Opened 22 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1819 new Feature request

HTTP downloading

Reported by: philippesohm Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: philippesohm, robbage_techie, edgimar
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


It would be cool that filezilla accept data on HTTP
protocol. (download and resume)

Change History (6)

comment:1 by anonymous, 22 years ago

Logged In: NO

in my opinion filezilla is a nice ftp client .. so it should ftp only .
. if you are looking for a tool capable of dowloading data from
ftp and http sites, test 'gnu wget'

comment:2 by philippesohm, 22 years ago

Yeah wget works well of course
But it'll better to have a nice GUI and centralise FTP and
others downloads

comment:3 by anonymous, 22 years ago

Logged In: NO

While I have and use WGET, Filezilla is an excellent GUI and
tool, and I would love to be able to use it for HTTP links
as well, as not all large files are accessible via FTP.
COnsidering the licenses of wget and Filezilla are
compatible, it would make perfect sense to incorporate wget
code and functionality into Filezilla.

This is one big feature I miss from Gozilla.

comment:4 by robbage_techie, 22 years ago

Yes please! This is FileZilla and not FTPZilla after all :)
(Browser integration & clipboard monitoring to suit, as well!)

comment:5 by edgimar, 21 years ago

HTTP support seems to be a very important feature which FileZilla lacks. HTTP is just as widely used if not moreso than FTP for file transfers, so it would be convenient to have a centralized application (FileZilla) which is capable of performing file transfers via multiple protocols including HTTP.

comment:6 by Alexander Schuch, 17 years ago

Component: OtherFileZilla Client
Priority: normallow
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