Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#5178 new Feature request

Mac OSX: Close Button should Hide not Close App

Reported by: Luke Pearce Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: mac close button Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: OS X
Operating system version: Leopard


On Mac OSX generally when you click the close button of an application it will hide the application (i.e it's still running in the Dock) rather than quitting it.

This has caught me out a couple of times when I'm downloading/uploading files and click the red-x expecting the app to carry on in the background but it actually quits FileZilla.

To sum up: Red-x should do the same as "Hide FileZilla" (Cmd-H).

Change History (4)

comment:1 by endian, 15 years ago

single window apps like Filezilla usually do quit when their window is closed on the Mac

comment:2 by Luke Pearce, 15 years ago

I guess you could argue either way; when you close, iCal, Address Book they all hide rather than quit.

If you didn't want to make it hide perhaps there could be an option to confirm that you actually wanted to quit the app when you close and transfers are in progress?

comment:3 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

If the close button hides, what is the minimize button for then?

comment:4 by Luke Pearce, 15 years ago

Hide is probably more equivalent to minimize in Windows i.e. the current window is minimized to the app dock icon.

I tend not to use minimize so much on OSX; what it does is take a screenshot of the current window then adds it as a new icon to the right-hand side of the dock.

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