Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2697 reopened Feature request

Implement automatic file integrity verification (XCRC )

Reported by: c0d3h4x0r Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: c0d3h4x0r, Tim Kosse, igitur@…
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Please see SmartFTP for an example of an FTP client that implements the XCRC (transfer with CRC) command.

FileZilla Client should implement XCRC or an equivalently reliable, automatic, and easy-to-use method to guarantee that a file was indeed transferred correctly between the FTP server and the client.

Requirements for this feature request to be considered resolved:

  1. The feature should be on by default and used automatically whenever connected to a server supporting it.
  1. The client should visually warn the user when they are connected to a server that does not support the integrity checking so they can be aware and make other arrangements for verifying the integrity of their transfers with the server.
  1. The user shouldn't have to understand anything about hashing algorithms or tools, or configure anything extra, or install any extra plug-ins, for this feature to work. It should be a built-in, automatic, silent part of the existing FileZilla user experience.
  1. The protocol/command/method used must adhere to a published open standard. If no such adequate standard already exists, one should be created and published by the FileZilla developers.
  1. The integrity checking should work on any kind of file, any size of file, and play well with existing feature such as resume of interrupted transfers.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by c0d3h4x0r, 18 years ago

I'm marking this as "Highest" priority because an FTP client, no matter how well it works otherwise, is completely useless if it can't be trusted to have correctly delivered files across the transfer.

comment:3 by Francois Botha, 14 years ago

Cc: igitur@… added
Status: closedreopened

Trying to reopen this (if I have the permissions). The Sourceforge tracker doesn't exist anymore.

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