Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 2171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#4964 easyly change number of simltaneous transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

instead of having to go through all this in filezilla client : Edit Menu > parameters > Transfers section > update value of number of simultaneous transfers > Click OK I would love it if there was just a dropdown somewhere on the main interface to change the number of simultaneous transfers

#4965 easily reorder file transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

today when I want to reoder the file transfers, I have to play with the file priorities. I would love it if instead of having priority, the queue list would just be a FIFO with also the ability to drag and drop one or several elements of the list higher or lower in the list hope I am clear...

#4976 Site Manager Save Button new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

At present, the only way to save edits in the Site Manager is to use the OK button. This also exits the SiteManager. Suppose you have much editing to do? (Precisely my situation as a new user transfering a list of sites from a different ftp program)

I lost approximately an hour of edits by inadvertently touching the Esc key while setting up a complicated folder tree with many sites. The only alternative to inadvertent data loss is very tedious. Namely, click OK after each trivial edit, then re-enter the editor, resetting the tab selection, among other things.

Please add a Save button to the Site Manager. Clicking the button would save the current state of the SiteManager file so that a subsequent Cancel (or the Esc key!) would not lose all of one's work.

Saving a file seems like an almost trivial feature to add.

#4989 Save/Load named Site Manager profiles new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Provide the ability to save/load named SiteManager profiles. (in addition to the standard profile in sitemanager.xml located in Windows at %appdata%\Filezilla)

This easy-to-implement facility would make it easy to resolve several usability issues:

(1) Security

The ability to save profiles on removable media, such as thumb drives, would make it possible to apply external security via an encryption mechanism. This proposal would be more flexible and also much easier to implement than ticket #4825.

(2) Portability

Some users work in several different environments. The ability to keep profiles stored on portable media would greatly enhance usability.

(3) Capsulization

The ability to save profiles under different names would allow creating profiles for dedicated purposes, and possibly store them in separate locations.


At program initiation, automatically load the standard site profile stored at %appdata%\Filezilla in the file sitemanager.xml.

Provide a "Load Profile" menu item (and toolbar icon), with a standard filedialog to select the file. File format should be the same as the standard site profile.

Filezilla must remember the file name and location of the "current profile" whether default or "loaded". A "save" of changes to the profile must cause the "current profile" to be written to the source location.

A "Save Profile As" button must be provided for saving profiles as named files. This should lead to a standard save filedialog, where the user provides the filename, but not the extension. The location should then be remembered as the new "current profile" location for purposes of subsequent saves.

#4996 Downloaded file is oversize compared to the original one new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Sometime the download session won't stop even the download percentage is up to 100% so that the size of the downloaded file is larger than the original one on the FTP server.

Platform: Windows XP on Interl Core2 Duo P8600 CPU

#5008 Specify minimum encryption requirements new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful to add a dialog to control the minimum protocol version, and minimum authentication, encryption, and HMAC requirements (CipherSuites) for TLS connections. This would ensure compliance for users with strict compliance requirements.

#5029 path to the viewer new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

can not set the path to the viewer, if it has space

#5033 Option to gaurantee order of directory listings when adding to queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I searched an already found issue #4416 on this issue. I understand that there would be additional overhead when doing this, but I would like the option to be able to guarantee the order of directory contents when adding to the queue.

I would suggest having this as an option that is not enabled by default - this way people like me who don't mind the overhead, perhaps because they don't queue deep directory structures often can choose to enable it. A warning could be added alongside the option if the overhead is particularly significant.

#5039 Filezilla Seems To Upload Part Files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using Filezilla Client

When I upload new files, Filezilla keeps giving me messages that the file already exists, but the pre-existing file is only a part of the original. I keep on having to click on "resume" to continue uploading.

I've used filezilla for over a year on this PC. Never had a problem before.

#5046 Local Transfer Management new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla has potential to be an excellent tool for queuing multiple local file copying operations. This would be beneficial since multiple simultaneous read/write operations are inefficient. FileZilla would simply need to access the local site as both source and destination (by using both the local site and the remote site panels). This functionality has been successfully mimicked by setting the host as (without having to set up any local FTP shares). However, the use of FTP in this process adds an unnecessary layer of processing that slows the transfer (when compared, in my case, to using Finder). For optimal speeds, FileZilla would need to implement an option to access the local filesystem directly for both local site and remote site.

Note: SFTP was also tested, but benchmarked significantly slower than FTP.

#5047 Native Viewing of .tgz/.tar.gz files, .zip files, and .bz2 files within FileZilla new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Allow crawling through compressed archives from within FileZilla, and then allow uploading of parts of the archive, as if the archive is an extension of the file system.

#5048 File with 'strange' name not added to queue on drag&drop new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have some files with names like (php smarty compiled template files), and I cannot add them to the queue by drag and drop. The file is just not added to the queue on drop. It can be added however through the context menu. Happens on both Win and Linux.

#5054 filetype associations case sensitive new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


In my environment, *.config default to VisualStudio. I want to be able to open in Notepad++

I add this association: config "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"

Now my file is filename.Config. Edit this file will open in VisualStudio.

Changing to: Config "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"

will solve but it is good to ignore case.


#5082 Always "Abort previous connection and connect in current tab" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have found it to be annoying that it asks me what I want to do when trying to connect to another server when I'm connected to a server already. I have no desire to use the "tab" feature and would like to always abort my current connection and connect to the new server. Consider this a request for a legacy option/behavior.

#5088 Client User Interface : Each server tab should have its own message log pane new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Since version 3.3, FileZilla Client offers a tabbed interface permitting to connect to multiple servers at the same time.

But with FileZilla Client 3.3.1, all commands and messages of ALL FTP servers are displayed interspersed inside the SAME message log pane, without any indication of the associated FTP server.

That makes the messages inside the log pane very difficult to interpret.

In order to improve that, I suggest to attach 1 dedicated message log pane to each server tab.

Thanks in advance.

#5094 Move cursor to end of file path box upon failing to change directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you type a path in the local site path that is incorrect a message is displayed that indicates it failed to change directory. This is fine and good. What is not is that after you click OK or hit 'enter' your cursor is moved from the end of the Local site path box to the beginning. This is annoying because it requires that you hit right arrow or click to the end of the box to re-enter the new path in the box. If it removed the incorrect path and left the cursor at the end of the box it would be perfect.

#5095 Selecting next file after deleting one new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I delete a file, the selection in the filelist will be removed. So after deleting a file I can't use the arrow-keys to move to the next file.

As far as I remember, in Version 2.xx of FileZilla, this worked fine. So when I deleted a file, then the next or the previous file in the list was automatically selected.

I hope this can be re-implemented in FileZilla 3.

#5097 Button to save current local and remote directories as connection directories new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great to be able to click a button that saves the current local and remote directores as the default connection directories for the current saved site.

At the moment it is possible to set this up in the advanced tab of the site manager. However we work (we are a web agency) with hundreds of sites and it would be fantastic to be able to save these with a single click.

Thanks fothe great work

#5098 improve "overwrite behavior" ,add first new files. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hi, it would be nice than when updating a folder with multiple files, filezilla would first upload any not already existing files , and then overwrite already existing files at the end. I got the feeling that filezilla, just update files in "order". Sorry if I'm mistaken. I think it should give priority to newly added files. By the way, when you overwrite a folder with an other, Win 7 does this: it copy without asking new files, and only at the end, ask if you want to overwrite already existing files.


#5111 Cannot easily manage SSL certificates saved in trustedcerts.xml through filezilla client new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There is currently no way to view all the previously downloaded SSL certificates so that you can review the list / clear it if necessary to force an full SSL cert check again at the next connection directly in Filezilla. (If there is a way, I couldn't find it).

I did find the file: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\trustedcerts.xml so it's nice to know I can clear them out myself. However, it would be nice to have the option in the filezilla client in the future.

You could offer a way to look at the saved/trusted SSL certs and allow us to view them and delete them. That would be useful for us.



#5112 Dynamic Transfer Type new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There are occasions where I have files that are out of the norm - binary files w/o any extension for example. Consider adding a right-click option for upload/download to include upload_special/download_special. The "special" pick would allow a one-shot override of the ASCII / Binary / AUTO config setting.

Thanks for a great product!

Rick T

#5116 Slow local list view in directory with many files reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The local list view pane for local files in a directory with many files (not sure exactly how many), or perhaps large files, is prohibitively slow on my Windows 7 machines. It brings Filezilla to a crawling halt.

#5125 remote folders don't always update when switching folders new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

when I am updating my web site, I will typically

  1. connect
  2. change local directory
  3. change remote directory
  4. upload files
  5. edit some files with my editor
  6. change local directory
  7. change remote directory
  8. upload files
  9. goto step 4
  10. disconnect when done.

the connection stops working. I no longer get directory listings. I haven't tried doing an upload to see if it works when this happens. it happens after about the 2nd set of files.

#5127 request for proxy-password if the field emtpy new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If in the application settings a proxy enabled, and the proxy password field is emtpy, then request for a password, when connect to a ftp server, that want use this proxy.

#5132 Show total time taken in succesful transfers window new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if there was a way to see the Total Time that a transfer took to complete (or fail for that matter). Would like to see a Total Time column in both the Succesful Transfers window and the Failed Transfers window. That way, for large files, you can check back after they have completed and see how long it took.


Currently using v3.3.1 on Windows XP Pro

#5137 Process Queue vanishes if powercut or PC crashes new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Seems the process queue is not preserved incase of a outage or windows blue screen.

seems to work if click close and say OK to the confirm box where it pauses queue and disconnects from server

so when you enter filezilla you can right click and say process queue again and it resumes from where left off

Im using the latest client

#5142 Directory Comparison disabled when deleting remote directories new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When FileZilla Client 3.3.1 deletes a remote directory, it disables the folder comparison feature but doesn't re-enable it afterwards.

When this feature needs to be disabled, Filezilla should remember the status of this feature and re-set it after completing the task.

#5148 E-mail notifications new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful to be able to set a SMPT server for E-mail notification once the transfers are uploaded/downloaded.

#5160 Queuing of delete and attribute actions new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Changing attributes on and deleting many (1000+) files takes quite some time, and seem to be limited to one connection.

Would it be possible for these requests to be queued or at least respect the maximum simultaneous transfers setting?

Also, whilst performing these actions, it is not possible to browse/perform other actions on the remote site.

#5161 View server response for failed transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful to be able to see why a file has failed to transfer. If you're transferring many files, it's not easy to find the failed file's server log/response.

#5166 Completely hide the local directory pane new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Because FileZilla supports drag-and-drop, i thing it woulod be a neat option to have a button next to the two "Toggle display for the local/remote directory tree" with "Toggle display of the local file borwser" which would hide *both* the directory tree and the file list of the local file system.

Rationale: in this way i can add in the registry a new action "FileZilla..." attached to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell" and to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell" which would simply open the FTP client window without the local file browser view, and then i can just drag-and-drop files and folders from explorer (or nautilus or whatever) to/from the remote FTP window. I think it's such an easy thing to do that it'd worth the half-an-hour effort.

#5167 Repeat uploads of various files from different folders new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Very often when using FTP, I find myself editing two or three files in different folders (for example I might have CSS, Javascript, images and HTML/PHP all in different folders).

When it comes to uploading though, I have to switch folders constantly to upload them. It would be great if there was a mechanism to assign files to a "repeat upload" state, then when I've edited them, I click one button to upload them all.

The only thing that comes close currently is you can go to the "Successful transfer" tab, highlight some files and choose "Reset and requeue" from the context menu, however this only works once - you have to do the above again for subsequent uploads - plus you have to click another button to "toggle processing of queue".

#5178 Mac OSX: Close Button should Hide not Close App new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On Mac OSX generally when you click the close button of an application it will hide the application (i.e it's still running in the Dock) rather than quitting it.

This has caught me out a couple of times when I'm downloading/uploading files and click the red-x expecting the app to carry on in the background but it actually quits FileZilla.

To sum up: Red-x should do the same as "Hide FileZilla" (Cmd-H).

#5181 Add connection history new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add a menu pull-down that has a list of saved connections so they can be re-established by the click of a menu choice. This would basically be an extension of teh Reconnect function, only giving some choices of recent connections.

I am in customer service and frequently have to revisit FTP sites/directories 3 or 4 times per day, with other connections in between to archive customer data. I may be working with several customers during a day and collecting debugging data from each one, sometimes more than one time during the day. It is time consuming to have to drill down through the same directory tree over and over again.

You already have the technology. The Reconnect function is great. It just needs to be expanded to give choices of several recent connections.

I have no suggestion for how many connections to remember. Ten or twelve might be enough for me, I haven't thought that far ahead.

Thinking more about design suggestions, comparing for duplicates and not saving them would be good, too.

In my case, I would need to see more than the FTP server name because I connect to the same archive server for each customer, but the session is unique by the connected directory, which your reconnect function does save.

Then how or when would the list be purged? Roll out the oldest entry when the maximum for the list is reached? User can purge at any time?

You folks have designed a very nice tool in Filezilla. I'm sure you can come up with a great design for this added function.

Thanks for considering my idea. John

#5200 Can't list files from a server with Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.60 using TYPE I reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Can't list files when the "TYPE I" is selected. It will only work with clients that use "TYPE A" for file list. Could some one add an option to use "TYPE A" for file lists instead of "TYPE I"?

220 statne95 FTP server (Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Kommando: USER ides Svar: 331 Password required for ides. Kommando: PASS * Svar: 230 User ides logged in. Status: Ansluten Status: Hämtar kataloglistning... Kommando: PWD Svar: 257 "/usr/users/ides" is current directory. Kommando: TYPE I Svar: 200 Type set to I. Kommando: PORT 127,227,226,148,13,204 Svar: 200 PORT command successful. Kommando: LIST Svar: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls (,3532). Svar: 451 Local resource failure: malloc: No such device or address. Kommando: LIST Svar: 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused.

#5209 up/download via sftp does not work against OpenVMS servers new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Up/downloading files via sftp does not work against an OpenVMS server. The messages listed below show the behavior when trying to download a single file (;3) using sftp (not successful) and via ftp (successful, using the same host). Real usernames/hostnames/IPs have been replaced by dummy values. Opening connections via sftp does work and the directory content of the initial server side directory is correctly listed. However, traversing the directory tree on the server does not work, reporting similar error messages (wrong server side path specs).

Messages for sftp (unsuccessful)

Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started Command: open "myAccount@…" 22 Command: Pass: * Status: Connected to Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: pwd Response: Current directory is: "/QS$DISK/TEST" Status: Directory listing successful Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started Command: open "myAccount@…" 22 Command: Pass: * Status: Connected to Status: Starting download of QS$DISK/TESTLOGIN.COM;3 Command: cd "QS$DISK/TEST" Error: Directory /QS$DISK/TEST/QS$DISK/TEST: no such file or directory Command: mtime "QS$DISK/TESTLOGIN.COM;3" Error: get attrs for /QS$DISK/TEST/QS$DISK/TESTLOGIN.COM;3: no such file or directory Command: get "QS$DISK/TESTLOGIN.COM;3" "C:\tmp\LOGIN.COM;3" Error: /QS$DISK/TEST/QS$DISK/TESTLOGIN.COM;3: open for read: no such file or directory

Messages for ftp (successful)

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP Server (Version 5.6) Ready. Command: USER myAccount Response: 331 Username myAccount requires a Password Command: PASS * Response: 230 User logged in. Command: SYST Response: 200 VMS OpenVMS V8.3 on node Command: FEAT Response: 502 FEAT is unimplemented. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "QS$DISK:[TEST]" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,251,166) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for QS$DISK:[TEST]*.*;* (,3255) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP Server (Version 5.6) Ready. Command: USER myAccount Response: 331 Username myAccount requires a Password Command: PASS * Response: 230 User logged in. Status: Connected Status: Starting download of QS$DISK:[TEST]LOGIN.COM;3 Command: CWD QS$DISK:[TEST] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is QS$DISK:[TEST] Command: PWD Response: 257 "QS$DISK:[TEST]" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,251,167) Command: RETR LOGIN.COM;3 Response: 150 Opening data connection for QS$DISK:[TEST]LOGIN.COM;3 (,3257) (2688 bytes) Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: File transfer successful

#5211 Issue with Site Specific Bookmarks in 3.3.2 reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Running the Windows version of FileZilla (3.3.2 official release), the Site Specific Bookmarks only show after opening the Site Manager dialogue:

  1. Start FileZilla.
  2. Open the 'Bookmarks' menu.
    • Only Shows 'Add' and 'Manage'
  3. Open Site Manager.
  4. Close the Site Manager dialogue with 'Cancel'.
  5. Open the 'Bookmarks' menu.
    • Site specific bookmarks are now listed
#5212 Manage QuickConnect - delete individual items new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Sometimes I try an old and new ftp login info.. Request a way to delete individual items from this list, without clearing the whole list.

#5222 Option : Default Directory Hides Parent Directories new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the "Site Manager", under "Advanced", have an optional checkbox to "Hide Parent Directories" when a default remote directory is specified. Alternatively, have a textbox that says "Hide Directories Above:"

So, if I specify default directory as "/nfs/abc/123/mnt/098776/domains" and check "Hide Parent Directories", then in the remote site address "/" will automatically assume the address "/nfs/abc/123/mnt/098776/domains" but not display it. In addition, the folder "/" in the remote site directory tree will assume its the "domains" directory without showing all the parents.

The result is saved screen space and have an easier working environment.


Personal explanation: One of my host servers I log into using SFTP. As a result, the root directory of my website is at an address like "/nfs/abc/123/mnt/098776/domains"

Though this feature may be less applicable on the local machine (if at all), on the remote server I have no reason to ever go above the directory "098776" and rarely above "domains" But the parent directories take up screen space in both the remote site address bar and the remote site directory tree.

#5225 DDE execute request failed.. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

DDE Execute request failed: A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out.

This happens when I right click on and then click Open a Corel Draw file in Filezilla. It automatically opens another instance of Corel Draw. I end up with multiple Corel Draw programs open, it wastes a lot of time and memory.

I see a few people have mentioned this before.. do you guys consider it a low priority..



#5228 Individual proxy setup for every server configured in the server manager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Thank you very much for the feature to add a generic proxy, namely a socks 5 proxy, in the global setup of the current FileZilla client. But I am using a couple of ftp servers all configured in the server manager, and they all use different socks proxys.

So here is my request: Please put the proxy configuration in the server manager so every ftp server can be configured with an individual proxy. The same feature is implemented in PuTTY. Thank you.

Kind regards from Berlin/Germany. Willy Tenner

#5229 "Selected File Already Being Edited" Dialog - "Always Perform Action" option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Sometimes I encounter the "Selected File Already Being Edited" dialog box. If I was trying to open multiple files that were in this state, after clicking "OK" for whatever action I chose, the file opens and I'm taken out of FileZilla. Then I have to return to FileZilla to click "OK" for the next file, and the next file, and on down the line until I have all the files open.

What would save a lot of time is two checkbox options: "Always Perform this Action" (working like the upload and replace, where it only stays set until FileZilla is closed), and "Perform Action for Group" (assuming multiple files are trying to be opened and receiving this error)

#5242 Client: Transfer|Manual transfer defaults new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the filezilla windows client, it would be nice to implement the following:

1) If the focus lies on ONE LOCAL FILE, starting Transfer|Manual transfer could already default to UPLOAD and present the selected file in the local file textbox.

2) If the focus lies on ONE REMOTE FILE, starting Transfer|Manual transfer can default to DOWNLOAD and present the remote file in the EXTERNAL FILE textboxes.

Remarks: Currently when starting Manual transfer the local textbox already contains the local path and the external file textbox already contains the external path. It would be nice if also the selected filename could be taken into account and also the transfer direction.

#5254 Remote file editing from command line new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I find very useful the ability of editing remote files. But when I want to edit a remote file, I have to open Filezilla, open the remote site, and double click the remote file.

I can call Filezilla+site from a shortcut using a command line shortcut. Once filezilla is open, I can double click the file to edit it. I'd like to call filezilla from command line to open a file in edit mode, not just open a directory. This'd be a very useful feature. So, you can have icons on your desktop, that lets you edit remote files, using the good Filezilla remote edit (auto upload) feature. It could be acomplished with a new command line switch. I've not found any way to do this with any ftp client I know. But I think it can be very useful.

#5257 Connection Timeout on all sites since moving to 3.3.2 - cannot connect new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using FileZilla since the upgrade to 3.3.2 I have been unable to connect to any website via FTP.

When using DOS FTP/cuteFTP/smartFTP I can connect and upload/download without issue. It is only FileZilla that does not connect.

i.e. 15:34:03 Status: Connecting to 15:34:23 Error: Connection timed out 15:34:23 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) 15:34:23 Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) 15:34:23 Error: Could not connect to server

This has only been a problem since the upgrade, it has been working fine since installing on this computer back in November 2009.

#5263 option to show Site Manager sites in dropdown in quick connect bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be a handy feature to have a dropdown list of defined sites from the Site Manager as an option to be shown on the quick connect bar ... it would save a trip and several clicks to the site manager dialog :-)

#5270 Windows 7 Taskbar Features new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

With Windows 7, many programs are taking advantage of the new taskbar features. It would be nice to have some features incorporated into FileZilla.

Perhaps a list of recently connected sites or sites within the Site Manager.

An example of what I'm talking about can be looked at in the attachment.

#5278 Windows 7: Aero Peek new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to propose to make the tabs of the FileZilla-FTP client individually available for Aero Peek in Windows 7. Additionally the new progress indicator in the taskbar should be used to display the overall upload / download progress to the user. There should be an overall progress at all - actually I can only view the progress of each file-operation.

With best regards Inno

#5279 Expand segmentation / tokenization in pathname textboxes new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, text segmentation in pathname textboxes seems to be just standard, similar to what I would find in, say, Microsoft Notepad.

To elaborate upon what I mean: Take the path "/home/username/wwwroot/". Double clicking within this textbox currently selects the maximal recognized token surrounding the current position of the cursor (at least it does so on Windows).

This is indeed the expected behavior, but unfortunately the recognized tokens in the above pathname are "/home/username/wwwroot/" and "files/dir_name/whatever". Of course, the recognized tokens should be "home", "username", "wwwroot", "", "~username", and "pub". Further tokenizing "" as "website" and "org" would be acceptable as well.

Hopefully this is not too involved of a request. Mozilla Firefox, for example, does this with its address bar, but of course the underlying UI engine is totally different in that case...

#5281 built-in Ident (auth) server assigned Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a built-in Ident feature. Also known as authentication. Usually listening on port 113. User could select Port, ID and Server type.

#5286 FileType displayed incorrectly for VMS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Please refer to earlier ticket 1164. The problem still remains.

I believe that, at least for some time, Filezilla 3 did recognize VMS file types in spite of the version number being attached to the file (for example;3). There was displayed a "zip" icon in the remote file tree next to the filename, and the "auto" transfer mode did work.

This is no longer the case.

#5287 Want to automate an FTP session new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I want to automate FTP sessions. Please let me know of features , command line, scripts etc.

#5288 Image files with a "." (dot) prefix are transferred as ASCII reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client version

When downloading image files (tested with jpg files) that have a "." prefix in the filename the files are transferred in ASCII mode instead of binary.

Such images are created by components of FCKEditor to hold a small thumbnail version of a large image and are named in the format ".myimage.jpg"

#5289 make number of entries in quickconnect list configurable new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, i would like you to consider implementing a function to specify the number of entries in the quick connect list.

I often use the quick connect function, so I have many many connections in it. It is a little pity that the current limit is 10 entries. I would really appreciate a feature to set this limit individually.

thanks, Matthias

#5302 OSX - Cannot recognise OSX folder aliases new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Cannot follow OSX folder aliases. Just sees them as files.

#5306 the resume upload feature never work as expected new me Bug report normal FileZilla Client

every time a timeout occurs and the upload is stopped and reinitiated the resulting file is larger than the original file

at least an option to avoid the resume in the preferrences will be great this way if an upload fail it will start over again and no resume

your resume code has problems at least with Filezillaa and my ftp server

thank you ( chukran )


#5309 Can't download files to UNC new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When download files to local site UNC server(e.g:
servername\filefolder) directtly, FileZilla or PC will be paused

#5312 Add a box for showing important msgs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A lot of times you get errors from servers, warnings that you really should pay attention to. Mostly failed attempts to upload or change files on the server.

Currently this errors are shown in the log when they happend, but the log keeps going and the msg is swept away in the background.

I hate to spend 15 minutes on a bug just to found out that the changes I make to the file where not saved because of permissions. Such things should be noticeable in a big red outline on top of my screen, along with any failed attempts to modify files on the server.

A new feature that presents a 1 line* box on top of the toolbar could serve as an important notification bar for just those occasions*.

  • - configurable
#5315 Alternative SFTP directory listing parsing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you name files on the remote server such that their names begin with a space character, FileZilla is no longer able to operate on those files. It always returns the error "no such file or directory" when trying to move, delete or rename the file.

Another similar bug (#5292) was rejected because it related to a limitation of using the LIST command and the identification of padding characters.

However, I am connecting to my remote server using SSH and FileZilla is using the "ls" command, rather than LIST. Another difference is that, when using LIST, if the file either begins or ends with a space, it becomes unmodifiable, while with ls, files ending with a space can be interacted with normally. Only files that begin with a space become problematic.

Using FZ

#5332 Simplification of "Import..." function new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi All.


  • I have a XML ONLY containing a queue (lets call it X).
  • Inside X are a few files which I have to upload many times a day.
  • After clicking "File, Import...", I can choose X.
  • Then I have to first endure the following dialog before I can get back to productivity:

The selected file contains importable data for the following categories: <*> Queue Please select the categories you would like to import.

This dialog makes perfect sense to show if there is more than one category available. But if not it is just a bothersome task to click it again away, each time this function is used. So I would suggest hiding this dialog if there is only one item to choose from in the first place. It would make my life a lot easier ;). And also, please make a button to import files in the menu, please.

Thanks for reading. Blacky

FileZilla Version in use:

#5333 File Is not well formed Alert reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I note that you have gotten this a bunch but you do not clearly explain what to do. I do not know what to do as it is a file that was loaded by your software, so why would it all of a suddne cause a problem? I have used Filezilla a long time and this has only appeared in this latest build.

When I start File Zilla client I get this warning ...

Could not load C;\Users\Rebecca\AppData\FileZilla\queue.xml", could not be loaded. The XML document is not well-formed:Erro reading Element vlaue.

The queue will not be saved.

The same warning comes when I close File Zilla!

I am using the latest version but have had this problem with the previous version too.

Apart from this I like File Zilla - it is a super FTP client!

I have uninstalled and reinstalled this but still get the same message.

#5337 When uploading many files, some are not uploaded new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I upload many files (for example 20 files), the last file (the file who appears last because of its name) may be not uploaded. The more you upload, the more Filezilla forget files.

#5338 Inconsistent timestamps for remote files during summer time new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi! In FileZille (portable as well as installed version) I encounter a bug if the local and the remote computer have set a summer system time (daylight saving, timezone CEST).

This bug is a bit annoying when comparing the files. The files on the server always seem an hour "newer". The bug randomly does not occur (about 30% of my FileZilla runs), but I was unable to find out the pattern.

After uploading a file, its timestamp ist set correctly (if checked via ls -l), but the files view in FileZilla tells me that the file was an hour newer.

#5339 Add 'transfer type' to status/history pane accepted Ben Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to see the 'transfer type' (ASCII|Binary) added to each of the entries in the status/history pane at the bottom.

#5341 Lock Local View across multiple tabs in a single session new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, first of all i would like to thank you for giving us an awesome program... I am glad to see the multiple tabs now in place (it wasn't there before when i tried it), so i might be able to finally switch to FileZilla. (previous user of AceFTP).

I would like to request a way to lock the local view, across multiple tabs. I usually connect to 3 servers (for which i have 3 tabs on FileZilla open), and I update them from one local location. After i apply the updates on my first server/tab, and switch to the second tab, i would like the local view from the first tab to be "preserved" or locked... i hope this makes sense..


#5345 Really Delete File "NAME_OF_THE_FILE"? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A notification like "Really delete file 'NAME_OF_THE_FILE'?" would be nice, instead of just "Really delete 1 file?". So if you click the wrong file or folder by mistake you could make sure twice before really deleting the file or folder.

#5346 Temporary Recycle Bin for (small) deleted remote files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Something like a temporary recycle bin would be really nice. So if you delete an very important file like "my_file.php" which is only about 15 kb big but contains dozens of hours of work, the file would be downloaded to a temporary folder on your pc before removing it from the server.

So in the settings of FileZilla you could customize this feature like this way:

"Download files temporarily before removing from server []" and "Maximum file size for files to be temporarily downloaded on your pc before removed from the server" ... or something like this.

#5348 disable/hide local directory view reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can we have a preference in the Edit--settings to allow us to turn off the Local Site tree pane? Like many people, I prefer using my computers' built in file browsing services and then dragging and dropping to and from the remote window. I know it is possible to make the local site tree pane smaller, but just seeing it there is annoying.

#5349 remote site address backslash replacer reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In Windows, if one pastes a linux-style path into the location bar, the OS automatically deals with the fact that the slashes are pointing the wrong way and takes you to the intended location. It would be awesome of FileZilla could do the same thing when someone pastes a Windows-style path into the Remote site location bar. In that case, of course, the backslashes would have to be converted to foreward slashes. This seems like an easy feature to implement and would actually save me a lot of time as I go back and forth between my local Windows file system and the file system on a web server.

#5350 Sharing filename filter new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've made a new filtergroup with 13 and counting rules, which I now want to share with the rest of my company, but there doesn't seem to be an option to do this. Since I don't feel like retyping this list in every single computer here, could this functionality be implemented?

#5352 Reading the file to be sent simultaneously with ftp send new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

scenario: connected to my company network via. vpn (not exactly fast). trying to send a file that resides on company network to a remote ftp server elsewhere in the world (definitely not fast). I currently notice that the predicted time to complete is 10 hours. However, if the same file is local to my client machine the time to send is about 6 hours. The time to simply copy the file to my local pc is less than 2 hours.

This leads me to infer that Filezilla is reading a block from the file and then sending the block, repeated till the send is done (appologies if this is incorrect). If my vpn connection is full duplex it should be possible to service file reads at the same time the ftp send is in progress, thereby saving time in sending files that I can only access over the same network adapter I use for the ftp send. I guess this would mean multithreading the file read and send, but I will leave the design to you geniuses.

#5355 Client updates removing command-line arguments new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When the FileZilla client is updated it always creates a new desktop shortcut, which will remove any command-line arguments I had in my previous one. One workaround for this is to rename the shortcut and to delete the new shortcut on every update, but I usually just choose not to bother updating instead.


#5356 Limit concurrent downloads/uploads in Site Manager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The number of concurrent downloads/uploads can be limited globally in Settings/Transfers; in Site Manager there is only the option to limit the number of simultaneous connections.

Site Manager should include options to limit the number of concurrent downloads/uploads.

#5365 Cannot convert from the charset 'Unknown encoding (-1)' reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. install FileZilla- on Windows 7
  2. Run filezilla

=> error dialog: "Cannot convert from the charset 'Unknown encoding (-1)'"

Note: I reinstall (& restart Windows), or use the zip version, or the zip 3.3.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.0 version => still show the error dialog. Though, I can still ignore the dialog & use filezilla to up/download files.

#5366 Files downloaded after a file has been modified server-side report incorrect total size new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If you load a folder in FileZilla, modify the file on the server (adding bytes is where I encountered it), and then download the file, the size of the file in the download queue uses the cached file size.

For example, I recently did this:

  • Started downloading an ISO onto my server via wget
  • Loaded the folder the file was being downloaded to in FileZilla to wait.
  • When the file was done transferring to my server, I initiated the transfer from server to my computer.

The size of the download in my queue was ~1.0gb while the actual file size is over 2.0gb. Therefore the progress is reported as 100% at 1.0gb while there is still at least 1.0gb more to go.

Just an annoying issue with what I assume to be the cached information on the file from when I initially loaded the folder.

#5396 Remembering overwrite action for current tab new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Pretty much what I described here: (+tnx to boco for his comment) FEATURE REQUEST: When transmitting a file that already exists, you get the overwrite/skip/etc dialog, with the option "Always use this action", and sub-options "Apply to current queue only" and "Apply only to uploads" (or only to downloads if you're downloading). How about adding another sub-option: "Remember for this tab", which would remember the action for the current tab only (i.e. until I close the tab or entire program). Or perhaps make it "Remember for this tab/server", i.e. it should also forget the action when I connect to a different server within the same tab. This would be REALLY handy when I'm connected to a server, and drag some files in there every few minutes (which happens quite often when I'm incrementally updating a site or server or backing up stuff or whatever). I hope you will consider adding this... It would definitely make my life easier and I'd love FileZilla even more!

#5398 missing down-arrow next to Site Manager (Linux compared to Windows) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As ticket #4817, but with Filezilla 3.3.3-rc1 compiled from source, Ubuntu Linux 10.04, Gnome 2.30.0. The two filebrowsing windows' column bars, those draggable bars to reveal more or less of the file name, modification date, filesize, filetype etc are not visible. I can still mouse over where they should be and click and drag them to reveal more or less of a filename though.

Also, there is down-arrow missing on the Site Manager button on toolbar far left.

Screenshot included.

#5399 Encryption cipher selection policy new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, In my company, a server has been patched, and since, I cannot connect it with SFTP with FileZilla. I had the same problem with PuTTY. But with Putty, I was abble to modify the cypher from AES to Blowfish, and it solved the problem.

However, in FileZilla, it isn't possible to change this option.

I mean it could be very great to had this functionality, isn't it ?

regards, JM

#5400 Remove/Add file extension new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use FTP between Windows and MVS(zOS). On MVS it's not allowed with file extensions. See my example when I try: /* Kommando: STOR 'TST1U.TU545.TLNSRCE.NEW.NEW(POW900SD.EXP)' Respons: 501 Invalid data set name "'TST1U.TU545.TLNSRCE.NEW.NEW(POW900SD.EXP)'". Use MVS Dsname conventions. Feil: Critical file transfer error */

It would be really helpfull if I add to a list all file extensions who should be removed for that server. Eg. .CBL, .COB, .SQL, when files with this extensions is tried transferred TO my server it should be removed. It could also be helpfull with a conversion when transferring from MVS to Windows. Eg. a list with dataset filter to a fileextension, *COBSRCE*=>.CBL, *DDL*=>.SQL.

#5401 Drag'n drop multiple files to the text editor don't drop the last file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi !

When i drap'n drop several files from filezilla to my text editor (geany/gedit, etc...) the last file is not dropped because it seems that the path of the last file is not complete.

My filezilla version is 3.3.1.

Thanks !

#5404 More flexibility for file editing associations new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I want to be able to say just eg


and have everything open in geany regardless of extension

Or have like

html php css py /usr/bin/geany

Users with spaces in filenames can quote the path or use a delimiter for the extension list.

#5411 regex based file selection/manual file selection with check boxes within a directory. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This is a feature request to have a toolbar, to be attached to either local or ftp site windows, that would allow regular expression based search patterns to find a file, a group of files, or folder within that directory and filter to show only those files found.

This regex filter toolbar would have to be an 'always active' filter and modify the currently listed files via a local cache of the directory as soon as characters are typed into this filter. Currently softwares like Directory Opus support this feature.

This regex filter toolbar should not include in its actions filtering of subdirectories, or files within subdirectories, but only what is listed.

This toolbar can also be settable as a preference option to work in 'AND' mode or 'OR' mode with existing 'Filename filters'

In addition, ( 2nd feature ) if a checkbox could be allowed next to all filenames or folders in a listing to manually select/override the regex filter selections using a mouse. These selections would be remembered prior to right clicking and adding to queue.

#5419 Automatic resend of queued file when sending to mainframe new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm having a problem sending some files to an IBM mainframe system. Sending small files causes no problems, only larger files. After initiating a transfer to the mainframe, the connection (over what I guess is port 21) is dropped after about 2 minutes, but the file transfer continues anyway. When the transfer is finished, the mainframe shows a successful end message on the log, but FileZilla then restarts the transfer and keeps resending the same file until manually terminated. This seems to be related to the dropped connection during the transfer as it doesn't happen for smaller files where the transfer finishes before the drop of connection. As mainframe file transfers often are difficult to test, I should be able to provide a test environment for you to help debugging this problem, should it be necessary. The official FileZilla 3.3.3 is being used.

#5425 New feature - Transfer log export new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Transfer log export to any format would be useful for reports and to check if the files has been uploaded, when big amounts of files are uploaded to number of servers. Also comfortable for reporting to colleagues.

#5432 Simultaneous connections error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client Version: 3.3.3 Build date: 2010-06-13. I did a search on Simultaneous connections and found a couple old tickets that gave little info and said they were fixed. However, I had an older version (don't recall how old) that did not have this problem but I'm now having it with the new update which I downloaded today. To best describe my problem, below is a log of my exchange with support with my host. Unfortunately, I cannot attach the log file as logging was not on by default as I discovered when I hunted trying to find the location of the log. I've changed that setting so that I'll be able to provide a log in the future. So the snippet will have to do for now.

By the way, I will be posting a couple of feature requests based on my experience with this problem (haven't yet looked to see if already requested). 1) Under menu item Transfer, you have Process Queue but no Stop Process and no Erase Queue. Both are needed. 2) A way to synchronize the contents of a local folder with the contents of a remote folder.

I've gone back and forth with the TicketSubmissionGuide and my ticket, and hope that I have followed all the guidelines correctly. If I've left something out, please ask.

Jul 01 2010 17:18 Q: Kathryn at Gwens I'm using the most current version of filezilla to do some uploads to I've been successful in getting some uploaded but not all. Here is a typical part of the error log. Note, I'm the only client connected, and the password is right (or I wouldn't be able to get some of them uploaded), so what's going on?

Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Response: 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (10) for this user are already connected. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server ready Command: USER babcock Response: 220 FTP server ready Command: USER babcock Response: 331 Password required for babcock Command: PASS Response: 331 Password required for babcock Command: PASS Response: 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (10) for this user are already connected. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Response: 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (10) for this user are already connected.

Jul 01 2010 17:23 A: Support24 Hello,

Please make sure that you set your ftp client to operate in passive mode (PASV) and that it is limited to a maximum of less than 5 concurrent connections. The log shows that the client manages to reach the maximum number of concurrent ftp connections. We have killed the current active connections for you. Make sure that you update the settings of your FTP Client prior to uploading new files.

Best regards, Support

Jul 01 2010 17:39 Q: Kathryn at Gwens "Limit number of simultaneous connections" has checkmark, and "Maximum number of connections" was set to 5 and I've changed it to 4. It already had it set for PASV. I've totally stopped the ftp and Filezilla and started over, double checking the above settings. Now I can't get any further than this:

Response: 331 Password required for babcock Command: PASS Response: 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (10) for this user are already connected. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

Jul 01 2010 17:41 A: Support24 Hello,

You had reached the maximum number of connections again. We have killed them for you again.

Best regards, Support

Jul 01 2010 17:43 Q: Kathryn at Gwens Why is this happening and what can I do to prevent it? Jul 01 2010 17:45

A: Support24 Hello,

If your FTP Client is not able to control the number of initiated connections we assume that this could be caused by a bug at the application. At the present moment you have only one active connection to the server.

Best regards, Support

-end support transcript-

Subsequently, I got up to the max # of connections again.

#5433 Stop Process and Erase Queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Have FileZilla Client Version: 3.3.3 Build date: 2010-06-13

Under menu item Transfer, you have Process Queue but no Stop Process and no Erase Queue. Both are needed.

I was transferring several hundred files and had a simultaneous connections issue that made it necessary to stop the process and erase the queue and Server > Cancel Current Operation, as well as Server > Disconnect, were both dimmed out. Even at that, I would think that Stop Process and Erase Queue would intuitively be under Transfer.

#5461 Directory Comparison Not Reporting Properly For File Size reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have been using Cute FTP for a long time, but wanted to try FileZilla. Cute FTP also has a directory comparison feature. When comparing files by file size, I have no problem with Cute FTP. However FileZilla marks all my files as different. This might be because of the way the file is stored in Linux compared to Windows.

For example, 788KB size file on my local Windows machine is 763KB on the Linux server. But the files have identical content. Cute FTP reports the files as the same ( as it should ), but FileZilla reports them as different, which may be technically correct, but is also useless.

So I suspect that Cute FTP is taking into account the way the files are stored in its comparison algorithm, while FileZilla is not. Cute FTP also has a checkbox for "Ignore Letter Case". Perhaps that has something to do with it.

I'm not sure how to classify this issue. Maybe a bug or patch request. Either way, no matter how it is done, it would be nice if FileZilla would compare the files in a manner that determined if the file content is different or not ( because that is the point of the exercise ).

Date comparisons are not sufficient for this. File size works well, but there may also be other ways.

I can duplicate this issue all day and send screen shots of both CUTE FTP and FileZilla doing exactly the same task, where FileZilla is all salmon red ( indicating different ) and Cute FTP is normal, indicating no differences ( as it should ). Screen shots are attached.

Also, when Cute FTP identifies different files, it pre-selects them so that you can simply drag them as a group over to the other side. That would be a really handy feature.

Apart from these issues, FileZilla seems excellent, and once these issues are resolved, I would be happy to send a donation and reccommend that others do the same, as well as post a link for it on my website.


#5465 Queued files window slow to update when enabling speed limits accepted praveen Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When transferring at least two files in parallel from the filezilla client to an SFTP-server and I enable speed limits by using the right-click menu at the bottom right, the queued files list freezes. During that time all transfer bars and speed indicators are frozen and do not update most of the time. For short periods of time the indicators may unfreeze for a few seconds until they freeze again. If speed limits are disabled then the queued list is unfrozen.

#5467 Different default options for Remote and Local files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if the user could set different default actions for double click on remote files. For instance, a double click on a local file would upload it, but a double click on a remote file would edit it.

Thanks for the great software!

#5471 Windows explorer context menu option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client Version: 3.3.3

Operating system:

Name: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) Version: 5.1 Platform: 32 bit system

I would like to be able to have a windows explorer context menu entry to send a file to a specific site in the client. This feature can be seen in the commercial product CuteFTP Pro - This feature allows you to right click on any file within windows explorer and you see "upload using CuteFTP" A sub-menu then lets you select a site profile to send the file to.

#5474 Connection Time out; file transfer failed accepted Evans Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Tried transferring two different files, both of which failed multiple times after transferring EXACTLY 393,216 bytes! _ Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 393,216 bytes in 24 seconds _ Here is a full listing of my session:

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Response: 550 FEAT: Operation not permitted Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/export/kinetic/home/c/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,202,22). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/export/kinetic/home/c/" is the current directory Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,223,81). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,204,179). Command: STOR 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 393,216 bytes in 23 seconds Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,209,206). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,224,211). Command: APPE 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Response: 451 2010-07-18Message.mp3: Append/Restart not permitted, try again Error: File transfer failed Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,233,6). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Status: Skipping upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 3,836 bytes in 3 seconds Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD Images Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/export/kinetic/home/c/" is the current directory Status: Directory listing successful Command: DELE 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Response: 250 DELE command successful Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,249,220). Command: STOR 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 393,216 bytes in 24 seconds Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,252,112). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,251,210). Command: APPE 2010-07-18Message.mp3 Response: 451 2010-07-18Message.mp3: Append/Restart not permitted, try again Error: File transfer failed Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,222,163). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Status: Skipping upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Sermon Archive\2010\2010-07-18Message.mp3 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 3,836 bytes in 2 seconds Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Bulletins\2010\PDF\2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,213,230). Command: STOR 2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 393,216 bytes in 23 seconds Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3 Server (kinetic Service) [] Command: USER bethmen@… Response: 331 Password required for bethmen@… Command: PASS Response: 230 User bethmen@… logged in Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Bulletins\2010\PDF\2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Command: CWD /export/kinetic/home/c/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,239,160). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,225,46). Command: APPE 2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Response: 451 2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf: Append/Restart not permitted, try again Error: File transfer failed Status: Starting upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Bulletins\2010\PDF\2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,209,253,55,253,86). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete Status: Skipping upload of Y:\Bethel Mennonite Church\Bulletins\2010\PDF\2010-07-18_BMC_Bulletin.pdf Status: File transfer successful, transferred 3,928 bytes in 3 seconds Status: Disconnected from server

#5477 If transfer is interrupted, Automatic Shutdown enabled, Queue is cleared. 3.3.3 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you set the program to shutdown after the queue is completed, and something else interrupts the transfer (in my case, the ftp server went down) FileZilla shuts down the computer, but it also wipes the queue. I had a queue that would have taken a couple days to complete, but it's wiped clean. Rather frustrating as I'm about to go on a trip.

At minimum, there should be a setting that tells it to keep trying until the queue is completed.

#5483 Filename filters rules new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A nice improvement to the Filename Filters feature would be to add another option/condition to the rules: "Skip items matching ...".

This feature would not hide the files matching those rules, but only highlight them in a different color (gray) or font style (line-through).

This feature would actually match the "Skip list" feature from FlashFXP.

#5485 Drag&drop from FileZilla to Nautilus (and Desktop) in Gnome doesn't works new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Using Gnome, if I drag&drop a file or folder from Desktop or Nautilus to Filezilla, files are uploaded correctly but if I drag&drop from FileZilla to Desktop nothing happens.

It's very useful for backup purposes, making a copy of server files before overwrite with new ones...

#5493 Problem while copying from Unixfolders to Windows with casesensitive filenames. new Patch normal FileZilla Client

Problem: On Unix FTP-Server you have a file called "Team.htm" and a file called "team.htm"

If you copy file "Team.htm" everything is ok. File will be listed local. If you then copy file "team.htm" and press cancel in the overwrite dialog to abort, the operation will abort BUT in the list of the local files the entry "team.htm" will appear.

#5494 Command line argument - Process Queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It'd be great to have a command line argument to process the existing queue, i.e. after starting Filezilla Client, Transfer (menu) --> Process Queue.

This would allow very basic scheduling, e.g. delay transfers to a time when the bandwidth isn't needed for more important things.

Thank you for considering this request. :)

Regards, Elahn

#5497 Already Connected dialog should support doubleclick new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be more comfortable if the user could simply doubleclick on " tab" or "...current tab" instead of selecting one option and then clicking on "ok".

#5498 Compare remote files from two servers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have the need to compare file between two remote servers (instead of local vs remote). You might be wondering why I can't just download the files from one server to compare against another. The answer to this is Linux filenames... some of the files differ in case only so downloading them means some files get overwritten.

#5519 Support for five-button mice new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On five-button mice (e.g. Logitech Laser MX400, Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, IntelliMouse Optical and Comfort Mouse 4500) there are additional buttons on the left (IME, MX400) or either side (IMO, 4500) that by default function as Back and Forward in major browsers and other software.

I'd like to see FileZilla adopt Outlook 2003's behaviour where these mouse buttons cycle through your folder history. For example, in Outlook, if I press mouse 4, I'm taken to the previous mail folder that I was in, with the last message I viewed in that folder highlighted. When working with synchronised browsing in FileZilla and multiple folders, this could prove a very handy way to switch between several folders.

At present, mouse 4 is configured to go to the parent directory of the working directory, which does not match any expected behaviour of mouse 4. For example, the Back/Forward mapping of these buttons is supported out of the box with Windows XP, without any additional mouse drivers; likewise, out of the box support for Firefox, Thunderbird (previous/next message in history), Outlook (previous/next mail folder in history), Internet Explorer and Opera among others.

Mouse 5 appears to do nothing at all.

#5521 A small improvement to UI new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

A small improvement to UI would be to clarify in the Speed limits (server/user settings) if dl and ul mean from client POV or admin POV. People get mixed up with that.

Could just be as simple as to add "upload/send to client" "dl/receive from client"

And also sorting by column in bottom part of server.

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