Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 4044)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#1054 FZ does not handle trailing spaces in hostnames normal 18 years 18 years
#1058 Unable to Refresh Remote Directory Listing normal 18 years 18 years
#1059 Unable to manually enter a filename Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 10 years
#1060 Version 2.2.18 will truncate long paths normal 18 years 17 years
#1062 Transfer Queue pane Collapses when program is minimized normal 18 years 18 years
#1063 FileZilla 2.2.22 crash system normal 18 years 18 years
#1065 Client overwrites existing files with 0 bytes Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years
#1069 Client not visible on taskbar until alt+tab is used Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1070 File swapping on upload of multiple files normal 18 years 18 years
#1071 Connection closed and doesn't reconnect Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1072 Corrupting Files with SFTP on Linux normal 18 years 10 years
#1074 Files mixed up on download normal 18 years 10 years
#1075 Installation error: cannot install French documentation normal outdated 18 years 16 years
#1079 Resume not working on uploads normal 18 years 18 years
#1080 QuickConnect does not trim the server name Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1081 After using view/edit, Filezilla doesn't upload changed file normal 18 years 18 years
#1082 File Zilla - strange mouse behaviour Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1084 wrong chinese word in filezilla. normal 18 years 18 years
#1085 Error transmission rates displayed when changing system time normal rejected 18 years 9 years
#1086 No Login with special chars in password normal 18 years 18 years
#1087 0 Mb Size Calculation Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1088 Desktop Folder Pointing to Wrong Location normal 18 years 10 years
#1089 Desktop normal 18 years 18 years
#1092 2.2.24a error with NT4 normal 18 years 18 years
#1094 0 Byte Uploads -> timeout! normal 18 years 11 years
#1095 Fatal exception on Windows 98 normal 18 years 18 years
#1097 Can't log onto Serv-U FTP Server v5.0 for WinSock normal 18 years 18 years
#1098 Long password! normal 18 years 18 years
#1101 Local Site Treeview not sorting normal 18 years 10 years
#1104 Client cant connect to unix server (reason included) normal 18 years 11 years
#1106 Trunc space char if on name ending Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1107 How to use ports aboud FileZilla Client ? normal 18 years 18 years
#1108 Can't save layout normal 18 years 18 years
#1109 multaple pdf uploads normal 18 years 18 years
#1110 German translation (seite!=site, seite=page) normal 18 years 18 years
#1111 Kills D-Link DSL-584T during usage normal 18 years 18 years
#1113 ssl3 error normal 18 years 18 years
#1114 Windows Vista Beta 2: long file names don't fully highlight normal 18 years 18 years
#1115 Deleting LOTS of files is very slow normal 18 years 18 years
#1116 Resizing the message log window and transfers cause problems normal 18 years 18 years
#1118 v3| Recurse File Only acts on Directories also. normal 18 years 18 years
#1119 Sorting local site tree view Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1120 File contents being swapped normal 18 years 18 years
#1121 Error on quick connect via URL with username but no password normal 18 years 18 years
#1122 FileZilla Client gets in loop, hangs during download normal 18 years 18 years
#1123 Transfer queue's columns don't remember their size Tim Kosse normal 18 years 17 years
#1124 filezilla client doesn't show full directory listing normal 18 years 18 years
#1125 Adding log files to remote server Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years
#1126 filename case gets changed normal 18 years 18 years
#1127 Virus Scanner Warning normal 18 years 18 years
#1128 Trojan.Zlob normal 18 years 18 years
#1129 Drap & Drop on local site normal 18 years 18 years
#1130 Large file downloads never terminate when the file is done normal 18 years 18 years
#1131 Default local directory bug normal 18 years 18 years
#1132 UTF characters in filenames -> transfer problems normal 18 years 17 years
#1133 FTP to fails consistently for large files Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 10 years
#1134 Timestamp adjust ignored normal 18 years 18 years
#1135 Color choice makes it hard to see status Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1137 FileZilla Client Fails to Upload Directories From UNC Paths normal 18 years 18 years
#1138 Limit local ports Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1139 Transfer queue shows stuff of underlying applications Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1140 Cannot import sites normal 18 years 18 years
#1144 Check for Update error normal 18 years 18 years
#1145 Critical Transfer Error eliminated by switching to Passive normal 18 years 18 years
#1146 Countryspecific characters do not work in passwords normal 18 years 18 years
#1147 Cannot GUI upload to unlist-able directory normal 18 years 10 years
#1148 Problem connecting to some servers normal 18 years 18 years
#1149 Filenames and content are switched normal 18 years 18 years
#1150 Setting directory's sticky bit sends wrong command to server normal 18 years 18 years
#1151 Crashes with tracing enabled and using GSS normal outdated 18 years 16 years
#1153 Serverchange with // does not work normal 18 years 18 years
#1154 File upload permission denied loop normal 18 years 18 years
#1155 Upload successful but zero bytes in file normal 18 years 18 years
#1156 Remote window wrong Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1157 Cannot add end-of-line in "Comments" field normal 18 years 12 years
#1160 Filezilla crashes 2000 advanced server on connection normal 18 years 18 years
#1163 Bug in FTP Proxy settings UI normal 18 years 11 years
#1164 FileType displayed incorrectly for VMS Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1165 Queue stores PW when "Don'tRememberPassword=1" normal 18 years 18 years
#1166 lost all accounts normal 18 years 18 years
#1167 Default local directory stores only very short paths normal 18 years 18 years
#1169 Filezilla in auto mode for file transfer breaks html files normal 18 years 18 years
#1170 No Upload possible, if no Permision to "LIST" normal 18 years 18 years
#1171 Rename errors Tim Kosse normal 18 years 10 years
#1172 "Always trust this certificate" not working 2.2.28, 2.2.24 normal 18 years 18 years
#1174 Install error normal 18 years 11 years
#1175 Resume currupt files under certains circumstances normal 18 years 18 years
#1177 Windows (XP) Shortcuts not working normal 18 years 18 years
#1178 SFTP Login normal 18 years 18 years
#1181 Unable to connect to SSL/TLS server using Filezilla3 normal 18 years 18 years
#1182 Transfer queue seems to have a hard limit of items to queue normal 18 years 18 years
#1183 Start menu items not in all users normal 18 years 18 years
#1185 Queue won't allow scrolling while active Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1186 I can't get file listing when filename has space char Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years
#1188 Error in Transfer queue Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years
#1189 Transfers only first 8192 bytes. Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
#1192 Failed to retrieve directory listing with SSL/TLS using PASV normal 18 years 18 years
#1193 ftps don't list folders normal 18 years 18 years
#1194 Empty directory listing normal 18 years 18 years
#1198 Unable to set no default site once it is set Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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