Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#6514 new Feature request

Fix locale names

Reported by: Stanislav Brabec Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Linux
Operating system version:


Translation locale names should not use country part without reason. Its use makes impossible to use translation in other countries that use the same language.

Country part should be used only in these conditions:

  • You already have "canonical" translation (e. g. de_DE, fr_FR) done and you want to translate to a country specific dialect.
  • You need to use country specific strings.
  • You translate to locales that have exception from this rule: pt_BR, bn_IN, zh_TW, zh_CN (and other zh_*).

Here is a small bash script that fixes this problem for filezilla:

cd locales ; for LOC in bg_BG ca_ES@valencia cs_CZ da_DK et_EE eu_ES fa_IR fi_FI gl_ES he_IL hu_HU id_ID ja_JP km_KH ko_KR lt_LT lv_LV mk_MK nb_NO nn_NO pl_PL pt_PT ro_RO sl_SI sk_SK th_TH uk_UA vi_VN ; do mv -iv $LOC.po ${LOC/_??}.po; done

Feel free to pick de.po. I see it e. g. here:

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 14 years ago

Type: PatchFeature request

comment:2 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

Component: OtherFileZilla Client
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