Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (2601 - 2700 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2306 Disconnect button on the toolbar Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think there should be a "disconnect from server" button on the toolbar.

#2307 Use Windows default program to view files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think there should be a way to use the Windows default program to view, and possibly edit, files, without redefining all my associations in the options box or resorting to cryptic hacks like "cmd /c". For example, I would use an image editor to edit pictures, a text editor to edit text files, etc. For more info, see my forum post at

#2308 Right click get remote file URL Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When right click on a remote file, the menu poped out has a "Copy URL to clipboard" function. When chose, it will generate a url in clipboard as: ftp://username:password@<ftp server address><current directory><selected file>

This will be very handy when use with a download tool

such as Flashget.

Maybe this request is like 1156460, 485836.

#2310 log file size limit Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed


There should be a way to limit the log file size limit. I don't want to have to prune it automatically.


#2311 FZS: Option to force PROT P Feature request normal FileZilla Server

for a security encrypted data transfer :)

#2312 Remember WIndows Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems, that FileZilla on Windows does not remember the previous Window Size and always opens in some too small Window. (This is rather a bug report than a feature request imho.) Thanks!

#2313 Update Feature Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have an update feature, that updates all changed files in a directory (recursing through subdirectories) without looking at the server files.

Changes should be detected since last update by local file time stamps. This, of course, means to save some log file of previous updates. Thus this reature may require a little bit of work.

To make everything run properly, there must be a file filter to exclude or include files from updating.

Reason: Looking up each file stamp on the server is much slower. For large directories, looking at the local file stamp would speed up things considerably.

Even if you do not want to remember previous updates and stick with the server file stamp, an "update" button for directories using file filters would be a good idea, I think.

#2316 MAKE filezilla compatible with OS MAC Feature request normal Other

Humm i was wondering i know a freind who developes websites and he host people but he said it is really hard when a person has a mac because it is hard to find a good mac FTP program... and Filezilla is easy to use and very realible.

So can you guys make a future version MAC compatible???


#2317 Command line features Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would be great if I could invoke Filezilla from command line to do some copy, e. g. like following:

To backup some files: filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection" /backups/*.* e:\backups\

Or to publish files: filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection" e:\website\*.* /cygdrive/c/inetpub/wwwroot/

#2318 Multiples IP in Passive Transfert Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed

My server is behind a gateway. Client may connect to the server for the WAN and from the LAN. To minimize the bandwidth on the gateway, I want to specify deferent IPs for passive transferts according the client's IP:

  • if the client's IP belongs to the LAN mask then the

passive IP address would by the server address

  • if the client IP is outside the LAN mask, the IP for

passive transferts would be the gateway WAN address.


Florent Ouchet

#2319 Detect/Warn on Windows firewall Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

Windows firewall (on Server 2003) blocks Filezilla server by default. Autorevision of MS FW rules would be ideal, but a pop-up warning on installation that the FW is enabled and might need to be configured for Filezilla server would be acceptable. CHecking to see if the server is actually blocked before popping the warning unnecessarily would be nice.

#2320 Full row select Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would really like full row select on local and remote fileview. As it is now, it's often a bit hard to double click the ".." folder wich have a really small click-area. So make the full row, even the date, filesize and such, clickable, at least put in a option for that and make it default.

#2321 Bookmarks Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

One suggestion here was about "follow me", this is something similar but much simpler. Seen in FlashFXP.

The ability to bookmark folders. The button should be on the remote side. When bookmarking the remote folder is saved with the local (the current folders are written in the fields but you can browse for others), you might also name the bookmark. Then when clicking on a bookmark both remote and local folders change.

The bookmarks are site-specific of course.

Easy deletion and editing of the bookmarks.

The bookmarks should be saved in an XML for easy backup.

#2322 Site startupfolder Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the site manager there should be option for local startup folder and remote startup folder for each site. This is the folders FZ will navigate to when connected.

I have many FTP-sites and all use different folders, and I switch alot between thoose sites. So it's a small hell to do this without the auto-folder-stuf.

If a folder doesn't exist, then the root should be showned.

#2323 Uploading to write only directory Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to connect to a write only directory and post a file there. e.g. folders that are intended for upload only that don't let user see the contents of that folder.

I can do this w/ other ftp tools but Filezilla seems to want to get a directory listing before it will upload a file.

#2324 MDTM implementation Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Quote from codesquid from an earlier bug report

MDTM cannot be used to set file timestamps.

Example: MDTM 20050726131800 foobar What does this command do? Set timestamp for the file 'foobar' or get timestamp for the file '20050726131800 foobar'? Due to this conflict, MDTM should only be used to get timestamps.

This is a feature that I badly need and have been assured that many other FTP Servers do implement it.

Surely the ambiguity is only there if a file of that name *does* exist. If not then can FZ not accept the command as a request to update the timestamp?

In addition, the likelyhood of having such a filename must be so remote that the default should be to update file 'foobar' with what is a valid timestamp and only if the file does not exist should FZ try to find a file with name '20050726131800 foobar' and return its timesatamp.

Please could you re-consider, as this feature would make the life of synchronization programs so much simpler and more reliable.


#2325 Preference to make site "read-only" Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When we create a site where we have read/write access, we should have a preference for "read-only" access if we don't want to risk accidentally modifying files, and we only need read access to the server. In that case, the Filezilla client would deny sending and deleting files even if the server would have otherwise let us.

#2326 Force SSL login at user level Feature request normal FileZilla Server

We have the needs to specify if an user must login using SSL or not in the user account. This is because some backup applications must login in the ftp server without SSL (there are in the LAN). But some travelling users must use SSL support to avoid password capturing. Now if I force the use of SSL, all user must use SSL. Otherwise, if the SSL is not forced, an user can login in port 21 or 990.

This feature make no necessary to install another secure server (i.e. open ssh).


#2327 Lock local and remote views Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I propose a button/menu check which when selected causes opening a folder on the remote view attempts to open a folder of the same name on the local view and vice-versa. Similarly for moving up the folder structure. Essentially, when the user wants, the remote and local views are locked together to allow quicker navigation when for example managing a website.

#2328 Synchronizing views Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful to have a feature to for Filezilla to note which files in the local folder and its subfolders are not on the remote server or are newer than the remote server copy and then upload just these files, overwriting as necessary.

If I update my website locally, I want the changes to appear on the remote server. Sometimes however, I make changes on the remote server and then need them in my local copy later so that I am hacking on the most up-to-date version.. Therefore the synchronization needs to work both ways.

#2329 Search for files. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to have a feature added by at least the new version of filezilla. The feature I would like, as well as others probably would, is to have the ability to search for a file.

Thanks :-)

#2330 Common Windows local treeview Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to use the more common Windows local treeview in FileZilla instead of just the local drives? Imo navigation to files would go a bit faster if e.g. Desktop, My Document and My Network Places are included in the treeview. Now My Computer is the root of the treeview but it would be highly appreciated if Desktop is going to be used as the root.

#2331 possibility to work with hidden folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I try to work on an ftp server which protect its access using hidden folders. every user has a private directory in "/incoming" but AFAIK, "/incoming" does not have read access to hide the folders name, only traverse access.

when I try to connect to my own directory I get this: filezilla do CWD, but as PWD is not allowed up from "/incoming" it gets an error and then, re-display the "/" directory content

if I have an manual ftp session, I can get a list of the hidden dir without any problem. it seams that the PWD error prevent filezilla to work with the hidden dir

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Command: USER anonymous Response: 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Command: PASS * Response: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Command: FEAT Response: 500 'FEAT': command not understood. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: Digital UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 1530) Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,16,117) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (,0). Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /incoming/hiddenfolder/ Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 550 getwd: can't open ... Status: Directory listing successful

#2332 Password for proxy authentication Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

I use proxy authentication with filezilla, it works well but I have to enter my password in the configuration settings.

The feature that I want to have, is a pop-up asking the password for the proxy authentication when the password field in the proxy settings is empty.

Why do I ask for this new feature ?

In my network environnement the users have to change their proxy password every two months for security reasons. When they change it they always forget to change it in Filezilla and lock their account.


#2334 Preventing local file list from refreshing Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed


I'd love to have the option to prevent the local file list from refreshing (see Chen-hsiu Huang's patch that was first included in FileZilla 2.2.12).

The text editor I use, jEdit, creates temporary files that are backups of files that I've edited but haven't saved. When I do save the original files, the temporary files are removed. The creation and removal of these temporary files causes the local file list to be refreshed every time I save a file. The process of refreshing the local file lists has a duration of roughly two seconds. So when I save a file, I must pause before uploading it. I'd prefer to not have to do this.

Thanks for your time.

#2336 Lockstep Folder Navigation Feature request normal FileZilla Client


My coworker uses CuteFTP Professional, and that FTP client has one feature that I wish FileZilla had. It's called Lockstep Folder Navigation, and it allows users to "navigate simultaneously through local and remote folder directories that share the same structure. This makes it easier to compare the two when synchronizing content" [1].

So, for example, if one were to open the /images directory in the local file list, the remote /images directory would be opened in the remote file list.

Thanks for your time.

[1] See

#2337 Transfer type indicator Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

There is no visible indicator of the transfer type: ASCII or BIN.

#2338 Support expiration dates for user accounts Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected

When creating new users it would be great if we could set a date when the user automaticlly should be removed. We are creating loads of users that should be active for a few weeks only. This feature exists in e.g. Serv-U and is great.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

  • manso
#2339 Meaningful system tray tooltip Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The system tray tooltip should display the estimated completion time for all transfers and queue size. This would avoid having to constantly reopen the window to check on the transfer progress. If a transfer error occurs, the icon should change to indicate this.

#2340 conversion ANSI to ASCII Feature request normal FileZilla Client


is there a possibility to convert between ANSI and ASCII?

Some FTP-clients do have such options.



#2341 Remote File Edit Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to view/edit/save a remote file without having to save it locally first.

I have looked for a request for this feature (I can't believe I didn't find one!) and hoped to find this feature already implemented. Other than the absence of this feature, FileZilla is the king!

#2342 FlashFXP looks Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

It would be great if FileZilla could have an option to select a FlashFXP-like layout. Most people really like that layout, but miss that in Filezilla. This could draw even more people to use Filezilla (they even installed it permanently on my university as default FTP program)

#2343 Filezilla for linux (.deb or .rpm) Feature request normal Other

It would be great if FileZilla would have standard .deb or .rpm packages for linux. This would make filezilla very attractive for linux! Furthermore it should be advertised more, that Filezilla also works (fine) on linux. Maybe this could also be supported by screenshots of filezilla running on linux (without wine). As far as I can see, Filezilla is better than other FTP clients!

#2344 Break up long series of contiguous digits Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate

FileZilla Server 0.9.10a

In the Admin Interface, in the list control at the bottom, it shows outstanding connections and a column called Progress, which contains a really big number, that I cannot really read, because it is too many digits consecutively with no delimiter, and they keep changing so I cannot even focus on it trying to count out how many there are from one side to the other.

Adding commas every three digits (or every four, or whatever) would help a lot.

#2345 use existing SSL cert Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would like to request the ability to use an existing cert generated by IIS. I have purchased an SSL cert for my web page, and would like to use it with FileZilla server as well. Currently FileZilla generates it's own cert and works great, but i would like to be able to use a cert that will not prompt the users.


#2346 Improve screen reader support in FZ Server Interface Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed

I was wanting to know if there is a way to get information by email when a new version of the filezilla server is released so I can keep up to date on this package. Also, I am totally blind and use a screen reader and have found that most of the server interface works good but in the settings dialogs when I errow to one of the settings to change it jumps me directly into that dialog and does not leave me on the tree view so I need to tab back to the treeview to change another setting if that is not the one I want to change. Can you please fix this problem? One good place to go to learn on how to make your software accessible to everyone is What compiler do you use to write filezilla?

#2347 Preserve date/time of uploaded files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Great software, easy to use, fast and does the job.

It would be very useful for me if FileZilla client could timestamp the uploaded files with the date and time of the original file, just as it already does with downloaded files.

I frequently update files in several servers, the timestamp is my "version control", but current FileZilla client (2.2.16) leaves the upload time instead of the original file time.

It could be an option like the one already existent: Edit>Settings>File transfer settings> Preserve date/time of downloaded files

Actually, when I saw that one for the first time, expected to see the "uploaded" option next to it.

Thank you for your excelent job.

#2348 Like to see Desktop from Local Site Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I would like to view my DESKTOP (all folders, shortcuts, and files) from FileZilla > Local Site. Thank you.

Travis Nguyen

#2350 Overwrite read-only files Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It would be great if there was an option to Overwrite read- only files.

In actual version (2.2.16) the following status message is shown when FileZille tries to Overwrite read-only files:

"Too many retries"

Maybe this option could be at "File already exists Dialog Box" and/or at "File Transfer Settings".


#2351 Option to hide unix dot file in remote panel Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There should be an option where you can hide the dot file. By example, when I list my home directory, the few interesting directory are hard to find in the amount of dot file.

#2352 Commas in Bytes (File Size) Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When displaying file sizes (both local and remote) in bytes, could you add commas when then sizes are formatted? E.g., show "1,234,567" rather than "1234567"? In Windows, I believe you can ask the system for the symbol, and display "1.234.567" or "1 234 567" in countries where appropriate.

#2353 rsync support Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

your software is awesome... but i would love to request a feature that i believe would be very useful....

i believe filezilla should also support rsync protocol... the only reference i found to it is from #755621...

another thing that could be really nice is to have filezilla working on mac os x... its just a thought...


#2354 Support for SSH private/public key Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Currently no support for SSH with private/public key. Only supports password authentication.

#2355 RFE for SFTP Public/Private Key Setup Documentation Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

Request for documentatin on how to setup SFTP public/private key connections and how to specify a specific public key with a specific connection as opposed to loading a global public key.

#2356 file and folder permissions Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Users need a new development on permission function. When we need to give write-read permission only folder or folder and all files in that folder. Filezilla can ask a question "permission to all files or only folder?" Thanks.

#2357 Support for OpenSSH instead of PuTTY Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Why not use OpenSSH for windows instead of PuTTY for FileZilla's SFTP functionality. OpenSSH uses standard keys rather than a proprietary format that PuTTY pageant uses. Using PuTTY is very cumbersome to setup SFTP public/private key sessions. You have to import the Unix generated key, convert it with puttygen, then load it into pageant, and pageant has to be running in the background. I would think that if Filezilla used OpenSSH instead of PuTTy, that the process could be more streamlined. Site manager could be setup such that a standard public key could be associated with a specific SFTP session. And SFTP functionality in FileZilla could become completely independant of another underlying app running in the background. WSFTP Pro or Vandike's SecureFX allows the ability to setup a key association with a specific SFTP session in their version of "site manager." They also allow for a global key to be delfined to be used with sites that use the same private key.

Using OpenSSH would also probably solve the slow transfer problem associated with PuTTY.

OpenSSH for Windows Project:

#2358 Scheduler and Rsync Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, Could you please incorporate Scheduler and Rsync in the next release...I am sure doing so will give Cuteftp a run for their money..;-)

#2359 Ignore specific filenames or extensions Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm frequently uploading web sites with lots of graphics made in windows clients. Each directory has a file called thumbs.db made by windows that stores the thumbs for faster view I asume. However this files takes up large space and is completely useles at the web. It would be great if filezilla had an option to ignore filenames, extensions or both, based on user input at config menu. I think it would almost double my upload speeds.

#2361 Connect IP address on windows caption Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed

In Filezilla Server interface, report on windows title/caption the conneci IP. Example for local server, or remote IP for remote server. This for rember witch server are connect to admin interface.

Example, in my WAN I have 20 file zilla server installation for remote management and file transfer, and I frequently admin server from remote node or from node external to WAN.

#2362 Remove password of previous logon Feature request normal Unknown

If ai start a connection to remote server, close connection and then start a new connection logon windows report parameters of prevoius connection, comprised masked password!! Anyone can connect to last connection.

Remove masked password form inputbox, or don'tet it, when open logon windows.


#2363 Exclude file(s) matching pattern... from transfert Feature request normal FileZilla Client


it would be powerful if one can prevent files who match pattern to be transfered from client to server and from server to client in the client product.

Related requests :

973812 Exclude CVS and Dreamweaver directories 743817 Exclude files of type ...

But these two requests are too specefic. I prefer a larger method. So I can exclude : .cvs directories .svn directories .tmp files for example...

but also : other product specific names or my specifics rules _* files and directories *.obsolete.* files and directory


So everyone can transfert entire directories tree without garbage.

The best would be per site config but a general exclude list would be yet appreciated as a must.

Sorry for my bad english. I hope it's understandable.

Thanks to FileZilla developpers team

#2364 PRET support for DrFTP interaction Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Command: PORT 192,168,2,2,16,174 Response: 501- ==YOU'RE BEHIND A NAT ROUTER== Response: 501- Configure the firewall settings of your FTP client Response: 501- to use your real IP: <censored IP address> Response: 501- And set up port forwarding in your router. Response: 501- Or you can just use a PRET capable client, see Response: 501 for PRET capable clients Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#2365 Add a log analyzer to FileZilla Server Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

first, filezilla server is great software! it just needs a little addon which parses the logfiles, then its very nice. :-)

#2369 virtual folders of other ftp sites Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I'm not sure if someone else requested this, but i'd like to be able to enter in another ftp server as a virtual folder, like gene6.

#2370 ftp between two servers Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very usefull to be able to start ftp-ing files between different linux-servers from one Windows- FileZilla-Client without saving them on the local windows-client first. The FileZilla-Client had to offer the chance to open a second server-window instead of the local client- window. Possible? Thanks for thinking about it. Nisi

#2371 Sounds (and other notifications) in FTP Server Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

I think it would be interesting to associate sounds with such events as a user connecting to your server, thus allowing you to know whenever someone is accessing your files.

(Great job for FZ client & server, by the way :))

#2372 Active Directory Authentication Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I'm going to use filezilla on a windows 2000 domain with ssl. I currently maintain all my users in the windows active directory. It would be nice if filezilla server was able to authenticate users against the active directory instead of only from the filezilla user list.

#2373 Multiple Servers from one install Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed

Filezilla is by far the best FTP server I have seen and used. One Feature that would be great to add is being able to have/manage multiple FTP servers on one PC (different listening ports as well on them)

#2374 Hammering protection Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I don't see any way to turn on hammering protection in FileZilla server. I personally find this feature absolutely necessary when exposing an FTP server to the Internet.

#2375 Ability to specify private key for SFTP connections Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if you could actually specify the private key to use for each SFTP connection. Having to use Putty's default key is completely counter-intuitive, and also means that if you want to connect to different servers using different keys, you have to keep changing Putty's key.

Cheers Alan.

#2376 Drag 'n' Drop Out of FileZila Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While it is possible to copy files from separate Explorer windows onto the remote server by dragging them onto the FileZilla window, it is not possible to copy files from the remote server by dragging them onto separate Explorer windows.

This is a very useful feature for tasks involving the quick transfer of just one or two files, since chances are good that the user has faster access to the destination folder via their own mechanisms (e.g., a folder shortcut) than by using the FileZilla Local View pane.

#2377 request for a simple list Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like the ability to use list (ls) without any options. ls -a doesn't work on a WMCS OS machine.

#2378 Number of retry attempts Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There should be an option of unlimited login attempts. When I try to connect to a server which is very difficult to connect, sometimes I need more than 999 (it's max now) attempts before I can connect. After that file is placed to the end of the queue, and after restarting FileZilla that file is deleted from queue.

#2379 Queue and SFV Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see an "clear all" button for the queue.

i would be a great feature if filezilla can download first chechsum-files like sfv oder md5 (if they exist) and then after download filezilla will check this. if file isn't ok filezilla will retrieve the file again.

and at last that ic can write server-commands to the server.

sorry for my bad english

#2380 Compression of Files Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

In the options Compression i would like to see that i can tell filezilla what files be not compressed (like archivs, mp3 ore exe files) all other can be compressed. i think compressing archivs etc is not a good idea, but files such doc,txt, xls files can be good compressed.

sorry for my bad englisch

#2381 Need translation for server Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I can not find translation for FileZilla Server, and I can help you with both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translation from English.

#2382 File filter Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I think of a great tool that should be in FileZilla : a filter to choose if kind of files may or may not be up/downloaded. For example : upload an entire folder except *.db or less than 1byte... Thanks Geoffroy

#2383 Preserve file time when uploading Feature request normal Other

An option to preserve the file date/time when uploading would be a useful enhancement (IMHO).


#2384 Do not use LIST command with selected downloads in queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be very usefull to make this feature available: Do not use LIST command with selected downloads in queue or for all downloads.

#2385 Get a remote file full link Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Could it be possible to get a remote file full link by a right click on it in the "Remote file list" ? Two possibilities :

  1. copy the link to the clipboard


  1. send the link to a mail.

Thanks. Sly.

#2387 security level of data connection (PROT C/P) Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

When using FTP with TLS/SSL (explicit) FileZilla uses encryption for both the command and data connections sending a 'PROT P' command to the server.

From the security point of view this is ok but not always necessary. Mostly the command connection needs encryption for secure password transfers on login and the data then can be transfered unencrypted and uncompressed (only sometimes data needs encryption). This would give less load to ftp-servers when using fast connection (like 100MBit and above).

It would be great to choose between 'PROT P' and 'PROT C' in default settings and for each site in the manager.

#2390 Link to the Desktop in Browser Feature request normal Unknown


here's just one little tricky thing I'm really missing in this nice client: a shorcut to the Desktop (bureau in french.. ? ) in the browser of the local folder rather than have to browse through c\documents and settings\...

I suppose it's quite easy, but it'd be really nice :)

#2391 Log to Syslog server Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected

I would like to see the logging options expanded to allow logging to a standard syslog server running on udp 514. In the config form allow the user to enter the IP address for the syslog server. Maybe allow a non-standard port, that would be useful for some people.

I would only log items such as logins/logouts and file puts/gets.

Thanks for the consideration.


#2392 Primmary comands Feature request normal Unknown

I have FileZilla version 2.2.17a and noticed that in the local file list there is no primary command (the command that is executed by double clicking on a file) and that in the remote file list the primary command is 'download'. I would like the primary command in both file lists to be 'open'.

#2394 zmode file types Feature request normal FileZilla Server invalid

in zmode i would like to see it activated also by file type it consume too much cpu when transferring a very large zip file which hangs my server

so if there will be a feature to include or exclude file type from zmode it will be very good

another thing

is there activex version of filezilla client ? so i can run it from vbscript without interface ?

thank you in advance tamir mordo

#2395 Max uploadsize or max foldersize Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate


When I use Filezilla server, I miss the feature that restricts people to upload files greater then a certain amount. I miss this because I don't want people to use up all the harddisk space, so an even better solution would be to set a maximum size for the folder so people can't put more on the harddisk then the specified size.

Good Luck with the project,

B Blok

#2396 Server Interface Window Size Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

Can you make Serevr Interface remember its window size so that when it is started again it keeps its previous size?

#2397 Remembering previously accessed Remote Sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There are at least three other request (896458, 558585, 993101) for the Remote Site to remember previously accessed directories. I would really like to see this feature included in Filezilla. Some of these request go back as far as 2002. This would be extremely helpful.

#2398 chat Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be fabulous to chat between server and different connected clients. I think it is not too complicated to add this feature. Thanks a lot


#2401 Server interface password encryption Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Server interface admin password is not encrypted in xml config file. Other things are wery good. ;) Thanks.

#2402 VMS optional inclusion of version number Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme

There should be added some OpenVMS (or in general server system) support. E.g. a file on OpenVMS X.TXT;5 should be copied to x.txt and not to x.txt;5 on Windows. Only WS FTP supports this feature.

#2403 Hide zero size files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice option to hide zero size files in remote file list.

#2404 Local Right Click -> Explore Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

An additional menu item of 'Explore' on local folders within Filezilla which opened Windows Explorer in that folder would be a great time saver.

#2405 Email notification Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

I'd like to see the server be able to send a email notification when a file is uploaded into a specific directory. We use Filezilla to take incoming orders that we print. I'd like our incoming directory to notify the production staff when they come in.

It would be even better if these notifications auto-configured based on the auto-created user directories.

#2406 Toggle permission denied in directories Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

We use the server for "anonymous" uploads of files. When the user opens the upload directory in Internet Explorer, they get an error message that says they don't have permission in that directory. This confuses the average user because they think they don't have permission to upload when, in fact, they only don't have permission to list the directory.

I'd like to be able to toggle that so if they don't have permission to list the directory, but they do have permission to do other things in the directory, they just get an empty directory when they list. It doesn't then give them any permission denied messages.

#2408 lower case filenames Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the option to have only lower case filenames on the server remote side. I used to use WS_FTP and this was a useful option that I used.

#2409 Include use of Novell Border Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you please enable the use of Novell Border Manager as one of the FTP proxy type settings. By default, it uses dollar signs and not the 'at' symbol.

USER FireID$RemoteID$RemoteHost PASS FirePassword$RemotePassword

The FireID is normally a long context-sensative string like ''.

#2410 Server Interface Secure Communcation Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated

I think it is a good idea to open a secure

connection between Server Interface and the FTP Server. Otherwise there is no sense to run FTPS service and everybody can see you settings and passwords because of insecure connection.

Respectum Infinitus, darkterminal

#2411 upload-only ftp sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

Many FTP servers are configured to allow uploads only. This means that the LIST command fails. It would be useful to be able to disable the use of LIST, and grey out the remote file list pane(s), for these servers.

#2412 usability excited Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

i like to see my desktop on the local site and dont always need to klick through the c:\documents./.../ User/desktop

this would be a great feature for the next version

#2413 Display client IP address in server welcome message Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

Can You create a variable to add the Client IP to Welcome Message??

#2415 file transfer settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be also nice to widen up "if file exists" menu to add: overwrite if smaller, resume if smaller. most windows based ftp server realizations fail very often, giving you zero sized files.

#2416 windows treestructure file view (Desktop) and shortcuts Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to have current user's Desktop at top of local treeview. It's what you find in almost every filebrowser in windows softwares (Save/Load dialogs for example).

I find quite bothering going through Local HardDrive / Document and Settings / <user> / and at last Desktop to locate quickly the desktop.

Support for Directory shortcuts in local view would help too. Double-click in that kind of shortcut should lead you to the destination directory in treeview instead of uploading the .lnk file ;)

I use FileZilla everyday! Keep up the good work. :)

#2417 Resizable settings windows Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected

The settings, groups and users windows are a bit too small for my taste, could it be possible to get a small resizing mechanism, as the main filezilla server window?

When setting shared folders for groups and users, it's not very easy to determine which folder to edit and you need to use the horisontal scrollbar along with expanding the directories and alias columns, which makes this a lot more unfriendly to administrators with many folders on this list.

#2418 Security - Assign users to more than one group Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate

FileZilla assumes that one user will only ever be a member of one group, which is very restrictive for a server that hosts sites for multiple organizations.

I host a number of websites on one server, several of which use the services of one or more of the same individuals to design their artwork, HTML, and/or scripts.

With other FTP servers I have been able to easily manage security issues by assigning group access to each website, or to several websites owned by the same entity, then adding users and making them members of each of the appropriate groups. This would be a very helpful feature in FileZilla.

#2420 Mirror folders, Automate, Schedule Feature request normal FileZilla Client

First let me thank the developers for a product that is effortless to use & works flawlessly right from the start. Just terrific...

I'm just re-iterating the need to "schedule" transfers or "mirror" folders. I'm currently backing up my application server to an (off site) ftp server manually with FileZilla.

Hope you can build it into a future update, keep up the great work!

#2421 Mac OS X Support Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Compile for Mac OS X please.

#2422 Better logging options Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix

The one major thing lacking in Filezill Server is logging options. I would like to see things like file size limitations, control of log name, log location, being able to rotate the log out ever hour, day, week, month, ext. This is needed for security badly. Someone was trying to hack my Filezilla Server FTP today and when I tryed to open the log a 106 MB file takes a hell of a long time to load. Giving these options (expesialy to start a new log every hour, day, week, month) whould have helped me a huge amount.

#2423 a list of to be ignored file-types to be uploaded Feature request normal Other

we should be able to have a list of to be ignored file-types to be uploaded (or even doenloaded), just to NOT clutter our servers with a local csv or svn download-repo.

#2424 Automatic account lockout / IP Ban Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would like to suggest adding an option to automatically disable an account when the user fails to login a certain amount of times. Also there could be a checkbox to automatically add an IP ban after a certain number of failed logins or an excessive amount of connections.

This would help defend the server from the common FTP brute force attacks.

Thank you.

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