Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2475 new Feature request


Reported by: equis7 Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: equis7, nicecherub, Alexander Schuch
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


I would like to see a system of plugins for FileZilla.

That is, let FileZilla act as the conduit through

which plugin widgets (simple scripts, actions based on
logic, etc) could work their magic.

Sifting through the feature requests, I wonder how
simple something like the simultaneous local & remote
directory switching would be with a script. "cd /home;
ls" on local yields a "cd /home; ls" on the remote with
an alert (or other action) on error.

Likewise, it may be simpler for an external widget to
compare filesizes and dates for automatic local/remote
file synchronization. A script could handle an "ignore
list" of file types, names or folders. It could handle
transfer scheduling, etc.

And etc, etc, etc.

This is a great application and I use it often. Keep
up the good work.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by nicecherub, 18 years ago

I would like to give a for here. As allow an extension give the software a large degree of freedom but not decrease the level of security.

comment:2 by kuteninja, 12 years ago

This is a mofo old feature request but I didn't want to make a new report about it.

Plugins would really help to FileZilla, even closed one's (that you had to accept before they're released).

To give you examples...

  1. It could integrate to a Password Storage service (ie. Keepass, LastPass, 1Password, etc)
  2. It could integrate with Kitty (to view/import the same saved sessions and use them for a quick FTP / SFTP access)
  3. It could integrate with Notepad++ and replace their own FTP tab.
  4. It could integrate with Chrome or Mozilla, to open FileZilla as a Tab.

And so on, i could keep going forever.

Please, reconsider adding a plugin functionality in any form.

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