Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1408)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2736 Add a counter new Feature request low
#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new Feature request low
#2805 Hidden files new Feature request low
#3893 File edit dialog: Live-update assigned Bruno Ramos Feature request low
#4230 Multiple windows/server for Mac reopened Feature request low
#4497 Reset and reque doesn't work properly new Bug report low
#4570 Move "show hidden files" to the View menu reopened view hidden files Feature request low
#4715 closing search dialog causes reconnect new Bug report low
#4720 Mousewheel should scroll control under cursor new Feature request low
#4808 Window is too tall to fit on MacBook screen first time launching the client new Bug report low
#4952 Posibility to open a web page directly from the ftp new Feature request low
#5149 option to delete after successful transfer new Feature request low
#5208 suggestion to improve sites exportation new export sites Feature request low
#5255 Filezilla needs restart for logfile new log file Bug report low
#5316 Preserve timestamps option is not discoverable new Feature request low
#5420 Another win file name upper/lower case issue new Bug report low
#5438 View/Edit stops working new Bug report low
#5490 Bad behavior with changing priority while adding files to queue new Feature request low
#5594 Keyboard shortcut lost on Windows after update new shortcut Bug report low
#5631 Configuration file typos new Bug report low
#6190 Extracting archives in FileZilla new Feature request low
#7246 Speed Limits icon distorted without 48x48 version new Bug report low
#7257 Some functionnalities are not accessible without right click new right click Feature request low
#7275 Download timer doesn't go over 2 hours new Bug report low
#7282 Search in "Site manager" new Feature request low
#7720 Tree view lazy loading improvement new treeview improvement Feature request low
#7732 Image Preview Pane new Feature request low
#7770 Symlink not being updated on refresh new symlink, remote Bug report low
#7778 Edited local file is not deleted when checkbox 'delete local file' is checked assigned edit,file,delete, Bug report low
#7813 Deliting files recursively SFTP new recursive,delete,sftp Feature request low
#7858 Incorrect Information in Download Progress Bar new Bug report low
#7884 Reset layout to original state new UI Feature request low
#7886 Sorting facility new Feature request low
#7890 feature request - git/version control new git versioncontrol Feature request low
#7915 Allow right-click context menu when selecting/changing filename in OS X new Feature request low
#7997 Clear local directory dropdown when connecting to new server in same tab reopened gui Feature request low
#8045 Lock Step Directory feature new Feature request low
#8081 Settings: Interface -> Filesize format (spelling) new text-wording Bug report low
#8202 Store "Remember password for this session" option per host/user new Feature request low
#8229 FileZilla should show automatically recognised "Server Type" new Feature request low
#8276 tar and gzip via ssh protocol new Feature request low
#8358 Setting "Window position and size" is wrong calculated new Bug report low
#8359 More structured xml files new Feature request low
#8418 "Transfer Queue Process" toggle button doesn't retain visual state on theme change new toggle queue button Bug report low
#8589 Resursive delete of directory with hidden files fails without "Force show hidden files" new Bug report low
#8696 After renaming a remote file, the list cursor moves to first list entry new Bug report low
#8738 Immediately listing new file in client window new Feature request low
#8801 A new look for FileZilla new UI, new look, design Feature request low
#8825 Per-tab limit on transfers new Feature request low
#8991 Visible file name in the queue when path is long new Feature request low
#9022 On Up/Down speed icon in status bar, mouse over text reports incorrect information new Bug report low
#9124 FileZilla window doesn't relocate to main monitor when using RDP to dual monitor computer new Bug report low
#9152 Filesize thousands separator new Bug report low
#9812 File autoupload uses first used folder new Bug report low
#10251 the Help(帮助) display ? new text-wording Bug report low
#10255 Feature Request: Update ON EXIT new Feature request low
#10257 shortcut forgotten at update new shortcut Bug report low
#10653 Yes/No buttons to low for text inside new Bug report low
#10735 filezilla undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE moreinfo Bug report low
#10739 icon new Bug report low
#10814 usability new design issue Bug report low
#10848 Sometimes files has zero bytes on the server after uploading new Bug report low
#10858 "desktop path" > "'Desktop' path" new Bug report low
#10859 "Hours" > "hour(s)," or use plural new Bug report low
#10877 Suggest changing link text in welcome dialog new Bug report low
#10878 HTTPS support for IP address resolver new Feature request low
#10879 Maybe replace link to probe.php by placeholder new Bug report low
#10880 Add trac URL to Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in POT file new POT file Other low
#10881 Dialog is titled "Cannot show dialog" but i can see it new Bug report low
#10882 Find better text for reboot/shutdown/suspend strings ending with " once" new Bug report low
#10883 Make filter names translateable new Bug report low
#10885 Improve copy text from log area new Bug report low
#10886 Add drop down arrow to folder comparison icon (just like site manager icon) new Bug report low
#11009 OS X UI - Target File Already Exists dialog layout issue moreinfo UI Bug report low
#11019 Updater forgets command-line and logs you out on restart new Bug report low
#11049 UI Resize issue new UI Resize Bug report low
#11099 Add custom sorting to Site Management new sort Feature request low
#11119 Make "Unit symbol for bytes..." a comment new Bug report low
#11136 Unexpected visual refresh entering or leaving Task View new Bug report low
#11145 Can't connect to any SFTP using specific internet provider moreinfo sftp Bug report low
#11149 No way to remove all files from queue that are not being uploaded/downloaded new Feature request low
#11284 Dangerous shortcut on OS X new Bug report low
#11341 [feature] add file type/name blacklist new server regexp Feature request low
#11492 Update process seems to work, but fails moreinfo Bug report low
#11568 Log In will not accept password new Bug report low
#11605 Allow specifying LAN addresses to be treated as external in PASV PORT new Feature request low
#11618 small bug for x64 build new Bug report low
#11659 GnuTLS error upon termination new GnuTLS Bug report low
#11773 FileZilla 3.33 moreinfo Bug report low
#11810 ticket system "local naming policy" message new Other low
#11868 Can't download a folder while other downloads are in progress new Feature request low
#11890 Windows Client: Question Sound Trigger Removed when Deleting Files/Folders new Bug report low
#11891 Ghost folder when using "Create directory and enter it" with name ending in a dot new Bug report low
#11893 Small bug new Bug, Bug report low
#11952 Number of files on remote folder new Bug report low
#12124 Ctrl Backspace in the directory bar new Bug report low
#12134 Host / Port information reopened HOST PORT Bug report low
#12173 Sorting queue with header doesn't follow remote order new Feature request low
#12316 Ability to change download target (path/name) of queued files new Feature request low
#12330 Typo on FileZilla home page new Other low
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.