Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#5396 new Feature request

Remembering overwrite action for current tab

Reported by: Banana Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: remember, overwrite, action, tab, server Cc:
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Pretty much what I described here: (+tnx to boco for his comment)


When transmitting a file that already exists, you get the overwrite/skip/etc dialog, with the option "Always use this action", and sub-options "Apply to current queue only" and "Apply only to uploads" (or only to downloads if you're downloading).

How about adding another sub-option: "Remember for this tab", which would remember the action for the current tab only (i.e. until I close the tab or entire program). Or perhaps make it "Remember for this tab/server", i.e. it should also forget the action when I connect to a different server within the same tab.

This would be REALLY handy when I'm connected to a server, and drag some files in there every few minutes (which happens quite often when I'm incrementally updating a site or server or backing up stuff or whatever).

I hope you will consider adding this... It would definitely make my life easier and I'd love FileZilla even more!

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Paul Madley, 14 years ago

Can I second, third, and fourth this please?

This is a brilliant idea, and would address these (unaddressed) bugs:

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