Opened 11 years ago

#9418 new Bug report

Edited file uploaded to previously edited file's directory

Reported by: Olivier Wenger Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: edit file; upload file; wrong directory Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Seven


Let's assume the following common situation, two folders having two different files' content but having the same filename:

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Retrieve ./folder1/.htaccess with FileZilla
  2. Edit the file
  3. Retrieve ./folder2/.htaccess and erase previous file
  4. Edit the file and confirm uploading back the file to the server

Result: the last file edited (from ./folder2/.htaccess) will unfortunately erase ./folder1/.htaccess and not the right one.

Ticket #3772 is the closest ticket found in the tracker, even if it cannot be considered the same thing. Bug discovered in FileZilla 3.8.0.

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