Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 2171)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12576 Confirmation prompt before dragging and dropping new Feature request high FileZilla Client

imagine the consequences of moving your entire home folder to root with the click of a button. I am asking that you please add the option of having a simple prompt "do you want to move dir1 into dir2?" YES/NO. Its kinda insane that a project this big and old has not added this yet despite hundreds of suggestions from users over the last 20 years. Why can't this be added?

#12577 Issue with drag and drop new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I drag a folder into another folder the prompt asking to confirm its move does not show and filezilla immedietly begins moving files with no user input.

#12582 Server does not follow junction links anymore new Bug report high FileZilla Server

No filesystem links seem to work any longer. Junction links on windows 7 and windows 10 just result in a "550 Couldn't open the directory"

According to botg here this is indeed a bug.

This is an entire feature that is suddenly removed which renders the server software totally useless in my usecase since users can no longer enter their folders. The only current solution would be to totally re-arrange the filesystems, which is ofcourse completely unfeasable.

#12590 Filezile not working on Macbook Air M1 2020 - I cannot open Filezila - error msg: Filezila Quit unexpecedly new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezile not working on Macbook Air M1 2020 - I cannot open Filezila - error msg: Filezila Quit unexpecedly:

Process: filezilla [32257] Path: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/ Identifier: org.filezilla-project.filezilla Version: ??? Code Type: X86-64 (Translated) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: filezilla [32257] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2021-11-24 10:39:31.826 +0000 OS Version: macOS 11.6 (20G165) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 5BD02B7C-5F6C-C06F-7C6F-45BE69379115

Sleep/Wake UUID: AB85FA10-DA0F-4843-81E6-AA776C1DFD31

Time Awake Since Boot: 260000 seconds Time Since Wake: 210 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Notes: Translocated Process

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT at 0x00007ffdffcccd38 (brk 1) Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x5 Terminating Process: exc handler [32257]

Application Specific Information: rosetta error: /var/db/oah/223263137464320_223263137464320/8525bb1ba7f50efc9a4f51b635712d1821d4e417a61147fedea7d2f2c7d41a12/filezilla.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 runtime 0x00007ffdffcccd38 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 118072 1 runtime 0x00007ffdffcccd80 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 118144 2 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbc6e4 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 50916 3 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbddf4 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 56820 4 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbd5ec 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 54764 5 runtime 0x00007ffdffcb4440 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 17472 6 dyld 0x00000002015fd000 0x2015fd000 + 0

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):

x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000003 x2: 0x000000000000003c x3: 0x000000000000002c x4: 0x0000000000000303 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x00000000003eb7d3 x8: 0x00007ffdffcec000 x9: 0x0000000000000000 x10: 0x00007ffdffce208e x11: 0x0000000000000000

x12: 0x00000000ffffffff x13: 0x0000000000000000 x14: 0x0000000000000000 x15: 0x00007ffdffcd3758 x16: 0xffffffffffffffe1 x17: 0x00007ffdffcdc7b6 x18: 0x0000000306687fb3 x19: 0x00007ffdffce1fd0 x20: 0x00000003066879b8 x21: 0x00000001012c8000 x22: 0x0000000000000004 x23: 0x00000001012c8000 x24: 0x0000000000000003 x25: 0x0000000000000001 x26: 0x0000000306687ad0 x27: 0x00000002015fd000 x28: 0x00000003066908a0 fp: 0x00000003066868b0 lr: 0x00007ffdffcccd30

sp: 0x0000000306686890 pc: 0x00007ffdffcccd38 cpsr: 0x60000000

far: 0x00007ffdffce1fd0 esr: 0xf2000001

Binary Images:

0x2015fd000 - 0x201698fff dyld (852.2) <0CC19410-FD43-39AE-A32A-50273F8303A4> /usr/lib/dyld

0x7ffdffcb0000 - 0x7ffdffcdffff runtime (203.58) <BBDCFB04-7B39-3FDE-90D3-A6E55EE628E7> /usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime

External Modification Summary:

Calls made by other processes targeting this process:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

Calls made by this process:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

Calls made by all processes on this machine:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1048K resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1048K(100%) Writable regions: Total=22.7M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=22.7M(100%)


REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= STACK GUARD 56.0M 1 Stack 8176K 1 VM_ALLOCATE 10.5M 1 VM_ALLOCATE (reserved) 4088K 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated) DATA 288K 4 DATA_CONST 32K 1 LINKEDIT 272K 4 TEXT 816K 2 mapped file 4.7G 8 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 4.8G 24 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 4.8G 24

Model: MacBookAir10,1, BootROM 6723.140.2, proc 8:4:4 processors, 8 GB, SMC Graphics: kHW_AppleM1Item, Apple M1, spdisplays_builtin Memory Module: LPDDR4 AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme, wl0: Aug 18 2021 22:48:53 version FWID 01-3ed0e3a2 Bluetooth: Version 8.0.5d7, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.

#12597 Invoice required new Other high Other

Hi Team,

we have purchased file zilla through online however invoice not received Below order number FYI Kindly do the needful

Order Number: 169025187

#12647 Can not upload new Bug report high Unknown

Error: GnuTLS error -15 in gnutls_record_recv: An unexpected TLS packet was received. Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Error: Disconnected from server

#12648 [PATCH]Windows Long PATH support new Patch high FileZilla Client

It's easier than what I thought it should be, only need to add the following below to the FileZilla interface manifest xml. Patch added.

  <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
      <longPathAware xmlns="">true</longPathAware>
	  <activeCodePage xmlns="">UTF-8</activeCodePage>
#12675 File name length limit is too short new Bug report high FileZilla Client


It seems that the file's name length is limited to tight. I have long file names support enabled in Windows (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled=1)

I try to transfer game's saves from my PC to my Wii-U and very long files'names are concerned (using more than 128 characters).

FilleZilla client failed to open the file and so don't even send the STOR command.

I transferred the same files successfully using Cyberduck.

#12681 FEATURE REQUEST: Authenticate Private SSH keys with passphrase new Feature request high FileZilla Client

hi there, i have been using key authentication without passphrase for a long time with FileZilla. This works like a dream, however, there will come a time where you need to protect your ssh keys with passphrases.

A helpful feature addition would be to add the ability to enter your passphrase before you get access to your filesystem.

#12697 Uploading CSS-files not longer possible new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, I'm using the latest version of FileZilla. I just noticed that it's not longer possible to upload CSS-files. Is this a bug ? Kindest regards, Luc

#12700 Developer ego induced bottleneck over high latency long range wifi network new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi. I am attempting to use Filezilla to transfer immensely large numbers of infinitesimally small files over a long range wifi network with incredibly high latency. I am aware of the developer stance of "If you feel you need more than 10 connections, there's something wrong with your internet connection.". Yes, my internet connection is utterly fu%%ed. That's the nature of long range agricultural IoT systems that at least one developer at Filezilla cannot seem to comprehend the potential existence of.

In case you don't believe me, here is a video that shows the bottleneck. Many connections are in a pending state, or a low speed state, because it takes time to initiate the connection and to start transmitting at maximum speed. Connecting multiple filezilla clients to the server so that there are 20 connections increases the transfer speed almost a full 100%.

Now, please, for the love of god, can you allow the max simultaneous file transfers parameter to be set to any user defined number rather than the hard cap of 10 so that my speeds are not arbitrarily limited by the ego of some Filezilla developer I will not name? Or at least limit to 32 to take advantage of my NVME (that's a new fancy storage device: imagine 32 hard drives in raid 0. Yeah i know, wild what these young whippersnappers are putting together these days, huh?) Thank you immensely.

If not, I will be forced to upgrade my company to another FTP software that does not place such ridiculous and arbitrary limitations on an otherwise almost unlimited application, solely because of the developers ego.

Thank you for your generous consideration.

Previous ticket on the issue for reference:,wrong%20with%20your%20internet%20connection.

#12709 change size overwrite window new Bug report high FileZilla Client

when the directory of file has a lot of subdirectories and FileZilla asks to overwrite a file over an existing file, the options are moved out of window (because of long names in directory) and it's not possible to scroll horizontally or change the size of window.

#12730 loungerie_6151427 new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Desconectado do servidor Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Desconectado do servidor Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor

a Loungerie precisa de suporte para os erros acima, pois não está sendo possível baixar os arquivos hoje.

#12748 After uploading or downloading, the software crashes moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

After uploading or downloading, the software crashes

#12761 When connected over VPN and connecting to remote server using TLS, Failed to retrieve directory listing new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I am connected over VPN to my corporate network, I cannot get past retrieving remote directory. other users on same VPN do not have this issue. I am connecting using TLS. Works fine if not on VPN. FileZilla 3.60.2

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/P730822/C"... Command: CWD /P730822/C Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/P730822/C" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 206,66,66,1,195,230 Response: 200 PORT command successful Command: MLSD Response: 425 Unable to build data connection: Socket is already connected Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#12765 Shortfalls of FileZilla. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

-There should be a menu setting so that before copying/pasting begins,

if FileZilla encounters a duplicate file with the same name and size, which it occasionally does, that the setting to overwrite with the newest copy of the file can be a default setting, so that its present menu does not ever pop up during copying.

-Occasionally FileZilla produces Failed Transfers. There should be a menu

setting to "retry until copies successfully", all failed transfers, even if re-copying/pasting of all failed transfers only begins at the end of copying/pasting all of the Queues files, at the end of an upload, or during that procedure.

#12791 need help to install CA certificate to SFTP server new Bug report high FileZilla Server

I followed these steps:

1) create CSR and private key: $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout PRIVATEKEY.key -out MYCSR.csr Generating a RSA private key ...................................................+++++ .........................+++++ writing new private key to 'PRIVATEKEY.key' Enter PEM pass phrase: Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

2) Copy+paste the CSR to request a new CA certificate (PKCS7b - *.pem format)

3) Download the certificate in *.pem format to the FTP server

4) Add the private key to the filezilla FTP server (see attached screenshot)

5) The FTP server is unable to read the certificate details (grayed) and connection failed with "Response: 504 TLS handshaking failed!"

#12815 Problem with graphic when renaming file/folder in Filzilla MacOS new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, i use the new dark theme and after update i see problem with graphic when i try to change the file/folder name in Filezilla MacOS and it make very difficult to rename a file/folder

#12820 Malformed chunk data: Invalid chunk size moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

When using FileZilla/3.62.2 to download documents from Box, I see this message occasionally appear in my logs:

Error: Malformed chunk data: Invalid chunk size Error: File transfer failed

What causes this and what can be done to make the file download correctly?

#12825 Repeated images/files with various sizes new Other high FileZilla Client

Hi, i noticed that on my Filezilla FTP that its showing the same file with different sizes, if you could explain why that is happening and how i can prevent that because it taking up space in the server. As on the wordpress backend, in media folder i do not see these and i only use wordpress uploader to upload it, neither have i uploaded them with different sizes. For example i have a pdf that i have upload on wordpress, in filezilla its stripping the images separately and creating a imaged of it with various different sizes. please see the attached screenshot. Also, the amount of media files do not match on wordpress and FileZilla because FileZilla is producing images with different sizes. Please let me know how i can prevent that from happening and how can i go about clearing these files from filezilla.

Thank you Shahroz

#12835 can't access directories new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FileZilla Pro 3.62.2 on Win 10 22H2 This won't connect to a directory with many entries that FileZilla (not Pro) will connect to. On the same website I can connect to small directories. I see the "retrieving directory listing of" message and then nothing for 20 seconds so it times out, twice. That same directory is easy to reach from linux running the open source version of FileZilla (not Pro) and on another computer running an old version of FileZilla (not Pro), v 3.38.1

#12838 Reset all FileZilla Installations new Other high FileZilla Client

Dear FileZilla Team, I have installed FileZilla with the product key on my home computers. Unfortunately, I needed to format them, and I do not know how I can remove the licenses connected to those computers. My FileZilla Pro registration key is: PU72-YGR4-XL7B-C9H4-X7BD Thanks in advance

#12847 messed up text-editing display in dark mode new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezilla version: 3.62.2 OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

Ever since they added dark mode for MacOS I can't see the text I am editing when I change a file name. It shows the new text in white over the old text in black so it's hard to tell what I have actually typed.

#12856 служба сервера аварийно останавливается new Bug report high FileZilla Server

если подбирать логин/пароль с разных ip, то сервер падает. проверили на версиях 1.6.4 и 1.6.5.

#12857 dropdown list background black new Bug report high FileZilla Client

the dropdown list background for local site or remote site is black except when the dropdown list is selected

#12862 Dark Mode made arrows next to folders barely invisible on Mac new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The arrows that indicate that a folder has subfolders are black on dark grey, so they are pretty much invisible.

#12866 Files extension issue moreinfo Bug report high Other

Hi Team,

The program was always working fine with me but after the last update there is an issue with the files when I download them appears, particularly when I drag and drop them, it downloads as an empty folder, and only downloads fine when I press the download option manually, please help asap, thank you in advance!

my laptop is on Windows and 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Below are the information on my version:

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.63.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-01-26 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.7.8

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\abrar.ahmed\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\


#12883 Local site directory pane trying to change to deleted directory after a variety of inputs new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I connect to any given server, the local site pane is set to automatically show a particular folder. Sometimes, when I do almost anything in that pane, FileZilla tries to jump to some other local directory. It's always one that FZ has never shown before, so it's not in the local site drop-down history. Unfortunately, before today I never thought to get a screenshot of the directory it would try to display, but it was usually a temp folder.

This was all happening on the latest stable releases from the last couple months.

Today I installed the nightly build for March 10th to see if that fixed an unrelated bug (it did!), but then immediately encountered the folder-changing bug again. Here's what happened:

Three tabs are open. I start in tab 3, click tab 2, click the Local site files pane and click the "back" button on my mouse to go up one level. It should have gone from this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\Workshops\ to this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\

But instead, FileZilla tries to jump from this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\Workshops\ to this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\FileZilla- (see screenshot)

That "FileZilla-" directory only existed when I installed the daily build, and I deleted it after that was done. When this bug would happen in the past, FileZilla would try to jump to a temp directory somewhere else on the C drive (oh how I wish I'd gotten a screencap).

Anyway, I next clicked into tab 1, right-clicked the local site directory listing pane, selected "Create directory" and typed in a folder name. Upon pressing Enter, FileZilla again tried to jump to the non-existent ...\Desktop\FileZilla- folder.

In past occurrences of this bug, it would happen upon deleting a local file, renaming a file or folder, or moving a file by click + drag.

No idea what I can try to fix this, but am open to suggestions. Let me know what other info might be helpful. Sorry for my verboseness!

#12886 SFTP SSH Frequently disconnected new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FTP keep-alive NO SFTP keep-alive

Wait 10 seconds each time before connecting

I hope to maintain active sftp connections

#12888 FileZilla will not connect new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, i'm trying to connect to my server to add things in and change it around. It works on and off. i've tried reinstalling multiple times and wont work. Looks to be saying "Failed to retrieve directory listing"

#12889 FileZilla Issue new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, There is a issue with the new update where it will work and then after a few it will stop working and gives an Error of: Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Thought it was only me at first but turns out it was more than me.I tried everything thinking it was on my side.

#12916 Refund For Product new Other high FileZilla Client

I purchased the FileZilla Pro by accident and i was thinking that it was containing the server with in it i am sorry i misread. I would like to get the product refunded, thank you all!

#12949 bug with screen reader new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello. I'm having a problem since some versions of Filezilla FTP with screen reader, because I'm visually impaired. We use the "tab" key to navigate between filezilla options such as host, user, password, port etc etc. When we arrive at the field, which is a read-only text field where the server logs are (messages of files transferred successfully, connections made or that an error occurred), we could no longer exit this field by pressing tab or shift+tab. I would like you to please look into whether there is any way to fix this as we use this FTP client a lot and it is the best ever. The screen reader I'm using is Open-source, available at

#12979 screen error new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Every time I start or shutdown the following screen error appears. I have uninstall and rerinstall FileZilla Pro FileZilla Pro

Version: 3.65.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-07-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.0

Operating system:

Name: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\gksc\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\


error loading que an error occured loading the transfer que form

#13004 Can no longer transfer files successfully moreinfo Other high FileZilla Client

Can no longer transfer files successfully using the following information. It worked fine for 5 years and just stopped working. Internal IT depts cannot determine the issue and have sent me here. thank you

<removed credentials>

#13010 Data Transfer Between Dropbox , AWS & Google Drive new Other high Other

Hello Team

This is with reference to FileZilla Pro , I would like to buy your product , But would like to confirm that is it possible to transfer data from Dropbox to AWS & Google Drive to AWS ( or Vice Versa )

Please let me know on this & Here is my email id suresh@…

Regards Suresh Solanki Mobile +91 8788456735

#13024 FileZilla Pro - No Site Manager Interface new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, so I use FileZilla Pro, for a few years actually, and today when I opened the program and hit ctrl + s for the Site Manager I get basically a clear screen/dashboard.

Haven't seen this before, in fact, I've not ever had an issue with FileZilla Pro, that's why I use it.

See the screen shot for the Dash interface that isn't.

A fix or solution is required please.

FileZilla Pro

Version: 3.66.2 Registration: Registered

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-10-31 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 12-win32 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.1

Operating system:

Name: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\info\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#13034 Dock image issue in mac new Feature request high FileZilla Client

There is an issue with the FileZilla dock icon; it doesn't align with the other icons. It looks odd in the dock. I have added screenshot and i am using latest version of mac.

#13047 FileZilla Server geht nicht in Betrieb mit Fehler "ECONNREFUSED" new Bug report high FileZilla Server

Seit kurzem lässt sich der FileZilla-Server nicht mehr installieren: Schon beim ersten Anlauf kommt die Fehlermeldung "ECONNREFUSED". Alle im Web vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen konnten das Problem nicht beheben.

Führt evt. ein Win10 Update dazu, dass FTP ausgeschlossen ist ?

#13050 FileZilla 3.66.4 displays wrong file size when connecting to Azure SFTP site. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When connecting to an Azure SFTP site, the file size is displayed wrong, showing only 28 bytes. However, in the column for owner/group, there's a 0 (a space) followed by what the true file size is.

If you proceed to download the file, the percent progress bar goes immediately to 100%, but it will sit there and download the full file size, shown in the wrong column.

I tried this on 2 different computers, a laptop running windows 10, and on a server running Server 2019.

Hopefully, the image below will help describe what I see.

Thank you!

#13067 FileZilla not connecting to Quickconnect Server new Other high FileZilla Server

Since Thursday, February 22 we have been trying to connect to our Quickconnect Server to send our billings to Change Healthcare. The server is timing out and not connecting.

#13068 Dark theme new Feature request high FileZilla Client

We need a dark theme for the ftp client. Please.

#13073 Option to Confirm drag'n'drop Directory on remote server new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hello. I need an option to confirm before drag n drop directory on remote server. Because now I can missclick dragndrop and not even notice it without confirm dialog. Yeah, it happens because I have a disease. Thank you.

#13085 File Exists Action Ignored - Just Overwrites new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The last few versions (at least) have had this issue. I have the upload action set to "Ask for Action" and it generally does that, after a while though it forgets the setting and automatically overwrites the server version until the app is closed and restarted.

#13091 FZ 3.67.0 unable to open/use NTFS junction reparse points on Windows client new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Previous version(s) worked fine for years, so something has changed in the latest rev. to break the parsing of NTFS junction points.

I have a media server (Plex)/storage mule with the following layout, where F: is a physical disk with a directory (HDMEDIA4) on it. F:\<other directories> are linked to that same F:\ root so they all fall under the same tree even though they're other physical drives -- F:\HDMEDIA actually points to L:\HDMEDIA on another physical disk, but NTFS junction reparse points make it all look like it's sitting under F:\. They're effectively symbolic links, except for directories only:

Directory of F:\

01/20/2020 12:47 PM <JUNCTION> HDMedia [L:\HDMedia] 12/01/2015 10:49 AM <JUNCTION> HDMedia2 [W:\HDMedia2] 12/01/2015 07:19 PM <JUNCTION> HDMedia3 [W:\HDMedia3] 04/02/2024 12:18 PM <DIR> HDMedia4 11/01/2016 11:32 AM <JUNCTION> HDMedia5 [V:\HDMedia5] 10/23/2022 05:31 PM <JUNCTION> HDMedia6 [N:\HDMEDIA6] 12/09/2017 10:56 PM <JUNCTION> Media [U:\Media] 11/05/2020 04:39 PM <JUNCTION> MusicVideo [L:\MusicVideo]

With the latest FileZilla client 3.67.0, it won't let me enter any of those junction paths, either by the GUI (clicking) or typing it into the Local site: box above the local directory tree.

On the FZ client in question, F: is a mapped network drive (mapped to F$ on the storage mule box), so for example, F:\HDMEDIA6 logically looks like this:

(local FZ client F:) --> mapped to \\<IPaddr>\F$ on LAN client --> F:\HDMEDIA6 reparse point/junction to N:\HDMEDIA6 on storage mule box

Again, this has worked consistently for a long, long time (yearssss). This has broken pretty much the entirety of using FZ to download stuff into the right paths. :/ Help?

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.67.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2024-04-15 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 12-win32 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.4 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#13093 Linux (Zorin) Dark Mode Can't Read File Names On Active Window new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When using Filezilla in Zorin, while the window is 'active', selected items are the same color as the selection bar making it impossible to read. Have to tab off the window to see what is selected.

#13097 When edit a file, it should be saved several times before to get the pop-up to transfer it to the server new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Just selecting a file form the server Right click and edit it.

NO MATTER THE EDITOR Once the edit is finished, CTRL+S to save it.

The popup "the file has changed. Upload this file to the server?" doesn't appear; It's required to give the CTRL+S several time before this damn popup appears and one can work.

FileZilla version

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.67.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2024-04-15 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 12-win32 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.4 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\<omitted>\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#434 Transfer of locked files reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Open MS Office documents cannot be transfered if still open by Office. A transfer seams totake place but the filesize and date is represented by ??? and an Overwrite dialogbox apears trying to overwrite the file that does not yet exist. after closing the document the transfer goes well.

I suggest a test to see if the file is locked and if so, alert via a dialogbox that the document must be closed, and after pressing OK the test runs anew and if it is still open alert that transfer could not be done due to locked file.

#614 Extremely bad performance with drive mappings reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On machines with drive mappings from a server on a "not-so-quick" network (200kB/s), FileZilla starts having huge performance issues. The following symptoms I noticed:

  • very slow start times when multiple large drives are

mapped (I'm talking about minutes)

  • slow browsing over the mapped drives. 1-4 directory

entries per second, where the windows explorer manages a least a hundred times that.

#803 Hardcoded colour issues with dark themes accepted Tawach Bug report normal FileZilla Server

The current versions of FileZilla and the FileZilla Server Interface have some colour issues. I recently changed my computer's colour scheme to be mainly white-on-black. Unfortunately it seems some of the text has been hardcoded to black, so I can't see any of it!

Is it possible to have it use the Windows theme-colours, or provide a customization option somewhere?

#852 "Sort folders first in Sitemanager" reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The option "Interface Settings > Miscellaneous > Sort folders first in Sitemanager" does not work with sub-folders. I have attached an example FileZilla.xml settings file to illustrate this.

To replicate:

1/. Set setting "Interface Settings > Miscellaneous > Sort folders first in Sitemanager" to true. 2/. Open Site Manager. 3/. Add a folder to the root called "1". 4/. Add a folder to folder "1" called "2". 5/. Create 2 new sites in folder "1" called "1" and "3". 6/. Save and close site manager. 7/. Re-open site manager and site "1" will appear above folder "2".

#975 Add server type AS400 / Iseries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • FileZilla version: 2.2.17
  • FTP Server (SYST command): OS/400 is the remote

operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R3M0"

The contents of the working directory is listed correctly after logging in:

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "QGPL" is current library. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint. Command: PORT 10,10,21,33,5,33 Response: 200 PORT subcommand request successful. Command: LIST Response: 125 List started. Response: 250 List completed. Status: Directory listing successful

Note that the AS400 FTP server uses the name "library" instead of directory, and "file" + "member" for PC files (I'm not an AS400 developer => please correct me if I'm wrong).

But I get the following error when trying to change to another directory:

Command: CWD /DMFIN/ Response: 550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. Response: 550 Working directory not changed. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

I tried with the command-line ftp client provided with Windows XP, and the following commands work:

ftp> cd DMFIN 250 "DMFIN" is current library. ftp> ls 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 125 List started.

The problem seems to come from the fact that FileZilla doesn't issue the CWD DMFIN command as expected, but CWD /DMFIN/: it adds the forward slashes and that seems to be the cause of the problem!

#1520 (Repeated) action after queue completion reopened Tim Kosse Other normal FileZilla Client

This patch lets users do various actions after queue completion. It is accessed by right-clicking on the "Queued files" frame and implements the following functionality from RFE# 1707774:

  • Close FileZilla
  • Run program/command
  • Disconnect from server
  • Shutdown system (win only)
  • Reboot system (win only)

This initial version is not properly tested on various systems, and should not be applied before more bug testing. It's posted here to get feedback on patch quality, and if I'm on the right track with this.

More information will be posted on the already mentioned RFE.

#1549 Clipboard entry parsing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


First off, your work really kicks ass =) It's a great replacement for WS_FTP, CuteFTP and all that other commercial crap. But i miss one feature though: When i have some ftp address in the windows clipboard, CuteFTP for instance parses this information and automatically connects to the server. Or the browser integration thing would also be a great feature. Then it would REALLY replace the commercial crap.. =)

Good luck..

#1557 show percentage of transfers in system tray new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, i would like to see the percentage of an active transfer in the system tray and some 'mouseover',"What's this ?" or "TollTipText" quickhelp for the toolbar ( whatever you call it ).

Funny how SourceForge pickes exactly the right category :-)

nice FTP-Client so far !

#1591 Automatic Folder Subtree Synchronization new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A command that synchronizes a local with a remote folder would be neat. Time zone settings would be needed for this in order to properly compare timestamps.

See request 542700 for time zone settings.

#1597 Queue, drag&drop new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It wold be good, if I could drag&dropp URL -s from other programs (eg. internet explorer) into queue.

It wold be good, if URL could be pasted from clipboard to queue.

It wold be good, if fileorder in queue could be changed.



#1605 optionally show passwords in Site Manager and in Quickconnect reopened Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to have an option to NOT hide the passwords in sitemanager. I know this is a security risk and of course the default should be hidden, but in my case my accounts are not that super classified. By showing passwords in the sitemanager I will have a "personal database" (or address book if you like) of my ftp- accounts, and if I need to use another program or in any other way use an account outside of FileZilla, I can always look to FileZilla for the correct account-information. Otherwise I would have to look for the account-information in mails, hardcopies from ISPs, ICQ messages - u name it.

#1606 WS_FTP Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to import all of my account settings from WSFTP to Filezilla would make the transition a whold lot easier.

Thanks again for great software!

#1608 cut, copy, and paste new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the ability to cut, copy, and paste files between both, local and remote directories.

Accordingly, cut/copy/paste icons should appear in the toolbar and in the right-click (drop-down) menu.

If this feature is ever implemented, then FileZilla would become, for my uses, a replacement for Windows Explorer.

#1611 Option to Queue Actions for Later new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I used to use Bullet Proof FTP. In BPFTP, all FTP actions are queued, even things like renaming and deleting files. This can be very handy when working with large numbers of files.

It would be nice if FileZilla could do this also. For example, I could queue deletion of one file, then go to another directory, queue deletion of another file, then queue a couple of uploads, queue a file to be renamed, and then click Process Queue and wait while it does all of those actions at once. It saves time if you already know what you're going to do, because you don't have to wait for each action to complete before you select the next one.

Keep up the great work!

#1614 dialog box "File Exist" when minimized new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


In the case of there's files already existing on target directory in the transfer queue, but not at first position in the queue, and FileZilla Client is minimized in the systray :

When the file which already exist is pick in the queue, the dialog box (overwrite, resume, etc.) isn't show and "stay in the systray".

It's only when restoring FileZilla to a window that we see this dialog box.

So it could be a long time before launch the transfer.

Is it possible to always show these dialog box even when FileZilla is minimized ?

Thanks a lot, Fabien

#1635 file exists option: skip on same file, size (and time) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear Admin,

Please make this option: Transfer>File overwrite settings>If same file and size then skip

Regards novan_as

#1647 Rearrange toolbar buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla = AWESOME! This is by far the best freebie FTP client out there!

As a new user, the toolbar buttons seem a little less than ideally situated. Plus, the mouseover description only shows in the status bar (at the bottom of the screen), so it's hard to notice down there.

For starters, I would love to see ToolTip style help text, where it would "popup", ala microsoft. Another possibility may be to show the help text to the right of the buttons (there's plenty of room). Yet another option may be to place the buttons at the bottom of the screen (like WSFTP), where they're closer to the status bar...

I'd also love to see them rearranged (or rearrangeable by the end user). My preferred order would be to move the "view options" (show local, show remote, show queue, show messages) to the end of the bar, just before help, so that the connection-related options were all together. Then move the disconnect/reconnect options to the beginning, just after the site-manager button. Here's my complete preferred order:

Site manager Disconnect Reconnect --------- Refresh Process Cancel --------- Local treeview Remote treeview (and use an 'R', rather than an 'F') Queue Message Log --------- Help

#1676 Quota info in ftp log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a little function to indicate the allowed size on the server (quota). The actual size of files and the maximum size. it's great when we upload big file, and we have no more place !

#1705 show filename separately in transfer queues new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think in the 'Download Status' (the bottom of filezilla), an option of 'only show file name and 'show file name with directories' is very useful. Becoz when I download a file with long folder name, I need to expend the width for a long while to see the file name. Thanks a lot.

#1728 Can Make a small pause? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can FileZilla have an option to pause a several second when message like "Too many user in this server" receive? It is because when I process the queue, FilleZilla repeatly send the login request to the server (10 times per second!!!) when this message appear. Some FTP sites will block my IP to login again if I try to login too many in a few second. However, this feature is present if I connect the site by site manager!!!! (strange) But I cannot always sit front of the PC and wait the site manager to connect the server and press down the button to process the queue.

The second request it that the file in the queue can clear by press some button? I find it the queue is present when I execute Fillzilla again. I know this is the feature to remenber the queue file. But how about I no longer need to transfer such file any more? It seems need to selected the queue files and right click to remove the queue files. If there is a few files, it is not a problem. How about several hundreds files? I need to selected all file for a few second and press too many page down button......and no select all function for me to delete the hold queue..... also can me to delete the file from the specific host in the queue?

#1738 URL Fetcher new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think an FTP URL Fetcher would be in it's place, "feeling" if you copy a FTP URL into the copyboard, it will bring up a questionbox saying "Connect to url blabla? yes/no"

#1749 convert filename to upper or lower case before transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to force the case on files being transferred in either direction to be either all lower or all upper case, or left alone.

Extremely useful when dealing with files generated by others that are in all sorts of weird cases, that shoule be one way or the other.


#1766 Division of log reports new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The log-reports are often needed for documentations. Developers of webprojects and webmasters like me use these to protocol their work to clients and to have a chronical overview. At the moment I have to divide manually the long reports into client referenced parts. Therefore I have to search, copy and paste a lot. My requests are:

  1. Is it possible to implement a divider at the top of every

login? Could be a simple lign with signs like "*".

  1. The best way would be the choice in the program


  1. to divide logs into separate files with an filename

appendix, for example the actual date

  1. or to append logs in a large file, like it is, but with


Thank you for your great work!

#1801 Explode tree only on process queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The way it is now, when I add a tree (folder) to the queue, it explodes the tree (reads all files and folders, and adds them all individually to the tree) the moment it's dropped in the queue.

Could you please make the queue store just the folder, and explode it only when I press the 'Process the queue' button?

This way I wouldn't have to wait for it to scan thru the folders on the remote ftp site when I add a folder to the download queue, for example (on the local machine this isn't much of a problem, since scanning folders locally is a lot faster).

Thank you and keep up the great work!

marioinutil AT zipmail DOT com DOT br

#1803 list of RFEs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hi, first off would like to say excellent work on this great program, so far it is the only ftp client i have used that doesnt constantly crash. The miles of code in this are impressive!

I do have a few small requests i'd like to add for maybe future versions (tried to find the code to fix myself and failed...newbie c++ user)

  1. Have an option that lets you choose double click on

file action (ie: transfer, execute, or view file)

  1. Option to switch/position Transfer, Dir, and Status

window placement (ie: status at bottom, files/dirs at top, qeue in the middle etc)

  1. On successful connection auto fill-in the quick

connect with current server values (maybe only if quick connect fields are empty)

  1. Have the list on the left in the options dialog full

length and place the buttons at the bottom, in horizontal position, relative to right frame (this is just personal preference and not important)

  1. Transfer and connection settings should all be per


  1. Tooltips on the toolbar buttons?, in case statusbar is


  1. Scheduled uploads and downloads would be a great

addition! :)

Again i say thankyou for the time you have put into this and for providing it to us for free, this is potentialy the best ftp client i have used yet

#1804 Add gssapi support for SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


it seams that filezilla do not support kerberos 5 or gssapi for connection to an SSH2 SFTP server. Is it planned to be implemented ?


#1815 Change number of simultaneous transfers on the fly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see on the fly threads changing. For example, i can pick how many threads should be opened for download/upload on the fly instead of going to settings. Something like LeechFTP would be nice :) keep up the good work

#1820 browse for local folder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

doubleclicking the label "Local Site" should bring up a browse window to locate a folder quicker, as the normal treeview/address is too small, especially because of the vertical layout and the remote view. also, "Desktop" should be one of the options

#1825 windows proxy settings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to use the proxy settings that are set through the Control Panel? i.e. the setting in Control Panel >> Internet Options >> Connections >> LAN Settings

#1831 Multiple connections FOR DE SAME SERVER new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

File Transfer Settings

In the option of multiple connections add a check box "for the same server".

Ex: when downloading from 2 diferent servers and a setting of 2 max connections per server i can download 4 files at same time. if the server it´s diferent filezilla will use the max number of connections again.

And make a diference between Uploads and Downloads.. ;) .

I hope you understand :( my english is not very good.

#1841 Mention "Overwrite if newer" in console on skipping new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading using the "overwrite if newer" option it is hard to tell when a file is skipped. If there was a mention of the skipping in either the console or queue or both it would be great.

#1861 Decrease Queue Bytes Remaining as File is Downloaded new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if the queue byte remaining count went down as each file was downloaded. For example, if you have two 10 MB files in the queue, and the first file is 50% downloaded, the queue should show 15 MB remaining. As it is now, it will show 20 MB remaining until the first file is completely downloaded. With large files this can be very misleading, and a bit annoying. :)

#1862 Client: Show Connection # in Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While downloading several thousand small (few KB) files, I turned on 4 simultaneous connections to speed it up. When downloading such small files, the speed is held back by waiting for the server to start sending each file, so by running many at once, the overall transfer speed stays more constant.

I had to pause the download, so I unpressed the Process Queue toolbar button. Then when I resumed it, I got some failed transfers. Files were created with the right names, but with 0 bytes, and they were removed from the queue. As a result, I'm going to have to start the transfer all over again to be sure I get all of the files. :/

I was going to report a bug, but there is a problem: With multiple connections, you can't tell which commands and responses are on which connection, so you can't figure out which transfers failed! I have included an example at the bottom.

As you can see, it's impossible to tell which commands and responses are for which connections, so you can't tell which ones are failing and which are succeeding. A simple change to something like:

[1] Command: [1] Response: [2] Command: [4] Response: [2] Response: [4] Command: [3] Response:

Would show which commands and responses are for which connections. They could also be color-coded. Also, you could use a drop-down box to choose which connections' logs you wanted to see in the log pane.

If this is implemented, maybe we can track down this bug that caused the zero-byte files.


Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,148 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,149 Response: 200 Type set to I. Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Status: Download successful Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340comments.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340.ssi Command: TYPE I Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/34_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,150 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,151 Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,152 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,153 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,208,97,18,14,64) Command: RETR 340.ssi Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed

#1863 Show % in title! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you add possibility that FileZilla show percent of downloaded/uploaded stuff in title, so it can be seen when minimized? (or tray icon, that will show percent?)

Thanks and keep up good work!!

Regards Zoran, Serbia (Europe)

#1864 Move File (upload/download and delete) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be nice if there was some option to "move" (like download and delete from source) file instead of default copy...

thanks, filezilla rules ;)

#1867 Last X Connected Sites new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#3 - Rather than having the last connected site available by clicking on the 'R' button, it would be cool if you listed the last server as item at the top of connection manager drop-down, maybe with a line dividing the last connection from the sites. By the way, I really like how you can get to the sites by navigating the drop-down, as opposed to having to open the manager itself. Nicely done!

#1868 File Tree Drop-down new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#4 - If you've ever used CuteFTP Pro, you know what I mean by this: have the file system tree as a drop-down rather than a seperate pane on the local side. Gives more real estate to the file list.

#1869 Message Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#5 - In the interest of saving real estate, it would be nice to have the message log appear under the remote pane only, so that the vertical space above the local side can be greater. Maybe even make the message log so that you can show and hide by clicking on a tab in or around the remote pane.

#1870 Navigation Buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#6 - Windows Explorer style nav buttons over panes, like "back" and "up one level". With that, the ability to hide the ".." in the file list would be nice.

#1873 Site List Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#9 - CuteFTP and WSFTP site import. I spent about 30 minutes converting my CuteFTP ini file to the proper XML format, so I know it can be done automatically. And yes, the 30 minutes was a time savings, with the number of sites I had to set up.

#1876 Sound feedback (and other ways of notification) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to associate unique sounds (in CPL) to the major FTP actions (transfer failed, transfer successful, connect successful, connect failure, etc)??

#1878 add directory navigation "back", "forward", "up" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Now when filezilla goes to parent directory it makes selected '..' directory on top of list.

I'll save some time if filezilla in this case makes selected directory from which I'm returned.

P.S. Sorry for bad english.

#1879 Transfer Top-Level-Dir+All Subdirs Before Next TLD new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As it is now, when transferring directory structures, FZ has a strange way of doing it. Instead of transferring all files and directories in each top-level directory, it seems to transfer some files and dirs in each TLD, then goes to a "level two" in each TLD, and then a "level three" in each TLD. At least, that's how it seems.

A better way would be to transfer all files and dirs in each TLD before going to the next TLD. For example, consider this remote tree:









If that remote tree was transferred to the local tree with FZ, FZ *should* transfer /dirA, /dirA/level1, and /dirA/level1/level2 *before* transferring anything in /dirB. It should then transfer everything in /dirB before moving on to /dirC.

The reason is simple: if a transfer is aborted, and the queue is lost (with FZ currently unable to export large queues, this is a very real problem), you can easily find what directories have been completely transferred, and which ones have been partially transferred, and proceed to transfer the rest. As it is now, if you lose your queue, the only way to be sure you get all of the files is to START ALL OVER AGAIN. When transferring 30,000+ files totalling several GIGABYTES in size this is VERY frustrating.

I hope that was understandable enough. If you need more clarification, let me know.

#1885 % of completed transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

in taskbar minimized mode :]

#1905 CHOWN option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to right-click on a remote folder or file and be able to change ownership (same way you can change permissions).



#1912 Integrate into Shell - Right Click option to transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would like to see the feature of Right Click mouse - and there is an option to transfer the file to the ftp server that we choose.

the right click mouse will appears when we are in the explorer just like cuteftp or winzip.

#1922 command line: start queue processing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've been very impressed with the FileZilla tool thus far. However, I can see a possible improvement. Hopefully, I haven't overlooked this functionality in the tool or it's documentation.

I'd like the ability to invoke FileZilla from the command line. If I had a FileZilla Queue saved to a file, I'd like the ability to from a command line do something like:

"C:\ftpdir\filezilla.exe 'myqueue.xml' - processQueue=quietly -logfile=myqueue.log"

and, without the interface opening up, see that FileZilla is processing the queue and putting the log information into the given log file.

Is this functionality present? Is it possible? Do you think it may be included in the future?

Can I help :)

Thanks in advance for your response,


#1925 Show Greatest Left time in TaskBar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I use FileZilla for thanks.

My Last favor is that I want know the remain time

without clicking on Filezilla icon on TaskBar on the bottom of screen.

If there are multiple file that download or upload, show

the longest left time in title like attached ScreenShot.

Briefly, I want know when Network is ready :D

Thanks for reading.

#1926 begin transferring files from the queue as they come in... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The way the transfer process is design causes an unnecessary slow down when transferring a large number of files at once. The process appears to be:

1) parses through the directories to get a list of files to transfer. 2) after parsing through all directories and generating a list of files to transfer, place an entry in the queue for each item in the list. 3) after placing each atem from the list into the queue begin tranferring the files

By changing the process to begin tranferring files as they get entered into the queue would speed things up dramatically when tranferring a lot of files. Furthermore, in this regard it would then further speed things up to begin adding files to the queue as they are gathered instead of waiting to build the entire list of files to transfer.


#1931 Refresh Remote Dir After Upload new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi there

How can I force a refresh on a remote directory automatically after an upload (like in CuteFTP) ?

If this is not implemented yet, is it easy to add the feature in a future release ?




#1936 website prune feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like FileZilla to be able to delete from the server the files that no longer exist on my PC. Then when I upload my website, I know that any changed filenames or whatever will not leave wasteful orphaned files on the server.

This suggestion is similar to others: *the rsync one (755621) *file synchronisation (721808)

and differs in that I would not expect FileZilla to delete any local files. It is likely that my suggestion could be rolled up with 721808, i.e. FileZilla would provide a website upload capability that worked by file synchronisation to make all the server files a proper subset of the local files.

#1940 At-a-glance log of uploads and downloads new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user, one of the main features that I need with FTP clients is a simple, saved list of all things that are uploaded and downloaded, from where, to where, and when. I can get that by setting the Debug list to save to a log file - but it doesn't say where thing come from or go to, it doesn't say when, and (most importantly), it's cluttered with all sorts of other things I don't need so that it quickly turns into an absolutely huge file I can't use.

The best example of the type of log file I'm looking for is provided by WS_FTP. I attached a sample of the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Is there any way we can have FileZilla automatically create a simple text file like this, so I can see at a glance that (say) I did download the wna_site.mdb database, and then uploaded it again 15 minutes later.

#1994 import ftp settings from other FTP clients new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

need to be able to import settings previously established on other ftp clients - like ws-ftp.

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