Opened 19 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#1075 closed Bug report (outdated)

Installation error: cannot install French documentation

Reported by: sbaudoin Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: sbaudoin, laurentz, ys1
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


An error occurs when the FZ 2.22 installer tries to
install the French documentation: "Impossible
d'extraire ´íÎó: ˆ9much file
or directory". The complete install log is the following:

Téléchargement de

Téléchargement réussi

ÕýÔÚ½âѹËõ /TRANSLATE µÄÄÚÈݵ½ Décompression des
données de %s vers %s

´íÎó: ˆ9much file or directory

Destination : C:\Program Files\FileZilla

English translation of the above:

Download successful

ÕýÔÚ½âѹËõ /TRANSLATE µÄÄÚÈݵ½ Inflating %s to %s

´íÎó: ˆ9much file or directory

Destination : C:\Program Files\FileZilla

The problem also exists with FZ 2.2.21.

This bug can be reproduced systematically:

  1. Start the installer
  2. choose French as the install language and go forth
  3. When selecting the components to install, uncheck

English documentation but check French documentation.
Go forth.

  1. Once the French documentation is donwloaded, you

have the problem.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by sbaudoin, 19 years ago

I forgot to mention that I met this problem with Windows XP SP2

comment:2 by laurentz, 19 years ago

in your browser and you will get the file
Unzip it to get FileZillaFrench.chm and put it in the
directory where Filezilla is installed.
Hope this will help you.


comment:3 by ys1, 19 years ago

I have the same problem with 2.2.26 even when English
documentation is checked too.

comment:4 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

The 3.x branch has no french documentation anymore.

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