Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (5901 - 6000 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2681 Override Files by Rename Feature request normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#2683 public upload folder Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2686 Alter SYST reply to increase security Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2699 Attach users to multiple groups. Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2727 UP/DL Ratio Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2728 Webservice Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2731 X-Forwarded-For Support Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2740 Individual down- and upstream traffic allocations for users Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2749 Scripting engine for server Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2753 Timestamp for all log entries Feature request normal FileZilla Server invalid
#2756 Default unicode handling Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2758 Change attempts range before autoban Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2763 "Show last log file","Show log files folder" status bar menu Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2764 "Show log files folder" button in settings window Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2773 limit max. connections per IP Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed
#2777 Server version for Linux/Mac Feature request low FileZilla Server rejected
#2778 Autoban - User List Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2798 Support disabling server activity in the server interface Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2799 Advanced Logging Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2806 Customizable FTP messages Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2807 Account statistics Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2808 Support user-specific timeout configuration Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2809 Aliases Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2824 Support logging to the W3C or ProFTPd log file formats Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2830 UTF-8 directory/filename encoding Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2839 Filezilla server.xml Check for update every X seconds Feature request high FileZilla Server
#2884 Disable Account after the "Expiration Date" Feature request high FileZilla Server duplicate
#2891 Allow the server to automatically start in a disabled state Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2896 Message Filter in Server Interface Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#2906 Some Security minded options Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2915 SFTP Server Support Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2928 FileZilla Server.xml file in wiki/FAQ Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2960 Auto ban Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2969 ActiveDirectory Authentication / NTFS Authorization Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2971 Linux support Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2988 Option to hide directory content Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#3753 Connection Errors Bug report low FileZilla Server invalid
#3761 system path disclosure Bug report critical FileZilla Server duplicate
#3762 system path disclosure Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#3773 Manage FileZilla User Accounts using PHP Feature request normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#3801 case sensitivity for changing name Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#3835 restart server to take modification in FileZilla Server.xml Feature request low FileZilla Server rejected
#3840 localhost connection encryption Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#3902 Email notification Feature request high FileZilla Server duplicate
#3916 Thousands separator for bytes sent/received Feature request normal FileZilla Server fixed
#3943 security risk Bug report high FileZilla Server rejected
#3955 windows Installer - upgrade leaves old 'FileZilla Server Interface.exe' Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#3981 Security Hole: rights escalation (ImagePath) Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#3993 permission denied when download file eric.badon@… Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4021 FileZilla Server produces ECONNABORTED with TLS/SSL Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4025 "Connection Closed by Server" message Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4026 FileZilla & case-sensitive filenames Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4028 Incorrect usages of memset function Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4041 LIST Issue with SSL/TLS Connection Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4050 better support through firewalls doing passive ftp and passive ftp over ssl through nat Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4060 Running Multiple Server Instances On single Computer Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#4065 UPLOAD does not work. Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4067 Cannot UPLOAD updated files with new version Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4068 Downloaded large files are not removed from queue Bug report normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#4082 Quota Management Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#4093 allowing domains to access via IP List domains access IP list allow extern Feature request normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#4103 Download never stops Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4107 Choose font for message log window Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4136 Secure Site-To-Site-Transfer Feature request low FileZilla Server rejected
#4179 Error connecting to server Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4184 425 Can't open data connection. Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4191 Typo in Security settings Bug report low FileZilla Server fixed
#4196 Password encoding Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4203 FileZilla Server 'session' issue Bug report low FileZilla Server rejected
#4251 FileZilla 0.9.30 beta Unhandled Exception Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4255 FileZilla Server.exe crashes during Windows shutdown Bug report normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#4265 Make big digits format more user friendly. Patch normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4337 Problem login to windows by using of filezilla server Bug report low FileZilla Server invalid
#4351 Server Interface cannot auto-connect to the server Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4360 long file names Bug report low FileZilla Server outdated
#4362 Being able to transfer files from one server to another would be nice! Feature request low FileZilla Server duplicate
#4379 Expected another server reply(15) : 550 can't access file. Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4407 After successfull connection attempt the server fails to send the list of files Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4425 FTP connections stop working; Error, could not connect to server Other high FileZilla Server outdated
#4426 allow unc paths Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4432 Cannot Delete Certain Files From FileZilla Server Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4433 folder size limit Feature request low FileZilla Server duplicate
#4435 New version 3.2.4 of the client is not compatible with FileZilla Server Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4467 Unable to Un-install FileZilla Server Bug report low FileZilla Server fixed
#4468 Password Change Problem in Server Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4478 Guard Page exception application error Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4479 Automate backups Other normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4482 2048 selection creates 2058 bits size keys Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4517 file list not being updated Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4526 Using SSL Feature request normal FileZilla Server worksforme
#4539 Treat shortcut as aliases Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4592 choice of manual or auto updates Feature request normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4600 Attack during identification process ? Bug report high FileZilla Server outdated
#4609 Filezilla Server does not accept connections on server startup or reboot Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed
#4610 New Feature - Would like to have a 64Bit version of the Server Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#4618 Local IP send to client in passive mode, SSL and base SOCKS proxy Bug report normal FileZilla Server rejected
#4659 File size in the Server is not correct even after 100% transfer Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated
#4663 My file will not upload/transfer Bug report low FileZilla Server outdated
#4682 Send e-mail on file upload Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
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