Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1267)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#1619 Advanced Refresh normal outdated 22 years 14 years
#1620 Keep completed items in queue window Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1622 Remote listing after directory transfer Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1625 sound on login normal 22 years 17 years
#1628 Job automation => Command line support ? normal 22 years 17 years
#1629 Startup changes normal rejected 22 years 14 years
#1631 drag & drop from remote to desktop normal 22 years 17 years
#1633 upload problem normal 22 years 17 years
#1634 File Overwrite setting Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 16 years
#1641 DELAY & RETRY options normal 22 years 17 years
#1642 more options viewing remote file Tim Kosse normal 22 years 17 years
#1644 Button for transfer type(auto/ascii/bin) normal fixed 22 years 14 years
#1649 add customisable systray icon tooltip Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 9 years
#1651 FXP - Server 2 Server Transfer normal rejected 22 years 8 years
#1654 Convert illegal filename characters normal 22 years 17 years
#1655 Convert illegal filename characters Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1657 Webdav support Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1660 Conection retries normal 22 years 17 years
#1662 Default double-click action Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 16 years
#1666 Two Remote Views at the same time normal 22 years 17 years
#1668 Number of file Up and Download limit normal 22 years 17 years
#1669 Number of file Up and Download limit normal 22 years 17 years
#1671 show number of files/selected files in status bar normal 22 years 17 years
#1678 Store multiple connections setting normal 22 years 17 years
#1683 Data channel not encrypted option? Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1684 Cancel Active Transfer normal 22 years 11 years
#1685 Separated site list file Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1686 multiple remote connection normal 22 years 17 years
#1689 # files to transfer: give range normal 22 years 17 years
#1690 Connect type 1st, determines port normal 22 years 17 years
#1691 SCP support Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1697 bookmark normal 22 years 17 years
#1698 Drag to desktop normal 22 years 17 years
#1699 Synchronous directory browsing normal 22 years 17 years
#1700 add directory buttons to UI normal 22 years 17 years
#1708 site bookmarks normal fixed 22 years 16 years
#1709 auto-start SSL if available normal fixed 22 years 8 years
#1720 Directory ALWAYS FIRST in Sort by Date normal 22 years 17 years
#1721 Search function normal fixed 22 years 11 years
#1722 Compare difference in files and folders normal 22 years 17 years
#1726 Browse to directories .. normal 22 years 17 years
#1731 Overwrite All normal 22 years 17 years
#1732 Clear Queue normal 22 years 17 years
#1735 Compare Folders normal 22 years 17 years
#1736 keep alive / retry normal 22 years 16 years
#1739 Update source date/time Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1740 Change Language from menu normal rejected 22 years 14 years
#1742 Recursive File Sizes Total normal fixed 22 years 8 years
#1745 Map FTP resource as a network drive (and "send to FTP" option in file explorer) Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 10 years
#1746 Using with IBM MVS Operating System normal 22 years 17 years
#1747 preserve date/time on upload Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#1748 Prompt for Username Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#1752 fxp transfers normal 21 years 17 years
#1753 Monitor local files and upload normal duplicate 21 years 9 years
#1754 file exists option: Overwrite if different size normal outdated 21 years 15 years
#1761 Select View/Edit with multiple files highlighted normal fixed 21 years 14 years
#1762 Ratio support normal rejected 21 years 8 years
#1763 Folders in queue normal duplicate 21 years 12 years
#1764 Ctrl-C to copy from Local Site URL normal 21 years 17 years
#1768 Zend Encoded PHP File Detection normal 21 years 17 years
#1769 rename on download normal duplicate 21 years 16 years
#1770 Support for Squid Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1773 Force lowercase names normal 21 years 17 years
#1776 Bookmarks normal 21 years 17 years
#1778 Duplicate Site normal 21 years 17 years
#1782 Alert on connect normal 21 years 17 years
#1783 filezilla sould support webdav protocol normal 21 years 17 years
#1789 Save ASCII or Binary Mode In Site Configuration normal 21 years 17 years
#1791 Add SCP Support normal 21 years 17 years
#1797 Play a sound on connect and final timeout normal 21 years 17 years
#1800 UMASK settings normal duplicate 21 years 16 years
#1811 add notes to sites normal 21 years 17 years
#1817 Site Manager Needs Save Button Added ( ! Save and Exit ) normal 21 years 17 years
#1824 transfer option normal 21 years 17 years
#1828 Multi-threaded FTP connections normal duplicate 21 years 8 years
#1833 recursive chmod normal 21 years 17 years
#1834 provide reporting on directory sizes Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1835 Setting file access o Upload normal duplicate 21 years 16 years
#1843 Per-site firewall (SOCKS) settings Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1844 Auto disconnect when queue empties normal 21 years 17 years
#1845 remember the folder entered normal 21 years 10 years
#1846 Automatic switch of default port for SFTP normal 21 years 17 years
#1847 Window Sync Button normal 21 years 17 years
#1850 Configurable location of FileZilla.xml Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#1851 comment to site in site manager would be nice normal 21 years 17 years
#1855 Transer lowercase and uppcase normal 21 years 17 years
#1856 Split FileZilla.xml in FTP Sites.xml+FileZilla settings.xml Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#1858 2 features from WS_FTP wanted normal 21 years 17 years
#1859 Show Number of Files in Queue Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 17 years
#1860 Show Total Est. Time Remaining for Queue normal duplicate 21 years 8 years
#1866 Tooltips Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1871 Remote Refresh (Manual) normal 21 years 17 years
#1874 Tooltips for buttons Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1884 shutdown on complete normal 21 years 17 years
#1890 Site to site transfer normal 21 years 17 years
#1895 FZ doesn't save last used item in site manager Tim Kosse normal 21 years 16 years
#1898 Suport for md5 checksums normal 21 years 17 years
#1910 Transfer many at the same time by server normal fixed 21 years 16 years
#1913 Save Window State Alexander Schuch normal 21 years 16 years
#1914 AutoRename Feature normal 21 years 17 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.