Custom Query (2162 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 2162)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#4957 Configuarble local directories accepted Temp directory Xishi Pan Feature request normal
#4964 easyly change number of simltaneous transfers new Feature request normal
#4965 easily reorder file transfers new Feature request normal
#4976 Site Manager Save Button new Site Manager Save Button Feature request normal
#4989 Save/Load named Site Manager profiles new save, load, Site Manager, security, portability, usability, capsulization Feature request normal
#4996 Downloaded file is oversize compared to the original one new Win 7 64-bit Bug report normal
#5008 Specify minimum encryption requirements new compliance minimum requirements CipherSuite Feature request normal
#5029 path to the viewer new path Bug report normal
#5033 Option to gaurantee order of directory listings when adding to queue new Feature request normal
#5039 Filezilla Seems To Upload Part Files new incomplete upload Bug report normal
#5046 Local Transfer Management new copy local transfer Feature request normal
#5047 Native Viewing of .tgz/.tar.gz files, .zip files, and .bz2 files within FileZilla new native compressed archive support Feature request normal
#5048 File with 'strange' name not added to queue on drag&drop new Bug report normal
#5054 filetype associations case sensitive new file-association, case sensitive, ignore case Bug report normal
#5082 Always "Abort previous connection and connect in current tab" new Feature request normal
#5088 Client User Interface : Each server tab should have its own message log pane new tab message log pane Feature request normal
#5094 Move cursor to end of file path box upon failing to change directory new cursor Feature request normal
#5095 Selecting next file after deleting one new delete, select Feature request normal
#5097 Button to save current local and remote directories as connection directories new Feature request normal
#5098 improve "overwrite behavior" ,add first new files. new Feature request normal
#5111 Cannot easily manage SSL certificates saved in trustedcerts.xml through filezilla client new SSL certificate management Feature request normal
#5112 Dynamic Transfer Type new Data Type Feature request normal
#5116 Slow local list view in directory with many files reopened slow, list view, directory Bug report normal
#5125 remote folders don't always update when switching folders new Bug report normal
#5127 request for proxy-password if the field emtpy new Feature request normal
#5132 Show total time taken in succesful transfers window new total time, transfer time, time Feature request normal
#5137 Process Queue vanishes if powercut or PC crashes new process queue Bug report normal
#5142 Directory Comparison disabled when deleting remote directories new Bug report normal
#5148 E-mail notifications new e-mail notifications Feature request normal
#5160 Queuing of delete and attribute actions new delete attributes slow queue Feature request normal
#5161 View server response for failed transfers new failed transfers queue log Feature request normal
#5166 Completely hide the local directory pane new Feature request normal
#5167 Repeat uploads of various files from different folders new Feature request normal
#5178 Mac OSX: Close Button should Hide not Close App new mac close button Feature request normal
#5181 Add connection history new Recall connection history Feature request normal
#5200 Can't list files from a server with Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.60 using TYPE I reopened Bug report normal
#5209 up/download via sftp does not work against OpenVMS servers new sftp OpenVMS upload download Bug report normal
#5211 Issue with Site Specific Bookmarks in 3.3.2 reopened Bug report normal
#5212 Manage QuickConnect - delete individual items new QuickConnect Feature request normal
#5222 Option : Default Directory Hides Parent Directories new Feature request normal
#5225 DDE execute request failed.. new DDE execute synchronous Bug report normal
#5228 Individual proxy setup for every server configured in the server manager new individual proxy socks http Feature request normal
#5229 "Selected File Already Being Edited" Dialog - "Always Perform Action" option new Feature request normal
#5242 Client: Transfer|Manual transfer defaults new Feature request normal
#5254 Remote file editing from command line new remote edit command line Feature request normal
#5257 Connection Timeout on all sites since moving to 3.3.2 - cannot connect new connection time out Bug report normal
#5263 option to show Site Manager sites in dropdown in quick connect bar new Feature request normal
#5270 Windows 7 Taskbar Features new windows, 7, taskbar Feature request normal
#5278 Windows 7: Aero Peek new Feature request normal
#5279 Expand segmentation / tokenization in pathname textboxes new tokenization, segmentation, pathname, path, location Feature request normal
#5281 built-in Ident (auth) server assigned Feature request normal
#5286 FileType displayed incorrectly for VMS new vms version Bug report normal
#5287 Want to automate an FTP session new Feature request normal
#5288 Image files with a "." (dot) prefix are transferred as ASCII reopened ASCII, dot, images, thumbnails Bug report normal
#5289 make number of entries in quickconnect list configurable new quickconnect, quicklist, servers, limit, connection entries Feature request normal
#5302 OSX - Cannot recognise OSX folder aliases new Bug report normal
#5306 the resume upload feature never work as expected new resume ftp me Bug report normal
#5309 Can't download files to UNC new Bug report normal
#5312 Add a box for showing important msgs new alert Feature request normal
#5315 Alternative SFTP directory listing parsing new file space character filename delete rename move ssh ls Bug report normal
#5332 Simplification of "Import..." function new Import Queue XML Feature request normal
#5333 File Is not well formed Alert reopened queue.xml xml Bug report normal
#5337 When uploading many files, some are not uploaded new upload not all files Bug report normal
#5338 Inconsistent timestamps for remote files during summer time new Summer Time, Daylight Saving, Timestamp Feature request normal
#5339 Add 'transfer type' to status/history pane accepted Ben Feature request normal
#5341 Lock Local View across multiple tabs in a single session new Feature request normal
#5345 Really Delete File "NAME_OF_THE_FILE"? new delete file or folder Feature request normal
#5346 Temporary Recycle Bin for (small) deleted remote files new recycle bin Feature request normal
#5348 disable/hide local directory view reopened local directory view Feature request normal
#5349 remote site address backslash replacer reopened slashes backslashes Windows Linux address bar Feature request normal
#5350 Sharing filename filter new filter Feature request normal
#5352 Reading the file to be sent simultaneously with ftp send new Feature request normal
#5355 Client updates removing command-line arguments new Bug report normal
#5356 Limit concurrent downloads/uploads in Site Manager new Feature request normal
#5365 Cannot convert from the charset 'Unknown encoding (-1)' reopened Bug report normal
#5366 Files downloaded after a file has been modified server-side report incorrect total size new Bug report normal
#5396 Remembering overwrite action for current tab new remember,overwrite,action,tab,server Feature request normal
#5398 missing down-arrow next to Site Manager (Linux compared to Windows) new GUI Feature request normal
#5399 Encryption cipher selection policy new encryption cipher sftp Feature request normal
#5400 Remove/Add file extension new File extension MVS zOS Feature request normal
#5401 Drag'n drop multiple files to the text editor don't drop the last file new Bug report normal
#5404 More flexibility for file editing associations new file-association, edit Feature request normal
#5411 regex based file selection/manual file selection with check boxes within a directory. new regex selection mouse filter Feature request normal
#5419 Automatic resend of queued file when sending to mainframe new resend queue Bug report normal
#5425 New feature - Transfer log export new transfer log export Feature request normal
#5432 Simultaneous connections error new Simultaneous connections maximum number of clients Bug report normal
#5433 Stop Process and Erase Queue new Stop Process and Erase Queue Feature request normal
#5461 Directory Comparison Not Reporting Properly For File Size reopened Directory Comparison Bug report normal
#5465 Queued files window slow to update when enabling speed limits accepted praveen Bug report normal
#5467 Different default options for Remote and Local files new Feature request normal
#5471 Windows explorer context menu option new explorer context menu Feature request normal
#5474 Connection Time out; file transfer failed accepted Time out Evans Bug report normal
#5477 If transfer is interrupted, Automatic Shutdown enabled, Queue is cleared. 3.3.3 new Bug report normal
#5483 Filename filters rules new filename filters rules skip Feature request normal
#5485 Drag&drop from FileZilla to Nautilus (and Desktop) in Gnome doesn't works new nautilus, gnome Feature request normal
#5493 Problem while copying from Unixfolders to Windows with casesensitive filenames. new casesensitive copy Patch normal
#5494 Command line argument - Process Queue new Feature request normal
#5497 Already Connected dialog should support doubleclick new Feature request normal
#5498 Compare remote files from two servers new Feature request normal
#5519 Support for five-button mice new Feature request normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.