Opened 9 hours ago

Last modified 81 minutes ago

#13226 new Bug report

SFTP: FileZilla Client: Filesize in Server Panel Incorrect, Causing Overwrite Actions To Be Ignored

Reported by: Troy Zirk Owned by:
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: SFTP, Upload, Filesize, Incorrect Cc: Troy Zirk
Component version: 3.68.1 Operating system type:
Operating system version: Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631 Build 22631


I have installed the latest version of FileZilla client, which is 3.68.1. I am connected to my SFTP server. The back-end storage is an ADSL container. When I upload files, the Filesize on the server panel reports a "5" for ALL files uploaded. This number seems to correspond to the day of the current date, which is obviously not the true Filesize. When I re-upload existing files, and I select an action of one of: 1) Overwrite if source newer, 2) Overwrite if different size, or 3) Overwrite if different size/source newer, the whole file re-uploads anyway. I believe this is because the Filesize is reported as "5" on the server panel. This is causing our users to have to re-upload everything, should their connection be interrupted.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by PizzaProgram, 81 minutes ago

Can you please check, if it has to do with the fact that:

  • If Transfer is not set to: Binary,

->> than the file is getting modified?


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