Opened 19 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#2528 closed Feature request (fixed)

WebDAV support

Reported by: dr_kludge Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: webdav, client Cc: dr_kludge, Tim Kosse, Eirik, Alexander Schuch, nmailhot, shmuel.levine@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 7

Description (last modified by Tim Kosse)

Just as you added ssh/sftp support via putty libraries
to FileZilla please consider adding WebDev support too.

An example implementation is cadaver . Once the protocol
exchange occurs, then the command line version of
cadaver found in Cygwin acts just like a normal ftp.
This appears to make Webdev support a natural fit for

FileZilla is a nice tool. Thanks for developing it. I
recommend it to other people who are looking for a gui
ftp client on MS Windows.


Change History (15)

comment:1 by dr_kludge, 19 years ago

Well that was WebDav

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 19 years ago

I might implement support for this protocol in FileZilla 3,
though at the moment it does not have a high priority.

comment:3 by dr_kludge, 19 years ago

Thanks for considering the request for FileZilla 3.

comment:4 by Eirik, 18 years ago

This is a feature request, moving to appropriate tracker.

comment:5 by Alexander Schuch, 18 years ago

The following RFE (closed now) suggested "" to be used as library:
[ 1070547 ] DAV support!!

comment:6 by nmailhot, 18 years ago

This is just a "me too" to confirm user interest.

Webdav is a very nice substitute to FTP :

  1. it is easy to deploy in a secure configuration:
    • everyone knows and trusts apache+mod_ssl
    • you can use the numerous apache auth plugins (mod_ldap, etc)
  2. public FTP mirrors are moving to HTTP, so security auditing of FTP daemons is decreasing
    • FTP is still widespread in enterprise networks but enterprises suck at reporting problems
  3. there is no widespread secure alternative
    • almost no one runs FTP+TLS, retrofitting SSL support in existing FTP infrastructure is hard (people are just not used to it)
    • sftp makes security teams very nervous (ssh is just to good at tunneling pretty much everything)
  4. FTP use of floating ports is very firewall-unfriendly
  5. http built-in compression capabilities are sometimes a killer

Unfortunately the #1 blocker when deploying webdav is there is no good windows GUI client for it

comment:7 by yuliu616, 16 years ago

I want this feature as well. Though it is not a bug(so not high priority), it is a very welcome feature. The current version right now is 3.2.4 yet, I think it's time to work on it. Thank you for those work hard on this software. It is definitely a good software (and it is even free).

comment:8 by Thomas, 13 years ago

Keywords: webdav client added
Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 7
Priority: normalhigh

This issue has not been touched in 3 years so I would like to bring attention to this request by posting this comment.

comment:9 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

Priority: highlow

comment:10 by Zehra Sen, 11 years ago

Priority: lowhigh

In a new working environment people are working more and more with External Web sources which are accessible via webdav.

And expecially to carry various files Offline Files with them when they do not have access to the Local or wide area network nor have access to web at all.

For example Sharepoint sites. While lots of Mobile Apps support for Mobile Devices WEbdav access with username and passwort then to sync the folder to the local Win folders like you would do with s/ftp.

More and More users complain that they cannot take their files offline with them.
And while we have filezilla as standard used for filesync and exchange it is a pitty it is not working with Webdav.

This is a very valuefull feature and important for people and future way of working offline and on the road.

comment:12 by Shmuel Levine, 11 years ago

Cc: shmuel.levine@… added

comment:13 by Alexander Schuch, 11 years ago

Priority: highlow

comment:14 by Marc Laporte, 11 years ago

Summary: RFE Please add WebDav to FileZillaWebDAV support

Cyberduck has had WebDAV support for a long time
Upcoming WinSCP 5.6 has WebDAV support

"sabre/dav is the most popular WebDAV framework for PHP." And thus, it's great reference implementation to test with.

Here are FLOSS projects with the WebDAV tag:


comment:15 by Tim Kosse, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

I had a closer look at what it takes to implement WebDAV support in FileZilla, as the HTTP components have recently been improved.

The main challenge with WebDAV support is the requirement for an XML parser that understands XML namespaces [1][2]. The current parser used by FileZilla does not support namespaces. Two options here: Either switch to a difference parser, which is a major undertaking, or manually parse XML namespaces while traversing the DOM tree.

[1] I would like to meet the person who had the idea to use XML in a network protocol that's merely an extension to HTTP and reward him a hearty kick in the buttocks.

[2] a:I r:would q:like rr:to x:meet y:the xxg:person Qf:who td:had jhg:the utfv:idea asdh:for asd:XML hq:namespaces. q:I sdfg:want dasd:to 5svj:reward jjfgf:him jdfgd:with dfgsdf:hearty jjjdf:kicks sdb:in 7gd:the ggsd:buttocks.

comment:16 by Tim Kosse, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

FileZilla Pro does come with WebDAV support.

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