Opened 22 years ago

Last modified 21 years ago

#1788 closed Feature request

PASV Option

Reported by: netranger-x Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Other
Keywords: Cc: netranger-x, kingthorin, ohlincik, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


In the next release I would like to have the ability to set
the PASV option for EACH site I have listed in my Site

I am a web developer and use FileZilla as my FTP client
cause its the best I have come across. However, some
of the servers my clients have chosen to use are flaky
when using PASV.

If I could set PASV to be on or off for each individual
connection, it would save me from having to change the
global setting each time I wish to connect.


Change History (2)

comment:1 by kingthorin, 22 years ago

I completely agree with this suggestion.

netranger-x --> Instead of changing the global each time
couldn't you juse use the Server:Enter Raw FTP Command
(CTRL+F) command and enter PASV ?? (I could be wrong)


comment:2 by ohlincik, 22 years ago

I would also like to see this feature implemented. It is a
standard on other FTP Clients that use Site Manager, such
as Cute FTP.

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