Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#5498 new Feature request

Compare remote files from two servers

Reported by: Jamie Solomons Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: gnelson@…
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


I have the need to compare file between two remote servers (instead of local vs remote). You might be wondering why I can't just download the files from one server to compare against another. The answer to this is Linux filenames... some of the files differ in case only so downloading them means some files get overwritten.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Greg Nelson, 15 years ago

Cc: gnelson@… added

I would like to support this feature request for a different reason. I use filezilla extensively to synchronize files across multiple sites where I do various work. It is really important that I not lose changes that are made, but sometimes I can't tell just by the timestamps because *both* files have been updated and need the changes to be merged.
What would be ideal, for my purposes, is a utility that invoked "diff" or some comparable function, and either confirmed that the files were identical, or showed the nature of the differences.
Although I can do this by downloading the files, it requires me to first rename one of the files (guessing about which one is the most up to date, so that a download does not cause an overwrite), then download the file, perform the comparison at one end or another, and hopefully (if I got it right) upload the "most recent" file to the other machine, delete the renamed file. (If I got it wrong, delete the non-renamed file, rename the renamed file to the original name at both ends.)
Personally I'm not picky about what kind of "diff" you use; if it's easiest to rely on having cygwin present, that's okay, if it's easiest to cobble in some open-source code internally, that's fine too.

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