Custom Query (273 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 273)

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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#1533 Suggested Feature Tim Kosse blocker 23 years 23 years
#2183 cant handle long user names!??! Tim Kosse blocker 20 years 18 years
#1538 More control of file transfer Tim Kosse high 23 years 22 years
#1556 File overwrite option high 23 years 18 years
#1637 Allow user defined PASV port range Tim Kosse high 22 years 22 years
#1799 Missing Import to Queue format in docs Tim Kosse high rejected 21 years 7 years
#1903 File trim on resume high 21 years 18 years
#1970 No LAN Access high 21 years 21 years
#2051 HTML Help (CHM) File Tim Kosse high outdated 20 years 7 years
#1535 Feature suggestion: update only if newer Tim Kosse normal 23 years 23 years
#1539 More control of file transfer normal 23 years 23 years
#1540 More than one download normal 23 years 22 years
#1541 CHMOD of a group of files and/or dirs Tim Kosse normal 23 years 23 years
#1545 Queue-level Overwriting normal 23 years 23 years
#1555 Connect to default site on startup normal 23 years 18 years
#1558 move files within remote area normal 23 years 23 years
#1559 move files within remote area normal 23 years 11 years
#1561 Compiling error?? normal 23 years 22 years
#1562 Changing Password normal 23 years 22 years
#1564 Duplicate timestamp of downloaded files normal 23 years 18 years
#1565 custom welcome message normal 23 years 22 years
#1566 set passive mode for each site. normal 23 years 21 years
#1567 Choose password for anonymous login normal 23 years 19 years
#1568 Choose font for message log window normal 23 years 18 years
#1569 Remove from Queue normal 23 years 18 years
#1572 Show hidden files (.) normal 23 years 22 years
#1573 Drag n Drop support on connected server. normal 23 years 22 years
#1575 a few small things normal 23 years 18 years
#1576 ... and a few more while I'm at it normal 23 years 18 years
#1577 ...... here I go again normal 23 years 18 years
#1578 ...... here I go again normal 23 years 22 years
#1580 Use more than one ftp proxy normal 22 years 11 years
#1585 Possibility to view files normal 22 years 22 years
#1586 display hidden files option normal 22 years 22 years
#1587 Filezilla Sever - Run as a service normal 22 years 22 years
#1594 Support for SSH tunnelled ftp. normal 22 years 18 years
#1595 Remote directory tree Tim Kosse normal 22 years 22 years
#1598 rename in remote site manager normal 22 years 22 years
#1604 Edit files on a FTP-site directly normal 22 years 10 years
#1607 Multi-theaded upload normal 22 years 22 years
#1610 save setting in a file normal 22 years 21 years
#1612 Ability to Drag Files Onto Folders normal 22 years 21 years
#1621 Bandwidth Limiting normal 22 years 21 years
#1623 SSL for server? normal 22 years 18 years
#1624 SSL for FileZilla server? normal 22 years 21 years
#1626 Virtual Path for FileZilla Server normal 22 years 21 years
#1627 synchro normal 22 years 18 years
#1630 Browse shared folders in local window normal 22 years 18 years
#1639 Filezilla with "Multithreading" normal 22 years 22 years
#1645 Multiple User Home Directories normal 22 years 21 years
#1646 Translation to other languages normal 22 years 22 years
#1648 Site Manager sites on QuickConnect normal 22 years 17 years
#1650 raw commands normal 22 years 21 years
#1652 Custom "anti-timeout" command normal 22 years 22 years
#1653 Custom "anti-timeout" command normal 22 years 22 years
#1656 FileZilla Server: Registry control normal 22 years 22 years
#1658 Save window state normal 22 years 22 years
#1659 Remember past paths in the local view normal 22 years 21 years
#1664 Windows XP Visual Styles Support normal 22 years 21 years
#1667 Remote File Type normal 22 years 21 years
#1670 Automatic upload of edited files normal 22 years 17 years
#1672 Move files on the server side normal 22 years 22 years
#1674 Local treeview use Desktop as root normal 22 years 18 years
#1675 Support for public key authentication normal 22 years 22 years
#1679 easier upgrade to 2.1.0 (or higher) normal 22 years 22 years
#1680 Filezilla Server integration normal 22 years 22 years
#1681 Bandwidth limit, and file sorting normal 22 years 22 years
#1688 FileZilla Server -- SysOp Chat normal 22 years 22 years
#1692 File moving normal 22 years 22 years
#1694 FileZilla Server -- 425 & Passive Mode normal 22 years 21 years
#1695 Filezilla server normal 22 years 21 years
#1696 remote host to remote host transfers? normal 22 years 21 years
#1701 Public Key Authentication normal 22 years 22 years
#1702 PuTTY Session Import normal 22 years 22 years
#1703 Speed/bandwidth limits for the server normal 22 years 21 years
#1707 RE: Site Manager - Improvements normal 22 years 22 years
#1710 sftp support normal 22 years 22 years
#1711 Speed limit Tim Kosse normal 22 years 21 years
#1716 Import Settings versus Queue - dumb user normal 22 years 16 years
#1725 XML for FZ Server to run as Service normal 22 years 22 years
#1729 Server - log to file normal 22 years 21 years
#1744 FXP normal 22 years 21 years
#1751 Textfield for FTP-Commands normal 22 years 22 years
#1757 quote HELP normal 22 years 19 years
#1758 Support for Dynamic DNS normal 22 years 21 years
#1760 Customizable double-click action normal 22 years 21 years
#1765 Option to Remember Sort normal 22 years 21 years
#1772 Schedule script normal 21 years 17 years
#1775 Active/Passive selection per server normal 21 years 21 years
#1777 Server Passive Mode improvement normal 21 years 21 years
#1779 Provide Install Help normal 21 years 21 years
#1781 Send To sistem tray normal 21 years 21 years
#1784 Exchange files between 2 FTP servers normal 21 years 21 years
#1785 Scheduled tasks... normal 21 years 17 years
#1787 File synchronization normal 21 years 20 years
#1788 PASV Option normal 21 years 21 years
#1792 Option to not upload hidden/system files normal 21 years 17 years
#1794 local and remote directories synchronized normal 21 years 18 years
#1796 upload/download limits normal 21 years 21 years
#1798 More ASCII file types (i post some) normal 21 years 21 years
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