Custom Query (1000 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 1000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#12668 Cannot select SSH keys for pubkey auth on Linux with KDE Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12669 Mouse moves jerky / erratic during downloads Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12676 Compile Error Bug report normal FileZilla Server 3 years
#12682 1.3.0 server crashes Bug report normal FileZilla Server 3 years
#12695 Edited files not saving back to server Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12710 German translation bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12719 FileZilla wlan connect issue FilaZilla will freeze and wont connect uploads or server again Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12745 Libfilezilla 0.38.0 build failure Bug report normal libfilezilla 3 years
#12747 filezilla client hangs on windows Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12769 not connecting Bug report normal FileZilla Server 3 years
#12778 Maximum License count / remove old computer Bug report normal FileZilla Client 3 years
#12808 Wrong File Sizes + Selections in File List Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12811 Cannot select all files in local or remote panes Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12824 1.6.0-rc1 error message at admin interface startup Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12832 FileZilla server cannot be compiled with libfilezilla 0.39.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Server 2 years
#12839 Make gmp version dependent on 6.2.0 or greater Feature request normal libfilezilla 2 years
#12853 Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) is broken after upgrade to 3.62.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12854 libfilezilla: FTBFS with GCC 13 Bug report normal libfilezilla 2 years
#12881 Close tab X icon is huge Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12882 Right clicking "directory listing filters" icon changes location in "Local site" pane Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12898 File size is off by 10^-1 on remote directory listing over SSH Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 years
#12930 FTBFS 3.64.0 using libfilezilla 0.43.0 on GCC 12.2 (Debian unstable) Bug report normal FileZilla Client 22 months
#12934 Issue in Windows-Installer V1.7.2 Bug report normal FileZilla Server 22 months
#12942 open for write: received failure with description 'Failure' Bug report normal FileZilla Client 21 months
#12976 SFTP Server support with new 1.8.0-rc1 ? Bug report normal FileZilla Server 19 months
#13028 Data peer IP error which aborts the data connection - reproducible with AWS EC2 Bug report normal FileZilla Server 16 months
#13045 bug:the virtual path is not valid Fabio Alemagna Bug report normal FileZilla Server 15 months
#13064 filezilla-server.exe service stop automatic. Bug report normal FileZilla Server 13 months
#13087 libfilezilla-0.47 hardcodes -ldl Bug report normal libfilezilla 12 months
#13104 FileZilla Server Settings window is excessively large on Windows 11 with an ultrawide display and cannot be resized smaller Bug report normal FileZilla Server 9 months
#13119 Filezilla Pro is blocked by Google Drive Bug report normal Other 8 months
#13129 Renaming a file or changing an extention reverts to original until you manually refresh the directory listing. Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 months
#13133 FileZilla Client 3.67.1 - Renaming a local file doesn't refresh the list Bug report normal FileZilla Client 8 months
#13190 Upload stops at 47% Bug report normal FileZilla Client 4 months
#13192 Invalid hostname - components cannot be all number Bug report normal FileZilla Server 4 months
#13208 App is not responding on Mac Bug report normal FileZilla Client 2 months
#1795 Secure mode for FTP proxy password Patch low Other 22 years
#2528 WebDAV support Feature request low FileZilla Client 19 years
#3032 Problems with leading or terminating spaces Bug report low FileZilla Client 19 years
#3783 Site Manager dialog button has bad label ("Discard") Bug report low FileZilla Client 17 years
#3806 The label on the pirority of the transfert is in the wrong gender Other low FileZilla Client 17 years
#3864 "Wrong" filename in download window Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#3884 Filezilla Client error while uploading files Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#3930 Crash: Menu => Edit => Clear private data... Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4129 Typo in error message "reveive" Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4191 Typo in Security settings Bug report low FileZilla Server 16 years
#4266 downloaded latest update and cannot open my files Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4369 Update dialog cut off (Mac OS X) Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4376 File size shows same after uploading same file Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4467 Unable to Un-install FileZilla Server Bug report low FileZilla Server 16 years
#4683 Problem with automatic update Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4692 Remember file exists action Feature request low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4813 Danish localization doesn't fit Site Manager window Bug report low FileZilla Client 16 years
#4935 Explorer layout shows as Widescreen in new tab Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#4939 Tab navigation enhancements Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5034 After I upgraded to when loading it can not find mingvm10.dll Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5066 Synchronize Scrollbar when in Synchronized Browsing Feature request low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5118 Ctrl+Tab(key) only cycles between tabs when the local/remote path fields have focus Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5153 Unable to find mingwm10.dll Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5156 "Selected files/folders" counts wrong when using Ctrl+Shift Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5310 "Empty directory" when not connected Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5369 favicon not showing on webpage Other low FileZilla Server 15 years
#5375 SetAsyncRequestReply called to wrong time Tim Kosse Other low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5504 Speed limit icon isn´t updated when changing themes Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5603 remote directory listing failed [bug ?] Bug report low FileZilla Client 15 years
#5662 Error - access violation / segfault in all menuitems if you double-change language Bug report low FileZilla Client 14 years
#6486 speed limits wrong spanish translation Patch low FileZilla Client 14 years
#7247 Speed limit icon isn't updated when changing themes Tim Kosse Bug report low FileZilla Client 14 years
#7466 Edit filters "Rename" button doesn't save changes Nitin Kumar Gautam Patch low FileZilla Client 14 years
#7931 Filezilla always opens maximised in Ubuntu 11.10 Bug report low FileZilla Client 13 years
#8092 Not existing directory Bug report low FileZilla Server 13 years
#8683 OS X new version download default folder is wrong Bug report low FileZilla Client 12 years
#8686 Missing Socket Buffer Size default Value in Miscellaneous options Bug report low FileZilla Server 12 years
#8716 Server disconnects before right click operation is finished causes problems Bug report low FileZilla Client 12 years
#8726 difficulty on release resolved Bug report low Other 12 years
#8897 version 3.7.3 Bug report low FileZilla Client 12 years
#8899 Italian translation for one the the File Filter options is wrong Patch low FileZilla Client 12 years
#9259 Speed Tooltip integer overflow Bug report low FileZilla Client 11 years
#9537 Broken file upload Other low FileZilla Client 11 years
#9620 Directory tree toggle icon marked incorrectly Bug report low FileZilla Client 11 years
#9676 No tab stop for local or remote file list Bug report low FileZilla Client 11 years
#9850 Minor bug in CServer::ShowStatus Bug report low FileZilla Server 11 years
#9851 Please install the supplied AppData file Patch low FileZilla Client 11 years
#9991 Cursor should start in "Host" box Other low FileZilla Client 10 years
#10389 Timeout can't be saved as '0' in Settings DezinoGraphist Bug report low FileZilla Client 10 years
#10398 settings menu standart shortcut key lost, doesn't exist anymore Bug report low FileZilla Client 10 years
#10574 Deleting a file fails if it Filezilla is not connected Bug report low FileZilla Client 10 years
#10591 Deleting the current directory doesn't remove it from the tree view and should navigate to the parent Bug report low FileZilla Client 10 years
#10924 Each time I update FileZilla, it gets unpinned from the Windows 10 start menu Bug report low FileZilla Client 9 years
#10990 color coding of logging is broken after switching to "show timestamp" (and back) Bug report low FileZilla Client 9 years
#11118 Use same style for writing ", aborting" Bug report low FileZilla Client 8 years
#11303 Auto sync Site Manager data and settings to google drive Feature request low FileZilla Client 8 years
#11344 Queue completion action: Make close a one-time action Feature request low FileZilla Client 8 years
#11677 Misspelling in Remember Passwords dialog box Bug report low FileZilla Client 7 years
#11786 "Create new file" context menu item produces files with same timestamp Bug report low FileZilla Client 6 years
#12595 Cant connect to my FTP Server trough Filezilla Bug report low FileZilla Client 3 years
#12605 New Version Does Not Connect to Server Bug report low FileZilla Client 3 years
#12623 Filezilla Client. Settings - log. Browse button does not open the folder where the log files are kept. Bug report low FileZilla Client 3 years
#12964 Crash when removing filetypes from list. Bug report low FileZilla Client 20 months
#13101 Syntax error on renaming file Patch low FileZilla Client 10 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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