Opened 14 years ago

#7371 new Feature request

Command line option to bring up an Enter Password dialog.

Reported by: ean Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


I searched, but didn't see that this has been previously requested...should be fairly easy to implement...

Request: Provide a command line option to force FileZilla to bring up a password or login dialog before connecting to URL specified on the command line.

Reason: I have a need to, and suppose others do to, for being able to launch FileZilla from a script, directing it to a certain URL, "protocol://username@site/subdirectory", and then asking for a password. For many good reasons, I do not want to plain-text the password within the script, nor do I want to ask for or include it on the command line. Instead, I would like a way to have FileZilla start-up and ask for the password prior to connecting to the URL/site.

This might best be implemented generically as a command line option that brings up a login dialog, asking for username and password, with username already filled in if it was specified on the command line.

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