Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (3601 - 3700 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#3064 Site Manager - entered Port isn't saved Bug report normal Other


setting up the port for my FTP server(s) to 21 results in an empty field each time I click OK (or Connect) and then reopen the Site Manager again..

Thanks in advance,

Martin.. :)

#3065 fzsftp could not be found Bug report normal Other

I am ubuntu(6.06) user.I try filezilla beta2 on my computer,but I can not use SFTP.Because :

fzsftp could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, SFTP will not work.

Possible solutions:

  • Make sure fzsftp is in a directory listed in your

PATH environment variable.

  • Set the full path to fzsftp in the FZ_FZSFTP

environment variable.

But I have sudo mv filezilla3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv filezilla3/share/filezilla /usr/local/share/

#3066 GUI problems with non standard DPI settings (Windows) Bug report normal Other

the icons seem to be a little bit too small

the tree view in the settings window is much too small

#3067 Gui fixes Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3beta2

1 Changing the language in the settings will change the menu language but not the language of all the other widgets on the main page until you restart.

2 The Ctrl-S shortcut for site manager has got lost. :)

#3068 Drag and drop not working Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

This could be interpreted as a feature request, but this feature was working in the previous verions (v2.x series) and doesn't in the v3.x series.

Via the interface, you used to be able to drag and drop files between the remote and local views and visa versa.

Running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

#3069 Auto update doesn't shutdown running app Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Currently running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

I was running the beta1 version and it told me the beta2 release was out. After following the prompts, it auto downloaded beta2, but left the current FileZilla instance running while it tried to install beta2. This causes a file is in use error. The way around it was for me to manually shutdown the running instance, and then continue where the install worked fine after that.

I would have expected the installer to close the running instance, install the new version, then open the new version to avoid the file system errors.

#3070 View settings are not preserved on shutdown Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

If you specify that the remote tree view shouldn't show, and then shut down the application, the view will be restored the next time you run FileZilla.

From a usability point of view, these settings should be preserved between sessions. Based on the previous behaviour in the 2.x series, I believe this to be an interface bug.

#3071 F5 key shout down connection Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2 on Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2

Because there is no refresh at all, I am using F5 key that just shout down connection.

#3072 Doesn't handle MVS pathnames terribly well Bug report normal Other

Unlike 2.2.8, VMS support in 3.0.0 beta 2 on Windows XP SP2 seems incomplete.

Entering the same command on the "Remote Site" field yields different results (as shown in the log below where I had entered:


each time.

Command: PASS Response: 230 User logged in. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "GENERAL:[THISUSER]" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 invalid directory Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 file specification syntax error Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL] Response: 550-Failed to set default directory to DKA4:[DKA4:[GENETIC_EPI_PATHVOL]. Response: 550 file specification syntax error Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3073 Remote view disconnects during large transfers Bug report normal Other

When uploading a large amount of files (about 5Mb spread across several thousand files), after about 10 to 15 minutes into the transfer, the remote server views (tree and file listing) go blank, and the remote file window says "Not connected to any server".

Even the toolbar icons are highlighted/disabled as if I am no longer connected to the remote server.

Yet even though the GUI is in this state, the program is still transferring all the rest of the files in the queue, I just cant see the remote view being updated any more.

#3074 Cannot remove items from transfer queue while transfering Bug report normal Other

I was transferring a large list of files and realised I didn't want to transfer the last file in the list.

So I right clicked on the file and tried to remove it from the list, but because other files were currently being transferred, the item I selected kept unselecting every time it started a new transfer.

Then selecting the remove from queue option does nothing when its in this state.

I would expect that either you shouldn't be able to remove items from the queue while transfers are in progress (ie disable the option on the context menu until the queue is paused), or that the item you select should stay selected so you can remove it from the queue.

Running FZ3 Beta 2 on XP Pro

#3075 Network Config-Wizard fails because of a 503 Bug report normal Other


tried to use the wizard and it always fails because of this:

Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.0.0-beta2 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP ie-bia-bjd-ja Response: 200 OK PREP 33860 Response: 200 Using port 33860, data token 168251198 PORT 84,180,193,90,132,68 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Connection failed. Server sent invalid reply. Connection closed

So, AFAIK an 503-error means that the service is unavailable.. So a fix would be nice.

Thanks in advance,


#3076 CTRL+S no longer opens the site manager Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Prior versions did, but this shortcut no longer functions.

Expected: CTRL+S is bound to the site manager UI

#3077 Site Manager: Tabs appear enabled when no sites exist Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Open the site manager for the first time, everything is disabled. Except for the tabs at the top. I can't switch between them, or interact, but they look like I can.

Expected: They shouldn't look clickable. Maybe even replace all of the controls with a textbox: "get started by clicking the new site" button.

#3078 Site manager: the default port number doesn't render Bug report normal Other

Enter a new site. Host details, port 21. Connect, reopen interface.

Expected: Even though it's the default, what I put in there stays in there.

Actual: It's blank.

#3079 UI: Can't drag and drop from local site to remote site Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

You can't drag and drop items between the server and local, local and server.

I'm reasonably sure you could do this in Filezilla 2

Expected: You can drag and drop items to initiate file transfers.

#3080 UI: Can't right click on a remote folder Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Remote site folder view; if you try to right click on an item; there is no context menu.

Expected: Like the individual items pane (below), you should get a content menu

#3081 Copy button in site manager does nothing Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

It looks that the copy button in site manager is not implemented. Tested with Beta 2 and NB 2006-11-23 on WinXP SP2.

#3082 dot files not appearing even when setting is enabled Bug report normal Other

This is noticed on Beta2, using XP SP2.

In Settings > Transfers > File Types, I have checked off 'Treat dotfiles...'. AFAIK, this is the only setting in FileZilla3 related to dot files such as the famous .htaccess, but I'm still not seeing those files when I connect to my server even though I can see them via putty. Perhaps the effect of this setting is not what I was expecting?

In any case, this is a showstopper for me, I'm going back to 2.2.29

I hope this helps. Thanks for great software


#3083 drag and drop not working Bug report normal Other

Drag and drop of files to or from server doesn't appear to be working. When I try to drag a file, there's no indication that it's being dragged at all.

#3084 create directory on server not working Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

When I right-click in the server's file browser and select 'create directory' the proper dialog comes up, asking for a name/path for the new directory. However, upon completing this dialog, nothing happens. I tried refreshing the file browser view, but the directory was not created.

I also connected to the same server using the previous version of FZ, just to confirm that the directory had not been created. It hadn't.

#3085 Crash connecting to FileZilla Server in VMware Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

I wanted to use FileZilla Client & Server to transfer files between my VMware Workstation host and virtual machine, since VMware's own file sharing is horribly slow!

I first tried the FileZilla 3 beta, and it crashed connecting to the server.

Here are the steps I took:

1) Install VMware on host machine.

  • Download VMware workstation 30 day trial.
  • Create a new Windows XP VM (I used 1GB RAM of my 2GB).
  • Use NAT (not bridging) for the network, inside the Virtual Machine Network properties in VMware.
  • Install Windows XP.
  • Install FileZilla 3.0 beta client in virtual machine.

2) Install FileZilla Server on host machine.

  • Add one user, with a password.

4) Connect to the server from inside the VM.

  • Run ipconfig /all to get the host's IP address.
  • Open FileZilla 3.0 beta.
  • Create a new server in the connections list, specify the username and password.
  • Click Connect in the connections list dialog, FileZilla crashed.

Hope this helps!

#3086 Quickconnect Lost Between Startups Bug report normal Other

When shutting down the application and starting it back up, the application loses the quick connect information.

3.0.0-beta2 Host: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Build date: 2006-10-15

#3087 Last local site information lost on startup Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

The last place saved (local site) is lost upon startup. For example, if I am FTPing from c:\ftp\out, when I restart, it will show back up as C:\Program Files\FileZilla\resources\cyril\32x32\.

#3088 Drag and Drop Not Working Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Only double-click or right-click and "Upload" initiates a transfer.

#3089 missing ) in admin interface Bug report normal Other

If you look in the administration interface options of the FileZilla Server in "General settings" you´ll see this:

Max. number of users: [0 ] (0 for unlimited

A closing bracket is missing.

#3090 Performance Issues Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other


a start of Filezilla 3.0.0-beta4 needs up to 20 seconds on a modern System. Old one starts in 1 seconds.

#3091 Drag and Drop Bug report normal Other


till the first Beta of 3.0.0 up to Beta 3.0.0-4 the Drag and Drop Function of Files is not working.

#3092 Explorer Path changes after every start Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other


at Filezilla Beta 3.0.0 - 4 after every restart the last Path at Clientexplorer is back to the Filezilla Directory.

Please fix this so that Filezilla saves the last choosen Directory.

It is very unusable to change it every start back to Desktop or elsewhere.

In my Eyes this is a Bug and not a Featurerequest.

#3093 crash during upload (repeatable error) Bug report normal Other

WinXP locks program after critical error (unable to extract log for you). However, I did extract the Windows Error Log (include after report).

During an upload of jpx files (293 files 3.78mb), application generates a stop error.

My system is a P4 2.4ghz WinXP (sp2), 1gb RAM, on high speed cable.

I hope this helps......


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <DATABASE> <EXE NAME="filezilla.exe" FILTER="GRABMI_FILTER_PRIVACY">

<MATCHING_FILE NAME="filezilla.exe" SIZE="5852672" CHECKSUM="0x5B0436E7" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="3, 0, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="FileZilla FTP Client" COMPANY_NAME="FileZilla Project" PRODUCT_NAME=" filezilla" FILE_VERSION="3, 0, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="filezilla.rc" INTERNAL_NAME="FileZilla 3" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2006" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x599156" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:38:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:38:13" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral [0x0]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="fzsftp.exe" SIZE="2036617" CHECKSUM="0x5185D9CC" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="Unidentified build" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Command-line interactive SFTP client" COMPANY_NAME="Simon Tatham" PRODUCT_NAME="PuTTY suite" FILE_VERSION="Unidentified build" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="PSFTP" INTERNAL_NAME="PSFTP" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © 1997-2006 Simon Tatham." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x200E6F" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:37:07" UPTO_LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:37:07" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United Kingdom) [0x809]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="mingwm10.dll" SIZE="6656" CHECKSUM="0xE25655C0" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x407E" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" LINK_DATE="10/02/2004 10:28:15" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/02/2004 10:28:15" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="uninstall.exe" SIZE="56392" CHECKSUM="0x2BABF809" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" LINK_DATE="11/28/2006 09:21:49" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/28/2006 09:21:49" />


<MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="984064" CHECKSUM="0xF12E1D4A" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows NT BASE API Client DLL" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.060704-2349)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xF724D" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2945" LINK_DATE="07/05/2006 10:55:00" UPTO_LINK_DATE="07/05/2006 10:55:00" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" />


#3095 My Sites Bug report normal Other

There is a bug saving sites in "my sites" with version 3.0.0 beta 4. One of the ways I can reproduce the issue is by changing the logontype to "account". The connection will work fine, but as soon as I look in the site manager, the site is no longer there. WINXP Home 2005 Service Pack 2.

#3096 Crashes on startup Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

First time I ran a freshly installed filezilla 3 b4 it immediately crashed.

2nd time it worked.

I am running windows xp sp2, and running as a user without admin rights

The microsoft error report contains

AppName: filezilla.exe AppVer: ModName: filezilla.exe ModVer: Offset: 000b0024

This file is included in the report <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <DATABASE> <EXE NAME="filezilla.exe" FILTER="GRABMI_FILTER_PRIVACY">

<MATCHING_FILE NAME="filezilla.exe" SIZE="5852672" CHECKSUM="0x5B0436E7" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="3, 0, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="FileZilla FTP Client" COMPANY_NAME="FileZilla Project" PRODUCT_NAME=" filezilla" FILE_VERSION="3, 0, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="filezilla.rc" INTERNAL_NAME="FileZilla 3" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2006" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x599156" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:38:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:38:13" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral [0x0]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="fzsftp.exe" SIZE="2036617" CHECKSUM="0x5185D9CC" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="Unidentified build" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Command-line interactive SFTP client" COMPANY_NAME="Simon Tatham" PRODUCT_NAME="PuTTY suite" FILE_VERSION="Unidentified build" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="PSFTP" INTERNAL_NAME="PSFTP" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright © 1997-2006 Simon Tatham." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x200E6F" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:37:07" UPTO_LINK_DATE="12/14/2006 10:37:07" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United Kingdom) [0x809]" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="mingwm10.dll" SIZE="6656" CHECKSUM="0xE25655C0" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x407E" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" LINK_DATE="10/02/2004 10:28:15" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/02/2004 10:28:15" /> <MATCHING_FILE NAME="uninstall.exe" SIZE="56392" CHECKSUM="0x2BABF809" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x0" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" LINK_DATE="11/28/2006 09:21:49" UPTO_LINK_DATE="11/28/2006 09:21:49" />


<MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="983552" CHECKSUM="0x4CE79457" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows NT BASE API Client DLL" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xFF848" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.2180" LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:56:36" UPTO_LINK_DATE="08/04/2004 07:56:36" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" />


#3097 Beta 5 - Snapshot Update Fail Bug report normal Other

The update installation for FileZilla 3 beta fails when started from within the app because it cannot gain access to FileZilla.exe.

#3098 Create Directory doesn't work on remote host Bug report normal Other

Filezilla 3 beta 5 OS X 10.4.8

When I right click in the lower file panel of the remote host pane and select "Create Directory" it doesn't prompt me at all or create a directory for me to rename. On the local pane the same action prompts me with a "Please enter the name of the directory that should be created" option.

I did notice that when I do select "Create Directory" on the remote server (using proces described above) that the cursor highlights the "Host:" field in the top "Quickconnect" bar...

Minor: Also not sure if you want to change the Quickconnect button to read "Quick Connect" rather than the single word...

#3099 FTPES behind NAT uses internal address Bug report normal Other

FTPES behind NAT uses internal address

FileZilla 3.0.0-beta5.

When connecting per FTPES from WAN to a "misconfigured" FTP server behind a NAT that reports its internal address, the connection uses PASV(internal IP,PORT) even if under Settings -> Connection -> Passive mode the radio box is on "Use the server's external IP address instead".

Connection works with plain FTP over WAN (in this case FileZilla uses correctly the external address - the address of NAT box).


The setup: 1) I am pretty sure, the NAT box is correctly configured (forwards TCP/21 and passive upper address range to internal "misconfigured" FTP server (Synology DS-106:FW426), which unfortunately is not further configurable)

2) Connection works using FTPES in LAN.

#3100 Leaves open connections after clicking disconnect icon Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

After transferring files, clicking on the disconnect icon only closes the control TCP connection and not the two data transfer TCP connections while using SFTP. The connections stay open until the program is closed.

#3102 UI: Drag 'n drop not working Bug report normal Other

It seems like it's not possible to drag 'n drop files between the local files browser and the remote one to upload/download files.

#3103 Moving Files/Folders in Remote Host Bug report normal Other

If you try it nothing happens..

When you drag a file or folder to the .. folder

#3104 file exists window function Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

When trying to upload a file which already exists, a window comes up with various options.

If I want to overwrite all files in the current queue I've tried the following:

  1. I click on "Always use this action" and "apply to current queue only"


  1. I click only on "apply to current queue only"

Whichever of these 2 methods I use the window still appears again for each file in the queue that exists.

This seems to be a bug, as surely selecting "apply to current queue only" should automatically overwrite all other files in the queue that exist, rather than continuing to ask you for each one.

Version: 3.0.0 beta 5 OS: Ubuntu 6.10

#3105 remote site Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

I have beta 5 installed

  • when selecting files from local site, they could be dragged/dropped to remote site. This can not be done anymore. Right click - upload
  • when transferring selected files - the panel : remote site gets blanc and not refreshed
  • site manager : there used to be an arrow next to the icon-that would allow you to connect to remote server, without opening site manager

Best Regards, Guy Przytula

#3106 Wrong folder sorting after upload Bug report normal Other

I uploaded a lot of folders an files.

The folder sorting at my local host was like:

  • a

-- aa -- ab -- ac

  • b

-- ba -- bb

  • c

-- ca -- cb --- cba --- cbb -- cc -d

and after uploading with 3.0.0-beta5 the sorting was this:

  • a

-- aa -- ab -- ac -- b --- ba --- bb --- c

( folder b was in a, c in b and d in c)

the only folder in root was folder a


  • neeg -
#3107 RFE: Site manager dropdown button in toolbar Bug report normal Other

with v3 beta 5

  • site manager : there used to be an arrow next to the icon-that would allow you to connect to remote server, without opening site manager

this compared to v2 Is this correct ? Best Regards, Guy Przytula

#3108 Drag and drop doesn't work Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

When I try to drag and drop directories from my w2k client to a host then nothing happens.

#3109 Cannot view remote file Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

In the old version it was possible to view a file.

#3110 Cannot open remote file Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

In version 2 it was possible to open a file to work on it locally.

#3111 Filter the directory Listing 3.0.0 Beta5 Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Go to Filter --> edit Filters. I cant set a Filter.

Show the Attachement please.

#3112 Faster delete of files Bug report normal Other

Deleting a bulk of files (say 1000) takes a long time till you click a right mouse button in the remote file list or press the esc key.

#3113 Uploaded file truncated when using FTP over SSL and SOCKS pr Bug report normal Other

FileZilla (Client) version 2.2.30. Windows XP. Proxy settings: SOCKS4 or SOCKS5. Servertype: FTP over SSL or TLS.

When I try to upload a file smaller that 4KB, the file becomes 0 byte-length on the server. Larger files are truncated to the nearest 4KB multiple.

No problem during download; files are transfered complete.

No problem on normal (unencrypted) FTP.

No problem on direct (no SOCKS proxy) connection.

#3114 FTPES behind NAT uses internal address Bug report normal Other

I have posted this post before, now posting it with debug logs as required.

Using FileZilla 3.0.0-beta5, connecting to Synology DS-106 (, with FTP-SSL support. DSL router has port forwarding on external 21->internal 21 and passiv port range 55536-56559 to internal configured.

All runs fine in LAN (FTP and FTPES connections).

When connecting with FTPES from WAN to a "misconfigured" FTP server behind a NAT that reports its internal address, the connection uses PASV(internal IP,PORT) even if under Settings -> Connection -> Passive mode the radio box is on "Use the server's external IP address instead".

Connection works with plain FTP over WAN (in this case FileZilla uses correctly the external address - the address of NAT box), all goes unfortunately plain-text over the network this wan :(

Attached are 3 logs in ASCII (zipped as one file). Log1 - LAN FTPES, success Log2 - WAN FTPES, failure by LIST Log3 - WAN FTP, success

#3115 Update Time Bug report normal Other

In the english Version its OK: Settings / "Update Check" / At least 7 Days In the german version of Filezilla Beta 5: Einstellungen / "Aktualisierungsüberprüfung" / Mindestens Tage Here i miss the count of days... thx

#3116 Drag and Drop Bug report normal Other

Drag an Drop doenst work

#3117 Binary/ASCII Mode Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other


I don't know if this is a bug or just a feature you haven't been able to get to... but binary/ASCII auto mode support does not work... It sends everything as binary I believe...


#3118 PASS empty for downloads Bug report normal Other

When connecting using 'Ask me for password' (in Site Manager), it doesn't matter if the password box is ticked to remember password for this session or not- it connects ok (with the password entered), but when asked to download, the log screen shows repeated connection attempts with an empty password (no asterisks) and a failed connection.

Uploading seems fine.

When connecting using 'Interactive', it prompts for a password for downloads and downloads successfully (and also seems to re-use connections ok).

#3119 Uses 2 connections when the maximum is 1 Bug report normal Other

I used Filezilla to connect to my private FTP site, which does not allow anonymous logins, so you will not be able to use it to test this problem unless I set you up with an account. If you do need me to do that, please email me at stephen@….

I have my FTP server set up so that it has a restriction that only permits one connection per IP address, so I set the option in the site settings for Filezilla to use a maximum of 1 simultaneous connection. It logged in OK, and allowed me to browse the directories, but when I tried to download a file, Filezilla attempted to open a second connection to do the download, and it was denied by my FTP server which sent this:

421 No more connections accepted from, try again later.

each time. Filezilla continued to retry until I told it to disconnect.

I verified that my FTP server was working correctly by using NcFTP to get the file I wanted.

The following is a copy of the Filezilla log for the session:

Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012ECB08) m_pEngine=012D72F8 caller=012F0710 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230- Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230- / /\ / /\ / /\ [-> Welcome <-----------------------] Response: 230- / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ Welcome to this InetPowerServer Response: 230- / / / / / / /_ /\ powered site, all activity on this Response: 230- / / / / / / _\/ / / site will be logged, if you don't Response: 230-/_/ / /_/ / /_/ / like that, please disconnect now. Response: 230-\/ \/ \/ v1.0.2.2 [-> 17:33:51 <-------> 2007/02/23 <-] Response: 230- Response: 230-[-> SERVER/CONNECTION INFORMATION <-][-> USER STATS - Retrieved Stored <-] Response: 230- Server uptime: 3/09:32:27 File count...: 471 501 Response: 230- Connections..: 1 KByte count..: 3563496 42715 Response: 230- Idle time-out: 180 seconds High KBytes/s: 2958 299 Response: 230- Client host..: <> Response: 230-[------------------------------------------------------------------------] Response: 230 User "stephen" logged in. Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 215 UNIX (IBM OS/2 Warp 4.5 (0) running InetPowerServer/2 v1.0.2.2) Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 211-Extensions supported: Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: MDTM Response: MLST type*;size*;modify*;perm*; Response: REST STREAM Response: SIZE Response: TVFS Response: 211 END Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Command: CWD /\k\u\polarbar\Mailer\Maildata\Stephen\inbox/ Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 250 "/k/u/polarbar/Mailer/Maildata/Stephen/inbox" is current directory. Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/k/u/polarbar/Mailer/Maildata/Stephen/inbox" is current directory. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 Transfer type is set to Binary/Image. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Command: PORT 172,20,4,85,17,79 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 PORT command completed. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Command: LIST Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 150 Opening Binary/Image data connection for "/k/u/polarbar/Mailer/Maildata/Stephen/inbox/*". Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Trace: CTransferSocket::OnClose Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226 Directory listing complete. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012F9790) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012FA0D8 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012F9790) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012FA0D8 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012FBA00) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012FA0D8 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 421 No more connections accepted from, try again later. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Disconnected from server Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012FBA00) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012F0710 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012F9FD0) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012F0710 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012F9790) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012F0710 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(012F7530) m_pEngine=010BCF60 caller=012F0710 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 ftp FTPd ready (IPS/2 v1.0.2.2 - Command: USER stephen Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Password required for "stephen". Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 530 Unable to login. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(1090) Error: Could not connect to server

#3120 Transfer list does not scroll to bottom after starting new Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

FZ opens with previous transfer list positioned at top.

When starting a new transfer, it looks like nothing happens because the list stays at the top, and does not scroll to the bottom where the new started transfer progress bar is visible

#3121 Does not refresh after chmodding Bug report normal Other

After chmodding a file or folder the display is not refreshed, so the old permissions are displayed until the user refreshes.

#3122 UI: settings not saved Bug report normal Other

I always turn of the two treeviews (both local and remote). This setting is not saved between sessions. Using beta6

#3124 Edit/View absent on context menu Bug report normal Other

3.0.0-beta6 for Windows.

Edit/View entry does not appear on right-click context menu in either the local or remote file-view windows. If this is intentional, then it is a step back from version 2.

#3125 Login Failure if password contains a § (other special chars) Bug report normal Other

It is not possible to transfer Files using SFTP over SSH if the Password contains a § sign.

This works in FileZilla 2.2.31.

FileZilla 3.0beta6 successfully authenticates and shows the diretory listing, however as soon as you want to actually transfer files, this fails with the error message "login failed".

Tested on Windows XP SP2 other Platforms maybe affected, too

#3126 Limit number of simultaneous connections doesn't work Bug report normal Other

I use's ftp server ( It limits the number of connections a user can have to 2. Though I limited to 1 the number of connections in my settings, I still receive (sometimes) a message from the server warning me that I already have two connections, and cannot connect once more (See the end of the log : "Response: 421 Vous ne pouvez avoir que 2 connexions simultannees").

(you might see directory listing problems as well in the log file attached, but they are unrelated : they started to happen latter than this bug).

OS : Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (but I already had the problem in Edgy Eft and windows XP)

In case it can help you : I used to be an FTPexpert ( ) user, and never experienced this bug with that program.

#3127 Paths without leading '/' character won't work in FTP/SFTP Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated

Tested version: Filezilla 3.0.0-beta7, Windows XP

Paths without leading '/' character won't work.

I'm trying to retrieve a directory listing from a ftp server. I suspect that the listing fails because the path on the server doesn't have the leading '/' character in it. So for example if you would connect to a normal Linux server the path could be "/example-path/", but on this server the correct path is "example-path/". The PWD command returns the correct path (without leading '/') from the server so the problem is not with the return value from server. The problem is that Filezilla doesn't understand the returned path.

Every command line client on Windows and Linux I have tested work with this server. So the problem is not with the server, even it does use quite unusual directory structure.

The problem is with both FTP and SFTP.

I edited the log by replacing information with [SENSORED] tags, even the path it returns. Apologies about this, but I'm working in a company where I don't have permission to reveal any information about the systems we use, not even the paths on the server. But I hope the explanation above will give you enough information about the problem.

# FTP LOG Response: 230 User [SENSORED] logged in. Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 500 Command not implemented. Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 500 Unknown command: 'FEAT' Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "[SENSORED]" is current directory. Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(557): Failed to parse returned path. caller=01284C08 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3128 Number of files in remote directory not shown like in FZ 2 Bug report normal Other

One feature that seems to have been removed since FileZilla 2.x is that when I am focused on a remote directory, the number of files in that directory is no longer displayed in the status bar. I consider this a bug, as it was a feature of the application, but now it's gone.

#3129 Right-click view of remote files missing Bug report normal Other

In FileZilla 2.x, I was able to right-click a remote file and choose to view it. But now this feature is missing as of beta7.

I'm using Windows 2000 with all service packs applied.

#3130 Freeze on timeout when using FTP+TLS Bug report normal Other

Using the latest version of FileZilla under Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Beta, the FileZilla interface freezes each time my FTP+TLS connection timeout.

#3131 View Hidden Files Bug report normal Other

This might be considered a feature request, but I would call it a big bug: There is no way to view hidden files on the remote server using the Windows version of the client. I'm using Filezilla-3.0-beta7. If there is a way to view the hidden files, then its not very intuitive, because I can't find it. :)

#3132 Mailcap file /etc/mailcap, line 1: incomplete entry ignored Bug report normal Other

on start of filezilla I get this message: "Mailcap file /etc/mailcap, line 1: incomplete entry ignored."

can't find the log on linux

OS: Kubuntu 6.10

#3133 FZ3 Can't connect to some spanish FTP servers that FZ2 can Bug report normal Other

When attempting to connect to some FTP servers that use spanish messages, FZ3 times out without even detecting the username/password prompt.

This is under Ubuntu Edgy, english language installation, and Filezilla 3 BETA 7.

I have the ES locale installed as can be seen below:

ariel@polaris:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales Generating locales...

doneen_AU.UTF-8... done ..... es_AR.UTF-8... done es_BO.UTF-8... done es_CL.UTF-8... done es_CO.UTF-8... done es_CR.UTF-8... done es_DO.UTF-8... done es_EC.UTF-8... done es_ES.UTF-8... done .....

Generation complete.

An then tried:

ariel@polaris:~$ export LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8 ariel@polaris:~$ filezilla

With or without the export I get the same timeout problem.

FZ2 (with Wine) works with no problems in the same machine / Ubuntu OS.

GNU's ftp client also works fine with these sites.


FZ3 fails: Status: Resolving IP-Address for Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-FTP server ready. Status: Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8. Response: Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

GNU ftp works fine:

ftp Connected to 220-FTP server ready. 220 Este es un sistema privado - No se permiten usuarios an�nimos Name (

It would be great to have this fixed :)

#3134 Missing Features? Bug report normal Other

I see in FileZilla v 3.0.0.beta7 that you have dropped a few of the nice features of v 2, like Import/Export Settings, a keep-alive setting, and Help. I trust these will be present when the beta becomes production, or perhaps there will be notes explaining why they are not. Also, how about a menu item to Import/Export Site Manager data? I'm using Win XP SP2, and there is no log, as this was not a report of a run-time error. Thanks. Mike

#3135 Missing PHP Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Windows XP SP2 Filezilla 3.0.0.-beta7

Under the open a new preference, you specify a list of langs to default the open window to. I did not see PHP. It was hard to search being they are not in alpha order but I do not believe it is there.


#3136 Default local Directory Bug report normal Other

When specifying a Default remote directory (i.e pub or ./pub or /pub or ~pub) a "/" is added, rejecting the connection. Version: Filezilla 3.0.0-beta7 OS: wintel XP Pro 2002 SP1 Logs Lev.3: Response: 230 User test logged in. Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Command: CWD /pub/ Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 550 /pub/: No such file or directory. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3137 Default Local Directory not remembered by Reconnect button Bug report normal Other

Version: Both 3.0.0-Beta6 and Beta7 OS: WinXP, SP2

When you connect to a site, then close the application, then relaunch the application, and finally reconnect to the same site using the "R" button, FileZilla does not go back to the default local directory set for that site, as it should.

#3138 Losing Remote Site Directory During Uploads Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Running 3.0 b7 using passive mode. MTU=1492, both client and server are behind Linksys NATed routers(use external IP feature is great). Ports are forwarded on both ends. Client=XP Media. Client is on 3000/250 cable, server is on 600/6000 DSL/PPPoE. Server is DLink DNS323(Unix L8)

I have seen this twice. While uploading folders containing 15 to 30 - 50-150K JPGs files to the server, the remote directories disappeared and the message "not connected to any server" appeared. The up load continued and completed successfully each time. Refresh would not show directory. Had to disconnect and reconnect to see folders and files.

#3139 PASV and Active Fails-Client on DSL/PPPoE Bug report normal Other

Sorry, I put this on the FZ 2x list by mistake. Am reposting on FZ3.0 list.

I am not sure exactly what is happening but I an a friend of my are having the following issue:

Configuration Info

We both have:

  • FileZilla 3.0 b7 installed
  • DLink DNS323 500GB RAID1 servers(Unix L8)on our respective networks

configured for FTP

  • NATed networks behind Linksys Routers with MTU=1492
  • Running Windows XP clients
  • Have ports 21, 5000-5100(preferred by prior version of FileZilla, and

65500-65535(preferred by DNS 323 in PASV) forwarded on the routers

  • Set FileZilla b7 to use Servers External IP
  • We both are using DNS name server via because our ISPs change

our IPs several times a week.

Whats Different

  • My access is 250/3000 Cable with Auto IP
  • His access is 600/6000 DSL using PPPoE
  • My client PC uses Norton Virus and Firewall SW
  • His client PC uses ATT protection for Yahoo SW
  • Note: We have tried disabling firewalls and Internet Secuity Setting with

no affect on results

Issue Outlined

  • My client from my network has no issues connecting with and transferring

files to and from his server either in Active or Passive Mode when using 3.0 b7 over his DSL/PPPoE based service.

  • His FZ2.31 client logs on to my server from his network in Active Mode

without issues. Passive does not work because it needs servers external IP to work.

  • His FZ 3.0b7 client fails both Active and Passive connections to my

server when he tries from his network. However,when he tried from his son's cable serviced network, he was able to log on and tranfer files both in Active and Passive Mode.

I am current thinking that the issue is somehow related to his PPPoE connection but why does FZ 2.31 work in Active Mode while FZ 3.0b7 fails to connect in either mode when he tries to connect to my server from his network. The trace shows that the socket closes as soon as the PASV command is issued and the disconnect then follows.

I have included the trace for Passive Mode. I do not yet have a trace for the Active Mode. I have asked my friend for it and I will add it when I get it.

Status:Resolving IP-Address for Trace:ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(011EBA10) m_pEngine=011FF008 caller=012100A8 Status:Connecting to (Servers ext IP):21... Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace:CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response:220 NAS-500GB FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(52) Tue Jan 2 14:13:26 EST 2007) ready. Command:USER Bill Trace:CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response:331 Password required for Bill. Command:PASS Trace:CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response:230-Welcome to my FTP site. Trace:CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response:230-Now is the time ==> Sun Apr 8 13:27:41 2007 Response: 230-The host name is NAS-500GB Response: 230-You are Bill Response: 230-There are 1 person in my site, now. Response: 230- Response: 230- Response: 230 User Bill logged in. Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 500 'FEAT': command not understood. Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(0) Trace: state = 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Trace: state = 1 Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 Type set to I. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: code = 2 Trace: state = 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Trace: state = 2 Command: PASV Trace: CControlSocket::OnClose() Error: Disconnected from server Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3140 Desktop is not shown at Directory Tree Bug report normal Other


the Shortcut to Desktop above the Directorytree on the Clientside is not shown.

At second at Directorytree under Vista the Tree of Users is not shown. So there is no possibility to move Files direct to Desktop.

#3141 Server-Directory-Display Button/Ikon Bug report normal Other

filezilla 3.0.0-b7 - WinXPhome Toggle-button for Server-Directory-Display starts with horizontal-split and never returns to it back. After first touch it toggles only vertical Display.

#3142 Timeout to close connection ignored Bug report normal Other

filezilla 3.0.0-b7 WinXPhome The Setting of Transfer-Timeout in seconds greater than 0 up to 9999 is ignored (f.e. 3600) and out of function. The connection is always closed after some less seconds (about 5 ?), probably by the server. In last versions filezilla was sending LIST, PASV, PWD commands from time to time. Only 0 seconds seems to work.

#3143 Chinese expression of "active" Bug report normal Other

version: 3.0.0 beta7 Edit->settings->connection When the language is Chinese(traditional), the word "active" is translated into "主動模式", this is correct. But when the language is Chinese(simplified), it is translated into "激活模式" and "活动" and "主动模式" separately. They are all "active"'s correct translations, but only "主动模式" is used for computer language.

I'm Chinese, and I'm sure of that.

by the way, what's the meaning of "<pagename>" on the right to "select page" please?

#3145 Make file timestamps customizable Bug report normal Other

Filezilla version 3.0.0-beta7 Operating System Windows XP SP2

The Last Modified date columns show dates in the following order day/month/year rather than the normal month/day/year.

If the new format is going to become the standard, could there be an option added in the settings window to choose which view is preferred. The month/day/year view gets my vote.

#3147 Download does not refresh file list Bug report normal Other

BETA8: Download does not refresh the file list after completion (upload does!). BTW: I miss the view/editor feature from version 2, without that feature Filezilla is nearly useless for me.

#3148 NT4 not supported Bug report normal Other

Trying to run FileZilla 3 beta 8 on NT4 causes "Entry point SHGetFolderPathW not found in Shell32.dll". This entry point is in the Win2k Shell32.dll but not in the NT4 and Win98 versions of the DLL.



#3149 Right click on 'site manager' doesn't open dropdown in Linux Bug report normal Other

On Ubuntu 2.6.20-15-Generic, right clicking on the site manager in Filezilla 3.0.0-Beta8 doesn't open the popup with quicklinks as mentioned in the release notes.

#3150 Passwords are stored unencrypted Bug report normal Other

In ~/.filezilla/sitemanager.xml the password for a non-anonymous ftp site will be stored unencrypted.

OS: 2.6.19-gentoo-r5

#3152 Unable to download file containing "&" character Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I'm using beta 8 and nightly builds from FileZilla 3 under Ubuntu (GNU/Linux), and I've noticed a bug : I'm unable to download files containing the "&" character. I've been told to report this bug in the bugtracker by codesquid.

FileZilla creates a file without the "&" sign and then ask infinitely whether it should replace it and never downloads the file. Actually, the RETR command contains the filename without the "&", and thus the server responds "550 Failed to open file".

A file without the "&" character gets created and the replace dialog would show up over and over asking for replacing this empty file.

Attached is the log of the FTP session.

#3153 Remote files treated as directories Bug report normal FileZilla Client fixed

When connecting to and going into, for example: /pub/Linux/distributions/ubuntu/ubuntu-cd/feisty/

I get a list of .iso-files listed as directories by FZ. Because of this I cannot download them since it tries to cd into the files. I've attached a log file containing the output from a refresh. It seems to misunderstand the symlinks. Using 3.0b8 on WinXP SP2.

#3154 CPU Load Bug report normal Other

-Using filezilla 3.0.0-beta8 on linux (seems to happen on Windows too -> - When transfering lots of file, the CPU load drops to 100% after a short time. It seems to be due to the log of commands/response displayed while files being uploaded. If you right-clic -> clear all, the CPU Load comes back to a normal level. Confirmations?

#3155 Single connection Bug report normal Other

When you set the three fields at "Concurrent transfers" all to 1, I would expect it to work the same way as it did in FZ2: reusing the current connection for a transfer and not opening a new connection.

The FTP connection to my webhoster is slow on connecting, once connected it all works as fast as you would expect. Therefore reconnecting for every transfer is annoying.

Using beta-8 on WinXP.

#3158 Problems when refreshing directories on the server Bug report normal Other

OS: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) Filezilla: 3.0.0-beta 10

My first bug report, so let me know if the information is insufficient.

I encounter problems when trying to refresh the directories on a server - but find it hard to reproduce the behavior.

I deleted a file with Filezilla. I then load a webpage with a PHP-Script that creates this file from scratch if it doesn't already exist. When I then try to refresh the directory in FileZilla (where it still shows "empty"), I get a timeout and the conncetion to the server is reset.

I have attached the log.

Thanks for your work, so excited that now I can finally use my favorite FTP-Client on my favorite Operating System.

#3159 Renaming a local file Bug report normal Other

When renaming a local file (in the left panel) through the GUI, the name of the file changes as it should, but that change is not reflected in the GUI.

(Should the category have been "interface" for this bug?)

#3160 Swedish translation uses wrong locale name Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

The Swedish translation uses the wrong locale name (sv_SE). There is absolutely no meaning in using both language and country code. If just using language code (sv) other users with different locale can also enjoy this translation (such as sv_FI)

Please change the name from "sv_SE" to "sv"

#3161 Cannot run from some directories Bug report normal Other

FileZilla betas cannot be run from a directory containing the "#" character in its name (eg. c:\#filezilla). It runs fine when I run it from c:\filezilla.

Steps to reproduce: Copy FileZilla 3.0.0 beta 10 (or any earlier) to c:\#filezilla and run filezilla.exe

Log: 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/AUTOEXEC.BAT'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/CONFIG.SYS'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'not well-formed (invalid token)' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/log.txt'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/AUTOEXEC.BAT'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/CONFIG.SYS'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'not well-formed (invalid token)' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/log.txt'. 17:37:18: XRC resource 'ID_MENUBAR' (class 'wxMenuBar') not found! 17:37:18: Cannot load main menu from resource file 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/AUTOEXEC.BAT'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/CONFIG.SYS'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'not well-formed (invalid token)' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/log.txt'. 17:37:18: XRC resource 'ID_MENU_DEBUG' (class 'wxMenu') not found! 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/AUTOEXEC.BAT'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/CONFIG.SYS'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'not well-formed (invalid token)' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/log.txt'. 17:37:18: XRC resource 'ID_TOOLBAR' (class 'wxToolBar') not found! 17:37:18: Cannot load toolbar from resource file 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/AUTOEXEC.BAT'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/CONFIG.SYS'. 17:37:18: XML parsing error: 'not well-formed (invalid token)' at line 1 17:37:18: Cannot load resources from file 'file:/C%3A/log.txt'. 17:37:18: XRC resource 'ID_QUICKCONNECTBAR' (class 'wxPanel') not found! 17:37:18: Cannot load Quickconnect bar from resource file

#3162 Can't delete a remote directory Bug report normal Other

I believe the problems in viewing a file beginning with a period have been reported elsewhere. I couldn't find these reports, but I remember seeing them, so pardon me if this is a dup.

If I try to delete a remote directory containing a file whose name starts with a period (.htaccess, in this case), the directory is not deleted and it displays as being empty.

The FTP server is ProFTPD 1.3.0a Server (ProFTPD) and appears to be able to list files that start with a period (if I use the plain old FTP command and then do ls -a.

FileZilla version is 3.0.0-beta10 running on Windows XP.

#3163 Inconsistent selection when list is reordered Bug report normal Other

(might be related to wxWidgets, but I'm unsure so I'm reporting it here)

When reordering either the local or remote file list, if files were selected, since the order changes, files taking the position of files previously selected are now selected.

It looks like it's a problem with the ID the file gets in the list, which isn't updated properly: the IDs of selected files isn't update at all, only files are being reordered.

Expected behaviour is to have selection updates with file reorder, and having the same files selected, no matter I'm reordering the list.

#3164 30 sec startup when disconnected network drives exists Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3 beta 10 takes a very long time to start up if you have disconnected network drives in Windows.

Recreate problem: tools / map network drive choose another computer in the network
computer\c$ or whatever save the connection with "reconnect at logon" FileZilla still starts up fine remove the other computer from the network (unplug network cable) FileZilla now takes ~30 sec to start.

Related to [ 1578753 ] Scan Floppy and slow startup

#3165 Remote file permissions displayed wrong after change Bug report normal Other

This is a problem with the Win32 3.0.0-beta10 client and a Unix ftp server.

If you select a remote file and use the File Attributes entry from the right-click menu to change the remote file permissions, the permissions do get properly changed; but the file list shows the old permissions. If you right click and select File Attributes again, the original (now incorrect) permissions are shown in the dialog box.

Switching to a different directory and then switching back causes a refresh of the file list and then the correct permissions are displayed.

#3166 Local files do not update once download is completed Bug report normal Other

Local files do not update once download is completed, I have to change directories and then return in order to see the files that I have downloaded.

Filezilla Ver. 3.0.0-beta10 (win32 exe version)

Windows Vista home premium

#3167 File transfer error misinterpreted Bug report normal Other

Hey, it's me again. Using the last compiled nightly build, when a server refuses a connection for a transfer because I have "already too much connection", FileZilla puts the file in the failed transfer queue with a message saying "wrong password". The error code returned by the server happens just after FileZilla sent the password, and its return code is 530.

After looking a bit in the RFC, 530 is described as "refused connection" rather than "wrong password", but I'm unsure you could do something about it, since the error code has many meaning. But at least you know that it might mean something else, now.

#3168 Dialog for already existing files misplaced Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If a file transfer aborted and later resumed, there will be a dialog asking what I want to do with the existing file (renaming, replacing, resuming, etc.).

However, if the path and/or filename is too long, the dialog gets very wide and because FZ3 puts the box to a specific position, the right part of the box won't be displayed and you have to move the dialog to the left, so that you can choose from the options.

#3169 Filezilla installs start menu shortcut in user's start menu Bug report normal Other


Windows Filezilla installs the Start menu shortcut in the start menu of the user that installed the program.

Software version: Windows XP SP2, filezilla 2.2.32.

Expected Results:

Filezilla installs start menu shortcut in all users start menu so all accounts have access to it.

Additional Info:

Same goes for Windows 2000 and 2003 and builds I have tried of filezilla IIRC.

#3170 Verify Post-Upload Bug report normal Other

When I transfer a large directory with thousands of files, I inevitably get a handful of zero-length files scattered throughout. My current workaround is to use the command-line FTP client (I'm on Windows XP) to "ls -lR" the entire site, then grep the results for zero-sized files, and upload those individually.

I would like to see an option in FileZilla to verify the size of each file after uploading, and retry the transfer on disagreement between the local and server versions.

#3171 FZ 3.0.0-beta10 regression - port box Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 3.0.0-beta10 regression

port box not getting port numbers, at least not showing up

I am trying to update to FileZilla 3.0.0-beta10 to get the fix for broken connections forgetting the "Resume" choice.

But, after unzipping the windows zip for it, and running it, and adding a new host, and selecting SFTP, I discover what looks like an error in the port box.

The port box doesn't get the correct number -- this works correctly in FileZilla 2.2.30(a?) -- when you select SFTP protocol, the port box is automatically set to 22.

But, with FileZilla 3.0.0-beta10, the port box seems to stay blank.

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