Opened 5 months ago

#13173 new Bug report

Message catalogs installed in wrong location

Reported by: Andreas Rönnquist Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: Andreas Rönnquist
Component version: Operating system type: Linux
Operating system version:


I've got a downstream bug in Debian (or two actually, one on each filezilla and libfilezilla) - which claims that some of the translations are installed to the wrong locations.

With the example from the Debian bug,

The message catalog for Thai is installed in
/usr/share/locale/th_TH/LC_MESSAGES/ .

This has the effect that for users who set LANGUAGE=th
(per the documentation at
the message catalog is not found.
Thai is spoken only in Thailand;
therefore there is no point in storing the message catalog only in
/usr/share/locale/th_TH/ and not under /usr/share/locale/th/ .

The file should be moved to
/usr/share/locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/ .

On the other hand, for example Portuguese has translations for both pt_PT (Portuguese) and pt_BR (Brasilian Portuguese), and since there's two, you'll need to specify which one of those you want.

Does this make sense?

The Debian bugs (with lists of the affected translations) can be found here:


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