Opened 20 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#2317 closed Feature request

Command line features

Reported by: jochenwezel Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: jochenwezel, elsapo, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: windows 7


Would be great if I could invoke Filezilla from command
line to do some copy, e. g. like following:

To backup some files:
filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection" /backups/*.*

Or to publish files:
filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection"
e:\website\*.* /cygdrive/c/inetpub/wwwroot/

Change History (6)

comment:1 by elsapo, 20 years ago

You can already do this. I do this regularly.

In fact I submitted patches for a couple additional
commandline switches which are useful when invoking
FileZilla automatically:


(That makes the GUI close after the transfer completes.)


(That makes it overwrite files without prompting the user.)

comment:2 by elsapo, 20 years ago

Oops, clicked <enter> too quickly: in fact, those options I
listed below are available in the release versions of
FileZilla already -- they were included into the cvs trunk
some time ago.

comment:3 by jochenwezel, 20 years ago

Is there a complete list of command line syntax somewhere?

I've found a little bit in the documentation here on sourceforge,
some additional you wrote here, some in the FAQ...
Please could you arrange to provide a documentation page or
help page with complete command line descriptions?

Second, the syntax I've found requires to specify a complete
server address with username and password. I'd like to use
the existing settings which already contain all these values.
Is this possible, too?

Here is the most complete command line syntax for filezilla
What are the command line options supported by FileZilla?
You can append ftp server addresses to the command line of
FileZilla. Valid addresses would be from the form [([s]
ftp|ftps):][user[:pass]@]host[:port]path Example:
FileZilla does support some basic command line options. The
supported options are:

You can specify a URL FileZilla connect to when started

-d <sourcefile> <targetdir>

Downloads the specified file from the server into the target

-u <sourcefile> <targetdir>

Uploads the specified file into the target dir on the server.

<sourcefile> has to be the full path of the file.
-t <targetname>

Only valid together with -u or -d: Specifies an alternate name

for the target file.

filezilla.exe -u "c:\Program File\FileZilla\FileZilla.exe" -t CoolProg.exe

(That makes the GUI close after the transfer completes.)

(That makes it overwrite files without prompting the user.)

comment:4 by Tim Kosse, 20 years ago

Keep in mind that FileZilla has not been designed to be
operated automatically, after all it's a GUI client.
I might write a console ftp client after the release of
FileZilla 3.

comment:5 by jochenwezel, 20 years ago

Year, this would be great :)

But it doesn't have to be a completely separate client
application. You only need to add some parameters to the
exisiting, available syntax. (see my sample, maybe also
a "/y" to answer with yes respectively overwrite always)

comment:6 by Oldarney Man Slaughter, 16 years ago

Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: windows 7

I have spent over 40 hours looking for a good backup solution. It wasn't until a minute ago that i considered filezilla for the job. It does incremental backup, threads its self for 8x the speed, its fast. Bonkey takes around 30 minutes! to do an incremental backup to ftp with 4000 files while filezilla takes 21 seconds.

It would be great if someone who knows all of the commandline options would document the in the wiki. It would be awesome to have filezilla configured to back up periodically.

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