Custom Query (159 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 159)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11143 Security Concern new security phone_support Other critical
#12153 SSL Private Key Password unencrypted new SSL, security Bug report critical
#13009 In interactive logon mode, repetitive password prompt new mulitple password prompt Feature request critical
#13081 with the latest update to V 3.66.5, I lost all my sites from the Site Mgr new Site Manager failure Bug report critical
#13108 Filezilla Instalation Bugs Detected as Malicious new Malicious Activity by IOC Match Bug report critical
#4120 Shortcut keys new keyboard-shortcut, F4 for editing Feature request high
#4391 Editbox with autosuggest for site manager right before the "host" field. new site manager, auto suggest, user friendly, usability Feature request high
#5260 fast switch option for maximum simultaneous transfers new fast switch maximum simultaneous transfers Feature request high
#7228 Windows Taskbar Integrated Progress Bar new windows missing functionality Feature request high
#7288 Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different new Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different Feature request high
#8139 Citrix Client drives not visible in FileZilla new citrix,xenapp,filezilla,clientdrives Bug report high
#9960 When renaming/moving remotely, ask for confirmation if target already exists new drag-and-drop move file overwrite no warning Feature request high
#10952 Remote window shows blank, no files listed or odd white space above remote file list, but remote files re-appear when app is re-sized moreinfo Remote window, no files, empty, blank, white space, no files, re-appear on app re-size Bug report high
#11112 filename comparison and file transfer logic don't match when filename has diacritics new diacritic, hfs+, utf-8 Bug report high
#11236 dialog window position on dual monitor issue new dual monitor dialog position Bug report high
#12004 I am blind, I use screen reading software. I tried to sign up for the Forum, but you provide only a visual challenge, no audio challenge. Therefore, it is not acdcessible. ADA perhaps? new Accessibility Bug report high
#12018 Upload Edited Files - Long Response Time new osx, uploading, editing Bug report high
#12086 Why am I banned from new banned, website Other high
#12113 Unable to View/Edit new View/Edit Bug report high
#12184 Custom filetype associations list is emptied after Filezilla update new file type view edit Bug report high
#12298 Configuration of Cipher Suites using TLS 1.2 new cipher suites, configuration, TLS Feature request high
#12362 Neue Version übernimmt Datum beim Herunterladen nicht new Zeit- Datumsangaben werden nicht übernommen Bug report high
#12375 Unable to 'mv' with overwrite new mv rename overwrite Bug report high
#12675 File name length limit is too short new filename length limit Bug report high
#13024 FileZilla Pro - No Site Manager Interface new site manager, Bug report high
#3851 Save to Sites option from Quick Connect Menu new Save To Sites Quick Connect Feature request normal
#4009 automatically clear private data on exit new clear private data exit Feature request normal
#4020 Individual Folder Configurations for Overwriting Files new overwrite Feature request normal
#4055 Request for History [paths of local site and remote site] new history, remote site, local site, path Feature request normal
#4083 User interface - Feature Suggestion new favorites, keep alive, user interface User interface Feature request normal
#4218 Default filter set for site profiles new site profile, filter set, filter, site manager Feature request normal
#4318 Tab Key to FZServer interface main window new accessibility, tab, tab key, server, main window Feature request normal
#4340 priority ignored if new files added to queue new priority Bug report normal
#4361 Site Import Duplication new site import Feature request normal
#4381 Site Selector Dropdown sort by last connected. new site manager, site, sort Feature request normal
#4387 Automatic protocol detection new useablity Feature request normal
#4530 Accessibility events missing from the file lists in Gtk+ version new accessibility Bug report normal
#4554 file exists action - add overwrite if source file larger option new overwrite source file larger Feature request normal
#4694 Preference option to bypass confirmation for remote edit upload trigger reopened automatic upload, external edit Bug report normal
#4710 Add choice for directory location when editing files new remote, edit, local, file, path Feature request normal
#4724 Store Site Information in a Database new database, db, site manager, site, multi, multi-user, multi-site Feature request normal
#4732 Don't overwrite file until transfer is complete new overwrite, upload, transfer Feature request normal
#4750 Transfer Speed Per Site new upload download transfer speed site setting Feature request normal
#4941 Duplicated entries when importing xml new importing site profile Bug report normal
#4976 Site Manager Save Button new Site Manager Save Button Feature request normal
#4989 Save/Load named Site Manager profiles new save, load, Site Manager, security, portability, usability, capsulization Feature request normal
#4996 Downloaded file is oversize compared to the original one new Win 7 64-bit Bug report normal
#5008 Specify minimum encryption requirements new compliance minimum requirements CipherSuite Feature request normal
#5054 filetype associations case sensitive new file-association, case sensitive, ignore case Bug report normal
#5254 Remote file editing from command line new remote edit command line Feature request normal
#5289 make number of entries in quickconnect list configurable new quickconnect, quicklist, servers, limit, connection entries Feature request normal
#5396 Remembering overwrite action for current tab new remember,overwrite,action,tab,server Feature request normal
#5404 More flexibility for file editing associations new file-association, edit Feature request normal
#5493 Problem while copying from Unixfolders to Windows with casesensitive filenames. new casesensitive copy Patch normal
#5526 Maximizing Transfers new Concurrency Segments Capacity Feature request normal
#5541 [suggestion] Set priority per tab new tab, priority, suggestion Feature request normal
#6493 Site manager dialog closes on escape key even when editing an item / doesn't save changes new site manager, save change prompt, escape key Bug report normal
#6496 Limit number of downloads by file volume new limits Feature request normal
#6506 Local Site or Remote Site Cardex Ability new Cardex, Local Site, Remote Site Bug report normal
#7386 Need an improvement aboud exporting sites to xml file. new site manager Feature request normal
#7730 Delete Entry in Site manager on uninstall new Site manager Bug report normal
#7736 FTP Keep-alive for each Site Manager entry new keep-alive site manager Feature request normal
#7785 Encrypted settings file for portable safety. new security, configuration, settings, encryption Feature request normal
#7822 uploading/saving deletes part or all of file new uploading, saving, editing, deleting page Bug report normal
#7824 Provide allocation of download & upload slot for View/Edit file new View / Edit Feature request normal
#7830 Custom Command "Site Trailingblanks" not working with z/OS FTP server new custom command, site trail Bug report normal
#7854 add Site Manager to Jump List (Windows 7/8) new site manager, jump list, windows 7 Feature request normal
#7871 Dynamic Simultaneous Transfer Limit? new multiple file transfer limit, feature request Feature request normal
#7883 View/Edit is riddled with problems, please allow me to view but disable editing new VIew/Edit Feature request normal
#7934 Filezilla 3.51 and MOVEit DMZ new MOVEit Bug report normal
#8034 Read permission denied Truncates local file new read permission overwrite empty truncate dataloss Bug report normal
#8051 Files with identical names except for the letter case are not distinguished when editing new editing, filenames, letter case Bug report normal
#8054 Click-dragging file transfers in a certain way quickly can make FileZilla unresponsive new frozen,dialog boxes,identical,overwrite Bug report normal
#8260 Force Priority Change new transfer queue priority Feature request normal
#8271 Cannot move OSX client window in the normal fashion new Title Tool Bar Bug report normal
#8325 Default editor preference does not work properly new Editor Bug report normal
#8379 Sitemanager "move site to folder" function new sitemanager, move function Feature request normal
#8404 Favorites in Dock menu new Favorites, Connect, Dock Feature request normal
#8427 PAPERCUT: Only the very top of the FileZilla title bar is draggable on OSX new GUI, title bar, drag, user experience Bug report normal
#8660 Better handling / overview site manager list under Mac new Site manager Mac OS X Feature request normal
#8755 Speed limits doesn’t work properly under XP Pro (32-bit) with SP3 new Speed limits doesn’t work properly with Filezilla Bug report normal
#8774 Crashes on exit new CRASH EXIT Bug report normal
#9418 Edited file uploaded to previously edited file's directory new edit file; upload file; wrong directory Bug report normal
#9511 Open URL: change Quickconnect label "Host:" to "Host/URL:", make "Remote site:" accept URL, add "File -> Open URL" cmd new open, connect, url, usability, ui, text-wording Feature request normal
#9840 Sync After Overwrite new synchronize sync overwrite Feature request normal
#10247 Site Manager sorting broken for numeric site names new site manager sorting Feature request normal
#10260 Allow Save/Edit the local and remote site drop down contents new site drop down Feature request normal
#10285 Right/Command Click for List Of Sites new connect list sites Bug report normal
#10297 Extra download slot for View/Edit new editing,file Feature request normal
#10345 Scrolling with drag and drop scrolls too fast, too far moreinfo_accepted scrollig with drag and drop Stephen L'Allier Patch normal
#10349 Automatic Backup of file sitemanager.xml new backup bookmark sites Feature request normal
#10444 speed limits apply per-file, not total for the server new bandwidth limit total Feature request normal
#10483 Site Manager default status new site manager Feature request normal
#10616 File transfert: yes/no overwrite or copied. How to know? new file transfert overwrite keep copy replace Feature request normal
#10676 Site manager displayed when connecting from command line new site manager command line Bug report normal
#10705 Edited File Visual Indications and Context Menu Unedit option new edit indication / unedit menu option Feature request normal
#10743 Site manager scroll wheel new Site manager scroll wheel Bug report normal
#10776 Exclude Local Site from Speed Limits new speed limits local connection exclude Feature request normal
#10786 Case sensitive files = Failed transfer new case sensitive Bug report normal
#10817 Priority - View per tab instead of one clumsy list new priority Feature request normal
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