Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2613 new Feature request

MSI package

Reported by: cybot_tm Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: cybot_tm, Tim Kosse, eyebex, bsaksida
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:



please provide an MSI package if possible - would make live much more easier as FileZilla already does ... ;-)

Change History (17)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 18 years ago

Is it possible to build MSI packages under Linux?

comment:2 by cybot_tm, 18 years ago

i do not know

comment:3 by eyebex, 18 years ago

What's the gain of MSI anyways? It's bloated (MSI installers are always larger than their Nullsoft Installer / Inno Setup / whatever counterparts) and my experiences with it are very bad (MSI packages refuse to uninstall if other MSI packages were installed in between, installing MSI updates over already existing MSI installations does not work reliably etc.). Microsoft has released a whole bunch of tools (MsiZap etc.) to fix those issues, which is just a proof for me that MSI is broken. Really, the only reason I can think of where MSI eases your life is when you need to deploy software on a whole lot of Windows PC in a domain in a single blow.

comment:4 by cybot_tm, 18 years ago

@eyebex: yes, and exactly this is the reason - not only 'on a whole lot' but also for just a couple of pc's it makes life much easier if you do not have to manually re-install every piece of software with every new/upgraded/reinstalled machine - or deploy manually every update to every machine ...

comment:5 by eyebex, 18 years ago

In that case, this project already provides an MSI for FileZilla Client 2:

comment:6 by cybot_tm, 18 years ago

i know this project - but there only packages with outdated software versions ... or did i missed something?

comment:7 by eyebex, 18 years ago

No, I also only did find the somewhat outdated version. But as they already have an MSI installer (and possibly read-made scripts to create it), it would probably make more sense to post this feature request to their project instead of this one.

BTW: It would have been nice if you said what you need the MSI for (domain deployment) in the first place, and also that you already know about the "MSI Repository" project and why their solution is not usable for you. Giving a decent reason why a feature is helpful really encourages developers to look into it ;-)

comment:8 by bsaksida, 18 years ago

Is it possible to build MSI packages under Linux?

Do you now what MSI package is:
Microsoft Software Installer... This is for windows

For linux are possible packages:
.pkg .package .rpm .deb .run

comment:9 by eyebex, 18 years ago

We all know very well what MSI is. But the question is whether there are Linux tools to create MSI packages. The author of FileZilla works *only* under Linux, which is why he would need such tools if he should build MSI packages.

comment:10 by bsaksida, 18 years ago

As i said. MSI package is only Windows not linux. And there isn't any tools to create MSI instalation under limux.

A Linux selfinstalation package can be found here:

But if you are looking to work with windows, There is a program Installaware:

comment:11 by eyebex, 18 years ago

I think you're still missing the point. We just want to *create* MSI packages under Linux (i.e. "cross-compile", if you like), not install / execute them under Linux. There are reports that WiX ( can run under Mono / Linux with some tweaks. I'll post here when I have more information on that.

comment:12 by bsaksida, 18 years ago

Then Another Question... Is it possible to build source code under linux for Windows Platform?

comment:13 by bsaksida, 18 years ago

Then Another Question... Is it possible to build source code under linux for Windows Platform?

comment:14 by Tim Kosse, 18 years ago


comment:15 by eyebex, 18 years ago

Of course that's possible, it's called "cross-compilation". codesquid is using a cross-compiler to create the FZ3 Windows executables under Linux, see <>. But that's a little off-topic now.

comment:16 by eyebex, 18 years ago

Here's what Rob Mensching from Microsoft says regarding WiX under Linux:

"Sorry, I was going to blog this but to get you a quick answer... the WiX toolset depends heavily on a number of Windows APIs. To move the WiX toolset to a different operating system, you'd have to implement all of those Windows APIs.

Put another way the WiX toolset is very much *not* cross platform (because it depends so much on Windows technologies). However, you can run it on the .NET Framework or on Mono on Windows (which is obviously no help for your scenario below)."

So the last chance would probably be Wine ...

comment:17 by datapharmer, 11 years ago

Ok, I know this ticket is old but here is a working solution for building an msi under linux: As I'm sure many folks stuck administrating windows can attest having an msi available would be the bees knees.

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