Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1408)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5332 Simplification of "Import..." function new Import Queue XML Feature request normal
#5333 File Is not well formed Alert reopened queue.xml xml Bug report normal
#5339 Add 'transfer type' to status/history pane accepted Ben Feature request normal
#5341 Lock Local View across multiple tabs in a single session new Feature request normal
#5345 Really Delete File "NAME_OF_THE_FILE"? new delete file or folder Feature request normal
#5346 Temporary Recycle Bin for (small) deleted remote files new recycle bin Feature request normal
#5350 Sharing filename filter new filter Feature request normal
#5352 Reading the file to be sent simultaneously with ftp send new Feature request normal
#5355 Client updates removing command-line arguments new Bug report normal
#5356 Limit concurrent downloads/uploads in Site Manager new Feature request normal
#5365 Cannot convert from the charset 'Unknown encoding (-1)' reopened Bug report normal
#5366 Files downloaded after a file has been modified server-side report incorrect total size new Bug report normal
#5398 missing down-arrow next to Site Manager (Linux compared to Windows) new GUI Feature request normal
#5399 Encryption cipher selection policy new encryption cipher sftp Feature request normal
#5400 Remove/Add file extension new File extension MVS zOS Feature request normal
#5401 Drag'n drop multiple files to the text editor don't drop the last file new Bug report normal
#5411 regex based file selection/manual file selection with check boxes within a directory. new regex selection mouse filter Feature request normal
#5419 Automatic resend of queued file when sending to mainframe new resend queue Bug report normal
#5465 Queued files window slow to update when enabling speed limits accepted praveen Bug report normal
#5467 Different default options for Remote and Local files new Feature request normal
#5471 Windows explorer context menu option new explorer context menu Feature request normal
#5474 Connection Time out; file transfer failed accepted Time out Evans Bug report normal
#5477 If transfer is interrupted, Automatic Shutdown enabled, Queue is cleared. 3.3.3 new Bug report normal
#5494 Command line argument - Process Queue new Feature request normal
#5497 Already Connected dialog should support doubleclick new Feature request normal
#5498 Compare remote files from two servers new Feature request normal
#5519 Support for five-button mice new Feature request normal
#5521 A small improvement to UI new Feature request normal
#5531 When dragging a file from the local site to the remote site window for uploading the remote file has 0 bytes size. new Bug report normal
#5532 add whole time estimation for whole queue list new queue time Feature request normal
#5537 Cut&Paste/Move feature new Feature request normal
#5544 Hot keys instead of popups new hot keys menues Feature request normal
#5549 Site-specific Filename Filters new Feature request normal
#5598 Speed limit per User new Feature request normal
#5600 Exclude IPs and IP ranges from logging new exclude IP logging Feature request normal
#5617 preserve timestamps option not working on directories. new Bug report normal
#5622 One click file backup new Feature request normal
#5629 SSL cert "not yet valid" for current day new Bug report normal
#5645 Folder name begin with dollar sign new Bug report normal
#5663 File type display during file transfer new Feature request normal
#5674 Make it so I don't have to confirm upload of remotely edited file new Bug report normal
#5685 File Filters: Add More Dates Options (ie: Files Modified TodaY) new filters Feature request normal
#5688 Server certificate needs to be accepted twice new Bug report normal
#5690 Better way to display errors new Feature request normal
#5698 windows command-line error new Bug report normal
#5699 Handling of symbolic links on Server site new symbolic link Bug report normal
#5704 Drag files to FTP shortcut uploads files automatically new Feature request normal
#5711 check if a file is in the queue before it can be deleted new Feature request normal
#6193 Allow long path names reopened Bug report normal
#6194 Proxy Import Problem new Proxy, Import Bug report normal
#6489 Prepend remote file location to temporary file name when editing. new Feature request normal
#6496 Limit number of downloads by file volume new limits Feature request normal
#6500 Overwrite dialog when a file doesnt exist?? new Bug report normal
#6501 A file with that name is already being transferred new Bug report normal
#6507 Implement ALLO option to FTP upload assigned Feature request normal
#6508 Possibility to delete items one by one from history new Feature request normal
#6509 Ask confirmation before clearing history new Feature request normal
#6514 Fix locale names new Feature request normal
#6516 remove drive letter from local directory new Feature request normal
#6528 Send kepp alive request via SSH connection new Feature request normal
#6530 Move Button new move button Feature request normal
#6532 Kiosk Mode - add option new Kiosk Feature request normal
#7155 Minimize and Manual Transfer use same keyboard shortcut new Bug report normal
#7156 Remote-GUI or console based to download queues new Feature request normal
#7157 Connecting to a B&R PLCs FTP results in an error after successfully requesting the current directory reopened Bug report normal
#7173 Can't add bookmarks for MVS paths new Bug report normal
#7178 directory listing is not always refreshed after uploading a file accepted Rahul Bug report normal
#7192 Other protocols for FileZilla client new Feature request normal
#7197 Auto-refresh remote file listing when transferring new Feature request normal
#7216 compare files before edit new Feature request normal
#7221 motd per group / user new Feature request normal
#7234 Number of connections to set per server new Feature request normal
#7235 Round-robin distribute queued transfers to multiple servers new Feature request normal
#7250 Server time stamp wrong new Bug report normal
#7259 File Date/Time Preservation Again new Feature request normal
#7262 Delete one line of history new removing history Feature request normal
#7269 Synchronized scrolling on Mac not working new Bug report normal
#7278 Multiple dialogs simultaneously hangs client (OSX) new Bug report normal
#7289 default site new Feature request normal
#7290 if deepest directory in local pane is deleted, filezilla should try parent directory recursively before defaulting to filesystem root new Bug report normal
#7291 "Already connected" dialog does not give checkbox option to "always do this" new Bug report normal
#7330 Rename premission request new Feature request normal
#7338 ASCII Mode Enhancement Request new Feature request normal
#7339 Memory can not be written error on listview click new Bug report normal
#7343 Filezilla does not correctly recognise existing processes for view/edit file new Bug report normal
#7352 Cosmetic issue with error messages for on manual transfer dialog new Bug report normal
#7353 Target file already Exists popup when uploading file. new Bug report normal
#7362 Implement correct SSL shutdown on closing connection new SSL shutdown Bug report normal
#7367 New version disables trust this certificate check box for self generated certificates new Bug report normal
#7371 Command line option to bring up an Enter Password dialog. new Feature request normal
#7383 Improved Log Window new Log Feature request normal
#7391 Server - Display Connection Count new Connection count Feature request normal
#7407 New function for uploads: backup and overwrite new Feature request normal
#7411 Overwrite remote file without prompt confirmation occasionally new Bug report normal
#7414 SmartFTP: tabs which change the local or remote only new Feature request normal
#7415 Saving of a file moves FileZilla to the foreground new Bug report normal
#7420 Calculate md5sum from original.file and send a original.file.md5 file. new md5sum Feature request normal
#7424 Drag & Drop on OSX 10.5 doen't work new Bug report normal
#7428 Locate on Disk for local files new Feature request normal
#7432 Synchronized browsing is not turned on when reconnecting new Bug report normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.