Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (2001 - 2100 of 2171)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#1827 rsync capability would be fantastic new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be great if rsync was built into FileZilla such that local and remote machines can be synchronized and mirrored to.

#1945 repeat-last-transfer Hotkey (also on off-focus or so) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

usefull for the most repeated task (for some kind of happieness)

#2113 Modify client-side Mode Z enablement based on file type new Feature request low FileZilla Client

The new compression option is nice; however, there could be a minor logic improvement.

compression of binaries is likely to not be fruitful because many are precompressed; however, more than just directories can benefit from compression.

I respectfully request that another radio button be added to allow dir and ascii transmissions, omitting binary transmissions.

I believe this would provide the best overall performance and hopefully very little actual code change.

#2237 Expose functionality via DLL/SO library new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Expose the functionality of FileZilla via a Windows DLL so that it may be incorporated into custom apps.

#2736 Add a counter new Feature request low FileZilla Client

1)Add a counter that it comes visualized under or close to the word "queue: 0 byte ". The counter it must begin its job when you connect yourself in a server. The counter it must work until the fine ones when not there is more the job than download or upload of files in the server. The counter it must contain hours: minutes:seconds.

example: 14:03:22

#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be nice if there was a "Browse..." button next to "Default remote directory" on the Advanced tab of the Site Manager. Since (if) the log in information is already supplied on the General tab, Filezilla (I guess) could log on to the server and retrieve the directory tree, and using that information create a "Browse for Folder" dialog such as the one opened when clicking the "Browse..." button next to "Default local directory".

#2805 Hidden files new Feature request low FileZilla Server

Add an option for each account to hide shared files with "hidden" attribute.

#3003 Local directory view is synchronous new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Local folder view is currently synchronous...

The most obvious way to see this is to map a network drive and navigate to it in the left pane (local folder tree)

The whole interface is stuck while updating the view.

Can this be threaded or whatever to make it Asynchronous??



#3696 Allow "Open With" as you do "Open" new Feature request low FileZilla Client

"Allow Open With as you do "Open"

I have Windows Vista Home Home Premium 64 bit. I have Windows Office 2003. I have FileZilla

When I right click on a file in Office 2003, I am offerd both "Open With" and "Open" in a windows file directly. When I right click on a file in the left directory list of FileZilla I only am offerd "Open". "Open With" shold also be included in the drop down menu. That will allow me to open .html files with notepad. "Open With" would allow me to edit files directly from the file directory listed in FileZilla and would be a great time saver.

#3770 Wider Central Bar new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Just a suggestion but it might be advisable to widen the central bar between client side and server side folders on the filezilla client - to make it more obvious that the two sides are seperate and thus make it more user friendly to new users

#3893 File edit dialog: Live-update assigned Bruno Ramos Feature request low FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Right-click a file, and click "View / Edit".
  2. Open the menu File -> Show files currently being edited...
  3. Click on the file we had selected for editing before, and click "Upload and unedit".

Note that the file remains in the status "Uploading..." and is never removed from the list. If I close the dialog and attempt to re-open it, FileZilla tells me there are no files to edit.

It should instead remove the file from the list, and, if I shouldn't have the dialog open when there are no more files to edit, it should pop the same alert as when I tried to open the dialog when no files were being edited.

I set this to low priority because FileZilla does not crash, and it's hard, if not impossible, to actually crash it through this bug. I also set it to Windows, but it may apply to other operating systems as well.

#4122 mainframe file directory omits tape (EBCDIC) files from display reopened Bug report low FileZilla Client

FileZilla version is 3.1.6, build date 12/2/08

After logging in to a VM system and displaying a file directory, the detail list of files in the remote system's directory is incomplete.

It appears that the names of native files (EBCDIC) don't display. Names of ASCII text files do display.

No filters are in use (none are set up).

We know that this is a FileZilla problem, not a permissions or other issue, because we can view all of the files using a commercial product called WS_FTP which is similar to FileZilla. Our intent is to use FileZilla to perform binary downloads of data files from the mainframe to our network.

The FTP connection is accomplished through a Cisco VPN. ZoneAlarm firewall is running on our client Windows 2000 PC (ZoneAlarm is required by the host).

#4230 Multiple windows/server for Mac reopened Feature request low FileZilla Client

In windows you can connect to multiple servers at the same time by running multiple instances/windows of filezilla, it is not possible to do this on a Mac.

#4347 Default file exists action on Queued Files not selected upon succeding open of dialog box new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I noticed this while I was trying to fix my problem with bug #4346

I know this is a bug because if I remember right, this was working a couple of versions back.

What happens is (or rather what not happens), when you override the "Default file exists action" on the root of the list (the one with the ftp user/server name) and open it again, it will select again the "use default action" even though you have selected otherwise (for example "Skip").

I hope this get fixed because it gets confusing when your doing a lot of file uploads.

#4439 'File permissions...' / 'Change file attributes' dialog inconsistency new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Small usability / consistency issue:

'File permissions...' context option opens a dialog that is labelled 'Change file attributes' - it would be better for usability if these were named consistently.

#4457 Persistent Queues new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Scenario 1

I had a long queue running, went to bed, checked the machine in the morning.

All files bar two had been successful.

A dialogue box offering an upgrade to 3.2.4 was on top of FileZilla.

I had only had half my first cup of tea for the day, so was a bit slow on uptake and decided I liked the offer of an automatic update, so clicked to carry on with the update.

When FileZilla returned, of course, the queues were all cleared, including the FAILED FILE queue.

Scenario 2

I had a long queue running, went to bed, checked the machine in the morning.

A power failure or crash occurs.

When FileZilla is reloaded, of course, the queues are all cleared.

Unhappy Result

I don't know which files failed to be downloaded.


I shall now have to hunt down the missing files, and as there is no recursive directory comparison, this will take some time. Alternatively, I could requeue all the files (about 2,000 in many hundreds of directories) and select on-exists=skip-if-same-size.

Possible Solution

PREFERABLE would be for the queues to have been saved as they were processed and restored upon loading FileZilla.

Related Ticket

[4456 is a related ticket |]

#4497 Reset and reque doesn't work properly new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If for some reason there's a problem transferring a file (for example drive full or connection timeout to server) it's moved to the "Failed transfers" tab. However, when I select the files and click "Reset and re queue files" or whatever is named, the files are moved back to the queue but they don't begin to resume.

For example, if Filezilla is configured to use three download threads and I transfer three files and one file transfer fails, the other two threads continue to download.

If I click "Reset and reque..", file gets moved back to the queue but Filezilla doesn't resume the file. If I want it to be resumed, I actually have to click on Process queue to stop all, and click Process queue again to have it resume. Or, I could just delete from the queue a file above the requeued and Filezilla will pop up the Resume dialogue.

When I choose Reset and requeue I think it's safe to assume I already solved the problem for which the transfer failed in the first place, so it should attempt to resume automatically if a download thread is available.

Perhaps it should even be placed in queue above other files currently transferred and should be resumed as soon as a download thread is available, because if there's some temporary problem (several server resets for example) there would be many partial files filling user's drive.

#4568 Context menu on transfer queue tabs new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I want to right click on the three (by default) transfer queue tabs to open the context menu for this tab. If I right click a tab which is in the background, it should switch to the foreground before the context menu opens.

Is this possible?

#4569 Inconsistent usability of icon bar icons new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The two icons "file name filter" and "directory comparison" in the icon bar behave different. This may be confusing to new users. The "file name filter" is enabled/disabled with the right mouse button and configured with the left button. The "directory comparison" is enabled/disabled with the left mouse button and configured with the right button.

Possible solution: Use an icon with a separate drop-down arrow. Left clicking the icon enables/disables the function. Left clicking the arrow calls the configuration. Right clicking does nothing.

#4570 Move "show hidden files" to the View menu reopened Feature request low FileZilla Client

Why is the function "file name filters" in the menu "View", but "force showing hidden files" is in the menu "Server"? The commands do very similar things - if you look at it from the users point of view. Ordinary users do not care if the second function is processed on the server and the first on the client.

I think both items should be in the "View" menu side by side for usability reasons.

#4599 Auto-Complete Remote Site Path new Feature request low FileZilla Client

In the "Remote Site" address bar, it would be handy to include an auto-complete feature so that when you begin typing an address, it suggests similar addresses, much like Mozilla Firefox's URL auto-completer. Would be extra handy if it kept a history of all paths for all time or did something similar to command line when you begin typing a path and press tab to auto-complete.

#4670 collapse/expand queues ability new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I would welcome the ability of queues in the list of the queued files to collapse/expand with a plus/minus sign. (Very much like folder usually do in many applications.)

#4715 closing search dialog causes reconnect new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Using FileZilla 3.2.7-rc1 each time the search dialog is closed the following lines appear in the message log: Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing successful

Furthermore, in case the connection has been closed because of a timeout FileZilla reconnects to the server.

Maybe FileZilla wants to refresh the remote directory listing after closing the search dialog (for the case something new has been discovered while searching). However, I don't understand why this should trigger a reconnect.

#4720 Mousewheel should scroll control under cursor new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Under Windows there are two competing behaviours for the wheel -- scroll the focused control, and scroll the control under the cursor.

Microsoft's official stance is now the latter, in line with OS X and Linux: although this is probably only effective starting with Vista.

Outlook 2003 also follows this behaviour, where Microsoft evidently realised its necessity in a multi-pane view!

This behaviour is becoming increasingly common in Windows, especially when you use it for open source, and supporting apps include FlashFXP, Firefox, Thunderbird, Outlook, Internet Explorer 8 (with framesets; don't have IE 7 to hand). FileZilla really feels like the odd one out here now!

I've tried using Tordex Wheel which introduces this behaviour systemwide but even on a P4 2.8 it has significant issues especially with Firefox, and I'd much rather that FileZilla simply work as it's supposed to instead of screwing with the OS and causing problems :-) (If Tordex Wheel actually worked properly then, sure, but the level of interference involved makes it inherently flawed. It won't even work properly at all unless you raise its CPU priority.)

Any chance of this being implemented now?


#4808 Window is too tall to fit on MacBook screen first time launching the client new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The FileZilla client ( window is too tall and the titlebar and toolbar get cut off behind the menu bar the first time the program is launched on a MacBook (1280x800) with a reasonably sized dock (roughly 60 pixels tall).

Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch FileZilla on a MacBook for the first time.


  • Remove ~/.filezilla and launch FileZilla.


  • Select Zoom from the Window menu, then resize the window down from there.


  • Reduce the default height of the window when a preferences file is not found.
#4895 New startup option new Feature request low FileZilla Server

Create a new startup option:

"Do not install as a service, start server manually"

which will skip the:


entry to provide manually starting.

#4952 Posibility to open a web page directly from the ftp new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I am now making a web page on php and the posibility of opening a page directly instead of having to write the URL by hand can be very helpful for testing it inmediately, note that i mean opening the full URL, not only the file like with show/edit option.

#5149 option to delete after successful transfer new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Dear Madam/Sir: I would like to transfer files and when it's finished transfering files have it delete the files it just transfered. Do you have an option like that?

#5162 Needs to refresh file size so progress bar is accurate on download new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Immediately prior to commencing the download of a file, FileZilla needs to refresh its knowledge of the file specs from the server. This needs to be done individually and separately for each file.

Consider the following scenario:

  1. Persons "A" and "B" are both logged into the same FTP server.
  2. Person A begins uploading a 500mb file "XX" (with some indeterminate FTP client).
  3. Person B (running FileZilla) gets a listing of the directory during the upload. At that time, 50mb of the file has been transferred.
  4. The upload subsequently completes.
  5. Person B starts downloading file XX, without doing a "refresh" of the directory listing.
  6. FileZilla starts the download and indicates that it expects it is downloading a 50mb file. The progress bar (bar graph) goes up to 100% and then the label changes to ">100%". FileZilla can no longer estimate how much time remains in the download.

Since files may change at any time on an FTP server, FileZilla should re-obtain the file statistics (size, date, etc) immediately prior to each file's download, not only to ensure accuracy of the progress bar and the time estimations, but also for safety of the operation as well. (For example, ability to determine if there's enough space for the download.)

If this is found to significantly impact performance (it shouldn't), a user preference can be added to select the new behavior for safety, or the old behavior for performance.

#5208 suggestion to improve sites exportation new Feature request low FileZilla Client

hi, there's a little thing I'd like to notify you: when you try to export a group of sites from site manager filezilla createx an .xml file containing in its 4th row this: <Folder expanded="1">My sites the problem is that when you import it in another filezilla it creates a subfolder named My sites/My sites, a kind of redundancy. You can simply avoid it by editing the .xml file and erasing the 4th row above, but you know that most of users don't know that (at least as far as I can see), so I wonder if you can just fix this by showing a popup that asks whether the user wants the program to create a subfolder or not (and so decide whether to create the 4th row or not depending on user's choice); I tried doing it by myself but my skills in c++ are a little outdated,

so thank you for listening, best regards,


ps: I'm italian, hope my english will be understood ;)

#5255 Filezilla needs restart for logfile new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I was asked to provide a log file for a bug, so I enabled the log in the options. However, a log file was not created. So I needed to restart FileZilla. After restart, a log file was created. FileZilla did not ask me to restart.

FileZilla 3.3.2 Windows XP SP 3 32-Bit

#5316 Preserve timestamps option is not discoverable new Feature request low FileZilla Client

All of the options exposed in the transfer menu (speed limit, action if file exists, transfer type) are present in the program settings too. However the "preserve timestamps" is only in the menu, making it harder to find.

I think the option should also be present in the settings.

#5351 Doesn't stop trying to upload same file after disk quota limit new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Filezilla doesn't stop trying to upload the same file after getting the disk quota limit error -452-. It gives an file exist notice with the first file but keeps trying to send the second and third.

#5420 Another win file name upper/lower case issue new Bug report low FileZilla Client

To reproduce (windows only, probably):

  1. Pull up a local directory / FTP site where local files == remote files
  2. Right-click a local file and select "edit"
  3. Rename file, changing case only (i.e. foo.js => Foo.js)
  4. Change something in the renamed file and save

Result: filezilla's "File Has Changed" feature uploads the file using the old filename (i.e. uploads foo.js rather than Foo.js, even though foo.js no longer exists)

#5438 View/Edit stops working new Bug report low FileZilla Client

View/Edit menu item from the context menu on a remote file stops working on the second attempt on the same file, if currently openned localy.

Step to reproduce :

1 - Select a remote .csv file and View/Edit from the context menu; 2 - while the file is still open, try to view/edit again the same remote file 3 - On the prompt that warns you that file is openned, select the second option «Delete local file and download again» + Ok. Another warning shows up. 4 - close the local file. 5 - View/Edit again on the same remote file. Nothing open, nothing download. And no prompts.

other useful info :

  • View/Edit however still works on other files.
  • I couldn't reproduce this issue using .txt files and notepad or ultraedit; seems like a file exclusive access issue not being reset properly.
  • Remote server is unix RHEL4, using vsftpd
  • client's server detection is automatic, transfer type automatic;

Restarting Filezilla fixes the issue, so it's little to deal with. However, less technical users might have an harder time figuring out what's going on.

Keep up the good work !

Regards, jsgervais

#5456 Total of transferred files should change when you change transfer tabs new Feature request low FileZilla Client

On the right-down corner, I read "Queue: xxx GB". When I change the tabs of the transfer box, from 'queue', to 'not transferred', to 'successfully transferred', the label should change.. The size should be updated referring to the specific opened tab. I.e.: i change to "successfully transferred" and the label should be replaced with "Transferred: yyy GB".

#5481 Interchange colours (with white/grey) in the Queued files new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Here, you have an example of "my idea" :

That's easier to read! :)


#5490 Bad behavior with changing priority while adding files to queue new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Select a remote folder with lots of subfolders and start to download it. Filezilla will go through each folder and add files in the queue.

Right at the start, when only about 10 files were in the queue I selected approximately the last 5 and set them at high priority. As these were downloaded, Filezilla kept going through folders and adding to queue.

When those with high priority finished, Filezilla continued with the files below those completed (that were added to queue as I selected high priority to those ~5). Setting the first few files to High priority to have them transferred didn't change anything, Filezilla insisted on continuing with the ones set at Normal priority, that were added later on browsing folders recursively.

#5527 Drag + Drop Download on Mac new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I would like to request the ability to drag files from Server-View directly to my desktop. On my Windows-version of FileZilla at home it's working, but at work on a mac it show this cursor "" when i'm trying to drag files onto my desktop.

best regards Tobias

#5552 Drag item up to other folders new Feature request low FileZilla Client

While there are, yes, many ways around this, it would be nice to have this feature available.

When you click and drag a file up, it does not scroll up to the folders, but rather sits and stalls.

The video attached will help clarify what I am requesting.

#5594 Keyboard shortcut lost on Windows after update new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Updates are frequent with FileZilla. It seems that each update deletes and then recreates the FileZilla shortcut on the desktop. The consequence is that any customization of the shortcut, especially the keyboard shortcut (in my case Ctr+Alt+F) gets lost. Thanks jean-louis

#5595 Keyboard navigation on directory panel new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Since a former update (maybe FileZilla 3), the possibility of jumping to a location on the directory tree by pressing a letter on the keyboard has been lost. I suspect that is has been lost on the local directory panel first, and now on the distant directory panel as well. Note that it is still preserved on the file list panels.

The possibility of navigating using the keyboard is important for users like me who appreciate "mouseless" fast interaction.

#5631 Configuration file typos new Bug report low FileZilla Client

The filezilla.xml has 2 typos to fix:

  1. <Setting name="Site Manager position" type="string">0 500 291 680 419 </Setting>

The value has a space at the end which isn't needed.

  1. <Setting name="File doubleclock action" type="number">2</Setting> and <Setting name="Dir doubleclock action" type="number">0</Setting>

doubleclock should be named doubleclick.

#6190 Extracting archives in FileZilla new Feature request low FileZilla Client

You should add support for extracting archives(zip etc.) via FileZilla so they don't have to be extracted before with explorer or other software.

It'll also decrease upload time and will allow you to keep all the files on your HD archived.

Sorry if this has been suggested previously.

#6498 warn earlier about reboot? new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Hi, A small point, but it just caused a bit of a problem here. I was in the middle of a job and needed to ftp something. Ran Filezilla and was prompted to update to latest version. Approved it. At the end of the update process it said I had to reboot before I could use it, which meant closing down a load of programs that I was working in, losing my place in code etc. Perhaps you could put a warning BEFORE the update starts saying that a reboot will be necessary, then we can choose whether to do it then or not. Many thanks

#6511 Default System Language new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I'm somebody with some mixed language settings. Have my Region and Language set as follow: Format to Dutch Current location: the Netherlands. Keyboard and languages default is English (United States) - US Current language for non-Unicode programs: English (United States)

I did upgrade to filezilla and have my settings to "Default system Language" but get my filezilla in Dutch instead of English what would be expected. Not a major issue just to let you know it doesn't work correctly.

#7246 Speed Limits icon distorted without 48x48 version new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If a theme does not include a 48x48 pixel icon set, then the speed limit icon will be distorted when opening the Speed Limits dialogue (see screenshot).

A current work around for this is to use the 48x48 icon set from the classic theme if a 48x48 icon is not present for a theme used i.e. minimal or cyril. It would be much better if Filezilla could automatically detect that the theme does not have a 48x48 icon set and fall back to the classic theme speed limit icon.

Alternative ideas:

  • the 16x16 icon can be used but will have to be vertically and horizontally aligned to the 48x48 area
  • The speed limit icon can be dropped in the speed limits dialogue box
  • The above, but the 16x16 icon is placed in the title bar next to "Speed Limits"

This is currently only on Windows (daily build 2011-03-16 used) as linux versions fall back to the classic speed limit icon as expected.

#7257 Some functionnalities are not accessible without right click new Feature request low FileZilla Client

A tetraplegic friend use his computer with the chin, and he can only access to the left click. The keyboard is replaced by "clavicom", a software similar to the one given by the windows accessibility tools.

By this way, for example he cannot delete files on his ftp server. This is because the right click is physically not accessible, and the delete key and right click key on the virtual keyboard does not work properly.

The only way to delete a file is to open the windows virtual keyboard and click on delete key.

#7275 Download timer doesn't go over 2 hours new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When doing a long download with FileZilla, time counter for used time goes zero after two hours. So when download have gone over 1:59:59, counter resets to 00:00 and goes on from there.

Haven't tested if it goes back to zero multiple times (when transfers lasts more than 4 hours etc).

#7282 Search in "Site manager" new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Hi all:

It would be great to search in "Site manager"`s "Select entry". I´m a web developer and I have about 200 FTP sites ordered in different folders. I try to be very organized but often is very difficult to find a particular site.

Thanks for this great product!

#7341 Windows 7 Library support new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I would like FileZilla to support and use the library features built in to Windows 7 instead of having to navigate to deeply buried folders every time I use FileZilla. It just makes things easier when you are very commonly downloading movies/pics/etc but the folders are not as easy to get to.

#7366 Filter button GUI inconsistency new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I think that functionality of filters button should be changed around. I have mouse buttons and respective button actions in mind.

Standard GUI behaviour ====================== LMB: Default action, usually quite simple and straightforward RMB: Additional and feature complete means to manipulate with given object

FZ Filters button - now ================= LMB: Displays option dialog for filters with lots of settings RMB: Turns filters on and off

FZ Filters button - should be ================= LMB: Turns filters on and off RMB: Displays additional and feature complete options for filters

Take Compare Button as an example, that one is implemented correctly.

Proximity of these two buttons along with their similar function but inconsistent behaviour makes them ergonomical nightmare as user needs to try what will actually happen when he l/r clicks one of buttons.

I use these buttons almost constantly and still don't intuitively remember what will happen if I left click the filter button.

#7720 Tree view lazy loading improvement new Feature request low FileZilla Client

In the remote tree view..

it would be useful that when a leaf (a folder) is clicked or expanded ('+' icon)..

the subfolders underneath show the '+' icon if they contain at least one subfolder.

That way you can navigate in the folder structure quickly with less clicks. Right now, I have to press the folder with a '?' sign, wait a bit, then I can expand it.

That behavior could be optional and configurable in the settings.

#7732 Image Preview Pane new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Is is possible to include a preview pane when clicking on a file either in the upload or download screen. Especially dealing with pictures, I sometimes have to open several different ones just to make sure I am uploading the correct one. I did search tickets for "preview pane" and returned "no results found"

#7770 Symlink not being updated on refresh new Bug report low FileZilla Client

FileZilla 3.5.1 Mac OS X 10.6.8

When I change a remote symlink via SSH, it is not being updated in FileZilla's remote window. In fact, the symlink is still leading to a directory that doesn't even exist anymore (and actually displays its contents), so it seems a cache issue or something. Upon restarting the client, the symlink works, making this a very low-priority bug.

I have verified that the symlink is correct in the shell.

#7778 Edited local file is not deleted when checkbox 'delete local file' is checked assigned Bug report low FileZilla Client


FileZilla v3.5.1 does not delete edited local file (manually downloaded *not* edited on-the-fly) when checkbox "Finish editing and delete local file" is checked.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start FileZilla
  2. Connect to FTP
  3. Drag-and-drop file from remote panel (or use "download" option from context menu) to local dir, edit it and save changes.
  4. A confirm box appears and asks you: "Finish editing and delete local file?" Check this option and click yes / no. Local file is *not* deleted.

Note: edited file is deleted (if checkbox is selected then file is deleted regardless which button I click - and that's ok in my opinion :)) when editing on-the-fly (using context-menu option called: "view / edit".

I don't know if this should help but this problem exists from some previous stable versions of FileZilla (or is it just my imagination?).

Thanks for your kind help and keep it up cause FZ is the best FTP solution ever. :)

#7813 Deliting files recursively SFTP new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I was just wondering if you couldn't change how FileZilla deletes files recursively but also CHMOD as this is pretty much the same thing. If you mark a folder and press delete, FZ scans the folders content and deletes the files one at a time. When using SFTP I am sure that the fastest solution would be "rm -r FOLDER" The same thing goes for CHMOD where Linux incorporates a recursive function into the command too. "chmod -R FOLDER" So everytime I delete a folder I am thinking "Why am I wasting my time on this, when I could do it 100 times quicker on SSH?"

#7820 Pointer collision in commandqueue between enqueue and dequeue new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Recreate the bug: 1- Add couple of files to the queue. 2- Make the simultaneous transfers less than the queued ones and start the transfer. 3- Add another files to the queue.

After finishing the download that already started while adding the new files the queue will start download the latest added files instead the queued ones before.

#7858 Incorrect Information in Download Progress Bar new Bug report low FileZilla Client

To reproduce:

If I upload a file which is large in size (in this case let's say 500 MB) on one terminal to transfer it to some other terminal and I open filezilla on other terminal while the upload is in progress and see that the file size is 250 MB since it has not been uploaded completely. Now, I wait for the file to upload completely and once I have verified that the upload is complete, on the other terminal (on which the window is already open and the file size show 250 MB since it has not been refreshed), I start the download. The file download progress bar that appears at the bottom takes the size of file to be 250 MB only and shows 100 % completed when only half the file (250 MB) has been downloaded. Though the complete file downloads to the other terminal, for half the time, progress bar says that the download is 100 % completed.


#7884 Reset layout to original state new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Have been using FileZilla client for quite a while without the need to change the layout and sizes of the columns or windows but came across some files with extremely log names and had to change window and column sizes. Wanted to reset the UI back to the original layout but could not find a way to do this with a single click. Seems like this option does not exist, thus this RFE. Please provide a way to reset the layout to the original sizes and proportions.

#7886 Sorting facility new Feature request low FileZilla Client

A small but useful enhancement: When sorting a file list where an entry in that list is already selected, it would be nice if the sorted list could be offset so as to display the selected file after sorting.

#7890 feature request - git/version control new Feature request low FileZilla Client

hey, I'm using filezilla for a long time and i love it.

But there is one feature i'd love to see: git support (or version control support in general) So i don't have to check which files i edited before i upload, for example git can tell me those changes.

See this for an example: (Git powered FTP client written as shell script)

I think lot of people would need this.

Sorry for my bad english.


(i'm using filezilla 3.5.3, osx 10.6.8)

#7915 Allow right-click context menu when selecting/changing filename in OS X new Feature request low FileZilla Client
  1. Click on a filename to allow renaming
  2. Select the filename (or a part thereof)
  3. Right-click

Expected result: context menu appears with options to copy/paste/etc. (As in Finder)

Actual result: context menu does not appear; selection is cancelled. Cursor moves to location of click.

I'm running OS X 10.6.8; not sure if this functionality is available in other OSes.

#7936 Double click on a folder alias downloads in spite of double click on folder set to enter folder new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I am running a server with the following config

PHP Built On Linux 2.6.9-89.35.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Jan 4 22:30:58 EST 2011 i686 Database Version 5.1.52 Database Collation utf8_general_ci PHP Version 5.2.5 Web Server Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat) WebServer to PHP Interface apache2handler Joomla! Version Joomla! 2.5.1 Stable [ Ember ] 2-Feb-2012 14:00 GMT Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 11.4.0 Stable [ Brian Kernighan ] 03-Jan-2012 00:00 GMT

I am using the following filezilla

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.5.3

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-01-08 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

under settings, file lists, I have double click action on files - none double click action on directories- enter direcory

I was working on a server folder that had alias folders. When I double clicked on one of these folders, filezilla did not enter the folder but rather downloaded the files in the alias folder.

the os of the server is linux, the os of my desktop is windows 7 64 bit.

#7954 Default Remote Directory sometimes fails if Default local directory is not found new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When the local default directory was set to a directory on a non-existent, removable drive, the REMOTE default directory would fail with an error (in red) displaying "no such file or directory". This even failed with a copy and paste from the "Remote Site:" pulldown. No failure was noted for the local directory error. This also occurred in so I immediately upgraded to 3.5.3 with the SAME results.

After modifying the local default to an existing directory, the remote default now works. Switching the local default back to the non-existent directory, to test this again, NOW the problem does NOT occur. (It appears that once the remote directory is accessed as a default, it appears to stay working.)

This occurred 12-15 times as I attempted to figure out what error I was making in the remote directory (It had to be something because there was an error each time. I slowly reduced the number iof subdirectory levels and finally attempted "/" which gave a failure as well. Each attempt was a "Connect" and "Abort" via the Site Manager.

I thought that I had done something wrong on the remote default, somehow, but when I PASTED the result and it still failed, I was perplexed. Yes, I checked for trailing spaces and even added a trailing "/" and removed it, yielding the SAME results. I thought it was a problem with symbolic references to a directory, but only after the LOCAL default directory was made to work did the remote directory work.

All I can say is that it failed several times, but now I know a workaround.

Therefore, I have lowered the priority of this bug, but created the ticket because it HAD happened. There is an easy workaround -- make sure the local directory works properly.

Even if nothing is changed, if someone else has the problem, they might find this workaround -- make sure the local directory exists.

#7997 Clear local directory dropdown when connecting to new server in same tab reopened Feature request low FileZilla Client


When you use one ftp server, the source file directories combo goes memorizing all the folders you navigate for transactions.

When you want to connect to another server, Filezilla gives you the option: "Abort current connection", but the problem is that Filezilla keeps some directories used in the previous server connection in the combo, creating risk of SERIOUS DAMAGE, if someone takes for instance an index.php from a different website and paste over another index.php from another site. I say that because in my machine I have source files for about 10 different websites. This behaviour of Filezilla is very dangerous and I tasted this problem myself... did this fault once =D but noticed instantly and corrected! The luck is that I had the original file for the wrongly ovewrited website index... What about if I didn't have the original source ??? You must change it this way: If someone aborts one connection to connect to a new server, source files combo MUST be cleared!!!

#8045 Lock Step Directory feature new Feature request low FileZilla Client

When using FileZilla in large and complex sites, one of the most common mistakes -and the most catastrophic- is to transfer the files from one folder into the wrong destination folder. This is mostly because I suck as a programmer, but you can't fix that.

Going to a strange site to get a file or two is one thing, but in several development environments I keep a duplicate set of files on my site. When I transfer the entire site of course, I select ALL on one side and begin a transfer - Filezilla traverses the directories on both sites in lock step.

BUT - if I have to manually navigate down 5 directory trees to find a starting place, I have to manually navigate that tree TWICE - one for source and one for destination

If there was a very quick "Lock Step" button (and By quick I mean somewhere the file panes, clearly on or off, and ONLY for the current running of the program) where I could specify to match directory changes in both source and destinations - it would be a HUGE benefit.

Upon accessing a site, I click the button ON and then traverse only one side, the other side keeping in lock step, throwing an error of course, if the directory doesn't exist.

A huge time saver in large operations.

#8081 Settings: Interface -> Filesize format (spelling) new Bug report low FileZilla Client

in the latest FileZilla Client

Version: 3.5.3

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-01-08 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

If you go to: Edit -> Settings -> Interface -> Filesize format

The examples does not contain "Gigabytes" instead it has a "M" instead of a "G".


12B 100B 1.3KB 1.1MB 117.8MB <----- should be GB 58.0TB

#8202 Store "Remember password for this session" option per host/user new Feature request low FileZilla Client

When using "Ask for password" or "Interactive" logon types, FileZilla asks for the password. It offers "Remember password for this session". This option however is always ticked. So even when unticking it and entering the password, the next time the password is asked, that option is ticked again.

Store this option (in session) for name/host/user pair so that it stays unchecked if the user unchecked it.

#8229 FileZilla should show automatically recognised "Server Type" new Feature request low FileZilla Client

When adding a server to the Site Manager, the "Advanced" tab allows setting a "Server Type" of "Default (Autodetect)".

I simply assume that this Server Type is used as well when using the Quick Connection Bar.

My suggestion is to shoe the selected/automatically detected Server Type in the message panel, so that it is part of the message log.

#8276 tar and gzip via ssh protocol new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be nice if we could upload a tar or gziped file and allow us to untar / gunzip on the remote host if its a ssh protocol

#8298 PAPERCUT: "Default file exists action" dialog box is overstretched new Bug report low FileZilla Client

LOCATION: Main menu/Transfer/Default file exists action...

ISSUE: The dialog box for "Default file exists action" is horizontally overstretched when using some languages. For example: using French and German languages stretches this dialog box horizontally across my screen and still some text is clipped.

On the other hand, some languages display OK. For example, Croatian language wraps fine inside the dialog box.

Might be a text wrapping issue?

#8332 version check/update/install shouldn't be blocking new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I had FileZilla 3.5.3 installed, and launched it to do some FTP-ing.

When launched, it did a version check, told me there was a new version, so I told it to download. However, the entire download / install process is via a modal dialog, so I couldn't actually do the FTP work I was intending to do!

I had to wait for the download / install / etc to complete, then re-launch FileZilla to complete my work.

Instead of being a blocking operation, the download / install process should optionally occur once a user has completed their tasks in FileZilla and is ready to shutdown the application.

#8358 Setting "Window position and size" is wrong calculated new Bug report low FileZilla Client

On calculating the vertical offset desktop panels are ignored which will result in a not exactly centered FileZilla on the default configuration.

For example on a resolution of 1680x1050 FileZilla calculates a vertical offset of 138 pixel. My panel has a height of 24 pixel and on checking with GIMP I'm getting 138 pixel from the top of my desktop to the top of FileZilla and 114 pixel (138 - 24) from the bottom of FileZilla to the bottom of my desktop. The correct value would be a vertical offset of 126 pixel if the panel would be considered (with 126 pixel on this resolution FileZilla would be correctly centered then). Only if the resolution gets too small (for example 800x600) FileZilla is forced to calculate the correct value because of the missing space.

#8359 More structured xml files new Feature request low FileZilla Client

For example filezilla.xml uses entries like this one:

<Setting name="Window position and size">0 390 138 900 670 </Setting>

This is not really structured for a xml file and makes it difficult to understand for a human or an application. In my opinion this entry (and others in a similar way) could be split like this:

<Setting name="Window maximized">0</Setting> <Setting name="Window width">900</Setting> <Setting name="Window height">670</Setting> <Setting name="Window horizontal offset">390</Setting> <Setting name="Window vertical offset">138</Setting>

#8395 Combine multiple uploads of the same file new Feature request low FileZilla Client

When adding the same file multiple times to the queue, it should be recognized as duplicate and not be added again.

#8418 "Transfer Queue Process" toggle button doesn't retain visual state on theme change new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Subject pretty much says it all. I have an active file transfer, and then I go to Edit -> Settings and pick a new Theme, and then hit OK.

I am returned to the main window, but the "Process Queue" toggle button has lost its state and appears in the "off" position (not-pressed).

I only had a single file in the queue and it was already in progress, so I'm not sure if this was simply cosmetic (the rest of the queue would've completed) or if the Process Queue setting actually got frobbed.

Client details below.

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-11-29 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.4 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#8589 Resursive delete of directory with hidden files fails without "Force show hidden files" new Bug report low FileZilla Client


  • Pref "Server -> Force show hidden files" is Off
  • Remote server contains a directory structure with a hidden file
  • User has adequate access rights to all relevant files and directories


Try to recursively delete the structure

What happens:

  • The hidden file is not deleted
  • Deleting the directory fails because its not empty

What should happen:

  • Hidden file should be deleted regardless of the "Force show hidden files" setting
  • Deleting the directory won't fail

Extra information:

  • Server is running ProFTPd; tested with various versions.
  • Everything works fine with the setting on.
#8696 After renaming a remote file, the list cursor moves to first list entry new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the local file list box, the behavior is as expected: the list cursor stays at the same list position after renaming a file.

But in the remote list box, the list cursor moves to the first entry ("..") in the list after renaming a file. The user can press "Page down" and the cursor keys to navigate to the last position and rename the next file. Which is more annoying the more files you have to rename.

I use filezilla since several years now and this was ever an annoying issue. I thought "I can not be the only one and in one of the future updates this will be fixed for sure". But maybe the develpers are are not using filezilla often to rename remote files... ;)

Anyway, thank you for this otherwise great piece of software.

#8707 create remote new file based on OS/environment "new file" facility new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Taken from #2989:

I think it should be a menu like the "New" menu in Windows Explorer. And when the user clicks, for example, "New Text Document", FileZilla should create a new text document in the temporary directory and then upload it to the server.

All the other menu items should be also available:

1 - New Word document 2 - New Microsoft powerpoint etc.

That helps the user to create some customised template in Windows Explorer and use them in FileZilla. The user may want to create some templates like:

New HTML document New PHP file New Smarty template etc.

And he will be able to use these templates in FileZilla as well as Windows Explorer.

All this applies to KDE, GNOME and other graphical environments as well.

#8738 Immediately listing new file in client window new Feature request low FileZilla Client

When I edit a file on my computer, which is listed in the client window and "save as" under a new file name, the new file does not show up in the listing. Currently I have to move up the directory tree and back down to the original directory for the new file to show up in the listing. It sure would be nice if creation of the new file would trigger an immediate update in the directory listing.

Thanks for what you do.

Using Windows 8 / Intel Core i5 running:

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2013-05-26 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.11 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.2 (build 9200) Version: 6.2 Platform: 64 bit system

#8801 A new look for FileZilla new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I posted a FileZilla design concept on Forrst and I was wondering if you would be interested in using this design in a future update like in version 4 or 5. I would be very happy to assist you in building out the rest of the design.

#8825 Per-tab limit on transfers new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Site Manager permits assigning a connection limit to individual saved sites.

Settings permits a global cap on connections.

In order to use multiple servers at once, you need to raise the global cap on connections. When you do that, you remove the connection limit for hosts where it's not specified explicitly.

Ideally, the global limit would be per-host/session (i.e. per tab), not overall, i.e. with a per-session limit of 1 connection, each tab can transfer one file at a time, but every tab is permitted to transfer data, instead of having stalled tabs.

At the moment, a global limit of 10 means that unrestricted/ad-hoc connections will get all 10 connections at once. This means that the limit must be set on every site one by one manually in Site Manager otherwise the global limit doesn't do anything useful, and this seems wrong.

Not a huge issue, just something to play with one day.

#8991 Visible file name in the queue when path is long new Feature request low FileZilla Client

In current situation if file being transfer has a very long path, then user can not see the file name only the path with ... at the end.

A better way would be to have file name visible all the time. Some e.g. Current: /dir/another/dir/and/long/path... Desirable: /dir/another/dir/a...filename.ext

Current: /dir/veryveryveryverylongfilen... Desirable: ...veryveryverylongfilename.ex... (although this is not complete file name, but more informative then before.

Other approach is to give option to user how they want to see, the existing way or the new way.

#9022 On Up/Down speed icon in status bar, mouse over text reports incorrect information new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Filezilla 3.7.3 (if it matters) Layout of file and directory panes: widescreen

The status bar has an icon that I guess is supposed to report the download and upload speed. It's basically like a semaphore with a red and green light but they never light up.

When mouse hovers over the icon, it says the download and upload speed, but the values reported are incorrect. It seems the download and upload speeds are computed based on the part of the queue that's visible in the interface.

For example, queue 100-200 files to upload to a ftp server, then queue 100-200 files to download from a ftp server and limit to 5 download slots and 5 upload slots.

At the bottom, I can only see the 5 files being uploaded and the rest of the files queued for upload. I know 5 files are being downloaded but they're all the way at the bottom of the queue.

If I move mouse over the icon, it will say Download : 0 KB/s , Upload : 300 KB/s (or whatever). If I scroll down until I see the active downloads, the files being uploaded are no longer visible in the interface so when i put mouse over the icon I get Download: x MB/s , Upload : 0 KB/s When both uploads and downloads are visible, tooltip shows both speeds properly.

So basically it looks like the math regarding download speed is done just on what's visible on screen (or I don't know, maybe just a small subset of the queue the application holds in memory for that view)

ps (this is basically feature request).. It would help if I could see in the status bar the amount of data queued split between uploads and downloads, right now you only see the Total queued.

For example, I have 400 GB of transfers queued but no way to easily tell how much is left to upload when I'm not sure if the server has enough free disk space to hold what's left.

#9031 When selecting the next file to download, only the remainder of the queue is searched new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I create a queue, it starts downloading, and then I set file priorities. What I mean is: while the queue is downloading, I change the priorities of files. I end up with something like:

file1 low - waiting file2 highest - waiting file3 medium - downloading- I only recently set file2 to highest file4 low - waiting file5 high - waiting file6 low - waiting

However when file3 finishes, the next file to be downloaded is file5, NOT file2. It seems Filezilla is only scanning the remainder of the queue when picking the next file to download, rather than the whole queue.

#9037 Gnome-software appdata file for filezilla new Feature request low FileZilla Client


I've written up an appdata file for filezilla so it can be part of gnome-software in a more complete manner. Please find it attached. I'm going to update the Fedora package to include this file sometime this week so that it's picked up by gnome-software for Fedora 20.

It'll be great if this file can be included in future releases, and optionally, if the build system could install it to /usr/share/appdata. The installation isn't necessary, since us maintainers can do it manually too.

Please feel free to edit the file to improve the descriptions, add more screenshots etc. The screenshots must be 16:9 in aspect ratio though. Here's a post explaining how to make such screenshots:

More information on appdata files:

#9124 FileZilla window doesn't relocate to main monitor when using RDP to dual monitor computer new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If Filezilla is left running on the 2nd monitor in a dual monitor arrangement, then RDP is used to access the desktop from a remote computer which has only a single monitor, the Filezilla instance doesn't relocate itself to the 1st monitor, and is inaccessible because it's invisible. The work-around is to kill it from the task bar and restart it, and it then locates itself on monitor 1.

#9152 Filesize thousands separator new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Dear Friends,

The thousands separator in filesizes when selected "Display size in bytes" does not work.

Even if we have checked this options, filesizes are displayed without separator.

I will be very happy if this small bug can be fixed!

Best Regards, Grigor Alexandrow, MultiTech, Ruse, Bulgaria

#9812 File autoupload uses first used folder new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I edited a file. Filezilla uploads it. I changed local and remote dir and edited a second file. Filezilla uploads it to first file's directory

#9924 rename and overwrite cause incomplete file list new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When I rename a file at the FTP-Server and this name matches to the name of an existing file, than appears a dialog box and says 'Target filename already exists, really continue?' I click on yes and FileZilla overwrites the file succesfully. But then I get an incomplete list of the files at the FTP-Server. It seems that only the files are shown that was in the list above the renamed file. After pressing F5 (refresh) I get the complete list of files.

#10251 the Help(帮助) display ? new Bug report low FileZilla Client
  1. open the software
  2. see the top bar

except : "帮助(H)" actual : "?"


#10255 Feature Request: Update ON EXIT new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Can you please modify the update dialog box to install the update AFTER exiting the program?

As currently implemented, the program checks for updates and downloads a new version, then prompts you to install it NOW. The only other option is to close the dialog, after which it is easy to forget or lose track of the downloaded location. It won't give you the option to put the dialog in the background and continue to use FZ, and then come back to it later.

It is irritating to expect to use FZ for a task only to be forced to deal with the update before use. Giving the option to install the update after exiting the program allows us to do the job we intended to do and still perform the update. Thanks!

#10257 shortcut forgotten at update new Bug report low FileZilla Client

At each update, the desktop icon is rewritten and any keyboard user shortcut such as Str-F used to launch FileZilla is forgotten.

#10575 example text file association for wrong OS new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the window for customizing file associations, filezilla shows an example command line instruction for creating the association. The instruction for the mac version starts with c:\program files\... which is for Windows OS instead of MacOS.

#10653 Yes/No buttons to low for text inside new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Open Site manager and delete a post. The dialog that appears have Yes and No buttons. But part of the text is cut off.

Tested in Debian with GNOME.

#10735 filezilla undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The latest filezilla, libfilezilla and WXwidgets for Ubuntu 14.04 Updating '.': At revision 7291. /home/johns/Compile/filezilla/compile

filezilla: symbol lookup error: ./src/interface/filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE

This started quite a few updates ago. I searched for the symbol using gdb and can't find it. I suspect either libfilezilla or WXwidgets but haven't searched those yet. I have updated WXwidgets, libfilezilla and filezilla. Ubuntu 14.04 is also current with all updates.

This is probably something simple I'm missing, but I don't know what it is.

Yes, I tried the forums, but there is no such issue. The forums also are quite adamant about refusing me to register with a google E-Mail address. I am NOT going to change my E-Mail. If necessary I'll use the much older filezilla from my distribution.

#10739 icon new Bug report low FileZilla Client

taskbar icon shows up twice when min to tray is on.

#10748 False warning “Target file already exists” new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I appreciate there would be considerable overhead in continually refreshing the display of the remote system so I’m not asking for that. However, I think it would be beneficial to automatically refresh the details of any files(s) about to be uploaded. Allow me to explain.

I upload FRED.TXT to a Linux server. On that server I discover a problem so I delete FRED.TXT from the remote system. Having locally modified FRED.TXT I attempt to upload the revised file, which produces a warning: “Target file already exists” even though it doesn’t.

Of course, if I had clicked the icon for “Refresh the file and folder lists” this message would not appear.

My question is as follows: can FileZilla automatically check to see if FRED.TXT still exists on the remote system?

#10797 Deletion of Downloaded Update File new Feature request low FileZilla Client

After FileZilla Client does an update check (either automatically or manually) and determines that an update is needed, it downloads the update file to the %DOWNLOADS% folder. You can then choose to run the Update file and patch the Client software. It will close and reopen when completed. At this point though, the file that was downloaded is still in the %DOWNLOADS% directory. There is no benefit to leaving this file behind once the upgrade has taken place. Even if the upgrade fails, another copy can/will be downloaded if you allow the client software to initiate the update process for you. It would make for a cleaner installation to simply delete/purge the file instead of leaving it (and however many other copies of updates) in the Downloads folder, where some unsavvy PC users might never see them to delete them.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.