Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 2171)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#2461 Support calculating and reporting a file's hash or checksum new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

it would be nice if the filezilla server gets a crc checker for sfv oder md5 files - if something (files or dirs with a sfv-file for example) is uploaded to the ftp-server it could be checked and marked as ok oder bad or missing so.

#2475 Plugins? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see a system of plugins for FileZilla.

That is, let FileZilla act as the conduit through

which plugin widgets (simple scripts, actions based on logic, etc) could work their magic.

Sifting through the feature requests, I wonder how simple something like the simultaneous local & remote directory switching would be with a script. "cd /home; ls" on local yields a "cd /home; ls" on the remote with an alert (or other action) on error.

Likewise, it may be simpler for an external widget to compare filesizes and dates for automatic local/remote file synchronization. A script could handle an "ignore list" of file types, names or folders. It could handle transfer scheduling, etc.

And etc, etc, etc.

This is a great application and I use it often. Keep up the good work.

#2482 option of select list all dir first or list and download. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

some times we need to down load a dir with many level dir in it and each level have many dirs,like cygwin's release dir. now filezilla list all dir and sub dir first,then download everyone. it take a long time and almost always take error"Transfer channel can't be opened.Could not retrieve directory listing". another ftp client, flashfxp,list dir, download files, if have subdir, list and download it,else ,list another same level's more quickly and errorless when a dir have many level dir and each level have many dirs.

please forgive my poor english.

#2485 Support running FileZilla Server as a portable application new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

A setup-less server would be great, all bundled inside a zip. The server should run like a normal application, not a service.

What do you think?

#2486 put -P new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

for sftp connections implement "put -P". There is already a setting "preserve date/time of downloaded file" so add a second one for "preserve date/time of uploaded file". This would only be possible with sftp connections using the documentated "put -P" command.

#2497 [Repeat] button - repeat the last transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you are editting, uploading a set of files, testing and then 'going-around-the-loop' it would be great if the Filezilla FTP client had a keypress/function-key that would repeat the last transfer!

This could take the current 'selection' of files from the file view/use a history/log/queue information.

This would really help and make the operation slicker when bugfixing/debugging remote files.

Many Thanks Mike

#2507 Message Log to file... more options please! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm working in health care services, and so I'm often dealing with database system with sensitive data. It's a common practice to log everything we do, like telnet session, ftp session, even recording PcAnywhere session (I know : why PcAnywhere ? The choice was beyond my say so...)

Here's some ideas for the Message Log saved to a file :

  • remove keep alive system commands from the message log;
  • automatically name the file with the remote host IP

address, current date and time (similar to PuTTY);

  • ... any other ideas anyone ?
#2514 GSS auth option assigned Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

We have a need for GSS authentication, but without encryption after connecting. I believe Filezilla is essentially sending the "private" command to the FTP server.

Basically, we need the same functionality as if you started the unix command line 'ftp' without the '-x' option.

I'd be more than happy to work with your developers to make this happen.

Mike Dopheide dopheide@…

#2521 Speed limits per-file/directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Under the general topic of managing huge downloads more efficiently:

It would be very helpful if there were a way in the front-end of the FileZilla client to turn the speed limiter on and off. Instead, one must go into the preferences.

A very good example of a program that manages bandwidth well is uTorrent. You can set up a schedule in a graphical way that is more intuitive than FileZilla's schedule rules. You can also turn the schedule on and off in the front end by right clicking in the lower status bar. Finally, uTorrent does some very interesting and convienent things with download prioritization.

In the context of the FileZilla interface, it would probably be more consistent to add a button in the main toolbar instead of a context menu in the status bar, though adding both wouldn't hurt.

Additionally, it would be helpful if you could apply speed limit rules on a per-file (or per-directory) basis to limit certain downloads and not to others in the queue.

For instance, let's say I'm downloading a huge DVD ISO of a Linux distro. This will take several days on a slow DSL connection. Rather than sucking up my bandwidth for days on end, I'd set a speed limit. Now, in the middle of this big download, I need to pull down some work-related files. Rather than pausing the big download, turning off the speed limiter, initiating the new download, waiting for it to finish, and restarting the big download again with the speed limit rules, it would be better if I could right-click the big download and simply apply the speed limit to it alone, leaving the new high-priority download to utilize the remainder of my available bandwidth.

I hope this makes sense. I am happy to discuss the feature request further. I'm 'ixnayus' at gmail. Thanks for all your work on a great product.

Many thanks, Steve

#2544 Remember RAW commands new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As the title says, Filezilla could remember the latest RAW commands used. I frequently use SITE MNT / SITE UMNT, and i have to type them both each time i need to mount or unmount a partition in the remote ftp server (actually, i copy them from a text file).

#2547 Highlighting of previously transferred file(s) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

After a transfer is complete there is no indication as to what in fact was transferred. Have some indentification on the file that was last transferred an that will make it easy to delete it without having to search the files.

#2558 WM_POWERBROADCAST interaction needed reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I run a small (family) FTP server, and don't need (nor want) the system powered on 100% of the time. Family members use WakeOnLan to power it up. The system is set to "Standby" after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Problem: Filezilla server time doesn't seem to count as activity, and the server goes "Standby" even though a user is logged on and actively transferring files.

I need the server to disallow the WM_POWERBROADCAST message PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND code if a user is logged on when the message is received.

I've been a programmer for 25 years (mostly Mainframe assembler), but have enough C++ and Windows under my belt to make the change and submit it to the group if I can get the server source. I'll even volunteer for occasional projects to help clear the Feature Request backlog. No compensation, as I'm employed as a programmer, and that would be a conflict of interest - have to keep this at the "hobby" level to be able to participate.

#2576 Auto queue start new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If I have some files in the queue and close FileZilla, the queue is saved. After starting FileZilla, the queue is loaded, but not started. So, could there be some checkbox indicating whether to start queue automatically after the program starts?

#2613 MSI package new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


please provide an MSI package if possible - would make live much more easier as FileZilla already does ... ;-)

#2621 Tail a file / show only last n lines new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Some users can only access their files via FTP and don't want to waste bandwidth downloading log files which can be MBytes in size every few minutes.

How about a mechanism to tail a file? Right-click and select "tail", which would open up a resizable window that would constantly show the last x lines of the file. It would use the same login settings that it used to get in via FTP. I would use this *all* the time.

(Example for a perl script: )

#2636 Total speed... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

could it say somewhere, how fast it is downloading/uploading?

#2642 Queue saving and editing tool new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would you please provide an internal tool that can save and edit transfer queue including paths, accounts etc?

Thanks for your excellent work.

#2644 Fixed "Up Remote Directory" Button assigned Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The up directory button for the remote server is within the directory tree structure. When you have a directory with a large amount of files that you sort in different ways you often have to keep scrolling up and down to find the "Up 1 Directory" button.

It would be nicer if it was a permanent button just to the left of the "Remote Site" Label so that you could change directories without having to scroll

#2646 add button to opening ssh terminal new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


If I have a sftp connection open it will be useful to direct jump into ssh-terminal. If username/password saved this can add to the ssh-terminal, too.

The winscp application have implemented this function ;)

#2656 Stop queue after current transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if you could make the queue stop after the current transfer has finished.

#2661 ldap connection of sitemanager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

enable the sitemanager to store its sites in an ldap server to make it possible to work with the same sites at home, in office, on the road...

#2666 Transfer files listed in a user-specified text file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dependent on [1052205] simultaneous folder-change (directory "follow me").

Upload files and directories listed in a user-specified text file.

With the pairing logic outlined in [1052205], where there's an association between a local directory tree and a server directory tree, each line need only specify the file in one location (for example, using the local path). Optionally, each line could be prefixed with "send" or "receive" tokens.

#2668 Copy failed downloads to Clipboard new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would be nice, if I could copy all items of the "failed downloads"-list to the clipboard by one click. So I could paste it into an email to the person/company, who provides the files I want to download. I currently have the problem, that the server of a company has problems with long filenames, spaces and umlauts. With the feature I could easily send them all the files they have to rename.

#2693 remote directory tree size as percentage of total window new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have my interface set up like so:

Edit > Settings > Interface > Layout > Layout of file and directory panes: "Widescreen"

With the following panes visible:

  • message log
  • local file listing (mandatory)
  • remote directory tree
  • remote file listing (mandatory)
  • transfer queue

Whenever I adjust the widths of the three panels in the middle (local file listing, remote directory tree, and remote file listing) and then maximize/restore the window, the sizes get screwed up--especially on the remote directory tree.

I would like the width of each panel to be remembered as a percentage of the total width of the entire FileZilla window (e.g. left to right: local file listing 50%, remote directory tree 15%, and remote file listing 35%) and remain this way regardless of how I resize the main application to fit within my Desktop.

I think that would be nicer than whatever it's doing now.

#2697 Implement automatic file integrity verification (XCRC ) reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please see SmartFTP for an example of an FTP client that implements the XCRC (transfer with CRC) command.

FileZilla Client should implement XCRC or an equivalently reliable, automatic, and easy-to-use method to guarantee that a file was indeed transferred correctly between the FTP server and the client.

Requirements for this feature request to be considered resolved:

  1. The feature should be on by default and used automatically whenever connected to a server supporting it.
  1. The client should visually warn the user when they are connected to a server that does not support the integrity checking so they can be aware and make other arrangements for verifying the integrity of their transfers with the server.
  1. The user shouldn't have to understand anything about hashing algorithms or tools, or configure anything extra, or install any extra plug-ins, for this feature to work. It should be a built-in, automatic, silent part of the existing FileZilla user experience.
  1. The protocol/command/method used must adhere to a published open standard. If no such adequate standard already exists, one should be created and published by the FileZilla developers.
  1. The integrity checking should work on any kind of file, any size of file, and play well with existing feature such as resume of interrupted transfers.
#2698 Automaticly check for files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

We have customers who post artwork files to our web server.

What I would like is to have a feature in Filezilla that would check the directory at specified intervals for new files, and then download them.

Addittionaly I would like it to be able to leave the files on the server for a specified amount of time, and once the time has expired, delete the files.

And lastly I would like to be able to make certain files in the directory exempt from deletion.

#2708 Add option for default local directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Note: This is one of a few requests currently posted in the forum (

When making a connection that has no local directory specified (e.g. quick connections), it would be very useful to have an option for FZ3 to open either (1) a user-specified default directory (e.g. user's desktop) or (2) use the previously used local directory. FZ3 currently defaults to the last used directory, but this isn't necessarily the most preferable.

#2709 Transfer failure notification (skipped transfers) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla 3.0 gives no apparent notification of a skipped transfer when the setting to automatically over write older files is in effect and the target file is newer. A flag or other indication of non-transfer is appropriate here instead of recording the action as a successful transfer.

If possible, just showing the word "skipped" in the queue would make the picture much clearer. Such a tweak would make this excellent utility even better.

Each time a skipped transfer occurs the successful transfer count goes up even though no transfer occurred.

#2719 Implement prefix search in directory trees new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Cannot navigate to a folder/file by typing its name.

To see what I mean open windows explorer, select an item in the listview or the treeview and start typing the name of a file or subfolder present in the current directory.

#2730 Shortcut key to bring up "Enter Custom Command" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Request to have a shortcut key like "alt+key or ctrl+key" to bring up the Enter Custom Command window.

It's not a big deal for the two extra mouse clicks to get to it, but it would make it easier if you admin an FTPD that uses custom site commands to accomplish different tasks.

#2742 Files being edited as tab instead of dialog. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be even more handy to have the files being edited shown in another tab, instead of a dialog. The space is already used by that tab bar, might as well fill it.

#2743 FZ client 3: Let users to configure anonymous "password" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am using FileZilla Client 3.0.1. I just found that if I use anonymous to login FTP server, the "password" being sent by FileZilla Client is hardcoded to anon@localhost, which causes troubles when I connect to some FTP servers which checks the validity of email addresses, which is used as password. For example, the server (one of my favourite mirrors) is one of them which checks the password if it is a valid email address.

I would like to have a feature that let users to configure the anonymous password being sent, like in FileZilla 2.

#2745 Expand remote tree on open new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It'd be helpful to me if there was be an option to automatically expand the display of remote folders/directories directly under the current remote folder/directory (like when you hit the [+] to the left of a folder/directory) in the remote tree pane on connection and while browsing, similar to Windows Explorer's simple folder view (XP).

#2746 improve toolbar, save status/position new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

2.2.3 let me move the toolbars all into one line, that was a great way to save desktop space an would love to see it again.

#2747 drag to current folder rather than subfolder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Version 3 changed the drag and drop behavior from dropping in the current folder, to dropping into the subfolder closest to the pointer. This is not typical OS behavior, and would be very difficult to get used to. Please revert to the previous behavior, or provide an option to do so.

FYI, for this and other reasons (file edit function removed in version 3), I've reverted to version 2. Version 2 is a great tool, but I think version 3 is going in the wrong direction.

#2762 segmented downloading (and uploading?) reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if FilleZilla client supported something that I think is called "segmented downloading": the possibility to download a file using multiple connections to the same server; each connection would download a different segment from the same file.

I just had a situation with a stupid ISP, that severely limits the bandwidth on each TCP connection, but not for all connections.

Thank you.

#2768 Update local folder if content is changed new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

You view the content of a folder (on your PC). Then this content is changed (for instance a file is copied to this folder). Now FileZilla will not display the changes until you switch to another folder and then go back to the one you have been in before.

It should show the changes immediatelly (as for instance Windows Explorer does).

#2791 Add option for ASCII auto conversion to SFTP transfers reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The issue has already been discussed, but there is not yet a final answer from the developers, so I am posting this feature request.

I (and tons of other people) would like to have the possibility to do an automatic ASCII conversion during SFTP transfers of text files.

I know that this should be supported on server side and the current SSH server implementations lack support for it, but it could be easily done on client side as WinSCP is doing.

Otherwise we will need to switch to another program.

Thanks a lot, Paolo

#2792 Shell to external file manager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add context menu to local folders to allow opening that folder in some external file manager, like Windows Explorer (CuteFTP already has this feature.)

#2794 Keeping current views as default directories when copying current connection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When using the File Manager command "Copy Connection To Site Manager", include local site properties as well. Usually, I'm already at the local and remote folders I want when I choose that command, but then I still have to browse for the local folder. No no no! Bad Filezilla, bad!

#2801 wildcards for VMS and the like new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In OpenVMS, files are stored in versions with semicolons, like this:


is version 2 of the 2007346.AVR file.

In the site manager, the only way to specify an ASCII transfer is to input the extension. Inputting .AVR will not cause different versions of this file to be sent in ASCII.

Could we possibly have a wildcard character for the "Files to send as ASCII" listing? For the above, I would be able to list


which would get any and all versions of this file in ASCII.

Thanks again for all the hard work. It is very much appreciated.

#2815 Add directory collapse "pluses" to unknown directories new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if directories that still haven't been opened had the little plus sign beside them by default, which would then act as if the directory itself was clicked if there is nothing to actually collapse.

It would save the extra click from doubleclicking the folder every time, and it would make it consistent with Explorer's behavior in some situations where it doesn't know what's in the folder.

#2823 add sites from Site Manager to toolbar (with icons) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very helpful to have icons on the toolbar to be able to connect directly to a site in site manager without having to open site manager or click the dropdown. The dropdown, while convenient, is very small and both I and several others who use the software have often said we thought it would be a good idea to do this.

Better yet, a command line ability to connect to a site in site manager via icon on the desktop.

Thanks for your time and thanks to all for their fantastic work on this and other projects.

Highest Regards,


#2829 "Target file already exists"-dialogue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I suggest to replace "Always use this action" with sth. like "Always use this action for the current session."

I found it highly irritating, as I thought this setting change would be permanent.

Just an idea and keep up the good work. :)

#2834 Site management "mode" request new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very useful if FileZilla had a "site management mode" where it allowed me to designate a "logical root" directory for both local and remote servers. The two things that would be different in the interface when it was in this mode would be that it would prevent you from browsing "up" from the logical root, and that most transfer functions would only copy to the same level in the tree (for example if you right-clicked on /one/two/three/four on the remote site and chose download, it would always download to /one/two/three/four on the local site regardless of which directory was "current" in the left pane). You could always use drag-n-drop to force the tool to copy directories to a different location in the local tree (which would mean that dragging works exactly as it does now).

This mode would be extremely useful for web site developers and account managers who maintain a complete copy of their server account files on their local machine and constantly copy files back and forth. It would not eliminate copying errors, but would greatly reduce them.

#2837 Compare file contents with external program (File Diff) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I just thought of it, it would come rather handy in some occasions, to be able to compare online and local files, throu WinMerge or similar. On downloading, the 'overwrite?' popup could give the option to compare, merge or the current options.

If compared, the online version could be stored in a temporary file for comparison.

#2841 Increase width of login fields new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I've been using Filezilla for many years now and it's great but a few very simple things could make it even more usable.

Would it be possible to increase the width of the loginfields host / username / password because it happens a lot that a typo isn't visible because of the too narrow fields.

If possible, I would even request that we could drag the fields to the desired width and that these sizes get stored. If this isn't possible I would certainly request the host / username filed to be at least double the size they are now.

Thanks in advance. Bart

#2843 progress percentage when minimized new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be very helpfull to see progress percentage of current file transfer on taskbar properties in windows, so that when you have filezilla minimized during a long transfer, you can quickly see the progress amount without having to restore/maximize filezilla. thanks!

#2858 Move deleted local files to Trash reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Local files deleted with Filezilla do not go to recycle bin, are permenantly deleted.

#2859 Remote site doesn't seem to track correct path new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Most of my work with FTP is communicating with an internal Sun Sparc 5 CPU's (on Unix) used on five different test systems. The file structure is such that there are numerous shortcuts and redirects to deeply buried locations, both on the local system and across the network between the other test systems (all Unix).

I currently use FTP Voyager 13.x, and one of its key features that seems lacking in most (if not all) other FTP clients is to show (on the directory tree), what are folder shortcuts, and what is local.

When clicking on a folder shortcut icon (as shown by a typical arrow on the icon), it shows the contents of that folder (like a mapped drive in Explore), whereas FileZilla 3 redirects the path to the actual shortcut's destination, not on the shortcut name. There seems to be no indication on the directory tree what is local and what are shortcuts. There seems to be no way to determine what the actual path of a shortcut is (which FTP Voyager does show), and no folder properties.

Also, the underlying paths are not refreshed (as indicated by the "?" on the icon), which really would be helpful. In actuality, the Explore type of interface (such as that used in FTP Voyager) is very useful and more intuitive, which makes it very easy to navigate.

FileZilla is a fine program, and I'm merely pointing out these feature differences (and annoyances) to make FileZilla a better product. Thanks.

#2866 add "Preserve timestamps on transferred files" to transfer settings reopened Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have the need to download a lot of litlle files with the original date/time information. Why your client has choosen to apply the 'actual' date/time instead of keep the original ones?

#2870 Show only download really done new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Sorry for my english, i'll try to explain:

If I download 15.000 files using the option "overwrite if more recent" in the "completed download" tab I see ALL of 15k files, but which of them are really ben downloaded?

Is it possible to make a report of effectively downloaded file?

#2880 optional full row select in file lists new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If I drag and drop with the new versions I often drag it on top of a folder because the folder selection area goes all the way to the right.

In the older versions the folder selection area would only go on the name of the folder. That's why I removed filezilla 3 and went back to the 2 versions.

Here you see filezilla 3 with the wide selection area:

And here the old filezilla:

Maybe you should change this on the next release? :)

#2883 new version update option at end of session new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think the "There is a new version available" alerts at program launch are great. But I rarely install the update right then, because I've always opened FileZilla for an immediate need. I would like to see another button in this alert screen that would give me the option "Install after current session" or similar wording. Clicking this would open FileZilla normally, but would launch the update process when the application is closed (and would not restart FileZilla when the update is finished installing).

#2886 Use of PAC Files for Proxy Configuration new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To determine which Proxy should be used, browsers use Proxy Autoconfiguration Files. If Filezilla could use these Files too, manual configuration would become unnessecary in enterprise environments.

Information about PAC Files can be found on this link:

#2892 allowing fileSize AND time comparison together new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi and thanks for this great product.

It would be a great help if I can do the directories comparison size AND date together.

Actualy, I do a date comparison THEN a size comparison.

in the menu "View" " directory comparison" I can choose between size and date.

I would like 2 check box, one filesize and one time.

Thank in advance


#2894 Max Files per Session + Max Files per Day new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Some FTP servers (eg limit the number of transfers using file counts instead of the number of bytes transfered. These sites often impose a file limit per day.

Would it be possible to have some settings that echo these limits.


Lets say we have a server that limits the number of files per ftp session to 200 and the number of files per day to 2000.

The FTP client queues up several folders worth of transfers totalling 2500 files.

FileZilla counts each transfer until the max files per session (as defined in site settings, 200 in this example) is reached. FileZilla then suspends the queue, disconnects from the remote server, waits a few seconds then reconnects (starting a new session) and resumes the queue. This process repeats (10 times in this example) until the number of files per day limit (also defined in site settings, 2000 in this example) is reached. Filezilla then suspends the queue, storing the remaining 500 queued entries, and refusing reconnection to the server for 24 hours.

#2895 Allow specifying speed limits on a per-site basis new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be nice if users could specify different speed limits for different sites. Right now, there is only one global setting to control this.

My reason for this is as follows. I use FileZilla to download from my computer at home (SFTP), and in order not to kill my VOIP, I want to set a download speed limit to something low (e.g. 15kBps). However, if I'm downloading from some crazy fast site later on, I have to go change the global setting in order to get the good speed.

#2900 Keep history of "Failed transfers"/"Successful Transfers" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Feature request RFE# 1707774 can be enhanced if after certain actions of field "Action after queue completion", the entries in "Failed Transfers" and "Successful Transfers" are stored and available the next time FileZilla client is opened.

E.g. after actions such as "Reboot system", "Shutdown system" or "Close FileZilla", the next time FileZilla is opened the user does not know if the transfer completed correctly or not, because "Failed Transfers" and "Successful Transfers" are empty.

Is it possible to keep information of fields "Failed Transfers" and "Successful Transfers" until the user decides to clear them, and not only until FileZilla is closed?

#2902 use two different programs for View / Edit new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would be good (for me) if it was possible to separate view from edit and assign two separate programs to do those tasks. For example I tend to only make minor alterations to files from within filezilla and so use notepad, but if I want to view a file I will use Firefox.

#2907 Queue autorecovery after crash new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla forget the download/failed/succesfull Queue after closed the client

It should be viewable after close / restart.

#2909 File Explorer Context Menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be great to have an option in XP File Explorer to right click and send the selected file to any of the sites that are set up in filezilla.

Obviously it would have to just send it to the root/default folder that you have set in filezilla. But I know of lots of times where I am hunting stuff down in XP File Explorer and would love to just right click and hit FTP to -> "Pick Sitename".

Hope that explains the request. Also just for reference I did research quite a bit doing this on my own hacking my regedit or send to options and because of the internal list stored in Filezilla of the sites none of the things I found would work.

Thanks in advance. Also thank you for all your hard work on a great project. Filezilla is truly outstanding.

#2912 Show file name in deletion confimation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Whenever i delete a file on my production servers i want to make sure i havn't clicked on the wrong file.

Please add the file name / folder name in the confirm dialog of the element that will be deleted.

#2924 Deleting several directories simultaniously new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This is at the same time an improvement request and a bug. Right now, when you delete one directory, it is not possible to delete another until the first deletion is done.

It could be nice to be able to delete several directories at the same time from the directory tree window... And that the directory tree window does not follow the deletion during the time it occurs.

#2927 Moving files and folders on server is clumsy new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When using drag-and-drop to move files and folders inside filezilla (drag-and-drop being the only method i have found in FZ so far) i experience problems when there is a long list of files as i cannot seem to scroll up the list when dragging files, and hence cannot get the files to go into the directory i want. Also, sometimes you want to move files/folder into heavily nested folders and the drag and drop method is inefficient. It would be good to have the directory be editable in a properties window for selected files and folders, that way you can just type a new directory and they will be moved there.

#2929 Make View/Edit available offline new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've been really disappointed to see, that filezilla misses the feature to view/edit files on the local harddisk, while there is no connection to a ftp server. This feature already worked in filezilla 2 and I really miss it.

#2936 "Set as Initial Directory" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see shortcut to set the current directory (on the home or the remote) as the initial directory for that connection, after you have already connected.

Currently, you have to go back to the site settings find the appropriate text field, and type in the path manually.

I see there are a lot of requests for context menu items, so maybe this could be a button. Perhaps on the path bar?

Thanks. And thanks for such great software. I dumped my pirated SFTP proggie because you provided such a viable and legal alternative, that I can even run from a flash drive.

#2941 FileZilla Client as default handler new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add command line parameter that allows the site and folder.

Then in Windows at least the registry could be changed so that any link such as

on a web page or in an email would invoke Filezilla, open the site and position to the folder.

#2942 keep directory timestamp on transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It is possible to add the ability to preserve the datestamp of directories? (as for files, but for dirs while downloading them recursively)

Thanks, and keep up the good work.


#2943 Timestamp preservation on download, not upload, vice-versa new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Enhance the "preserve timestamps of transfered files" feature, by adding an option to preserve in only 1 direction or the other.

For example, I'd like be able to download files preserving timestamps, but upload files with the current time.

This will be useful for uploading JSP files to a Tomcat server.

Under the "Transfer" menu... rename menu item:

"preserve timestamps of transfered files"


"preserve timestamps of all transfered files"

add menu items:

"preserve timestamps of uploaded files only" "preserve timestamps of download files only"

#2944 implement "touch" to set current timestamp new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Implement a "touch" command on the right-click of a file to set the current timestamp.

#2954 Site title when asking password new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'using KeePass, a password manager that sends logins and/or password to windows, looking for thei title.

So I don't store site passwords in FileZilla, but I define each parameter of the sites, and set the autentication method to "Ask for password".

It would be nice to have something like "Enter password for Name_of_the_site_as_specified_in_site_manager" instead of simply "Enter password" when I connect to a site.

This way KeePass would automatically recognize which password to use for every site.

Thanks again for your grreat work. The whole world appreciate it.

#2961 Local and Remote site: set as default for connection via context menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


it would be useful if there were a context menu entry "set as local directory" when clicking in the local site window. This would then set the "default local directory" that at the moment has to be set via site manager and "advanced" register tab.


#2964 Improvement of download queue management new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In version (and 3.0.x.x versions), some features included into 2.2.32 are no more implemented.

That features are all linked to download queue management:

  • Reordering (up, down, last, bottom,...) list of file in the waiting downloading queue
  • Add priority on file download

These features can be linked to the following other demand :

They implement it and extend the ordering command.

That is not a protocol mandatory feature, but that provide an end-user usefull feature mainly in case of multi-file download.

In my case, I can program the download of more than 30 files simultaneously (from the same site), sometime the download can't be achieved in one time (Server side failures). Then I have only some part of all files on my local disk.

Because the download queue management doesn't provide any options to drive the download file's order choice based on the yet downloaded size against the full file size evaluation (when possible), that features that provide to user the capability to 'manually' reordering the downloaded planned queue can be *very* usefull to be sure to have at least some of them quickly complet.

E.g. : I have 10 files with a size between 500 MB and 1.5 GB. The first one (1.5 GB) have 50% of its data downloaded, the third one (500 MB) have 10%. I need relaunch the download, but this time I want invert the order because the third one have only 450 MB of data that must be downloaded, against the 750 MB of the first one. If I have the same download speed for the both of them, then the third one (450 MB) can be downloaded quickess than the first one (750 MB).

#2966 simultaneous transfers by site/all together new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

there should be a setting, to seperate simultanios downloads by sites.

problem: DSL hat today 10 MBit and more. if i have to download files from severl servers, it should start for ech sit eone queue, if my bandwidth is not fully used. at the oment muc difficut, becase i have to play withpriority and mark single files and then restart queue.

#2968 using Filezilla dll from outside program new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When one want to include FTP support in a program without having to code a native FTP client in the program, it would be nice to be able to call a FileZilla dll to get the connection, file transfert, directory listing, and so on, using the Filezilla connection that the user have already defined using Filezilla instead of having to reinvente Fileilla inside the program.

#2970 automatic directory selection - upload file in right folder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This was initially posted on the forum by Guba.

Post subject: New feature request: automatic directory selection

Hello. I have just downloaded FZ and I have to say that is quite nice. I have a suggestion for a new feature, that is quite simple to develop and useful for all those use tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver. When I upload a file to a server I have to make myself sure that in the "remote files" panel must be selected the same correpondent directory where the file is destined to, or I will put the file in the wrong place. This is quite annoying because it can be necessary to edit files that are located in different directories, for several reasons. For instance it could be needed to edit a functions file, while a CSS together with the file that uses both. If I have three branches I have to seselct each time the different remote directory where I have to put each file, one at a time. With a "parallel directory" feature this couldn't be required, because each file belongs to a directory, both local and remote. This is a feature that is missing on the various FTP clients I have seen and used, and I think it is quite useful for professionals.

#2977 MODE Z Compression option in filezilla 3 new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, It seems that MODE Z compression option (available in filezilla 2.2.x) is not available in filezilla 3.x. The MODE Z seems supported in filezilla 3 as it is accepted when we enter MODE Z in custom command. Please can you add this option. Thanks by advance regards.

#2979 Use Snarl & Growl for transfer notifications new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla already has some "after transfer" actions, but it would be nicer if it could provide an interface to existing notification frameworks where possible.

The Mac has the widely used Growl notification framework for telling the user that something has happened.

On Windows, Snarl is a similar framework that provides the same capability.

On Linux (Gnome) there is the Mumbles project.

Filezilla should support all of these frameworks - perhaps by using an additional plugin download that interfaces to each framework on the appropriate platform.

#2980 Return of the "Download as..." feature in FileZilla 3 new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear Tim and others,

Would it be possible to add the FileZilla 2 "Dowload as..." feature to FileZilla 3 as well?

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work!

Best regards,


#3000 File Progress bar when minimized new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like a file progress bar when Filezilla is minimized on the Desktop.



#3007 Conv't way to Add Site from Site Manager to QuickConnect Bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A convenient way to Add a Site from among the Site Manager's entries to the QuickConnect Bar, and thence to the QuickConnect History/Menu, would be nice to have.

An additional button at the bottom of the Site Entries tree, "Add to QC Bar", that would copy the selected Site's relevant fields to the QuickConnect Bar, would satisfy this nicely.

Meanwhile, selecting from the Site Manager's pull-down list works pretty well... ;-}


#3008 Save "view/edit" preference new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On the latest release ( of FileZilla, when one right-clicks an item on the server panel and chooses the "View/Edit" option, an alert popups asking whether the user would like to continue editing the local file or download and overwrite the local file.

I would like to save my preference of these two options. For example, I would like a checkbox below the two options with the text "Save preference" so that I can always automatically choose to download the file again an overwrite the local file.

Thanks for such a great product!!

#3010 Support Ctrl-backspace & Ctrl-shift-backspace in path boxes new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the "Local site:" and "Remote site:" path textboxes, it would be very helpful to support the commonly used Ctrl-backspace combination to backspace an entire word, and Ctrl-shift-backspace to highlight an entire word.

Other clients I've used supported this and I find myself typing it a lot. It wouldn't be so bad if typing that combination didn't insert a strange extended character that is represented (on my system; Windows XP) as a hollow rectangle.

#3011 Queued file listing view improvement. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to see a improvement to the queued file listing which is that instead of just having a flat list of files it would have the files in a collapsible tree view similar to the local/server browser panels. This would be really helpful in cases where we have say ten of folders queued with hundreds of files in them and we want to remove one or more of these folders(and files/folders contained within) from the queue. The other day I had to select all the 200+ files part of a single folder which I wanted to remove from the queue.With this view I would just select the topmost folder and delete that.

As a possible addition the folder row could show a progress bar for the average upload progress of the files/folder under it too.

#3681 Quickconnect includes all attempted logins, including fails reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Because I've tried to connnect to my ftp server using the wrong password, I now have three identical entries in my Quickconnect list, all with the same server/username, but different passwords. Hence only one which will work, and I have to remember which one.

Keep up the excellent work - lovely piece of software!

#3723 Define standard applications to OPEN files of certain types new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For editing files you can define a standard editor. I would like to have that for viewing files as well. Didn´t find something like that in the existing tickets.


When I select "open" in the context menu of a text file (txt, log, dat, js, ...) on the local side always the Windows recommended/standard application is used to open this file even if there is a different application assigned in the Windows explorer file type options (Notepad2 in most cases).

Example: *.log

If you look that type up in Tools/Folder Options/File Types of the Windows explorer, you will find that the type shall be opened using Notepad2 which works on double clicks in the windows explorer. If you click on "Change", you probably see that the Windows Notepad is selected as default editor. This one is then used by FileZilla for some reason. But I want FileZilla to use Notepad2 as well (which is also defined as standard editor for editing files in my environment).

Other file types like *.js or *.html or *.bat could also require a different handler - especially html files shall not be opened in a browser but in a text editor when I try to open it from FileZilla - mostly I do not want to view but edit them before uploading it again, for instance to remove a typo.

If my writing not clear enough, please come back to me ;)

Best regards, Kristian

#3817 Message log window at the bottom new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like an option to place the message log window at the bottom of the filezilla window.

#3836 Unable to download/delete a directory if all its contents are filtered assigned Luke Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I know about this bug very long time and I have still hoped that this bug will be fixed in new a release but I have mistaken. :)

So where is the problem ? I will write how reproduce the bug.

Create direcory e.g. test/ and in this direcory create directory .svn/ (or file .svn), turn on "Directory listing filters" and create filter which will filter .svn direcory(or file) and try upload this direcory. Filezilla doesn't upload this directory.

It works with any number of filtered items. But if directory contain some or only one unfiltered dir or file, then the directory will be uploaded.

It affects downloading as well and when You try delete that directory with filtered dir or files on FTP!, Filezilla doesn't delete that folder.

#3839 localhost connection encryption new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Forced SSL on filezilla server is great option but it has two annoying side effects that could be removed:

  • if there is some 3rd party software involved (like html interface to web server) it forces admin to use interface that supports encrypted connections. There is a lack of such interfaces on web.
  • wasting resources in case of loopback connections

The simple workaround would be to check connection if it comes from localhost and disable encryption.

It is probably one if to set as i saw you allready have IsLocalConnection() functions implemented so it could probably be done quite fast but currently i dont have additional time to modify server, if someone can do it quick please do it...

#3851 Save to Sites option from Quick Connect Menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Save to Sites from teh Quick Connect Menu should open up the sites Dialog with the information populated from the quick connect.

#3857 1 Click Putty Integration (SSH client integration) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Like WINSCP, when connected to a SFTP site, a menu item should have an option to launch putty. It would be great if that could log you in but I'm fine with it connecting and prompting for your password. This would eliminate to the need to manage sites on putty and filezilla.

#3891 Response to a PWD command from Unisys Libra host is no longer accepted new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In 3.1.3 client I can no longer establish a connection with a Unisys Libra host. This used to work on The issue seems to be that the format of the reponse to a PWD command appears no longer to be accepted. The response will be something like

257 "(MOUNTFORD) ON ERSTE" is the current working directory.

A Filezilla trace shows Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(356): Failed to parse returned path. caller=0p17025c0

and the connection is broken. Trace of an attempt to connect to a host 'ucscahu' shown below.

15:38:15 Status: Resolving address of ucscahu 15:38:15 Status: Connecting to 15:38:15 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() 15:38:25 Response: 220 FTP Services for ClearPath MCP: Server version 52.189.8008 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() 15:38:25 Command: USER mountford 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() 15:38:25 Response: 331 UserName received; please send the PassWord. 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() 15:38:25 Command: PASS * 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() 15:38:25 Response: 230 User MOUNTFORD logged in; you may proceed. 15:38:25 Status: Connected 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) 15:38:25 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) 15:38:25 Status: Retrieving directory listing... 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() 15:38:25 Command: PWD 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() 15:38:25 Response: 257 "(MOUNTFORD) ON ERSTE" is the current working directory. 15:38:25 Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(356): Failed to parse returned path. caller=0p17025c0 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) 15:38:25 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(2) 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() 15:38:25 Trace: state = 1 15:38:25 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) 15:38:25 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) 15:38:25 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#3896 Change the Directions of Arrows in the 'Download', Upload' and 'Add files to queue' icons according to context new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

We can 'Swap local and remote panes'. The directions of the arrows in the icons of 'Download', 'Upload' and 'Add files to queue' items in the pop-up menu match unswapped original panes. It will be better if arrows with reversed directions are used when the panes are swapped. The default orientations of the arrows cause counter-intuition when the panes are swapped.

#3918 Possibility to delete one item from history new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There could be possibility to delete one item from history, not only clear the whole history.

This could be done e.g. from menu, which would open with right mouse button. Now also right mouse button opens FTP/SFTP connection.

#3939 Feature Request: right click on a directory in the explorer open sharing dialogue new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

FileZilla server is surely a very powerful and great tool. Congratulation for the excellent work! What is just missing for me to forget about other file-sharing systems is a little integration in Windows in order to make easy directory sharing (The idea behind Weezo for example).

In actual version, to share a directory: I need to open the FileZilla Server Interface, click on 'groups>Shared Folders>Add', browse the directory, edit an alias and set the rights. I must du that again for every group/user I want this folder to be added to.

In the proposal, to share a directory: I right click on the folder in the explorer to get the context-menu, I select 'share with FileZillaServer', a dialogue-windows opens up showing in first colomn all the groups/users available in FileZilla, in front of which the access right for this folder are represented as check-boxes. In few clicks in beside every group/users, I can then enable different access to this directory to different users... The directory is then added (aliased) to the root of every user/group share.

I think this small addition would differentiate FileZilla from the other FTP clients, that are all user-centric, and set it as a new reference for directory-sharing (which is technically not much different, but it just a matter of interfacing).

#3947 AS400 zero file size on send for small files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whenever I send small files (less than 6 kb, maybe more) to the AS400 server, they will have zero file size (ie. empty). There is no difference between binary and text files.

This happens on several AS400 hosts of the same type.

I access them using a Juniper VPN client. ("Windows Secure Application Manager")

See filezilla log file for details.

#3961 time frame for enabling/disabling FTP service new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Hi FileZilla-Team,

I'm missing a function for enabling/disabling the FTP server (and/or special rules, such as bandwidth management) at a definite time.

My Problem is: I'm working in a company that needs a FTP server, so we decided to set up FileZilla Server on a Windows machine. Because of a very slow internet connection, we're in trouble with some other internet applications in the daytime. The idea to save bandwidth is, to disable the FTP server function during the day and enable it at night.

I know it can be realized via the Task Scheduler in Windows, that is able to start or stop services. But in case of a stopped service, you only get a message from your FTP client, that the server isn't available/don't respond. A much better idea is to send a short "Welcome" message to the client and then close the connection. The "Welcome" message should be freely chosen. So a customer, that wants to access the FTP server during daytime, gets a message including opening hours of the FTP server. That's much better than "no answer from the server"!

#3971 Possible bug with "overwrite if file sizes are different" on large queues new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have been trying to upload a gigantic directory of 98,000 pdf files, about 150gb worth. I don't expect filezilla to play nice with queues of this size. However I am in the process of double checking that all the files made it and when I select a chunk of about 10,000 files and then choose "overwrite if file sizes are different" it seems to error out everytime. It starts to run through the queue then after a few seconds it errors out with the Microsoft send a bug report message. When I try the same chunk of files and I choose "skip" files that are the same it runs ok.

I am using 3.1.5 I am using FTP.

#3973 "Resume if smaller, warn if larger, skip if same size" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When catching up, restaring a big tree of files. the most obvious action for "default file exists action" in the settings dialog would be, "Resume if smaller, warn if larger, skip if same size". That option doesn't exist, and it really should. When set to "Resume", it Resumes ALL files that already exist, even though 99 of them are complete and the same size. Filezilla client says REST (restart) and then RETR (retrieve) looking for the 350,000,000th byte of a file of 350,000,000 bytes long. The FTP server sends back "0 bytes" (the rest of the file). Success. Next file. Oh, it exists too... same. You could die of old age before it gets back to work on transfering a 4GB tree of 50,000 small files. So you are forced to choose "Skip" and then manually figure out which 100 files came up short due to all those internet interuptions.

Using latest Filezilla Client 3.1.5 and latest Serv-U Server 7.2. Advocate for XCRC and XMD5 commands too.

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