Custom Query (10425 matches)


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Results (4101 - 4200 of 10425)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#2988 Option to hide directory content closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Hello! It would be nice to be able to have an option to hide the content of a folder. This way, people could add new files to a folder, but the file would be hidden right away. I would set this separatly from the "read" option. A file folder could have its files "read" and "hidden". Thank you!

#2989 Create new file on server closed Luc Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to be able to create a file on the server that you are connected to, instead of having to create the file locally and upload

#2990 synchronised local/remote folder navigation closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to suggest a feature that would mean Filezilla Client tries to change the current folder in the other pane after the user changes current folder in one of the panes.

to clarify:

1) user changes to 'htdocs' folder in local site pane.

2) _if_ sync folder navigation toggle is set _and_ current folder in remote site pane contains a 'htdocs' folder _and_ the current folder names are the same.. _then_ change into 'htdocs' in remote pane. _else_ change navigation toggle to include "!" (because sync may be out of step)

This seems to me a natural progression of the 'Default local directory' and 'Default remote directory' in the Advanced section of the Site manager.

#2991 Matching Directory Function. plz. closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear Filezilla team.

Hello. I really appricated your team make Filezilla. That is really nice s/w.

I've used FileZilla 100 times in a day. What I and most of my team's need are Matching directory Function.

I remember one of FTP client has that Function. that was crazy nice function, but except that, there is nothing good.

FileZilla has most of nice function without Maching Directory function.


ex) Local c:\aaa\instance1\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333

Server \home01\weblogic\instance1\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333

from "c:\aaa\instance1\" and "\home01\weblogic\instance1\" have same tail that "\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333".

If there is a button "set Head Directory Local/Remote" and then the directory moves together. where I get in and out.

of course, there should be turn on/off function.

I really hope you can make that function.

#2992 automatically upload file after edit closed Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Very often I edit a file via "edit file" in filezilla. When I test something (maybe php script) I have to enter the filezilla window to confirm "upload the file" every time I would like to test the script / after I saved it locally.

it is not comfortable because it costs a lot of time.

please add a function/option called "automatically upload files when edited/saved locally" or something like that to make working with filezilla easier.

#2993 Remote directory not wipped on disconnect closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If you connect to a sever and sit there long enough it will disconnect you and your remote directory will go blank. (You can of course reconnect to bring back the same directory... but you have to wait will it reconnects)

It would be far more user friendly to not wipe the remote window on auto disconnects. That way you still have the remote directory in front of you for reference and the second you try to perform an action... like opening a new folder (that isn't cached) or view/editing a file it would reconnect to perform the task.

Other FTP programs work this way and it creates the illusion of never being disconnected and doesn't interfere with workflow quite as much.

#2995 blinking task-bar until transfer complete closed Feature request normal Unknown

Hey guys, excellent FTP software! The feature I would like is simple: that the filezilla icon in the bottom task-bar changes color when a file transfer is completed. That way I don't have to keep the focus on filezilla while I am waiting, but instead I can go to the web page and refresh it the moment I see that the transfer is completed because the icon in the task-bar has stopped blinking or changed color or something.

Keep up the good work!

#2996 Copy URL of a file to Clipboard closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think a function who permit to copy the url of an ftp's file in a http link would be nice for Filezilla. Exemple : A friend want to see a picture that I have on my HDD. I upload it on my ftp, and when it done, I make a right click on the file (in the ftp), and I use the copy url's button, and I have the direct link to download the file for my friend (like Smartftp has this function, but it can also copy the ftp url, and just the path. It's a very useful function and i hope she can be add to a futur version of Filezilla.

Sorry for my English, i'm French.

#2997 Option to have file list beside directory list closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like the option to display the files list beside the directory list, in both local and remote panes. My directory tree and file names are rarely anywhere near 1/2 the screen width, but I often would like to be able to view more than can be displayed in the letterbox views.

#2998 Display Site Manager at startup closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it was a usefull feature of the previous version. Can we have it also in V3?

Thanks Claudio

#2999 date stamp in transfer window closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd love a date stamp also in the file transfer window. Thank you very much.

#3000 File Progress bar when minimized new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like a file progress bar when Filezilla is minimized on the Desktop.



#3001 Remote file URL to Clipboard closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I used to use SmartFTP, but after they stopped offering a free version for download I've decided FileZilla's going to be my FTP client from now on.

SmartFTP had a feature that copied the URL of a remote file to your clipboard if the FTP server was bookmarked and it's remote URL text box was filled in.

#3002 Add support for IPv6 literal addresses RFC 2732 closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Adding IPv6 support back into FileZilla was welcome. I have been using it. Supporting literal IPv6 addresses per RFC2732 - square brackets around the literal address is missing. IPv4 literal addresses are supported, so IPv6 should be as well.

#3004 Store encrypted Passwords closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Actual: Passwords (for sites as for Proxy settings) are stored in the Configuration File as Cleartext on the Hard Disk. The Users Passwords can be easily observed by opening the Config.

Request: Encrypt the Passwords using symmetric Encryption (such as AES or Blowfish). Although it would be possible to retrieve the Key that has been user , the stored Passwords cannot be read as easily from the Config.

#3005 Add a directory lock closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When browsing, it could be much more convenient to allow "directory lock", meaning that when I browse into dir "A" on local computer, the remote connection also opens "A" dir, and vice-versa.

#3006 Directory tree navigation closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the old Filezilla version you could type a letter and the prompt was moved to the first folder starting with that letter. In version 3 it is not possible.

Can you allow it?

Thanks Claudio

#3007 Conv't way to Add Site from Site Manager to QuickConnect Bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A convenient way to Add a Site from among the Site Manager's entries to the QuickConnect Bar, and thence to the QuickConnect History/Menu, would be nice to have.

An additional button at the bottom of the Site Entries tree, "Add to QC Bar", that would copy the selected Site's relevant fields to the QuickConnect Bar, would satisfy this nicely.

Meanwhile, selecting from the Site Manager's pull-down list works pretty well... ;-}


#3008 Save "view/edit" preference new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On the latest release ( of FileZilla, when one right-clicks an item on the server panel and chooses the "View/Edit" option, an alert popups asking whether the user would like to continue editing the local file or download and overwrite the local file.

I would like to save my preference of these two options. For example, I would like a checkbox below the two options with the text "Save preference" so that I can always automatically choose to download the file again an overwrite the local file.

Thanks for such a great product!!

#3009 File filtering for FTP upload closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A feature which I find very useful is to be able to set 'file filters' (as 'global settings' and/or per FTP location) which prevent certain files from being uploaded. For example, uploading a complete image directory also uploads that unnecessary Thumbs.db file (on Windows). (The filter which should then be set, would be 'Thumbs.db').

Or, when uploading a precompiled .NET website all sourcefiles should not be uploaded (filter on '*.aspx.vb'/'*.aspx.cs').

It could work almost similar like the 'Filename filters' but instead of not showing certain files locally, the files matching the filters are not uploaded.

#3010 Support Ctrl-backspace & Ctrl-shift-backspace in path boxes new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the "Local site:" and "Remote site:" path textboxes, it would be very helpful to support the commonly used Ctrl-backspace combination to backspace an entire word, and Ctrl-shift-backspace to highlight an entire word.

Other clients I've used supported this and I find myself typing it a lot. It wouldn't be so bad if typing that combination didn't insert a strange extended character that is represented (on my system; Windows XP) as a hollow rectangle.

#3011 Queued file listing view improvement. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to see a improvement to the queued file listing which is that instead of just having a flat list of files it would have the files in a collapsible tree view similar to the local/server browser panels. This would be really helpful in cases where we have say ten of folders queued with hundreds of files in them and we want to remove one or more of these folders(and files/folders contained within) from the queue. The other day I had to select all the 200+ files part of a single folder which I wanted to remove from the queue.With this view I would just select the topmost folder and delete that.

As a possible addition the folder row could show a progress bar for the average upload progress of the files/folder under it too.

#3012 Allow Multiple FTP connection via Tabs closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I used to be a big fan of SmartFTP until they started charging for the Home version. The best featured I liked in their client, was the ability to leave multiple FTP connections open at the same time via tabs on top. I work on about a dozen different sites all the time, so it is very helpful for me to keep those connections open, then just click on the tab for the appropriate connection and drag-drop files to the FTP clinent to FTP them up.


#3013 case of filename closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if it were possible to force filenames to lowercase or uppercase when uploading files. So just like the overwrite option there should be the possibility to choose: filename -> original; lowercase; uppercase.

#3014 Diff. BG-Colours for Diff. Servers closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if I could assign a background colour (or a background image) of the server window for each account, so I would know intuitionally (by the background colour) which server I am on (or which account I use), because most of my server structures are quite similar and I often put files on the wrong server.

#3015 bookmarks closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it could be usefull if there are the bookmarks of local and network folders, same as firefox or explorer

#3016 QUIT disconnect checkbox option closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Request for "QUIT"-Disconnect Option:

Description: A check box option (or a seperate command) to invoke a "QUIT" command before or on disconnect.

Justification: Currently, when disconnecting or closing the FileZilla Client Application, there is no "hand-shaking" between the server and client upon disconnection.

If a "QUIT" command option-upon-close is invoked, (or if a user manually enters the "QUIT" command in the custom commands field) it communicates with the server that the connection is being closed. In addition, various servers may send the client various FTP session stats regarding file transfers, total files transfered and total bytes uploaded or downloaded.

In closing, if the QUIT command is added, the FileZilla client would not terminate the connection before receiving the overall final stats from the server before disconnecting.

Thanks for providing a great FTP Client App. (Nice Job!)

Thanks for your interest regarding this request.

  • A FileZilla Advocate
#3017 Auto rename for the incompatible characters in filename closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I have a linux ftp server, and some files on it has the name contain chars like ":". This is valid in linux. But when I run FileZilla on windows, and try to download it, FileZilla just reports: "Error: Failed to open "D:\My Documents\a:b" for writing" because ":" is not allowed in windows filenames. Please implement a auto rename option.

Sorry if there is already one. But I can't find it.

#3018 save column sort order closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I maintain several multipage websites and I frequently use FTP to update changed pages only. The most useful folder view for this operation is to show files in date-modified order, newest at the top.

I would like to have FileZilla remember the way I left the folder and present the same view next time.

Alternatively, I'd settle for a preference setting to pick the default folder view.

Auto-refresh of the local file list wouldn't go amiss either.

#3019 Remote file listing auto scrolled down closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

When opening a directory which is a little ways down in the remote file list (eq, you must scroll down to see the directory), the resulting file list is also scrolled down. So that when you double click on a directory and you expect to be shown the top of the file list with . and .. dir entries, you are actually dropped right into the middle of the file list. It's as if the program is trying to preserve your initial scroll depth or something.

WinXP service pack 2, FZ 2.2.9

#3020 default remote path not definable for Netware ftp server closed Bug report normal Other

accessing a netware ftp server there must be ppossible to define a remote path (under the Advance section) which looks like:


where netwareserver is the servername, volume is the volume of the netwareserver, followed by the directory The path must begin with 2 backshlash like I#ve pointed out above.

If I enter this path, FileZilla (V 2.2.13c) is converting it to


#3021 Filezilla confused by unix search-only directories closed Bug report normal Other

Using ftp, filezilla (2.2.14.a) gets confused when it encounters directories with search-only permissions, e.g.: rwxr-x--x and rwxr-x-wx.

In my case the ftp server is vsftp on OSX 10.3.9. Other clients handle this correctly, like Cyberduck (OSX) and the unix ftp command-line client.

Here are some more details on the directory structure and operations that cause filezilla to fail:

/ftp/cvrti/*/Upload /ftp/cvrti/*/Download

where * represents a collection of directories under cvrti. The cvrti directory has permissions rwxr-x--x,

  • directories have permissions rwxr-xr-x, Upload is

rwxr-x-wx and Download is rwxr-xr-x. Note that I don't want the contents of cvrti or Upload to be visible.

I can get Filezilla to cd into a * directory and from there I can retrieve files from the Download directory.

But I can't put files to the Upload directory.

#3022 QuickConnect to FTP file tries to CWD into that file closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

First of all, many thanks for contributing such a good FTP client!

When I paste a fully qualified FTP file link into the QuickConnect address field and press enter, nearly everything works well: FileZille connects to the server and logs in as anonymous. But after SYST and PWD, FileZilla tries to CWD into the file, instead of the directory containing the file. After that FileZilla should have added the file to the download queue (and start it immediately, if the queue was empty).


Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready. Command: USER anonymous Response: 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Command: PASS * Response: 230-You are user #2 of 50 simultaneous users allowed. Response: 230- Response: 230 Logged in anonymously. Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: CLNT Response: MDTM Response: MLST type*;size*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner;UNIX.uid;;UNIX.gid;unique Response: PASV Response: REST STREAM Response: SIZE Response: TVFS Response: Compliance Level: 19981201 (IETF mlst-05) Response: 211 End. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is cwd. Command: CWD /S-3.1RC3-200506171618/ Response: 550 That is not a directory. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#3023 Renaming file to existing name doesn't update file list closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If you rename a file on the server to another file that already exists in the same directory, then on the server the renamed file overwrites the file that originally had that name (which is fine) but then filezilla shows two files with the same name. For example a directory might contain:

main.php index.php

if you renamed main.php to index.php, index.php will be overwritten by main.php but filezilla shows:

index.php index.php

while it should show:


This is not a server side issue. Refreshing fixes the problem.

#3024 Userinterface bug closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Using the latest client version of Filezilla, if you upload a file to a location where you do not have any access the file is displayed in the remote directory list. But ofcourse the file is not uploaded and an error is trigged (critical transfer error).

This easily get one to think that the file was uploaded...


#3026 Transfer Queue window doesn't Remember size and position closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When Remember size and position of FileZilla is enabled under Edit, Settings, Interface Settings, Miscellaneous settings, and Transfer Queue is enabled under Startup settings, the Transfer Queue window does not remember where it was last set. In fact, regardless of where it was last, the transfer Queue window covers two thirds of the screen covering the local and remote directory listing, which are completely covered if local and remote Treeview is enabled. I have duplicated this problem on 3 different computers.

#3027 Asian Language Datetime Listing closed Bug report normal Other

I read about changelog and found that support for listing on asian servers. It works, but not perfect. Following is the output of server(HP-UX) in debug window.

""" 추적: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root sys 42891 10 월 25일 16:25 test 추적: drwxrwxrwx 13 bin bin 8192 1 월 12일 20:55 tmp 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 96 2004.07.15 tmp_mnt 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 24 bin bin 2048 7 월 29일 15:32 usr 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 26 bin bin 1024 11 월 3일 01:50 var """

As you can see, there are some various pattern of datetime. That serves's OS is 'HP-UX'. And 'SUN OS' prints out other format of datetime. Some pattern of it does not drawed in drectory window.

#3028 SFTP to VMS server doesn't work closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

When I SFTP to a VMS server, all directories show up as empty.

Trace logs indicate that OpenVMS's SFTP server lists directory contents as bare filenames, e.g.: Trace: JTEST.DSC;1 Trace: JTEST.DTA;1 Trace: JTEST.RMS$JOURNAL;2

FTP works.

#3029 Better drag-n-drop support closed Bug report normal Other

Hi, I noted that dragging a file from local to remote (ie from desktop to the remote window) works perfectly, while If I drag'n'drop a file from a remote server to the desktop, it won't work. Can you please fix it?

Thank you

#3030 Add tabbing between panes closed Bug report normal Other

I start FileZilla client, just press RET to go to my default ftp site. Everything works very fine except that after connect focus is in none of the panes so I can not use TAB to move around. I have to use the mouse for just that (which unfortunately is quite inconvenient).

This is v 2.2.21 from 2006-04-20.

#3031 View/Edit image file Windows Picture and Fax viewer closed Bug report normal Other

For convience I'd like to be able to View images with the Windows Picture and Fax viewer. As a lightweight method to see the images on file. i found that the command to do this is not to a single executable file: rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen I found that It will not work at all when I set this in my preferences. Thanks Colin I'm on a windows xp sp2 home edition machine.

#3033 beta 1 elapsed time, and time remaining % display closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I am trying the 3.0.0 beta1. The elapsed time display and the remaining time display have the format: %00:%00:%00

The percent signs should go.

Thanks for the great software.

#3034 Can't Sort by Date closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

filezilla 3.0.0-beta1 build date: 2006-10-5 OS: Windows XP SP2

After connecting to my site, when i try to sort the remote site files by date, nothing happens. Sorting by name and file size works fine.

#3035 Tabbed interface closed Bug report normal Other

Since version 3 is going to be a rewrite of the interface etc anyway, I like to file a bug report against the interface since it lacks tabs. I have seen more than 1 bug on this in the version 2 feature request so I think it is time this becomes a serious issue and is wothly of a bug status.

FileZilla needs tabs on both the remote as well as the local views. A good example is provided by the competition (See SmartFTP interface

This should enable users to drag and drop files between 2 remote sites and between multiple remote sites and multiple local sites.

I have little to no experience with programming in C/C++ but do have it in Java so I hereby offer my limited assistance to the development team as well.

#3036 Site manage and TCP ports closed Bug report normal Other

When creating a new site in site manager selecting FTP or SFTP for servertype neither option changes port number from current setting.

#3037 Servermanager does not store new servers closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

If a new server is created with a connection type other than anonymous and no user is supplied, the server is discarded (not stored in the servermanager database) without message.

#3038 Import old ftp settings? closed Bug report normal Other

I've installed the new version, but gives me no option to import my previous account settings that are stored in my Filezilla.xml file. What a time-saver that would be!

#3039 Site Manager Drop-down button closed Bug report normal Other

On earlier versions, there was a drop-down button just to the right of the Site Manager icon, that allowed quick choosing of ftp sites. That option is missing. Could it be replaced please?

#3040 Filter doesn't consider recursive directory adding closed Bug report normal Other

The filter is all well and good but the most important usage is the ability to drop a directory into the queue and have it filter out all of the things in the filter. Currently it only seems to support the actual base directory. This makes it useless for uploading a directory structure and having it filter out hidden folders, subversion folders, thumbs.db files, etc.

#3041 SITELIST PORTING closed Bug report normal Other

I tried to copy filezilla.xml from current version to new BETA. BETA failed to start. It would be very bad to have to reenter all of my sites.

#3042 Windows Network Shares closed Bug report normal Other

Browsing to windows network shares (on windows) is broken .

In the "Local Site" text box, one can't enter a UNC share (something like
server\share) without it complaining on every keypress after the third backslash (the one after the server).

After painfully typing in the text and pressing enter, the text entered in the "local share" box is appeneded to all the previous text (even after deleting the text each time), so it ends up (after a few tries) c:

Setting the local path to c:\ will reset the string back to c:\, if you delete the c:\ and enter a unc share, it changes the text to c:
\server\share, and again to c:
\server\share, and so on.

Same thing happens when trying to set it through the "Default Local Path" in the "Site Manager."

BUT... playing off this bug, if you set the local path to "\" which works (opens "My Computer" in the explorer") then, without deleting the first backslash, enter behind it \server\share, it works! (It works with both the local site and explorer, and the "Site Manager")

#3043 sftp doesn't default toport 22 closed Bug report normal Other

When creating a new site, or editing an existing site, selecting Sftp should change the default port from 21 to 22. I think it did in previous versions. Doesn not in version 3.0 beta

#3044 Local folder view locks up closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Version 3.0.0-beta1 /Linux Ubuntu Dapper

Local folder contents window prone to freezing. Unable to perform 'mouse-actions' and upload files. Current workaround is to download a file to the current view, switch folder view, and switch back.

#3045 Connection wizard's test failed.. closed Bug report normal Other

Alright, got this from the test's log-window:

Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.0.0-beta1 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP ie-bia-bhi-bed Response: 200 OK PREP 4454 Response: 200 Using port 4454, data token 147641643 PORT 84,180,178,143,17,102 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Connection failed. Server sent invalid reply. Connection closed

The only apps that MIGHT block it are my firewall (Fritz!Protect, part of Fritz!DSL-software), PeerGuardian or my router (Fritz!Box 7170) itself.

Though, none of these apps reported problems (FZ 3.0.0-beta1 listed as "allow connections from this app" inside Fritz!Protect and PeerGuardian doesn't show any blocked connection attempt).. Also, using the latest *stable* FZ, I can connect just fine..

#3046 All sizes aren't remembered.. closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Maximizing the main window, changing column's sizes - these are things I can do without problems, but as soon as the application is closed and then re-launched again, all those set sizes are gone..

#3047 Extension isn't applied when downloading updates closed Bug report normal Other

When downloading updates from within Filezilla 3 Beta 2 Mac - a .* extension is added to the file instead of the .bz extension.

#3048 linked to missing export shell32.dll win98 SE closed Bug report normal Other

under win98 SE, trying to run filezilla client v3.0.0 beta1 produces a stop message C:\Program Files\FileZilla Client\filezilla.exe A device attached to the system is not functioning

and also produces a warning message

Error Staring Program The FILEZILLA.EXE file is linked to missing export SHELL32.DLL:ShGetFolderPathW

This stops the app from loading.

#3049 CD player without CD gives error cannot enumerate files closed Bug report normal Other

I'm running vista RC2 X64 on an amd turion laptop (Brand ASUS)

Filezilla clienten: 3.0.0 Beta 2 2006-10-15 built

When you simply click in the local drives the CD/DVD Player, you'll get the error: Cannot enumarate files in directory <<YOURDRIVELETTER>> (Error 21: The device is not ready)

#3050 servers not imported from older version closed Bug report normal Other

It's not possible to import the old servers from Version 2.2.xx to the new version 3

Is that intended?

#3051 Selecting Files in Cue is a moving target closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other


I'm using beta2. I was downloading a large number of files from a server. when trying to remove a few of the larger ones, I made the selection in the cue (while it was processing) but before I could hit delete, the cue moved - but the selection didn't. As in, if I select file 10-15 in the cue, the files in that position change as files get downloaded (and removed from the cue)but the position of the selection always remains 10-15, instead of moving to 9-14.

I hope this makes sense and I hope it hasn't been reported.

Thanks for filezilla!


#3052 FZ3-beta2 unpersistent settings for Ubuntu Dapper Drake closed Bug report normal Other

All settings concerning the layout ex: queue columns resize, local and remote directory tree toggles are reset to their initial size when FZ is closed. It would be so sweet to hold those settings, this way avoiding doing them all over again, when working.

Thanks a lot, FileZilla 3 finally comes to life and it rocks! :)

#3053 Scan Floppy and slow startup closed Bug report normal Other

Using the new 3.0.0-beta2 On WindowsXP 2600.xpsp1.020828-1920: Service Pack 1

Not sure whether these two issues classify as bugs or are just symptomatic of the fact it's beta...

There are two problems with performance that I see (possibly related). Whenever I start it the floppy drive scans, so I assume you're trying to read the floppy drive to check for it's existance. Secondly, it then takes more than 30 seconds before it actually displays the application. Again, this may be just because it is beta, but I wanted to mention it. It doesn't seem to cause excessive CPU use or anything, it just takes 30 seconds to display.

As for the logs, I have the debug settings enabled as mentioned above but can't find any logs anywhere. Assuming the debug information appears in the application message window there is nothing appearing in it.

#3054 sftp can't create remote directory closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

sftp can't create remote directory. and upload a directory will cause a loop. (create a file in remote, not directory, then fail to change directory)

#3055 Updater - Time remaining closed Bug report normal Other

While downloading the newest FZ 3-version (Beta #2), I discovered a bug about the remaining time-format which looks like this: %00:%01:%14

IMHO, those percent signs shouldn't be visible.

#3056 Unable to access TLS/SSL server with Beta2 Filezilla3 closed Bug report normal Other


#3057 SFTP cannot cd to //host/share closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I run a cygwin sshd at home to allow SSH/SFTP access.

In a interactive SSH session I can do "cd host/share" to go to my nas. But with FileZilla I can not do this, because the '' is changed to a single slash.

#3058 infinite loop if try to download a soft link directory closed Bug report normal Other

try to download a soft link directory from remote site, FileZilla will go into an infinite loop and eat 100% CPU. This will happen for both ftp and sftp.

#3059 wrong progress for sftp closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

in Beta2's note: Upload progress for SFTP transfers did advance too fast

This problem still in beta2. the porgress too fast for upload and download.

for a 1.4MB compressed file (.7z), upload: show 100%, but in remote site, still at 800K. download: show 100%, but still downloading... in transferred byte up to 2.xMB. (but the file is only 1.4MB after finished)

#3060 empty directory will skip when transfer whole directory closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I don't know this is a bug or feature not implement. In FZ 2.x, empty directory will be created if we transfer whole directory. But in FZ 3, empty directory won't be created, if we transfer whole directory, only file will be transferred.

for both sftp and ftp, either local or remote.

#3061 refresh problem after transfer closed Bug report normal Other

download: no any refresh for local list control upload: if upload a lots of files, the remote list is inaccurate, not included every upload files.

#3062 non-english characters don't work closed Bug report normal Other

The FZ 3 don't support non english characters like ÅÄÖÑ åäöñ etc,etc.

Linux Ubuntu 6.01.1 Have even tried the nightly built, but the same. All files/folder that have names like sång.mp3, caña don't show up in the client.

#3063 Filezilla 3 - Windows Sitemanager and Passwords closed Bug report normal Other


all password are stored in real text format in sitemanager.xml.

They should be stored crypted!


#3064 Site Manager - entered Port isn't saved closed Bug report normal Other


setting up the port for my FTP server(s) to 21 results in an empty field each time I click OK (or Connect) and then reopen the Site Manager again..

Thanks in advance,

Martin.. :)

#3065 fzsftp could not be found closed Bug report normal Other

I am ubuntu(6.06) user.I try filezilla beta2 on my computer,but I can not use SFTP.Because :

fzsftp could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, SFTP will not work.

Possible solutions:

  • Make sure fzsftp is in a directory listed in your

PATH environment variable.

  • Set the full path to fzsftp in the FZ_FZSFTP

environment variable.

But I have sudo mv filezilla3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv filezilla3/share/filezilla /usr/local/share/

#3066 GUI problems with non standard DPI settings (Windows) closed Bug report normal Other

the icons seem to be a little bit too small

the tree view in the settings window is much too small

#3067 Gui fixes closed Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3beta2

1 Changing the language in the settings will change the menu language but not the language of all the other widgets on the main page until you restart.

2 The Ctrl-S shortcut for site manager has got lost. :)

#3068 Drag and drop not working closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

This could be interpreted as a feature request, but this feature was working in the previous verions (v2.x series) and doesn't in the v3.x series.

Via the interface, you used to be able to drag and drop files between the remote and local views and visa versa.

Running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

#3069 Auto update doesn't shutdown running app closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Currently running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

I was running the beta1 version and it told me the beta2 release was out. After following the prompts, it auto downloaded beta2, but left the current FileZilla instance running while it tried to install beta2. This causes a file is in use error. The way around it was for me to manually shutdown the running instance, and then continue where the install worked fine after that.

I would have expected the installer to close the running instance, install the new version, then open the new version to avoid the file system errors.

#3070 View settings are not preserved on shutdown closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

If you specify that the remote tree view shouldn't show, and then shut down the application, the view will be restored the next time you run FileZilla.

From a usability point of view, these settings should be preserved between sessions. Based on the previous behaviour in the 2.x series, I believe this to be an interface bug.

#3071 F5 key shout down connection closed Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2 on Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2

Because there is no refresh at all, I am using F5 key that just shout down connection.

#3072 Doesn't handle MVS pathnames terribly well closed Bug report normal Other

Unlike 2.2.8, VMS support in 3.0.0 beta 2 on Windows XP SP2 seems incomplete.

Entering the same command on the "Remote Site" field yields different results (as shown in the log below where I had entered:


each time.

Command: PASS Response: 230 User logged in. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "GENERAL:[THISUSER]" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 invalid directory Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 file specification syntax error Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 file specification syntax error Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3073 Remote view disconnects during large transfers closed Bug report normal Other

When uploading a large amount of files (about 5Mb spread across several thousand files), after about 10 to 15 minutes into the transfer, the remote server views (tree and file listing) go blank, and the remote file window says "Not connected to any server".

Even the toolbar icons are highlighted/disabled as if I am no longer connected to the remote server.

Yet even though the GUI is in this state, the program is still transferring all the rest of the files in the queue, I just cant see the remote view being updated any more.

#3074 Cannot remove items from transfer queue while transfering closed Bug report normal Other

I was transferring a large list of files and realised I didn't want to transfer the last file in the list.

So I right clicked on the file and tried to remove it from the list, but because other files were currently being transferred, the item I selected kept unselecting every time it started a new transfer.

Then selecting the remove from queue option does nothing when its in this state.

I would expect that either you shouldn't be able to remove items from the queue while transfers are in progress (ie disable the option on the context menu until the queue is paused), or that the item you select should stay selected so you can remove it from the queue.

Running FZ3 Beta 2 on XP Pro

#3075 Network Config-Wizard fails because of a 503 closed Bug report normal Other


tried to use the wizard and it always fails because of this:

Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.0.0-beta2 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP ie-bia-bjd-ja Response: 200 OK PREP 33860 Response: 200 Using port 33860, data token 168251198 PORT 84,180,193,90,132,68 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Connection failed. Server sent invalid reply. Connection closed

So, AFAIK an 503-error means that the service is unavailable.. So a fix would be nice.

Thanks in advance,


#3076 CTRL+S no longer opens the site manager closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Prior versions did, but this shortcut no longer functions.

Expected: CTRL+S is bound to the site manager UI

#3077 Site Manager: Tabs appear enabled when no sites exist closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Open the site manager for the first time, everything is disabled. Except for the tabs at the top. I can't switch between them, or interact, but they look like I can.

Expected: They shouldn't look clickable. Maybe even replace all of the controls with a textbox: "get started by clicking the new site" button.

#3078 Site manager: the default port number doesn't render closed Bug report normal Other

Enter a new site. Host details, port 21. Connect, reopen interface.

Expected: Even though it's the default, what I put in there stays in there.

Actual: It's blank.

#3079 UI: Can't drag and drop from local site to remote site closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

You can't drag and drop items between the server and local, local and server.

I'm reasonably sure you could do this in Filezilla 2

Expected: You can drag and drop items to initiate file transfers.

#3080 UI: Can't right click on a remote folder closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Remote site folder view; if you try to right click on an item; there is no context menu.

Expected: Like the individual items pane (below), you should get a content menu

#3081 Copy button in site manager does nothing closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

It looks that the copy button in site manager is not implemented. Tested with Beta 2 and NB 2006-11-23 on WinXP SP2.

#3082 dot files not appearing even when setting is enabled closed Bug report normal Other

This is noticed on Beta2, using XP SP2.

In Settings > Transfers > File Types, I have checked off 'Treat dotfiles...'. AFAIK, this is the only setting in FileZilla3 related to dot files such as the famous .htaccess, but I'm still not seeing those files when I connect to my server even though I can see them via putty. Perhaps the effect of this setting is not what I was expecting?

In any case, this is a showstopper for me, I'm going back to 2.2.29

I hope this helps. Thanks for great software


#3083 drag and drop not working closed Bug report normal Other

Drag and drop of files to or from server doesn't appear to be working. When I try to drag a file, there's no indication that it's being dragged at all.

#3084 create directory on server not working closed Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

When I right-click in the server's file browser and select 'create directory' the proper dialog comes up, asking for a name/path for the new directory. However, upon completing this dialog, nothing happens. I tried refreshing the file browser view, but the directory was not created.

I also connected to the same server using the previous version of FZ, just to confirm that the directory had not been created. It hadn't.

#3085 Crash connecting to FileZilla Server in VMware closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

I wanted to use FileZilla Client & Server to transfer files between my VMware Workstation host and virtual machine, since VMware's own file sharing is horribly slow!

I first tried the FileZilla 3 beta, and it crashed connecting to the server.

Here are the steps I took:

1) Install VMware on host machine.

  • Download VMware workstation 30 day trial.
  • Create a new Windows XP VM (I used 1GB RAM of my 2GB).
  • Use NAT (not bridging) for the network, inside the Virtual Machine Network properties in VMware.
  • Install Windows XP.
  • Install FileZilla 3.0 beta client in virtual machine.

2) Install FileZilla Server on host machine.

  • Add one user, with a password.

4) Connect to the server from inside the VM.

  • Run ipconfig /all to get the host's IP address.
  • Open FileZilla 3.0 beta.
  • Create a new server in the connections list, specify the username and password.
  • Click Connect in the connections list dialog, FileZilla crashed.

Hope this helps!

#3086 Quickconnect Lost Between Startups closed Bug report normal Other

When shutting down the application and starting it back up, the application loses the quick connect information.

3.0.0-beta2 Host: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Build date: 2006-10-15

#3087 Last local site information lost on startup closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

The last place saved (local site) is lost upon startup. For example, if I am FTPing from c:\ftp\out, when I restart, it will show back up as C:\Program Files\FileZilla\resources\cyril\32x32\.

#3088 Drag and Drop Not Working closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Only double-click or right-click and "Upload" initiates a transfer.

#3089 missing ) in admin interface closed Bug report normal Other

If you look in the administration interface options of the FileZilla Server in "General settings" you´ll see this:

Max. number of users: [0 ] (0 for unlimited

A closing bracket is missing.

#3090 Performance Issues closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other


a start of Filezilla 3.0.0-beta4 needs up to 20 seconds on a modern System. Old one starts in 1 seconds.

#3091 Drag and Drop closed Bug report normal Other


till the first Beta of 3.0.0 up to Beta 3.0.0-4 the Drag and Drop Function of Files is not working.

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