Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#1123 closed Bug report

Transfer queue's columns don't remember their size

Reported by: eagle3386 Owned by: Tim Kosse
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: eagle3386, Tim Kosse, zyd, klassic, lordarthas, Alexander Schuch
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Whenever I start FileZilla (running version 2.2.24b), I
have to adjust the size of the columns in the "Transfer
queue"-window part.

But although I've set FileZilla to remember its
settings, the Transfer queue *never* remembers about
the widths!

This is quite annoying, so a bugfix would be greatly


Martin.. :)

Change History (5)

comment:1 by eagle3386, 19 years ago

Will this REALLY annoying bug get ever fixed? I can't thin k
of any solution which would took that much effort!

comment:2 by zyd, 18 years ago

I agree, very annoying. I've tried clean installs with fresh filezilla.xml setting files with no luck. Versions I've tried have been 2.2.7 and 2.2.9. Could somebody please help?

Thank you,

comment:3 by klassic, 18 years ago

Any updates on adding this feature?

comment:4 by lordarthas, 18 years ago

I have the same problem too, with FileZilla v3b10 macoxs version. Non only the transfers queue, but even the hole window.
It's very annoying...

comment:5 by Alexander Schuch, 18 years ago

The report and comments here refer to quite an old version of FileZilla 2. Can you please try the most recent version of FileZilla 2 to see if it works there?

In case it doesn't work in most recent version of FileZilla 2, this most likely won't be fixed there anymore, as this bug is non-critical. Development is focused on FileZilla 3 now.

However, FileZilla 3 (beta), the next major version of FileZilla, still has this issue. Among other GUI elements, queue column widths aren't saved there yet. But this bug has been reported already, see the following FileZilla 3 bug report. Closing this bug report.
[ 1676329 ] UI: settings not saved

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