Custom Query (10423 matches)


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Results (9701 - 9800 of 10423)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#765 Transfer queue panel gets bigger every time I start closed Bug report low Unknown

The height of the transfer queue is increased from where I left it every time I start Filezilla. I started out on 2.2.3 and am currently using 2.2.9. Every version has done this.

I'm using Windows XP and am downloading the binary installers.

My layout has the toolbar at the top followed by the message log. Below that I have the local tree view, local file list and remote file list rendered as 3 columns. Under those is the transfer queue and then the status bar.

It seems that each time I close Filezilla, it edits filezilla. xml and changes the following line:

<Item name="Last Splitter Pos" type="string">95 513 273 109 602</Item>

It reduces the second value by 27 each time, so if I started FZ open with the above line in the XML file, it would change the 513 to 486 when I closed. Next time it would change 486 to 459 etc.

This is a very minor problem but quite annoying because the columns keep getting shorter and shorter and I have to adjust them a couple of times per day :)

#970 command "CWD ~" failed (+ possible solution) closed Bug report low FileZilla Server

The Opera Internet Browser before changing dir always send "CWD ~" first. And expect after that is current dir changed to home dir ("/"). But FileZilla said: "550 CWD failed. '/<current dir>/~': directory not found. "

I think in file 'Permission.cpp' in begining of function 'CStdString CPermissions::CanonifyServerDir(CStdString currentDir, CStdString newDir) const' should be added next code: ------------------------------ if (newDir == "~") {

newDir = "/"; return newDir;

}; -----------------------------

#976 Usability: Remote / Local paths + wrong slashes closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Detail: It's 3am, you're tired. You use the edit control to alter your current location on the Remote site, but accidentally use a \ where you should have used a /. Luckily, Filezilla knows what you mean and converts it to the right slash.

When you begin to rely on that behaviour, it's extremely frustrating to attempt to do the same in the Local site control. You enter "c:/foo/bar/" and get an annoying warning.

Severity: Minor annoyance

Explanation: User relies on one behaviour which is inconsistent in other areas, causing frustration.


  • Path box automagically swaps slashes
  • Path boxes (everywhere) are like a browser's location

bar, and facilitate something like tab-completion - not just for past entries into the box, either.

#1010 Minor display problem closed Alexander Schuch Bug report low FileZilla Client

When transfers reach about 40MB/s, speed display erronous value as -3billion and some dusts...

#1073 Status window not utf-8 compatible closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

When using i.e. Filezilla Server 0.9.16c beta The Filezilla Client 2.2.22 does not decode utf-8 chars

in welcome messages.

Welcome Message/Server entry: # Verknüpfungen

Client displayed: [12:50:10] Antwort: 220-# Verknüpfungen

#1260 aliases not working with some directory names closed Bug report low FileZilla Server

I run the latest version of filezilla server in windows xp pro and have the following problem:

I have set E:\[mp3]\ as my home directory and added another directory D:\[movies]\ with the alias E:\[mp3]\movies

..and the movies alias doesn't show up. I have tried some different solutions and it seems like the "and" -signs are the cause of the trouble.

#1281 Typo on FileZilla Server Security Settings options Page closed Bug report low FileZilla Server

Has the word bandwich instead of bandwidth.

#1290 Client wont minimize on Windows Key + M closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Regardless whether or not Filezilla is the application in focus or not, the windows shortcut Windows Key (Which in its self is Ctrl + Esc) + the M key minimizes all windows except Filezilla. It seems the filezilla just seems to be switching itself to no longer being in focus rather than minimizing.

Version 3.0.0 Bug seen on windows XP Pro SP2, and Vista Home Premium Edition, other windows verions not tested.

Cannot recall seeing this bug < 3.0.0

#1310 security issue Filezilla Client 3.0.1 closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Hi, the file

X:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

contains the password without encrypt.

Windows version

#1318 Queue inverse file sort order closed Alexander Schuch Bug report low FileZilla Client

Bug is exists in Filezilla version -

If you put into queue whole directory from FTP server then files are added in inverse filename order. For example: Server directory My_dir have files like: My_name01.xx My_name02.xx My_name03.xx ... My_name12.xx

And if you put whole directory to queue (not by select all files and put to queue, but goto parent directory and insert into queue directory My_dir) then files in queue are in order: My_dir\My_name12.xx My_dir\My_name11.xx ... My_dir\My_name02.xx My_dir\My_name01.xx

This is minor bug only but I prefer to have files in filename ascending order.

Or the best solution - user sorting type from Remote list window. Or make sorting type in this case configurable (by name, time of creation, modification etc.) in Filezilla configuration.

#1343 Minor "bug" in welcome message in FileZilla Server closed Alexander Schuch Bug report low FileZilla Server

I have FileZilla Server version 0.9.25 beta installed on my computer. When I login with my FileZilla Client there is a wrong Server version shown in the welcome message. I use the standard welcome message:

%v written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) Please visit

Here is an extract of the server log:

Copyright 2001-2006 by Tim Kosse (tim.kosse@…) Connecting to server... Connected, waiting for authentication Logged on (000001) 09.01.2008 13:55:22 - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message... (000001) 09.01.2008 13:55:22 - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.24 beta (000001) 09.01.2008 13:55:22 - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) ( 09.01.2008 13:55:22 - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit

#1351 Can't work with STRATUS systems closed Bug report low FileZilla Client


I tried to transfer files from STRATUS systems under VOS release and I get a "550 LIST: ftp internal error s$expand_path:" error.

-Source : PC Windows XP SP2

-Target : STRATUS Continuum systems VOS release 13.3.4h

For your information, under STRATUS systems the ">" character is the same as "/" under UNIS/LINUX systems. Could you please have a look to work with this kind of fault tolerant systems?

(See file attached)

TIA, Jorge

#1369 automatic ban problems closed Bug report low FileZilla Server

Not 100% sure it's a bug...

When I had a client trying to connect to my filezilla server he was constantly getting a "IP is banned" error message. I turned automatic ban off and it allowed him in. I upped the # of failed attempts to 10 instead of 5 and re-enabled it.

All the sudden he couldn't connect once again. He swears up and down he didn't attempt to connect with anything different that would have gotten him banned.

I suppose this could be a bug... but either way how about these 2 things:

1) display log that says, "connect attempt from IP has been banned by autoban"

2) button that says "clear autoban buffer" or something

Thanks & keep up the good work! -dan

#1400 Automatically adds / to remote folder closed Bug report low Other

FileZilla is being a bit too "helpful." I set up my remote account in the Advanced tab of the Site Manager to default to the following remote directory:


That's it. Not /public_html -- public_html.

But regardless of whether I enter public_html or public_html/, FileZilla is adding a slash at the beginning.

No other FTP software has ever had a problem with me entering public_html as the default directory. Since public_html and /public_html are NOT the same thing, I consider this a bug and would like to see it fixed in the next version of FileZilla.

If FileZilla truly wants to be helpful, how about testing whether public_html exists, and if it doesn't work, suggesting to the user that they might have meant /public_html?

Thank you, -Erica

#1481 Updated changelog for version history.html closed Patch low FileZilla Client

I noticed "version history.htm" in the documentation hadn't been updated in about 2 years the other day.

Had a little bit of spare time so I crashed up a quick (and awful) php script that got changelogs from the release notes on and generated output for each version in the same way as each release is listed in "version history.htm".

Did some small adjustments in a text editor afterwards, but haven't gone through the text so I haven't looked for errors, capitalized the first letters of each of the items in the different lists etc. Don't think it is too bad, though.

Maybe this will inspire codesquid to start updating the file again :)

#1521 Some confirmations closed Patch low FileZilla Client

This patch implements RFE [ 959450 ].

A new setting in the interface settings dialog (best place I found to put it) lets you decide if you want to confirm deletion of entries in the Site Manager. The default value is to not show this confirmation dialog.

Only tested on Windows XP, but code should be platform independent.

#1534 Site Manager closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

Finally - a non-bloated FTP client... This is wonderful!


The site manager is too big for a 640x480 screen resolution (which I'm restricted to, at the moment). Oh, and I'd also like it if the main FTP window saved it's position setting, local tree view setting, etc...

Cheers, Matt

#1536 Default Local Directory in Site Manager closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

First of all, I'd like to say, great job so far! I am a fan of open source and FileZilla is looking and working great so far.

I do have a suggestion (several actually, but just one for now): In the site manager, allow each site to have a default local directory so that when you connect to it, the local site pane automatically changes to that directory on your computer.

Great job and keep it up!

#1537 Option for Site Manager to Show on Start closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

Hi again,

Here's another suggestion: Have an option for the Site Manager to show when FileZilla starts, or perhaps a simple list of sites in the site manager from which you could double-click one to have it connect to that site. It would save time from having to open the site manager when you start it.

Keep it up! :)

#1542 Remember Last Window State closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

I am using FileZilla 1.4 on Windows 2000, service pack 2.

I think it would be nice if FileZilla followed the windows convention saved the Maximize/Restore settings when you close it. Currently, if I open FileZilla, maximize it, close it, and then re-open it, it doesn't open maximized. This is a nice feature, and I don't think it would be very hard to implement.

Thanks for a great product!

#1543 ctrl-a to select all closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

It would be convenient if ctrl-a selected all items in the list views (both the file lists and the queue).

#1546 Windows Resizing closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

It would be nice if you could resize the window smaller that it is now (v1.5a). It take about 75% of the screen and this can get very annoying, particularly when multiply windows are running.

#1548 Possibility to see "hidden" files closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

It's quite annoying to "lose" your .htaccess files, and have to start a console ftp program to download and edit them.

It would be nice if there was an option to show them by default.

#1551 remember window position closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

It would really be great if we dont have to resize the window everytime Filezilla is executed. If the window posiiton is maximised, it'd be better if it stays that way on the next execution jus like Internet Explorer.

#1552 file size view setting closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

An option to set how file sizes must be shown would be very appreciated. Currently local files are in bytes, Kb or Mb according to their size, while remote files are always shown in bytes; if both were shown ALWAYS in bytes, it would be much easier for me finding out if a local file is the exact same version of the remote one.

BTW, great program! It's replacing CuteFTP on my system.

#1553 remember most view settings closed Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown

I think FileZilla should also remember other settings, besides the window size. For example, it could remember the size of the "frames", I mean, the local and remote file list areas... I always drag the separator to the left because I don't need all that space for the local file list, I prefer seeing the remote file permissions. And also list sort prefs should be remembered, maybe even on a single server scale, I mean... each configured FTP server might have its own sorting prefs.

And so on.

Keep up the good work, guys!

#1554 More info on remote window closed Feature request low Other

There needs to be an option in the remote side window to add information on each files of the "file owner".

#1601 Download graph speed/file/que new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be cool if there was download graph with five lines, 1) current download spead (kb/second), 2&3) download progess current file (percent and Mb), 4&5) total download for the Que (percent and Mb).

Like a polygraph, the pens draw the line from right, and the history(paper) scrolls left.

Admitedly trivial utility, but it would be cool!


#1603 Map a FTP-site to a drive letter closed Feature request low Other

I would like to be able to map a ftp-drive to a drive letter (e.g. h:) so I can edit files on a FTP-server directly without manually having to download file, edit file, upload file.

In this way my favorite FTP-sites will also be directly accessible to me from various programs.

See also for a commercial program that does just that.

#1661 French version closed Feature request low Other

I wish a French version of FileZilla. I can undertake the translation. Thank's for this very good soft.

#1665 Scheduled queue transfer new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I'm sitemanager at a site where we publish articles and rewiews twice a week. My problem is, I have to stay up until 24:00 when a new article / rewiew is to be published. Is there any chanse to add a feature where I can schedule a transfer of the queue? If so, I could add the files neccesary to the queue and select a date / day / time for processing the queue. Also, I suggest that this feature takes care of connection / disconnection when the selected time occurs. An example:

at 24:00, the program connects to the server, process the queue and then disconnect. If any problems occur, a warning message including the errors pops up. When I wake up, I will see if the transfer was successfully - and if not, I will know what the problem was.

This would help me a lot!

Regards, Vidar Fagerjord, siteadmin.

#1687 ¡FileZilla should suport pasive mode! closed Feature request low Other

¡FileZilla should suport pasive mode! It's not posible to do anything in old ftp sites that require pasive mode, so i think that FileZilla shoud include this feature.

#1713 Client : Good Drag and drop support closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Server -> Folder in server : move here (RNFR, RNTO) Server -> Folder in client : Download Here

And same thing for Client -> Server and Client -> Client

#1714 Server : Service closed Feature request low Unknown

Server could be in 2 executables : interface and service.

#1717 No context menu in remote site dir tree closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

The Remote Site directory tree, unlike the Local Site directory tree, does not provide a local menu if you right- click on a folder name to allow you to add that folder to the transfer queue.

It should provide the same functionality as the local file list (including ignoring the current folder and matching the relative paths right-to-left).

#1723 File/Directory Descriptions new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Please add file/direction description field on remote site view. Read the #index.txt or 00index.txt format description...

#1741 Welcome message in a popup window closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Hi !

Well, it could be nice if the welcome message sent by the server will be showed in a popup window.

This way, users could read it without scrolling up the messages in FileZilla client main interface.

There's often interesting informations in the welcome.msg, like the recent add for example.

thanks !

#1755 Comparing Directories closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Hi, I think that one of the most useful feature of a FTP client is the "Compare directories" one : when applying it, it selects the files that don't have the same size, or the same name in the two explorers (the local one and the server one). It permits not to know which files you have to update on your server. I hope you can understand me, I'm a 18-years-old frenchman :)

#1774 multipart and multi-proxy transfer support new Feature request low FileZilla Client
  1. using multipart transfer, we can divide one file into

several part, transfer each part individualy and simultaneously, then merge then into one file.

  1. using multi-proxy transfer, we can transfer several

files or several part of one file at the same time with a server that has session limited per IP. For example, we have a server X allow only 1 session for one IP, and we have 4 proxy a, b, c, d. We can transfer file1 from X directly, and transfer file2 simultaneously through a, transfer file3 through b, and so on. Or transfer part1 of a file from X directly, part2 of that file through a, and so on. This can break the session limition of the server, especially with speed limition per session. Of course, some strategy may be included, e.g. how many session per IP is allowed for the server, which proxy can be used as one of multi-proxy, distribute one transfer task to as many proxy as possible first or to one proxy as possible as server support first.

#1795 Secure mode for FTP proxy password closed Patch low Other

In our company, we access the internet via an ftp proxy server. This server requires the personal user name and password. While Filezilla supports a secure mode for FTP connections (namely not saving any passwords in its database), it is not possible to keep Filezilla from saving the proxy password.

As our security guidlines do not allow to save any password in software on the users machine, we can not use FileZilla. Therefore it would be hightly desirably if Filezilla could prompt for the ftp proxy password every time it makes a connection / every time the program is loaded.

#1818 Hotkey for Change Directory (remote and local) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Be nice to have hotkeys to change the directory of the remote window and the local window (Ctrl+D, Ctrl+E or something like that).

Aaron aheck@…

#1819 HTTP downloading new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be cool that filezilla accept data on HTTP protocol. (download and resume)

#1827 rsync capability would be fantastic new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be great if rsync was built into FileZilla such that local and remote machines can be synchronized and mirrored to.

#1883 dynamic Service Configuration closed Tim Kosse Feature request low FileZilla Server

Would you like to use more design patterns in your library? Are you going to add a service configurator for your server?


#1888 Set timed downloads closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

To be able to setup a file list in the download que and set a time for unattended download.

#1945 repeat-last-transfer Hotkey (also on off-focus or so) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

usefull for the most repeated task (for some kind of happieness)

#1961 Local File Monitor closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

I would like to see the ability monitor a local folder for new files every five seconds. Also an option to delete the file from the local folder after sucessful transfer.

#1979 Auto Upload Monitor closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

I would very much like to see an auto upload folder. This would be a folder monitored by the FileZilla Client for any change. Once a new file was added it would be uploaded based on auto upload configurations.

Thanks. And great work on the client and server.

#2017 Legacy FS Support closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

My father uses an ancient FTP server as part of his job. His FTP server supports accessing directories using slash for a delimiter, but the files he wants to access are not accessible via this method. His directory change request must follow the pattern "CWD 'QW.U.SNOW.ALL'" for example, and the server responds normally. Unfortunately, FileZilla wraps this in slashes when he tries to change directories in the "Remote Site" pulldown.

If possible, add a server-by-server option to specify directory delimiters, or to set the directory raw rather than parsed.

#2063 Secure ftp server closed Feature request low FileZilla Server

Secure ftp server using SSH2 would be great.. A secure client -> FileZilla (Already done) A secure server -> FileZilla (:-))

#2113 Modify client-side Mode Z enablement based on file type new Feature request low FileZilla Client

The new compression option is nice; however, there could be a minor logic improvement.

compression of binaries is likely to not be fruitful because many are precompressed; however, more than just directories can benefit from compression.

I respectfully request that another radio button be added to allow dir and ascii transmissions, omitting binary transmissions.

I believe this would provide the best overall performance and hopefully very little actual code change.

#2114 Exclude CVS and Dreamweaver directories closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Often developers use CVS to maintain their HTML projects but the do not want to transfer these CVS informations to the production server. Therefore I suggest to hide these - and other optional files - in the local view.

Other directories and files that are not neccessary to transfer are e.g. Dreamweaver template and library files (directories /Template and /Library)

#2225 File Sort Folders on Top closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

When sorting files by date, folders appear at the bottom of the list. In WS_FTP, when you sort by date you have the option to list folders first. I would like to request a feature that would allow folders to be listed first when sorting by newest file date.

#2237 Expose functionality via DLL/SO library new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Expose the functionality of FileZilla via a Windows DLL so that it may be incorporated into custom apps.

#2242 Upload upon File Change closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have an option to have it the local directory be monitored for changes and if there is one made to a file then upload it to whatever directory is listed in the remote section.


#2400 Vulnerability: FileZilla Server Interface Password closed Feature request low FileZilla Server

This request is in reference to a Bug Tracker artifact about the plain text password for the FileZilla Server Interface. Refer to the following URL for the artifact:

Basically, it has been stated that the interface password appearing in plain text is by design, due to the authentication method used between server and interface.

While it is possible to maintain security of the server by ensuring proper file/folder permissions are set, thus denying access to the file by non-administrators, this would only work if everything remained on the same system. If one were to use the interface from a remote system, through the Internet, and the remote system did not have sufficient file/folder permissions, a security risk then arises. It would theoretically be possible for anyone to obtain the server administrator password, access the server, change any user password they wanted, then log in as that user and retrieve any file that user has access to.

In order to plug this hole, local administrators would have to make sure there is absolutely no possible way to access the server configuration file by non-administrators. Remote administrators would have to either do the same for the interface configuration file, or remember to delete or edit the interface configuration file to ensure the password cannot be obtained by non-administrators.

As stated in the referenced Bug Tracker artifact, an MD5 hash for this password is not possible. My request is simply what about another obfuscation method? I've dabbled with obfuscation in Perl scripts I've written.

I know there are many methods of encoding secret text. The e-mail server I use supports a secure, encoded

challenge-response authentication, which suggests it is possible to encode secret text used for authentication.

So, isn't it possible that there is at least one obfuscation method that could work with the current authentication method in FileZilla Server and its interface?

#2528 WebDAV support closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Just as you added ssh/sftp support via putty libraries to FileZilla please consider adding WebDev support too.

An example implementation is cadaver . Once the protocol exchange occurs, then the command line version of cadaver found in Cygwin acts just like a normal ftp. This appears to make Webdev support a natural fit for FileZilla.

FileZilla is a nice tool. Thanks for developing it. I recommend it to other people who are looking for a gui ftp client on MS Windows.

Thanks, Greg

#2532 Option for Auto kick on administrator login closed Feature request low FileZilla Server

An option to allow Filezilla server to automatically kick a user that tries to log in using the Administrator username if the request did not originate from the local machine. Or maybe an editable list of names that can be maintained for "Auto-Kick" feature. If it makes more sense to you, having a setting of tries before kicking the user would be fine as well.

The trigger for this is the constant attempts I get on Filezilla server to log in using the Administrator account, which I have not set up. More of an annoyance than anything else. If not important to anyone else, then just kill the request and let me know.

Thanks, RABrown

#2559 Add/fix logical mapped drive support closed Feature request low FileZilla Server

When using mapped drives in Windows Server as home directories, unable to access via FTP client.

server\share domain resident mapped drives used as ftp directories fail to be accessable in both writing and reading functions. First errors were permission violations. Tested this configuration with multiple mapped drives with up to domain administrator credentials. Once the permissions violations were resolved, FileZilla began giving internal error messages.

Drives hard-mounted to the same machine as the FileZilla server lives work perfectly.

Thanks guys

#2567 Mac OS X UniversalBinary Build closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Not realy important feature. Only save your time (one file instead of two)...

#2617 "Process queue" context menu item always available closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be handy to have the "Process queue" context menu item clickable without clicking any queue item, e.g. on the empty space of the queue control.

Due to commonly used user interfaces, users tend to click there and expect to have the global queue functions accessible from there.

#2675 Filename collation order FZclient 2 and 3-beta closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

{If I could make this a low priority report I would !} This is a borderline UI-bug or New feature request depending how you view it. FZ3b11 With many retries over a week, I have just completed a 76 part download where the names are of the form <filename>.0 <filename>.1 <filename>.2 : <filename>.10 <filename>.11 : <filename>.20 <filename>.21 :

I was happy to live with the awkward and very frustrating to use collation order in FZ (and maybe all FTP servers - maybe its a UNIX standard ?) and cursed the split program for not using .nnn format. Under FZ, that order shows as: <filename>.0 <filename>.1 <filename>.10 <filename>.11 : <filename>.19 <filename>.2 <filename>.20 <filename>.21 etc.

HOWEVER when I got to check for completeness under M$oftWinXP, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the more user-friendly order [0,1,2,3...19,20,21, ...] was displayed.

Could FZ directory listing panels use that "friendly-order" (by option if neccessary) or is there some FTP-standard constraint ? Arguably, if the application runs under Windows it should show a consistent collation order with its host.

(Clearly there are issues with trailing space in a file name, but if such a filename can be created (not by standard Windows dialogues) it would have to have been made programmatically - long time since I tried that sort of thing.)


#2714 individual proxy settings for site manager items closed Alexander Schuch Feature request low FileZilla Client

Please implement proxy configuration in settings for 3.x as it was in 2.x

#2736 Add a counter new Feature request low FileZilla Client

1)Add a counter that it comes visualized under or close to the word "queue: 0 byte ". The counter it must begin its job when you connect yourself in a server. The counter it must work until the fine ones when not there is more the job than download or upload of files in the server. The counter it must contain hours: minutes:seconds.

example: 14:03:22

#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be nice if there was a "Browse..." button next to "Default remote directory" on the Advanced tab of the Site Manager. Since (if) the log in information is already supplied on the General tab, Filezilla (I guess) could log on to the server and retrieve the directory tree, and using that information create a "Browse for Folder" dialog such as the one opened when clicking the "Browse..." button next to "Default local directory".

#2777 Server version for Linux/Mac closed Feature request low FileZilla Server

It's time to say goodbuy to ProFTPd, PureFTPd, and all the others! Please port the server version to Linux and include a X-platform GUI!

greets and best regards and mulitple thanx for the great work!


#2805 Hidden files new Feature request low FileZilla Server

Add an option for each account to hide shared files with "hidden" attribute.

#2860 queue order closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

when I add rars to queue they always get added in a descending order (if I have 25 rars they will queue from 25 to 1), regadless of the order they are on remote site.

hopefully I'm not overlooking a simple setting ;)

#2876 Apply button closed Feature request low Unknown

I feel its missing a 'Apply'(/ or 'Save settings') button inside the 'Site Manager' window.

#3003 Local directory view is synchronous new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Local folder view is currently synchronous...

The most obvious way to see this is to map a network drive and navigate to it in the left pane (local folder tree)

The whole interface is stuck while updating the view.

Can this be threaded or whatever to make it Asynchronous??



#3032 Problems with leading or terminating spaces closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Like the prev. bug, but also FZ ignores starting spaces and puts the files in queue without them. Then - critical error.

#3094 Disconn/Reconn hotkeys/menus missing closed Tim Kosse Bug report low Other

Filezilla 3.0.0-beta4. Windows 2000 Pro with latest fixpacks and updates. English.

Disconnect (ctrl-D) and reconnect (ctrl-R) hotkeys are not working. Also, Disconnect and Reconnect are missing from the File menu.

#3101 UI: Ctrl+A does not work for select all closed Alexander Schuch Bug report low Other

On the files browser, you cannot select all files by using Ctrl+A

#3341 Duplicate local filename listing closed Tim Kosse Bug report low FileZilla Client

OS: Windows XP Pro SP2 FZ client:

It is possible to get the interface to show duplicate drive letters in the "Local site" directory listing (not the tree view, in the actual file list).

  • Open FZ client
  • Select "My Computer" from the Local directory tree so the listing shows the drives in the computer
  • Click the "Filter the directory listings" button
  • Click "Cancel" on the "Directory Listing Filters" window

There should now be a duplicate drive letter shown in the directory listing for the local machine. On my machine this is reproducible 100% of the time. There is no log information to post for this.

Additionally, minimizing FZ and maximizing again will sometimes cause a different drive letter to show up duplicated.

Thanks for the great work on FZ!

#3345 "&" not displayed correctly in sitemanager dropdown closed Bug report low Other

I have saved a server connection in my site manager called "1&1". In the quick-connect pulldown menu (arrow beside the button for the site manager), only "11" is being displayed.

#3421 Huge password security issue closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

I'm using FileZilla v3.0.7.1 from PortableApps and I don't know if this is a bug or just a cofiguration issue but it's worth mentioning it.

The SiteManager looks as the sites were safe, but they aren't. FileZilla saves the site from SiteManager in a configuration file called sitemanager.xml (a plain text file containgin some xml formatted data).

(In previous versions the sites where contained inside the settings.xml) In FileZilla v2.x the passwords for the sites where encrypted with some sort of algorithm, but as I checked the sitemanager.xml file I discovered that the passwords are saved in plain text. Well this is a very huge security issue as gaining access to the xml will reveal the passwords of the server.

Is this how FileZilla works? Are there future plans to secure the sites stored in the sitemanager.xml file?

#3434 mo files are installed into wrong directory closed Bug report low Other
Description files are installed into /usr/share/locales/LL/, but the correct location of those files are /usr/share/locales/LL/LC_MESSAGES.

#3502 Parent folder icons do not refresh after deleting children. closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

This is purely cosmetic.

In Site Manager, Parent folder icons do not refresh to 'empty' after deleting all child folders, unless the site manager is closed and re-opened.

#3511 can't handle long file names closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

When dragging files with long file names (or folders containing them) in 3.0.10 from a ProFTPD host to a Vista client, they are added to the cue, but not copied. (No error note is shown.) It's a problem solely in FileZilla, Vista itself can handle those file names without problems. So the workaround is, if one knows about this bug: rename the files to shorter file names, copy them, rename them back. Outside of FileZilla, because it cannot even rename them back on the Vista client.

#3546 small port entry problem closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

FileZilla 3.0.11 When trying to use 80 port, FZ displays a messagebox. After that, this messagebox appears always when connecting (even if the port isn't 80).

#3695 Wrong symbol on remotely moving files/folders closed Bug report low FileZilla Client


when I move content on a ftp-server from one directory to another with drag&drop I get a "+" symbol on the mouse cursor.

As the content is actually moved and not copied this "+" should not be there.


#3696 Allow "Open With" as you do "Open" new Feature request low FileZilla Client

"Allow Open With as you do "Open"

I have Windows Vista Home Home Premium 64 bit. I have Windows Office 2003. I have FileZilla

When I right click on a file in Office 2003, I am offerd both "Open With" and "Open" in a windows file directly. When I right click on a file in the left directory list of FileZilla I only am offerd "Open". "Open With" shold also be included in the drop down menu. That will allow me to open .html files with notepad. "Open With" would allow me to edit files directly from the file directory listed in FileZilla and would be a great time saver.

#3719 FileZilla craches when the PRT input is hidden closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the quickconnectbar.xrc file:

  • if the IP element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_HOST), there is no problem. The default IP or the IP specified in command line is well used.
  • if the Port element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_PORT), the application craches! I need to hide the 2 elements and I don't understand why we don't have the same behavior. Is it possible to fix this problem please?

Thank you for your support.

#3731 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

I just upgraded to FileZilla Client 3.1.2 and immediately received the error mentioned in my Subject Line. The result was that I could not open the Directory listed on my server's window (there was no + next to it). Furthermore, if I clicked on the - on the parent directory, it closed the sub-directory (as it should), but would not put a + on that one, so I could not navigate back down. My server is fine, as I could access it through an older version of FileZilla that I have on my laptop. I tried to reboot, and also to reinstall, and nothing worked. Please advise ASAP, as I need to use FileZilla on this machine. I have never experienced this problem, and all that I did was upgrade to 3.1.2.

#3737 Connect problem!! closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

1.ftp server change port to 3000,but not use default port(21). 2.FileZilla connect to ftp server with port 3000.It has no problem 3.but (after FileZilla connected server),when FileZilla connect to server has problem,FileZilla will connect to server with port 21 but no 3000 again and again.So FileZilla can't connect server.

#3738 Don't support Unicode closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

Don't support Unicode,such as chinese. plz see attachments!Thx

#3740 Critical error when uploading files closed Other low FileZilla Client

Whenever I attempt to upload a new or updated file for my website, I get "critical error". What is the fix for this issue? Please help asap. See command list below. You will see "critical error" at the bottom. Thank you a bunch. God bless.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service Command: USER mipeace.com1 Response: 331 Password required for mipeace.com1. Command: PASS Response: 230 User mipeace.com1 logged in. Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Frizel Ray\My Documents\My Web Sites\mysite4\wwwroot\schedule.htm Command: CWD /mipeace.com1/wwwroot Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,212,175,6,10,137). Command: STOR schedule.htm Response: 550 schedule.htm: Access is denied. Error: Critical error

#3745 Desktop icon gone on update closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

When updating file zilla from an earlier version to FileZilla_3.1.2 the desktop icon disapears. Restart the installer and make sure the Desktop Icon component is selected.

#3753 Connection Errors closed Bug report low FileZilla Server

I am using Filezilla server to host multiple ftp connections. We have had a problem lately with no one being able to connect. All of our clients are getting 421 Socket Errors. Most of them have no issue with using Filezilla client but using any other client it fails. Can you please help.

#3755 3.1.2 Overwrites file after finishing it closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

After finishing writing a file to the server Filezilla 3.1.2 then automatically overwrites the file it has just written and starts again!!!

#3758 Filezilla quits unexpectedly closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Filezilla [3.1.2] Client quits unexpectedly on MACOS Leopard [10.5.4], while upload to FTP server is in progress, when there is no free space on the FTP server during upload.

#3770 Wider Central Bar new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Just a suggestion but it might be advisable to widen the central bar between client side and server side folders on the filezilla client - to make it more obvious that the two sides are seperate and thus make it more user friendly to new users

#3783 Site Manager dialog button has bad label ("Discard") closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

The site manager has a button labeled "Discard" for what might usually be labeled "Cancel." The different wording is not necessary, and can create confusion. For example (being the idiot that I am?), I first assumed that the "Discard" button would... discard the information on the current screen. That is, I thought the information would be deleted instead of the changes (if applicable) canceled.

#3791 Open option on local right-click doesn't work properly. closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Using FZ 3.1.2.

On the local side, when right-clicking a file and choosing open, the associated executable opens, but the filename isn't passed to it, or is passed incorrectly.

Example: I right-click a PHP file which should open in Dreamweaver. DW opens, but acts as if a new file is being opened. Does not appear as if a filename was passed to it.

#3792 Sounds closed Feature request low FileZilla Client

I hope I have this in the right place.

In reading they few messages I don't see any response from the developer side of things. This request has been here 5 YEARS!!

Why is this?

I have 3.1.3 and nothing to make sounds from any action.

We should have a choice to play a sound for any action.

Anyway, would it be posiable to have this created for FZ.

By the way, FZ is really nice.... Thanks!!

#3796 FileZilla tries to read floppy drive on startup closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

This is more an annoyance than a bug, but I'd imagine it would affect anyone who has a floppy drive installed on their PC.

It seems that all versions >= 3.0 try to read my floppy drive on startup. The application does not respond until the drive light goes off. This obviously makes the application slow to load, every time.

#3806 The label on the pirority of the transfert is in the wrong gender closed Other low FileZilla Client

In the french version, when we use the context menu and want to set the priority for the transfer we see "Le plus élevé".

In french priority is female so we should see "La plus élevée".

IT's not a Bug per say, but it's a mistake.

Just wanting to do my part.

Otherwize Very good software

#3814 Could not parse server addresss closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Latest version of downloaded today, ie 3.1.3.

When I tried to log into my server, for the first time it required a Port number. When I put in Port 21 (which is the correct port), I get the error message:

Could not parse server address: Invalid port given. The port has to be a value from 1 to 65535.

I've just spent around 4 hours working on updating my web site, the fact that I now cannot upload it to the server does not best please me.

#3822 Time outs on (offline) local folders closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Explorer shows my R:\ "drive" and subdirs without delay, even though some dirs point to offline resources. Selecting such a dir however makes Win XP Pro hang for about half a minute. So I make sure I stay clear of those.

However, When FileZilla's shows R:\ (on startup) it freezes the system right away. The dirs are probably queried in a way that needs them to be opened.

Can querying the local folder be done without opening the subfolders?

I realize that having the offline dirs removed would solve my problem - but I'm not authorized.

I also realize that ticket 3003 (feature req. prio: low) would solve the problem. But asynchronous folder display is very hard indeed. It was the one promise that made me try Vista. No luck, even the MS wizs can't do it, apparently.

#3831 ASCII File Types setting not kept when upgrading closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Hello, At each new version upgrade, I choose "upgrade using existing settings". For most settings, it works fine, but each time the ASCII file types list is reset to the default value. I wish to only transfer dotfiles as ASCII, so at each new version I must remove the entire list of ASCII extensions. Thanks ! Ben

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