Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#6506 new Bug report

Local Site or Remote Site Cardex Ability

Reported by: DocC Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cardex, Local Site, Remote Site Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Win7/64


I am using Win-7/64 Professional. I have version installed.

When I click in the Local Site or Remote Site list areas and press a key on the keyboard to go to that letter of the directory, nothing happens, I am not advanced to that letter of the directory. However, in the FileName lists, the cardex functionality does work and pressing a keyboard letter does take me to that filename or folder letter.

What It should Do:
I think that the functionality in the FileName list is correct. You click in that file name area and type a letter of the file or folder that you want to jump to and it takes you there. The Local Site / Remote Site lists should behave the same way.

I would think that the code to do this is already done and in the FileName area of the code. Perhaps make that a function to call from any of the list-box areas for cardex behavior.

Other Examples:
Windows Explorer behaves correctly

Thank you for your time.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by DocC, 14 years ago

Type: Feature requestBug report

comment:2 by DocC, 14 years ago

Works OK in Windows 7/32 bit, but not in Windows 7/64 bit version.

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