Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#4055 new Feature request

Request for History [paths of local site and remote site]

Reported by: Nickalf Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: history, remote site, local site, path Cc: filezilla@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 7


Hi again FzP,

I loved WS_FTP's history feature.. If I logged back in tomorrow or in three months it still shows the last 25-30 directories that I went to all on a site profile basis. So I didn't have to remember or retype any of those long or hard to recall deep down directories - it was great and my only (well, main) :) disappointment with FZ...

It also has 'sound' notification when a D/L is finished - nice if you're D/Ling larger files and are away from the computer..

If possible, can that (they) be added..

Thanks much,
Nick. . .

Change History (3)

by Nickalf, 16 years ago

Attachment: WS_FTP.txt added

The WS_FTP file I'm referring to

comment:1 by Nickalf, 16 years ago

(added attachment and lost what I typed here - I'll try again)

The way WS_FTP did it was simple - They had it write out to a simple text file with all the visited directories. I remember I could even go in and edit that file removing any mistakes or redundant entries thus keeping the 'good stuff' longer...

Thought I'd attach an old one so you could see the format they used...

comment:2 by Dotan, 10 years ago

Cc: filezilla@… added
Keywords: remote site local site path added; request remember directories folders removed
Operating system version: XP v5.1 Sp2Windows 7
Summary: Request for HistoryRequest for History [paths of local site and remote site]

Even though it has been 6 years since the request, I believe it is still valid.

Having to remember lists of paths and locations that are relevant for every connection is basically impossible.

The option that is Nickalf suggested is a pretty elegant and easy(?) to implement to a programmer.

Alas, I am not a programmer, so I resort to reviving an old request.

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