Custom Query (161 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 161)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12085 Ctrl+Shift+Click behaves as Ctrl+Click for selection new Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#12220 Uploads randomly failed new Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#12221 Failed Transfers tab is broken new Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#12427 URGENT CRITICAL REGRESSION: cannot handle utf8 filenames new Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#13072 Crash on upload new Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#12917 Directory Listing includes date as part of filename (again) new Bug report blocker FileZilla Client
#4120 Shortcut keys new Feature request high FileZilla Client
#5260 fast switch option for maximum simultaneous transfers new Feature request high FileZilla Client
#5464 Possibility to edit temporary file location/structure new Feature request high FileZilla Client
#6492 Deleting a symbolic link removes the linked directory content instead of deleting itself new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#7248 files do no list if user group has spaces new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#7346 incomplete and corrupt file transfer new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#7450 recentservers.xml save the pasword in clear code new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#7739 cannot connect to sftp server - "Too many authentication failures for user" reopened Feature request high FileZilla Client
#8040 FileZilla adds home directory to list of tasks (cyrillic) new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#8157 Upload timeout when using Explicit TLS new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#8203 Never ever recovers from a network failure. Can't resume a queue. Disconnect/reconnect doesn't fix, only restart new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#8522 Uploads are added to queue a few at a time new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#10952 Remote window shows blank, no files listed or odd white space above remote file list, but remote files re-appear when app is re-sized moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client
#11526 wxGTK3 Linux: small fonts in directory trees new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#11968 Publish/Quicktransfer button(s) required new Feature request high FileZilla Client
#12101 FileZilla > Settings > Interface > Minimize to tray weird behavior new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#12163 "Local site" gives "(some path) does not exist or cannot be accessed." error for some folders on mounted CIFS shares reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client
#12312 Choose a key file dialog ("all files") doesn't show files without an extension new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#12455 REGRESSION: error message about filename encoding issue shows up every time at startup new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#12681 FEATURE REQUEST: Authenticate Private SSH keys with passphrase new Feature request high FileZilla Client
#13093 Linux (Zorin) Dark Mode Can't Read File Names On Active Window new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#13195 Site Manager Does Not Respond To Keyboard Until Mouse Click new Bug report high FileZilla Client
#803 Hardcoded colour issues with dark themes accepted Tawach Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#2858 Move deleted local files to Trash reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4387 Automatic protocol detection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4530 Accessibility events missing from the file lists in Gtk+ version new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#4694 Preference option to bypass confirmation for remote edit upload trigger reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#4761 Add confirmation to "stop and remove all" option on the queued files section's context menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#4834 filezilla does not work with UNIX systems where the user accounts shell is set to "rssh" reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#4941 Duplicated entries when importing xml new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#5263 option to show Site Manager sites in dropdown in quick connect bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#5337 When uploading many files, some are not uploaded new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#5398 missing down-arrow next to Site Manager (Linux compared to Windows) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#5401 Drag'n drop multiple files to the text editor don't drop the last file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#5485 Drag&drop from FileZilla to Nautilus (and Desktop) in Gnome doesn't works new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#5618 After Action Queue Completion - Remove Remote File new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#5622 One click file backup new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#6514 Fix locale names new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#7156 Remote-GUI or console based to download queues new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#7178 directory listing is not always refreshed after uploading a file accepted Rahul Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#7220 Add row of navigation buttons above both local and remote listings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#7415 Saving of a file moves FileZilla to the foreground new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#7462 Feature Request: ProxyCommand support new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#7735 Automatic selection of parallel upload transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#7794 Transfer speed in transfer queue shows KB/s, MB/s, GB/s (etc.) ONLY, regardless of the preferences assigned EltonAhl Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#7925 Refresh delay is very long now new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8144 uneccessary file access new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8173 Password Encryption // Master Password moreinfo Theo D. Patch normal FileZilla Client
#8263 Can't delete a file when the first character is a space character reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8492 FileZilla very slow (~5MB/s) when using sftp to upload file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8500 rename a local folder while downloading other folders new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8741 upload goes into loop when a file name has a space at the beginning new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#8786 Keyboard shortcut for upload on selected files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#9114 Suddenly switched to "kiosk mode" reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#9118 utf8 and non-utf8 characters corrupt filezilla cache? new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#9281 Interface becomes completely unresponsive new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#9307 Button Bar Customization new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#9401 Get file icons on linux new Patch normal FileZilla Client
#9842 Only one local subfolder shows in top pane for local files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#9880 Unable to start Filezilla in Linux new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10058 GTK Issue with keyboard and input fields new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10291 Show time when a request was sent or received new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#10648 Set maximum simultaneous transfers per-server rather than globally new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#10671 --version, --help result in non-zero exit code new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10687 Option to disable the greeting menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#10695 in Site Manager, can't search for site beginning with repeated letter reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10712 filezilla client not falling back to IPv4 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10723 *nix: Ctrl+i interpreted as (Ctrl+)Tab in file lists reopened Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10724 desktop entry file: add key MimeType new Patch normal FileZilla Client
#10766 password distorted when XML transfer between different OS moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10803 Repeats the "all files transferred succesfully" notification over and over again new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10847 Some buttons not shown properly in settings from Filezilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10865 Open directory in new tab new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#10866 "All files transferred succesfully" notice repeated a ridiculous number of times moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#10895 Segmentation fault moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11013 wxSpinCtrl widgets need to be resized for GTK+3 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11041 Search remote Files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#11069 Copy URL to clipboard is not working correctly new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11101 SFTP key block SFTP password connection moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11217 Filter conditions: whitelisting moreinfo Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#11329 [gtk3] -/+ buttons overlapping labels reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11371 UI only: empy directory listing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11376 Same hotkey 'O' for both "Overwrite" and "OK" in "Target already exists" dialog new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11420 No visible tooltip new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11443 Synchronized Browsing "sync" folder Issue moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11531 WxGTK3: Strange gradient new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11540 "Unknown Certificate" Dialog Too Big When Using Increased Font Size (Accessibility) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11597 ../config/test-driver crashing starting with 0.12.2 new Bug report normal libfilezilla
#11720 Search onkeyup crush moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11736 File permissions not shown after creating a directory new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11814 Slow upload over TLS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11841 Incomplete Remote Directory Listing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11861 Queue bar not displayed correctly on dark theme new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#11892 key file show all files doesn't show all files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
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