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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#10575 example text file association for wrong OS new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the window for customizing file associations, filezilla shows an example command line instruction for creating the association. The instruction for the mac version starts with c:\program files\... which is for Windows OS instead of MacOS.

#10653 Yes/No buttons to low for text inside new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Open Site manager and delete a post. The dialog that appears have Yes and No buttons. But part of the text is cut off.

Tested in Debian with GNOME.

#10735 filezilla undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The latest filezilla, libfilezilla and WXwidgets for Ubuntu 14.04 Updating '.': At revision 7291. /home/johns/Compile/filezilla/compile

filezilla: symbol lookup error: ./src/interface/filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE

This started quite a few updates ago. I searched for the symbol using gdb and can't find it. I suspect either libfilezilla or WXwidgets but haven't searched those yet. I have updated WXwidgets, libfilezilla and filezilla. Ubuntu 14.04 is also current with all updates.

This is probably something simple I'm missing, but I don't know what it is.

Yes, I tried the forums, but there is no such issue. The forums also are quite adamant about refusing me to register with a google E-Mail address. I am NOT going to change my E-Mail. If necessary I'll use the much older filezilla from my distribution.

#10739 icon new Bug report low FileZilla Client

taskbar icon shows up twice when min to tray is on.

#10748 False warning “Target file already exists” new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I appreciate there would be considerable overhead in continually refreshing the display of the remote system so I’m not asking for that. However, I think it would be beneficial to automatically refresh the details of any files(s) about to be uploaded. Allow me to explain.

I upload FRED.TXT to a Linux server. On that server I discover a problem so I delete FRED.TXT from the remote system. Having locally modified FRED.TXT I attempt to upload the revised file, which produces a warning: “Target file already exists” even though it doesn’t.

Of course, if I had clicked the icon for “Refresh the file and folder lists” this message would not appear.

My question is as follows: can FileZilla automatically check to see if FRED.TXT still exists on the remote system?

#10797 Deletion of Downloaded Update File new Feature request low FileZilla Client

After FileZilla Client does an update check (either automatically or manually) and determines that an update is needed, it downloads the update file to the %DOWNLOADS% folder. You can then choose to run the Update file and patch the Client software. It will close and reopen when completed. At this point though, the file that was downloaded is still in the %DOWNLOADS% directory. There is no benefit to leaving this file behind once the upgrade has taken place. Even if the upgrade fails, another copy can/will be downloaded if you allow the client software to initiate the update process for you. It would make for a cleaner installation to simply delete/purge the file instead of leaving it (and however many other copies of updates) in the Downloads folder, where some unsavvy PC users might never see them to delete them.

#10814 usability new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Usability issue while trying to download a file that is currently in cache. For example, i have file.txt already editing, when i try to re-download this file it shows me a dialog like something (see screenshot). Using mouse i need to click two (x2) times to re-dowload this file. I propose to make choices to be simple buttons instead of radio buttons, in that way to make one (x1) click to make desired action. I know i can use keyboard with one enter, but current design does not make any sense.

#10848 Sometimes files has zero bytes on the server after uploading new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When I upload multiple files sometimes a particular file is uploaded to the server with zero bytes. The file can be different from time to time, so not the same file gets uploaded with zero bytes. Usually these files are small.

See related closed issues: #1155 Upload successful but zero bytes in file #3963 Files upload to zero bytes length #4309 Upload of large files completes, but shows zero bytes on server

#10858 "desktop path" > "'Desktop' path" new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest changing: "Failed to get desktop path" To: "Failed to get 'Desktop' path"

So these two strings are written the same way:

#: ../../source/FileZilla3/locales/../src/interface/LocalTreeView.cpp:621
msgid "Failed to get 'My Documents' path"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/FileZilla3/locales/../src/interface/LocalTreeView.cpp:609
msgid "Failed to get desktop path"
msgstr ""

#10859 "Hours" > "hour(s)," or use plural new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Should "Hours" and "Minutes" be with small letters, "hours" and "minutes"?

I suggest changing the string so i will be correct will all numbers:

    msgid "hour(s),"
    msgstr ""
    msgid "minute(s)"
    msgstr ""

Or use the plural option available in PO file:

    msgid "hour,"
    msgid_plural "hours,"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""

    msgid "minute"
    msgid_plural "minutes"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""

And maybe make the strings appear right after each other in the file.

#10877 Suggest changing link text in welcome dialog new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In welcome dialog we have these link texts:

"Asking questions in the FileZilla forums" "Reporting bugs and feature requests" "Configuring FileZilla and your network"

I suggest changing them to: "Ask questions in the FileZilla forums" "Report bugs and feature requests" "Configure FileZilla and your network"

"Ask questions in the FileZilla forums" could maybe just be "FileZilla forums".

It seems in the forum "FileZilla Forums" is written with big F in Forums so maybe change that to so they are the same.

#10878 HTTPS support for IP address resolver new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Suggest changing: "Default:"

to: "Default:"

So all links in PO file use HTTPS

#10879 Maybe replace link to probe.php by placeholder new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Suggest using placeholder for the following link if the link should not be changed by translators:

"Please check on that the server is " "running and carefully check your settings again."

"Please check on %s that the server is " "running and carefully check your settings again."

#10880 Add trac URL to Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in POT file new Other low FileZilla Client

I suggest adding this URL:

To Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in filezilla.pot so it becomes:

#10881 Dialog is titled "Cannot show dialog" but i can see it new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I find it strange/funny that i get dialogs titled: Cannot show dialog

When clearly i can see the dialog.

So maybe change to something else like "Alert", "Warning" or "Info" depending on what the users is being told.

#10882 Find better text for reboot/shutdown/suspend strings ending with " once" new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest finding some better way to write these strings: "R&eboot system once" "S&hutdown system once" "S&uspend system once"

Because i think its unclear what is happening.

To me the first string sounds like restarter system 1 time, but why would you want to restart 2 times or 3 times.

I don't think its clear enough that the menu item will be cleared afterwards.

Maybe like this: "R&eboot system (once)" "S&hutdown system (once)" "S&uspend system (once)"

Or: "R&eboot system (only once)" "S&hutdown system (only once)" "S&uspend system (only once)"

Or: "R&eboot system - only once" "S&hutdown system - only once" "S&uspend system - only once"

Or: "R&eboot system (single use)" "S&hutdown system (single use)" "S&uspend system (single use)"

I can't find one i really like but mabye someone else can? Maybe someone know of other software that use this that we can check out.

#10883 Make filter names translateable new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest making the filter names translateable (in POT/PO files).

CVS and SVN directories
Useless Explorer files
Temporary and backup files
Configuration files
Show only images
#10885 Improve copy text from log area new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If i want to copy the text from the log area it seems there are no option in the context menu when i right click to select all the text. So i have to press Ctrl + A first. Then i can copy the text in the context menu.

I suggest adding "Select all" menu item to the context menu. Change "&Copy to clipboard" to just "&Copy" like in så many programs Edit menu it is just called Copy.

After i insert the text in a editor i see the tabs don't match:

Status:	Connecting to x...
Response:	fzSftp started
Command:	open "x" 22
Error:	ssh_init: Name or service not known
Error:	Could not connect to server
Status:	Waiting to retry...

Maybe there is a way to correct this to copied text uses spaces and not tabs so it can look like:

Status:      Connecting to x...
Response:    fzSftp started
Command:     open "x" 22
Error:       ssh_init: Name or service not known
Error:       Could not connect to server
Status:      Waiting to retry...
#10886 Add drop down arrow to folder comparison icon (just like site manager icon) new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Maybe add drop drown arrow to folder comparision because just like for site manager so all icons that have drop down menu use the drop down arrow (is the system allows).

As it is now it seems that both the site manager icon and the folder comparison icon have a drop down menu, but only the site manager icon have a drop down arrow next to its icon.

I think it would be more consistent instead og having to right click to see folder comparison drop down, and left click to see the site manager drop down.

#10900 Navigable locations for Remote and Local paths new Feature request low FileZilla Client

For example, I opened this path "/home/user/web/". Now, if I want to go back to the "/home/user" directory I should level up several times (moreover sometimes, it happens with delays due to server response). To improve this, it would be great to have paths clickable and when I click on the "user" should open this directory.

Of course, to not break old behaviour, when I click on the end of the path or on the slash, it should highlight it as before and let me copy/paste/edit paths. As another option, it should open desired directory only on double-click.

#11009 OS X UI - Target File Already Exists dialog layout issue moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The "Target file already exists" dialog box doesn't handle source or destination filenames in directories with long names or deep paths, as it pushes the Actions part of the dialog off the far right of the dialog rending the options unreadable.

This dialog cannot be resized either, meaning one has to either have memorised the Actions or simply guess!

See attached screenshot.

#11019 Updater forgets command-line and logs you out on restart new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I have a number of filezilla shortcuts on my desktop, each of which connect to different FTP sites. I have the command-line set up in each of them to automatically connect to a given site.

The bug is that when FileZilla opens and there is an update available then it updates and then restarts without being logged in anymore.

It should remember the account that it was logged in to, perhaps by restarting using the same command-line as was used originally.

As a workaround I have to manually close FileZilla and then find the shortcut again to restart it.

#11049 UI Resize issue new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When resizing the window to a smaller size, the quick connect button gets hidden behind the other controls. I would suggest setting a minimum width on the form so it doesn't get small enough to cause the controls to shift.

#11099 Add custom sorting to Site Management new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Добавьте возможность самому сортировать порядок сайтов / папок в менеджере сайтов. Очень удобная и нужная функция.

!! Google translite -> Add the possibility to sort the order of sites / folders in the site manager. Very convenient and necessary function.

#11119 Make "Unit symbol for bytes..." a comment new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In string:

msgid "B <Unit symbol for bytes. Only translate first letter>"

I suggest to move the "<Unit symbol for bytes. Only translate first letter>" part out of the string at make it a comment instead:

#. Unit symbol for bytes
msgid "B"
#11136 Unexpected visual refresh entering or leaving Task View new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When entering or leaving Task View in Windows 10, sometimes the folder tree and file pane listings refresh. This is slower than a normal refresh and entails (in "Widescreen" view) the local folder pane, local file list pane, remote folder pane and finally remote file list pane being blanked in that order, and then redrawn in that order, quite visibly.

After enabling (and since disabling) the Task View taskbar button, the fault has gone away. It's strangely intermittent; having just closed the program and re-opened it, the fault has not returned. Upgrading it to the most recent version seemed to have triggered it (I don't think I've seen it for a while) and it's cleared again.

After entering Task View, the refresh can be seen in the thubmnail of the window, so long as it's not minimised.

I seem to recall seeing this in "older" 10; it's also the case in Anniversary Edition, both 64-bit.

I suspect this is another "it's just you" bugs!

#11145 Can't connect to any SFTP using specific internet provider moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

Since I use NET (internet connection provider in Brazil) it is very rare (bellow 1%) to connect to any server using SFTP. But using SFTP/FTP on Sublime, it's ok to connect. TLS is not accessible on FileZilla too. But using insecure connection it's always ok. When I was customer from a different Internet provider, everything was ok.

#11149 No way to remove all files from queue that are not being uploaded/downloaded new Feature request low FileZilla Client

If you right-click on the queue of transfers, there is an option "stop and remove all". By doing that, as a result, the files that are currently being transferred will usually be broken at the destination (e.g. on the server if being uploaded).

So, this option is not always viable.

There should be (in addition) another option called something like "remove all files not being transferred", which would remove from the queue all files except those whose transfer has already transferred. So, you would have a way to stop a transfer without leaving broken files.

Currently there's no way to accomplish that, and this is pathetic.

Note that manually selecting and removing all non-transferring files is usually not possible because by the time you are done selecting all files, chances are that the first ones in the selection have already started being transferred.

#11190 TRANSFER FILE ELAPSE ISSUE moreinfo PABLO Other low FileZilla Client

Hello, I need help with our updated version, because we're having an issue with transferring file - giving us "Elapse error" stuck @9.98% Please give us a call to assist us @323-957-3340 or 800-545-0999 Hours 8-5pm pst

I send my recordings daily and this is causing a major issue and delaying my business. I can't find answer on forum.

-Pablo Carrillo

#11231 Scrolling on Mac Client slow to respond in Site Manager new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When scrolling down the list of sites in Site Manager there is a semi-long and very annoying pause. This pause does not happen in other areas of FileZilla when scrolling down (for example the Local site or remote site file folder list)

This bug was introduced maybe 1-2 years ago, it never used to be this way. Affects three different Mac computers. Does not affect Windows client.

FileZilla version 3.25.1 Build date 2017-03-20

OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan running on Macbook Retina 12" Early 2016 1.3Ghz Core m7 8GB 1867Mhz LPDDR3 RAM

#11261 default screen selection after use on Dual screen system new Other low FileZilla Client

FileZilla does not check if the saved last GUI screen position is still valid upon opening of the software.

  • Dual screen system with desktop extension on a second monitor.
  • Open filezilla and use it on the second monitor. Then close the program
  • Disable the second screen, on a labtop remove the cable for example, the full desktop should now only show on the main/single screen.
  • Open Filezilla, it is not visible (or completely visible) as it used the coordinates as if the desktop was extended.

The above is also true if only a fraction of the program is visible on the current desktop.

Solution check upon startup not only if the top-left coordinates are within the current visible desktop area but also if you can see a reasonable portion of filezilla on the desktop. If the top-left coordinate is just within the visible area than you still cannot use the program until you can drag it completely back on the current desktop area.

#11284 Dangerous shortcut on OS X new Bug report low FileZilla Client

There is a very dangerous shortcut on Mac that one would confuse with a very common MacOS Finder shortcut.

The combination is ⌘↓ (command + arrow down).

In MacOS Finder it is used to ENTER a directory. In Filezilla it is used to start uploading local directory or file to remote server immediately.

I just had a concrete case where my left side (local) cursor was on an important yet secret folder and the remote was a foreign server that definitely should not have my files.

So I started going into my secret local folder by pressing ⌘↓ but instead of entering the folder it started uploading my secret folder immediately. Fortunately I was quick enough to cancel the upload AND I had DELETE permissions on the remote side. Otherwise the consequences could have been quite serious.

#11286 Second monitor window isn't focused back to first monitor if disconnected new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If you move the Filezilla window to a second monitor and disconnect it, the window will keep out of reach of the first monitor. So it must be moved with keyboard as the mouse can't grab the window title bar.


FileZilla Version 3.26.1 (lang ger) Windows 10 Version 1703 (Creators Update) Laptop monitor res: 1366x700 External monitor: 1920x1080

#11341 [feature] add file type/name blacklist new Feature request low FileZilla Server

it would be useful if there was a REGEXP or a file type restraint possibility, maybe with temporary ban


#11354 Tooltips in file transfer queue panel shows outdated information new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Tooltips in file transfer queue panel shows outdated information.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Queue 4-5 files.

2) Let at least the first file transfer complete.

3) Mouse over the first (currently downloading) item to display the tooltip. It will display a previous, finished item.

#11492 Update process seems to work, but fails moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

I saw another user had an issue like mine, but my anti-virus has not changed and this used to work.

1) Update completes with the status message of "The new version could not be downloaded, pleas retry later."

2) Under "show details" it says:

Started update check on 2018-01-15 12:20:27 Own build type: official Downloading /update.php?platform=x86_64-w64-mingw32&version=3.29.0&osversion=6.1&osarch=64&updated=1&cpuid=sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4.1,sse4.2,pclmulqdq&initial=0 Resolving address of Connecting to Connection established, initializing TLS... Verifying certificate... TLS connection established, sending HTTP request File transfer successful, transferred 36,244 bytes in 1 second Parsing 36244 bytes of version information. Found new nightly 2018-01-15 Found new release 3.30.0 Downloading /filezilla/FileZilla_3.30.0_win64-setup.exe Resolving address of Connecting to Connection established, sending HTTP request Resolving address of Connecting to Connection established, sending HTTP request Resolving address of Connecting to Connection established, initializing TLS... Verifying certificate... TLS connection established, sending HTTP request File transfer successful, transferred 7,906,720 bytes in 2 seconds

3) Download appears to have worked, but the software doesn't recognize the fact.

4) There could be something with my computer that is causing a problem, but shouldn't that result in a different status message?

5) It appears that you have sent ou version 3.29 without the ability for it to update itself? So I will see if I can do a manual update to 3.30.

6) Lord help the non-technical fans of Filezilla!!

No reply needed unless I am wrong about this. :-)

Thanks, Chris

#11546 Focused item is not scrolled to view on navigation into browsing components new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The item selected last in file or directory tree browser (both local and remote) is not scrolled to view, when the file or directory tree browser is navigated into via tabbing despite the item gaining focus due to the navigation. Inconsistent with behaviour when navigating in the browser; moving in directory structure or file browser with arrow keys keeps the selected item in view.

#11568 Log In will not accept password new Bug report low FileZilla Client

After logging in I was asked for my password but the system would not accept it. I got the following message:-

Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER ftp@… Response: 331 User ftp@… OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

I had just loaded the latest update and I have been using the same password ever since I started using FileZiller.

Help, how do I update/set a new password?

#11605 Allow specifying LAN addresses to be treated as external in PASV PORT new Feature request low FileZilla Server

When running in a home network with the ports mapped in the router FileZilla Server can't tell whether a connection is comming from the LAN or the Internet.

Look at this example setup:

  1. FileZilla Server Host
    • LAN IP:
    • FTP Port: 21
    • PASV settings:
      • Port Range: 5000-6000
      • Retrieve external IP address from: selected
      • Don't use external IP for local connections checked
  2. Network Router/Firewall
    • External IP: (dynamic)
    • LAN IP:
    • Mapped:
      • TCP 21 to port 21
      • TCP 5000-6000 to range 5000-6000

This is very common for home and small businesses where NAT is not available and the IP is dynamic.

Since the external IP is dynamic Retrieve external IP address from: is the only acceptable option. If you uncheck Don't use external IP for local connections most connections from LAN will fail because most household routers I've seen don't handle LAN -> External IP connections properly. This is most noticeable when the router was provided by your ISP so you can't tweak it or update the firmware.

The issue here is that passive connections comming from respond with PORT 192,168,0,5,XX,YY instead of PORT 200,200,200,200,XX,YY because FileZilla server has no way of knowing those connectios are actually comming from the outside.

Fortunately modern clients will properly handle cases where the PORT response us pointing to LAN IP addesses but not all do.

What I'm requesting is a way to tell FileZilla Server which LAN IP addresses should be treated as external when sending PASV PORT responses.

In the previos example we add:

  1. FileZilla Server Host
    • PASV settings:
      • External LAN IPs:

Then the responses are:

  • source: except response PORT 192,168,0,5,XX,YY
  • source: response PORT 200,200,200,200,XX,YY

This can be extended to support more complex scenarios but those are outside the scope of this request.

#11614 Incorrect pathing in filezilla latest client moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

When I try to upload files and folders now, instead of properly doing so, filezilla client on windows 10 is using a dot instead of a slash for the last part of a path in a directory name or file name.

For instance, if I try to upload a file into my root public_html directory (centos 7/cPanel) for any domain, where the file name is for instance, index.html and the upload path is /home/myadm/public_html, instead of placing the file in the public_html folder, filezilla is creating the file in /home/myadm as public_html.index.html.

Similarly, if I try to upload style.css to /home/myadm/public_html/css, instead, filezilla is creating a file in /home/myadm, called


#11618 small bug for x64 build new Bug report low FileZilla Server

/trunk/source/Interface/StatusCtrl.cpp r8791

void CStatusCtrl::DoStreamIn(int extraFlags) {

EDITSTREAM es; es.dwCookie = (DWORD)this; Pass a pointer to the CString to the callback function es.pfnCallback = RichEditStreamInCallback; Specify the pointer to the callback function.

StreamIn(extraFlags | SF_RTF, es); Perform the streaming


void CStatusCtrl::DoStreamIn(int extraFlags) {

EDITSTREAM es; es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)this; Pass a pointer to the CString to the callback function es.pfnCallback = RichEditStreamInCallback; Specify the pointer to the callback function.

StreamIn(extraFlags | SF_RTF, es); Perform the streaming


#11637 Updateroutine doesn't work right or logging wrong new Bug report low FileZilla Client


this is what happends if i try to update:

Form said "can't be downloaded", but logging says "transfer successfull"

#11659 GnuTLS error upon termination new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Upon completing a download, FileZilla always records the following:

Status: Disconnected from server Response: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time Error: GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection Status: Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Status: Disconnected from server

This is a HostGator site.

#11664 Rename file refused in server but accept in client new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I have create my own FTP Server which dialog correctly with the file zila client. But when I rename a directory which I don't have the authorization to renamed it, the server refused the RNFR commadn and send 550 "access denied" but the file zila client don't take in count this reponse and rename the direcotory. I'm obligate to restart the file zila client to use it correctly.

#11773 FileZilla 3.33 moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

Hello, I'm Kağan, Vulnerability Reasearcher. I found vulnerability Filezilla 3.33 on Kali Linux 2018.3 x64 and I just published proof-of-concept type exploit-db but I managed to write shell code. If this version works with root authority, the authority can be priv-esc. You should know that I did not public. Also, vulnerability is not working Windows OS.

Good luck, I love filezilla!

Click :

#11776 Incorrect placing of the fileZilla client window after the second monitor turning off new Bug report low FileZilla Client

FileZilla client starts with invisible window on the desctop. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install the FileZilla client on the Windows 10 x64 using double monitors with the second monitor used as an desktop extention.
  2. Start the FileZilla client and move/resize its window to be placed on the second monitor completely.
  3. Exit the FileZilla client
  4. Turn off the second monitor
  5. Restart Windows 10
  6. Start the FileZilla client again - it will be invisible. Workaround:
    1. set focus on the invisible FileZilla client window
    2. enter <ALT>+<space> for the window context menue
    3. select "move" and use arrow key to move the window back to the visible desktop part.

I guess the FileZilla client stores the last window placing and use this information in none-start manner to retore the window on the same place. The Microsoft programs like IE do not have such behavior: if the extended desktop is available the IE will restart on the old place. If not - on the visible area.

#11785 Host / Address Hotkey (keyboard shortcut) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Feature request: That ALT+d be used as a keyboard shortcut/hotkey to access the hostname input box.

This is in keeping with the same being used in firefox, windows explorer, etc.

This feature would streamline connecting to hosts, especially anonymous ftp sites requiring no credentials (such as open source repositories).

Currently, the host input box is the default focus on application launch. However, re-accessing the box via keyboard is not possible (at least in Win10) via alt+h due to "help" menu also being alt+h.

Somewhat-Related, but not really:

#11810 ticket system "local naming policy" message new Other low Other

When I tried to create account "bert" on this ticket system, I got this message:

Warning: Username bert doesn't match local naming policy.

This should probably say "Error: ", because it did not register the user.

Also, it would be useful if it'd say what is the local naming policy; what's wrong with "bert".

#11865 Error en sección "Ayuda" new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Buenos días, En la sección "Ayuda", subsección "Acerca de..." aparece una ventana con un botón "Copiar al portapapeles", que me ha dado 2 resultados diferentes de los que arroja el pantallazo. Adjunto evidencias.

#11868 Can't download a folder while other downloads are in progress new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • connect to a server
  • on the right (remote) panel, right-click on a folder and do "Download folder". Make sure you pick a folder that will take a while to download.
  • While the files are being added to the queue and downloaded, right-click on another folder in the remote panel

Expected: the option "Download folder" in the dropdown menu should be available, and by clicking on it you should be able to appending also the new selected folder's content to the queue for download. There's no reason whatsoever why you shouldn't be able to do that just "because" queuing and/or downloading of files from another folder is in progress

Observed: the option "Download folder" is greyed out until the current download is finished.

#11871 Prompted to download new version, but update fails, saying it can't write the .exe file new Bug report low FileZilla Client

This has now happened several times on W10. I open FileZilla Pro, and it prompts me to install a new version. When I do, it fails, saying it can't write the .exe - I suspect it's trying to update, and not closing the executing program.

I have to uninstall the old version and reinstall, and it's then necessary to re-enter the registration key.


#11890 Windows Client: Question Sound Trigger Removed when Deleting Files/Folders new Bug report low FileZilla Client


Up until version 3.41.2 of the client, when using the Windows build and choosing to delete either a single or group of files from a server, the "Question" sound event would be triggered - this can be found within the Windows Control Panel/Sound/Sounds section. Whilst this may seem like a small thing, it is very useful if the Delete option is accidentally chosen. Please could this be re-added?

Thank you.

#11891 Ghost folder when using "Create directory and enter it" with name ending in a dot new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When I use the "Create a directory and enter it" option on the local side with a folder name ending in a dot (e.g. "A.T.O.M."), two new folders are shown on the top pane: "A.T.O.M" and "A.T.O.M." - this is because Windows doesn't support names ending in dots so the trailing dot is removed. If I leave the newly created directory and refresh the file list, the folder ending with a dot disappears.

#11893 Small bug new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When asking file zilla to close filezilla once after a queue is done, there's a pop-up that there are still files in queue ( after the queue is already done ) this is likely because the last file to be used clogs it up, or because it first tries to close filezilla and then changes the variable to say the queue is finished. This bug however doesn't occur on "Close Filezilla" alone, only on "Close Filezilla once"

#11896 Waiting list update error: total amount may be false new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The waiting list feature (Bottom right on the user interface) is incremented with the size of what is sent. In our case, this amount is calculated with the size of the file shown in FileZila and not effective the size.

The size of the file may change is modified in the same time on the FS. FileZila send the tight file with the right size but incréments its waiting list feature with a wrong amount (the one shown in the interface at the moment of the action and not the size on the FS).

#11935 FZ ignores connection specific keyfiles if Pageant is available new Bug report low FileZilla Client

For SSH public key connections Filezilla seems to always (and only) use Pageant when available in preference to either the generic keys specified in Setup/Connection/FTP/SFTP or a specific key set for the connection in Site Manager/Logon Type=keyfile. This seems counter-intuitive, especially using the agent in preference to a connection specific key, and is confusing when other applications (e.g. Putty) use any specified keyfile first and fall back to using the agent on failure/missing.

In my case I'm using GPG-agent as a stand in for Pageant. Unlike Pageant which pre-caches decrypted private keys and therefore will always be able to offer them, GPG-agent offers the SSH key IDs but only decrypts them as needed via a password popup, and then expires the passwords from memory after a short interval, if that password prompt is cancelled FZ gives up and doesn't even fallback to using the password file(s).

My usage case is that I would like to use GPG-agent for regular Putty connections and some occasional Filezilla connections (where no keyfile is specified), but for regular FZ connections (e.g. to development servers) to use a dedicated locked down key that is used and cached long term by the FZ session without ever troubling the agent. As it stands currently FZ will always use (and seemingly can only use) the more widely privileged keys known to the agent, keeping them cached unnecessarily if activity is frequent, and/or prompting repeatedly for the password if activity is less frequent than the agent's cache expiry timeout.

GPG-Agent running, password given

2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: ssh-ed25519 256 de:c0:96:73:50:2f:82:0d:fe:36:4d:56:dd:c6:5b:66 ivHymwfP9DmUleDDSqNuqcgVZPMZAOHkRA3LXuIAD7A=
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Pageant has 2 SSH-2 keys
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Successfully loaded 1 key pair from file
2019-06-03 23:36:16 3860 2 Trace: Trying Pageant key #0
2019-06-03 23:36:22 3860 2 Trace: Sending Pageant's response
2019-06-03 23:36:22 3860 2 Trace: Access granted
2019-06-03 23:36:22 3860 2 Trace: Initiating key re-exchange (enabling delayed compression)
2019-06-03 23:36:22 3860 2 Trace: Opening session as main channel

GPG-Agent NOT running

2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: ssh-ed25519 256 de:c0:96:73:50:2f:82:0d:fe:36:4d:56:dd:c6:5b:66 ivHymwfP9DmUleDDSqNuqcgVZPMZAOHkRA3LXuIAD7A=
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Successfully loaded 1 key pair from file
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Offered public key from "X:\Crypto\Personal\philg_piglet_rsa_home_np.ppk"
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Offer of public key accepted, trying to authenticate using it.
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Access granted
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Initiating key re-exchange (enabling delayed compression)
2019-06-03 23:31:21 3860 1 Trace: Opening session as main channel

GPG-Agent running, password cancelled

2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: ssh-ed25519 256 de:c0:96:73:50:2f:82:0d:fe:36:4d:56:dd:c6:5b:66 ivHymwfP9DmUleDDSqNuqcgVZPMZAOHkRA3LXuIAD7A=
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Pageant has 2 SSH-2 keys
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Successfully loaded 1 key pair from file
2019-06-03 23:30:32 3860 1 Trace: Trying Pageant key #0
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: Pageant failed to answer challenge
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Error: Pageant failed to answer challenge
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: CSftpControlSocket::OnTerminate without error
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: CControlSocket::DoClose(66)
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: CSftpDeleteOpData::Reset(66) in state 3
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Error: Could not connect to server
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Trace: CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(66)
2019-06-03 23:30:34 3860 1 Status: Waiting to retry...
#11952 Number of files on remote folder new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The remote server window still indicate I've 9998 files in it, but I've 10050 files there and still adding but that indicator never updates.

Thank you. Francesco

#12080 Update LSMinimumSystemVersion in Info.plist for macOS new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Info.plist needs to be updated for the macOS app to reflect FileZilla's latest (3.46.3) system requirements, which is 10.13.2

Currently reads as follows:

<key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key> <string>10.11</string>

#12124 Ctrl Backspace in the directory bar new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If you Ctrl+Backspace on the directory bar, it adds a little symbol instead of removing the word.

#12134 Host / Port information reopened Bug report low FileZilla Client


New to this. Need the following information.

Host: Port: I have created my username and a password but it will not connect without these two things HOST: PORT:.

Thank you! Regina

#12173 Sorting queue with header doesn't follow remote order new Feature request low FileZilla Client


Actually i have sorting settings set to "Case insensitive", which is fine on remote view.

But in download queue this ordering settings is not active. So if you click on the download queue header to sort by name, the order is case sensitive. The result is if you download all folder of a folder, assuming you remove each finished folder, you have to scroll in remove view to find the latest finished folder.

It will be better to have the sorting case settings acting on both remove view and download queue (to be consistent).

#12216 New release Filezilla 3.49.0_win64-setup new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I tried to upgrade my copy of Filezila and it kept coming back saying it could not copy files, i think. I did a shutdown and restart of my system and it locked up in the process. I have to physically turn off the system and reboot. Got the same error again. Went to the web site and downloaded the client, this time it came down as "FileZilla_3.49.0_win64_sponsored-setup.exe". Same problem. I had done an update last June, and that version would install. Just thought you should know.

#12316 Ability to change download target (path/name) of queued files new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Changing a file during downloading is possible thanks to the inode system used by Linux.

But I suggest allowing changing it while in queue, to prevent forgetting it until the transfer has finished.

#12330 Typo on FileZilla home page new Other low Other

Location: Typo in text: European Union-spondored "bug bounty" program found some security issues which have promptly been fixed.

#12364 preserve timestamps of transferred files can't work on sftp new Bug report low FileZilla Client

function 'preserve timestamps of transferred files' can't work on SFTP protocol.

Please check, thanks.

#12443 Synchronise height of panes new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Just a minor thing, but it'd be really useful if when resizing the panes, the left and right both changed together. Especially when trying to synchronise things, it's helpful to have things lined up, and I regularly find myself adjusting the height of the left browser pane and then trying to adjust the right side to match. I think most people would want them to remain aligned, so that should be the default action. There might be odd cases where having them different heights would be useful, but perhaps that could be catered for by holding down the Shift key. I.e. When moving the horizontal divider, move both equally -- unless Shift is pressed.

#12457 Server connection issue moreinfo Other low FileZilla Client


i am using filezilla it's worked fine but from somedays am not able to connect some specific server and that server I can connect before but now it's not connect not any error. so can you please help me in this.

#12481 Remote file size not correctly displayed new Bug report low FileZilla Client

On a linuw serveur I have a file

w-r--r--. 1 ephilippot@… utilisa. du domaine@… 494 17 juin 10:59 000_C_R_CODCF_IRISB2_21F1520374.B2.ordre

when i look this file with filezila client the size of this file is 0.

I think that the probleme comes from "@" in the name of user or spaces in the groupe name.

#12511 Directory Comparison - add ability to change colors? new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I love the directory comparison feature, but I don't use it much as I'd like because the colors are hard for me to look at for long.

Wondering if it would be possible in a future release to allow user to change the opacity on the colors.

e.g. in this image I took the colors and set the opacity to 20% which is much easier on my eyes.

If each user could set that in their own preferences, that'd be fantastic. :0)

#12592 Subdirectories of queued directories should always be queued immediately after their parent directory new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I recently was uploading a set of directories with FileZilla Client via SFTP, with most of the queued directories containing subdirectories. I noticed that the subdirectories are placed in the queue AFTER all of the parent directories. In most cases this is not a concern, but it makes it very tedious to remove or add items to/from the queue while it is not completely finished, and gives a false sense that a directory is "done transferring" halfway through the queue, when in reality its contents may not be transferred until much later. In my case, the destination has very limited disk space and I wanted to move directories out of the destination before the queue completed, and I was unable to do this reliably.

I feel it is more functional to position a queued directory's subdirector(y|ies) immediately after their parent directory in the queue, rather than at the end of all the other parent directories. That would be a much more intuitive queueing order to most users, I believe.

To Reproduce:

Start a transfer queue of multiple directories at once (shift+click to select many, perhaps, then begin the transfer), where at at least one of the directories queued has contents within a subdirectory. Observe the queue "finish" the files that were in the directory, then interrupt the transfer (to simulate a full disk, for example). At first glance, it appears a directory's queue entries were successfully processed, but in reality there is are entire other sets of files still waiting at the end of the queue. A natural urge in a disk full situation would be to move some of the "completed" transfers out of the destination, but in this case, that would be disastrous, as the contents of their subdirectories have not yet transferred.

Proposed solution:

Always append subdirectory contents immediately after their parent directory's contents in the transfer queue.

Thank you so much for the excellent and valuable work you do.

#12594 Filezilla 3.56.2 wrong MVS Dataset DISPLAY on sftp protokoll new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Hello I am using coz Server with sftp on MVS. I try to open an MVS DATAset with VTAM.TEST or with 'VTAM.TEST.' but I don't get an answer. Is filezilla able to work with MVS-Datasets under sftp Protokoll?

#12655 FileZilla fault moreinfo Other low FileZilla Client

Regret I have done something to my FileZilla and although I can open the Plugin's I am no longer able to open the .config to view my plug in's Is it possible you can see what I have done to mess it up.



#12683 a bit more granular controls on accounts new Feature request low FileZilla Server

in Prior versions (0.x) we had the ability to permit write, but not delete as well as write, but not list. In reading the forums, you has suggested that blocking delete was bad and you were not going to be brining that back (those were not the exact words).

The use case that I have is a single anonymous dropbox where people can easily just drop a file. Often this is a one time ad-hoc event, so creating a dedicated user account, while possible. is not always quick/simple.

Having "anyone" (anonymous) be able to delete a file that anyone else uploaded is not idea. If brining back the ability to prevent anonymous from deleting, can you consider the ability to remove list perms from anonymous account ? This would permit users/client to drop a file, but they can not see other files that were also dropped.


#12735 need MimeType assosiation inside the 'filezilla.desktop' file new Feature request low Other

Most of Desktop Environments, like GNOME, use 'MimeType=' line from *.desktop files inside the '/usr/share/applications' and '~/.local/share/applications' directories.

This line make mime-type assosiation between program and file types, which this program support.

For FileZilla, this assosiation may be like this:


If this line placed into filezilla.desktop file:

[Desktop Entry] Name=FileZilla ... MimeType=x-scheme-handler/ftp;

then Desktop Environment will be know, that 'ftp://' links, which mime-type is 'x-scheme-handler/ftp', may be opened by FileZilla program. Desktop Environment will know this from /usr/share/application/filezilla.desktop file.

Then, all clicks to 'ftp://' links from browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) may be quickly opened in the FileZilla program.

Please, add this line to 'data/filezilla.desktop' file:


#12742 Show Dropbox team folders new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Currently Filezilla Pro only show one's private folder, usually the same as the user's full name. It displays as the root (/) in the Filezilla client.

Dropbox Business has shared team folders but it's not possible to list them through the Filezilla Pro client. This would be a nice feature for Dropbox Business clients, which probably makes up for a good percentage of the users who wants to use your Dropbox integration.

Mer info about shared team folders:

#12920 Registration with --register --regkey=XXX new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I was attempting to use the command line flags to trigger a registration so that the computer user is not prompted to register later and does not have to be directly provided the registration key by the IT department and ran into a little snag.

To reproduce, launch the app like this:

open -a "FileZilla" --args --register --regkey=XXXXXXX

The app will open, and the registration will be triggered with the registration key pre-filled. You will receive an error message indicating that you must provide an email address.

This seems to be because the radio dial for the first option (indicating that you are providing a registration key) is not automatically selected when the registration key is prefilled from the 'regkey' flag. Clearing the error message, then selecting this radio dial, then hitting OK will successfully complete the registration.

I have worked around the issue in our environment, but thought the information might be useful.

#13101 Syntax error on renaming file new Patch low FileZilla Client

In Italian I get the "Errore di sintassi - Impossibile analizzare l'indirizzo del server: Nessun host fornito, inserisci un host." error (theoretically in English it would be similar to "Syntax error - Failed to parse server address: No host provided, please enter a host.") when I rename a file locally in FileZilla when a file with the same name already exists.

Then the message "Impossibile rinominare il file, Errore imprevisto, Se l'errore persiste, è possibile utilizzare il codice errore per cercare ulteriori informazioni sul problema. Errore 0x80070057: Parametro non corretto.". In English it should be something like: "Failed to rename file, Unexpected error" also appears. If the error persists, you can use the error code to look for more information about the problem. Error 0x80070057: Incorrect parameter."

In my opinion it would be enough to warn that a file with the same name already exists.

#434 Transfer of locked files reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Open MS Office documents cannot be transfered if still open by Office. A transfer seams totake place but the filesize and date is represented by ??? and an Overwrite dialogbox apears trying to overwrite the file that does not yet exist. after closing the document the transfer goes well.

I suggest a test to see if the file is locked and if so, alert via a dialogbox that the document must be closed, and after pressing OK the test runs anew and if it is still open alert that transfer could not be done due to locked file.

#614 Extremely bad performance with drive mappings reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On machines with drive mappings from a server on a "not-so-quick" network (200kB/s), FileZilla starts having huge performance issues. The following symptoms I noticed:

  • very slow start times when multiple large drives are

mapped (I'm talking about minutes)

  • slow browsing over the mapped drives. 1-4 directory

entries per second, where the windows explorer manages a least a hundred times that.

#803 Hardcoded colour issues with dark themes accepted Tawach Bug report normal FileZilla Server

The current versions of FileZilla and the FileZilla Server Interface have some colour issues. I recently changed my computer's colour scheme to be mainly white-on-black. Unfortunately it seems some of the text has been hardcoded to black, so I can't see any of it!

Is it possible to have it use the Windows theme-colours, or provide a customization option somewhere?

#852 "Sort folders first in Sitemanager" reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The option "Interface Settings > Miscellaneous > Sort folders first in Sitemanager" does not work with sub-folders. I have attached an example FileZilla.xml settings file to illustrate this.

To replicate:

1/. Set setting "Interface Settings > Miscellaneous > Sort folders first in Sitemanager" to true. 2/. Open Site Manager. 3/. Add a folder to the root called "1". 4/. Add a folder to folder "1" called "2". 5/. Create 2 new sites in folder "1" called "1" and "3". 6/. Save and close site manager. 7/. Re-open site manager and site "1" will appear above folder "2".

#975 Add server type AS400 / Iseries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • FileZilla version: 2.2.17
  • FTP Server (SYST command): OS/400 is the remote

operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R3M0"

The contents of the working directory is listed correctly after logging in:

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "QGPL" is current library. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint. Command: PORT 10,10,21,33,5,33 Response: 200 PORT subcommand request successful. Command: LIST Response: 125 List started. Response: 250 List completed. Status: Directory listing successful

Note that the AS400 FTP server uses the name "library" instead of directory, and "file" + "member" for PC files (I'm not an AS400 developer => please correct me if I'm wrong).

But I get the following error when trying to change to another directory:

Command: CWD /DMFIN/ Response: 550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. Response: 550 Working directory not changed. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

I tried with the command-line ftp client provided with Windows XP, and the following commands work:

ftp> cd DMFIN 250 "DMFIN" is current library. ftp> ls 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 125 List started.

The problem seems to come from the fact that FileZilla doesn't issue the CWD DMFIN command as expected, but CWD /DMFIN/: it adds the forward slashes and that seems to be the cause of the problem!

#1520 (Repeated) action after queue completion reopened Tim Kosse Other normal FileZilla Client

This patch lets users do various actions after queue completion. It is accessed by right-clicking on the "Queued files" frame and implements the following functionality from RFE# 1707774:

  • Close FileZilla
  • Run program/command
  • Disconnect from server
  • Shutdown system (win only)
  • Reboot system (win only)

This initial version is not properly tested on various systems, and should not be applied before more bug testing. It's posted here to get feedback on patch quality, and if I'm on the right track with this.

More information will be posted on the already mentioned RFE.

#1549 Clipboard entry parsing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


First off, your work really kicks ass =) It's a great replacement for WS_FTP, CuteFTP and all that other commercial crap. But i miss one feature though: When i have some ftp address in the windows clipboard, CuteFTP for instance parses this information and automatically connects to the server. Or the browser integration thing would also be a great feature. Then it would REALLY replace the commercial crap.. =)

Good luck..

#1557 show percentage of transfers in system tray new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, i would like to see the percentage of an active transfer in the system tray and some 'mouseover',"What's this ?" or "TollTipText" quickhelp for the toolbar ( whatever you call it ).

Funny how SourceForge pickes exactly the right category :-)

nice FTP-Client so far !

#1591 Automatic Folder Subtree Synchronization new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A command that synchronizes a local with a remote folder would be neat. Time zone settings would be needed for this in order to properly compare timestamps.

See request 542700 for time zone settings.

#1597 Queue, drag&drop new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It wold be good, if I could drag&dropp URL -s from other programs (eg. internet explorer) into queue.

It wold be good, if URL could be pasted from clipboard to queue.

It wold be good, if fileorder in queue could be changed.



#1605 optionally show passwords in Site Manager and in Quickconnect reopened Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to have an option to NOT hide the passwords in sitemanager. I know this is a security risk and of course the default should be hidden, but in my case my accounts are not that super classified. By showing passwords in the sitemanager I will have a "personal database" (or address book if you like) of my ftp- accounts, and if I need to use another program or in any other way use an account outside of FileZilla, I can always look to FileZilla for the correct account-information. Otherwise I would have to look for the account-information in mails, hardcopies from ISPs, ICQ messages - u name it.

#1606 WS_FTP Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to import all of my account settings from WSFTP to Filezilla would make the transition a whold lot easier.

Thanks again for great software!

#1608 cut, copy, and paste new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the ability to cut, copy, and paste files between both, local and remote directories.

Accordingly, cut/copy/paste icons should appear in the toolbar and in the right-click (drop-down) menu.

If this feature is ever implemented, then FileZilla would become, for my uses, a replacement for Windows Explorer.

#1611 Option to Queue Actions for Later new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I used to use Bullet Proof FTP. In BPFTP, all FTP actions are queued, even things like renaming and deleting files. This can be very handy when working with large numbers of files.

It would be nice if FileZilla could do this also. For example, I could queue deletion of one file, then go to another directory, queue deletion of another file, then queue a couple of uploads, queue a file to be renamed, and then click Process Queue and wait while it does all of those actions at once. It saves time if you already know what you're going to do, because you don't have to wait for each action to complete before you select the next one.

Keep up the great work!

#1614 dialog box "File Exist" when minimized new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


In the case of there's files already existing on target directory in the transfer queue, but not at first position in the queue, and FileZilla Client is minimized in the systray :

When the file which already exist is pick in the queue, the dialog box (overwrite, resume, etc.) isn't show and "stay in the systray".

It's only when restoring FileZilla to a window that we see this dialog box.

So it could be a long time before launch the transfer.

Is it possible to always show these dialog box even when FileZilla is minimized ?

Thanks a lot, Fabien

#1635 file exists option: skip on same file, size (and time) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear Admin,

Please make this option: Transfer>File overwrite settings>If same file and size then skip

Regards novan_as

#1647 Rearrange toolbar buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla = AWESOME! This is by far the best freebie FTP client out there!

As a new user, the toolbar buttons seem a little less than ideally situated. Plus, the mouseover description only shows in the status bar (at the bottom of the screen), so it's hard to notice down there.

For starters, I would love to see ToolTip style help text, where it would "popup", ala microsoft. Another possibility may be to show the help text to the right of the buttons (there's plenty of room). Yet another option may be to place the buttons at the bottom of the screen (like WSFTP), where they're closer to the status bar...

I'd also love to see them rearranged (or rearrangeable by the end user). My preferred order would be to move the "view options" (show local, show remote, show queue, show messages) to the end of the bar, just before help, so that the connection-related options were all together. Then move the disconnect/reconnect options to the beginning, just after the site-manager button. Here's my complete preferred order:

Site manager Disconnect Reconnect --------- Refresh Process Cancel --------- Local treeview Remote treeview (and use an 'R', rather than an 'F') Queue Message Log --------- Help

#1676 Quota info in ftp log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a little function to indicate the allowed size on the server (quota). The actual size of files and the maximum size. it's great when we upload big file, and we have no more place !

#1705 show filename separately in transfer queues new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think in the 'Download Status' (the bottom of filezilla), an option of 'only show file name and 'show file name with directories' is very useful. Becoz when I download a file with long folder name, I need to expend the width for a long while to see the file name. Thanks a lot.

#1728 Can Make a small pause? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can FileZilla have an option to pause a several second when message like "Too many user in this server" receive? It is because when I process the queue, FilleZilla repeatly send the login request to the server (10 times per second!!!) when this message appear. Some FTP sites will block my IP to login again if I try to login too many in a few second. However, this feature is present if I connect the site by site manager!!!! (strange) But I cannot always sit front of the PC and wait the site manager to connect the server and press down the button to process the queue.

The second request it that the file in the queue can clear by press some button? I find it the queue is present when I execute Fillzilla again. I know this is the feature to remenber the queue file. But how about I no longer need to transfer such file any more? It seems need to selected the queue files and right click to remove the queue files. If there is a few files, it is not a problem. How about several hundreds files? I need to selected all file for a few second and press too many page down button......and no select all function for me to delete the hold queue..... also can me to delete the file from the specific host in the queue?

#1738 URL Fetcher new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think an FTP URL Fetcher would be in it's place, "feeling" if you copy a FTP URL into the copyboard, it will bring up a questionbox saying "Connect to url blabla? yes/no"

#1749 convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to force the case on files being transferred in either direction to be either all lower or all upper case, or left alone.

Extremely useful when dealing with files generated by others that are in all sorts of weird cases, that shoule be one way or the other.


#1766 Division of log reports new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The log-reports are often needed for documentations. Developers of webprojects and webmasters like me use these to protocol their work to clients and to have a chronical overview. At the moment I have to divide manually the long reports into client referenced parts. Therefore I have to search, copy and paste a lot. My requests are:

  1. Is it possible to implement a divider at the top of every

login? Could be a simple lign with signs like "*".

  1. The best way would be the choice in the program


  1. to divide logs into separate files with an filename

appendix, for example the actual date

  1. or to append logs in a large file, like it is, but with


Thank you for your great work!

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