source Code. Feature request normal Unknown duplicate
#4466 Latest version of filezilla will not correctly select folder names containing spaces Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4467 Unable to Un-install FileZilla Server Bug report low FileZilla Server fixed
#4468 Password Change Problem in Server Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4469 Can't use password when keys are loaded Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4470 Server connection Problem Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4471 support for WebDAV Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4472 Sumary status onm selected files/directories is wrong if multiple selection is used Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4473 Mac UI Cocoa complient Feature request low FileZilla Client invalid
#4474 Copying and Pasting Folders from one directory to another on the web server Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4475 Cannot sort using Last Modified Column - Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4476 Paste URL Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4477 Status does not correctly indicate. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4478 Guard Page exception application error Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4479 Automate backups Other normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4480 Filezilla causes Cisco VPN to timeout Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4481 when connected no directory listing is possible Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4482 2048 selection creates 2058 bits size keys Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4483 FTP Server on local network - Replace 3 times Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4484 Directory Listing invalid connecting to Wildcat! FTP Service (v5.6.450.7HF) Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4485 Could not connect to server Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4486 file list incomplete Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4487 Resume downloaded files over 2Gb on ftpes (Auth TLS) connection fails Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4488 transfer process changed my blog title. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4491 Wrong password keeps being submitted Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4492 Navigation Bars not on webpage Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4493 Arabic names files transfaring Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4494 update on ticket #4492 Other normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4495 buttonbar does'not work/respond to user click Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4496 Copying folders not possible after server disconnected client Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4499 Wont upload any file contents with new version, names only Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4500 Edit file uploads to wrong folder Bug report low FileZilla Client outdated
#4501 Files that start with . (period) Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4502 Local Site Automatic Refresh Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4504 begining spaces in file or directory names Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4505 file exists Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4506 Incorrect russians fonts in the browser Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4507 Recent servers list save's passwords unencrypted Bug report critical FileZilla Client rejected
#4509 Autodetection of max number of connections Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4510 Recent paths Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4511 Loss of file loading Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4512 Filezilla client over ftp proxy Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4513 Downloading a zero byte file puts the file into the Failed Transfers list Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4514 accents in french not recognised now Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#4515 Port change doesn't take effect until FZ client restart. Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4516 Lost username Other low FileZilla Client invalid
#4517 file list not being updated Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4518 Last Modified Date does not display correctly Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4519 Occassionally doesn't stop downloading Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4520 Connection aborted Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4521 Build error: undefined reference to CFilterConditionsDialog() Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed
#4522 can't connect to server Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4523 Tabs Feature request low FileZilla Client invalid
#4524 Full support for INC (Shortcut) files Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4525 Getting Error Failed to retrieve directory listing Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4526 Using SSL Feature request normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#4527 Elapsed time counter resets after three (3) hours. Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4528 Files on Linux servers with names containing symbols not allowed in Windows file names don't download correctly. Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#4529 ECONNABORTED Bug report normal Unknown rejected
#4532 Unable to drag out files on Windows 7 Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4533 prevention of ftp credentials theft by a virus/trojan Other normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4534 auto scroll for site manager quick list Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4535 Cannot transfer files with a pound sign Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4536 [SOLVED] ECONNABORTED Other normal FileZilla Client invalid
#4538 Cannot connect to IIS FTP server behind ISA since last update Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4539 Treat shortcut as aliases Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4540 Unable to download BIN file from Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
#4541 Resume doesn't work when file has no extension Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4542 z/VM: Failed to parse returned path. Bug report normal FileZilla Client wontfix
#4543 Scroll Bar in Site Manager Feature request low FileZilla Client rejected
#4544 Can't view queued files Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4545 Unable to display some columns in remote list Bug report normal FileZilla Client worksforme
#4546 Cannot FTP files! Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4547 Filesize 0 on upload Bug report critical FileZilla Client fixed
#4548 Option to keep server (or clientt) date and time Feature request high FileZilla Client rejected
#4549 filezilla don't end session and download file keep grown Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4550 fails directory download on login Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4551 the remote site file number liminted Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4552 showing 100% usage in the windows task manager, blocking ouklook Bug report high FileZilla Client outdated
#4553 The FileZilla Client v3.2.4.1 can't show non-English characters correctly because MLSD command Bug report high FileZilla Client rejected
#4555 Some folder's name change into unreadable character. Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected
#4556 File size is not updated after editing Bug report normal FileZilla Client duplicate
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.