Custom Query (2171 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 2171)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#1801 Explode tree only on process queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The way it is now, when I add a tree (folder) to the queue, it explodes the tree (reads all files and folders, and adds them all individually to the tree) the moment it's dropped in the queue.

Could you please make the queue store just the folder, and explode it only when I press the 'Process the queue' button?

This way I wouldn't have to wait for it to scan thru the folders on the remote ftp site when I add a folder to the download queue, for example (on the local machine this isn't much of a problem, since scanning folders locally is a lot faster).

Thank you and keep up the great work!

marioinutil AT zipmail DOT com DOT br

#1803 list of RFEs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hi, first off would like to say excellent work on this great program, so far it is the only ftp client i have used that doesnt constantly crash. The miles of code in this are impressive!

I do have a few small requests i'd like to add for maybe future versions (tried to find the code to fix myself and failed...newbie c++ user)

  1. Have an option that lets you choose double click on

file action (ie: transfer, execute, or view file)

  1. Option to switch/position Transfer, Dir, and Status

window placement (ie: status at bottom, files/dirs at top, qeue in the middle etc)

  1. On successful connection auto fill-in the quick

connect with current server values (maybe only if quick connect fields are empty)

  1. Have the list on the left in the options dialog full

length and place the buttons at the bottom, in horizontal position, relative to right frame (this is just personal preference and not important)

  1. Transfer and connection settings should all be per


  1. Tooltips on the toolbar buttons?, in case statusbar is


  1. Scheduled uploads and downloads would be a great

addition! :)

Again i say thankyou for the time you have put into this and for providing it to us for free, this is potentialy the best ftp client i have used yet

#1804 Add gssapi support for SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


it seams that filezilla do not support kerberos 5 or gssapi for connection to an SSH2 SFTP server. Is it planned to be implemented ?


#1815 Change number of simultaneous transfers on the fly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see on the fly threads changing. For example, i can pick how many threads should be opened for download/upload on the fly instead of going to settings. Something like LeechFTP would be nice :) keep up the good work

#1820 browse for local folder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

doubleclicking the label "Local Site" should bring up a browse window to locate a folder quicker, as the normal treeview/address is too small, especially because of the vertical layout and the remote view. also, "Desktop" should be one of the options

#1825 windows proxy settings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to use the proxy settings that are set through the Control Panel? i.e. the setting in Control Panel >> Internet Options >> Connections >> LAN Settings

#1831 Multiple connections FOR DE SAME SERVER new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

File Transfer Settings

In the option of multiple connections add a check box "for the same server".

Ex: when downloading from 2 diferent servers and a setting of 2 max connections per server i can download 4 files at same time. if the server it´s diferent filezilla will use the max number of connections again.

And make a diference between Uploads and Downloads.. ;) .

I hope you understand :( my english is not very good.

#1841 Mention "Overwrite if newer" in console on skipping new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading using the "overwrite if newer" option it is hard to tell when a file is skipped. If there was a mention of the skipping in either the console or queue or both it would be great.

#1861 Decrease Queue Bytes Remaining as File is Downloaded new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if the queue byte remaining count went down as each file was downloaded. For example, if you have two 10 MB files in the queue, and the first file is 50% downloaded, the queue should show 15 MB remaining. As it is now, it will show 20 MB remaining until the first file is completely downloaded. With large files this can be very misleading, and a bit annoying. :)

#1862 Client: Show Connection # in Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While downloading several thousand small (few KB) files, I turned on 4 simultaneous connections to speed it up. When downloading such small files, the speed is held back by waiting for the server to start sending each file, so by running many at once, the overall transfer speed stays more constant.

I had to pause the download, so I unpressed the Process Queue toolbar button. Then when I resumed it, I got some failed transfers. Files were created with the right names, but with 0 bytes, and they were removed from the queue. As a result, I'm going to have to start the transfer all over again to be sure I get all of the files. :/

I was going to report a bug, but there is a problem: With multiple connections, you can't tell which commands and responses are on which connection, so you can't figure out which transfers failed! I have included an example at the bottom.

As you can see, it's impossible to tell which commands and responses are for which connections, so you can't tell which ones are failing and which are succeeding. A simple change to something like:

[1] Command: [1] Response: [2] Command: [4] Response: [2] Response: [4] Command: [3] Response:

Would show which commands and responses are for which connections. They could also be color-coded. Also, you could use a drop-down box to choose which connections' logs you wanted to see in the log pane.

If this is implemented, maybe we can track down this bug that caused the zero-byte files.


Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,148 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,149 Response: 200 Type set to I. Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Status: Download successful Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340comments.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340.ssi Command: TYPE I Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/34_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,150 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,151 Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,152 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,153 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,208,97,18,14,64) Command: RETR 340.ssi Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed

#1863 Show % in title! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you add possibility that FileZilla show percent of downloaded/uploaded stuff in title, so it can be seen when minimized? (or tray icon, that will show percent?)

Thanks and keep up good work!!

Regards Zoran, Serbia (Europe)

#1864 Move File (upload/download and delete) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be nice if there was some option to "move" (like download and delete from source) file instead of default copy...

thanks, filezilla rules ;)

#1867 Last X Connected Sites new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#3 - Rather than having the last connected site available by clicking on the 'R' button, it would be cool if you listed the last server as item at the top of connection manager drop-down, maybe with a line dividing the last connection from the sites. By the way, I really like how you can get to the sites by navigating the drop-down, as opposed to having to open the manager itself. Nicely done!

#1868 File Tree Drop-down new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#4 - If you've ever used CuteFTP Pro, you know what I mean by this: have the file system tree as a drop-down rather than a seperate pane on the local side. Gives more real estate to the file list.

#1869 Message Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#5 - In the interest of saving real estate, it would be nice to have the message log appear under the remote pane only, so that the vertical space above the local side can be greater. Maybe even make the message log so that you can show and hide by clicking on a tab in or around the remote pane.

#1870 Navigation Buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#6 - Windows Explorer style nav buttons over panes, like "back" and "up one level". With that, the ability to hide the ".." in the file list would be nice.

#1873 Site List Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#9 - CuteFTP and WSFTP site import. I spent about 30 minutes converting my CuteFTP ini file to the proper XML format, so I know it can be done automatically. And yes, the 30 minutes was a time savings, with the number of sites I had to set up.

#1876 Sound feedback (and other ways of notification) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to associate unique sounds (in CPL) to the major FTP actions (transfer failed, transfer successful, connect successful, connect failure, etc)??

#1878 add directory navigation "back", "forward", "up" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Now when filezilla goes to parent directory it makes selected '..' directory on top of list.

I'll save some time if filezilla in this case makes selected directory from which I'm returned.

P.S. Sorry for bad english.

#1879 Transfer Top-Level-Dir+All Subdirs Before Next TLD new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As it is now, when transferring directory structures, FZ has a strange way of doing it. Instead of transferring all files and directories in each top-level directory, it seems to transfer some files and dirs in each TLD, then goes to a "level two" in each TLD, and then a "level three" in each TLD. At least, that's how it seems.

A better way would be to transfer all files and dirs in each TLD before going to the next TLD. For example, consider this remote tree:









If that remote tree was transferred to the local tree with FZ, FZ *should* transfer /dirA, /dirA/level1, and /dirA/level1/level2 *before* transferring anything in /dirB. It should then transfer everything in /dirB before moving on to /dirC.

The reason is simple: if a transfer is aborted, and the queue is lost (with FZ currently unable to export large queues, this is a very real problem), you can easily find what directories have been completely transferred, and which ones have been partially transferred, and proceed to transfer the rest. As it is now, if you lose your queue, the only way to be sure you get all of the files is to START ALL OVER AGAIN. When transferring 30,000+ files totalling several GIGABYTES in size this is VERY frustrating.

I hope that was understandable enough. If you need more clarification, let me know.

#1885 % of completed transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

in taskbar minimized mode :]

#1905 CHOWN option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to right-click on a remote folder or file and be able to change ownership (same way you can change permissions).



#1912 Integrate into Shell - Right Click option to transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would like to see the feature of Right Click mouse - and there is an option to transfer the file to the ftp server that we choose.

the right click mouse will appears when we are in the explorer just like cuteftp or winzip.

#1922 command line: start queue processing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've been very impressed with the FileZilla tool thus far. However, I can see a possible improvement. Hopefully, I haven't overlooked this functionality in the tool or it's documentation.

I'd like the ability to invoke FileZilla from the command line. If I had a FileZilla Queue saved to a file, I'd like the ability to from a command line do something like:

"C:\ftpdir\filezilla.exe 'myqueue.xml' - processQueue=quietly -logfile=myqueue.log"

and, without the interface opening up, see that FileZilla is processing the queue and putting the log information into the given log file.

Is this functionality present? Is it possible? Do you think it may be included in the future?

Can I help :)

Thanks in advance for your response,


#1925 Show Greatest Left time in TaskBar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I use FileZilla for thanks.

My Last favor is that I want know the remain time

without clicking on Filezilla icon on TaskBar on the bottom of screen.

If there are multiple file that download or upload, show

the longest left time in title like attached ScreenShot.

Briefly, I want know when Network is ready :D

Thanks for reading.

#1926 begin transferring files from the queue as they come in... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The way the transfer process is design causes an unnecessary slow down when transferring a large number of files at once. The process appears to be:

1) parses through the directories to get a list of files to transfer. 2) after parsing through all directories and generating a list of files to transfer, place an entry in the queue for each item in the list. 3) after placing each atem from the list into the queue begin tranferring the files

By changing the process to begin tranferring files as they get entered into the queue would speed things up dramatically when tranferring a lot of files. Furthermore, in this regard it would then further speed things up to begin adding files to the queue as they are gathered instead of waiting to build the entire list of files to transfer.


#1931 Refresh Remote Dir After Upload new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi there

How can I force a refresh on a remote directory automatically after an upload (like in CuteFTP) ?

If this is not implemented yet, is it easy to add the feature in a future release ?




#1936 website prune feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like FileZilla to be able to delete from the server the files that no longer exist on my PC. Then when I upload my website, I know that any changed filenames or whatever will not leave wasteful orphaned files on the server.

This suggestion is similar to others: *the rsync one (755621) *file synchronisation (721808)

and differs in that I would not expect FileZilla to delete any local files. It is likely that my suggestion could be rolled up with 721808, i.e. FileZilla would provide a website upload capability that worked by file synchronisation to make all the server files a proper subset of the local files.

#1940 At-a-glance log of uploads and downloads new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user, one of the main features that I need with FTP clients is a simple, saved list of all things that are uploaded and downloaded, from where, to where, and when. I can get that by setting the Debug list to save to a log file - but it doesn't say where thing come from or go to, it doesn't say when, and (most importantly), it's cluttered with all sorts of other things I don't need so that it quickly turns into an absolutely huge file I can't use.

The best example of the type of log file I'm looking for is provided by WS_FTP. I attached a sample of the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Is there any way we can have FileZilla automatically create a simple text file like this, so I can see at a glance that (say) I did download the wna_site.mdb database, and then uploaded it again 15 minutes later.

#1994 import ftp settings from other FTP clients new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

need to be able to import settings previously established on other ftp clients - like ws-ftp.

#1996 ability to overwrite for that one transfer in progress new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

should be a way to request that files should overwrite existing files for this one transfer only - seems as if when you select this option for asingle file then you must keep selecting - if you say make this the default then that is the default from then on and it doesn't ask again.

(dcbiker@…) - same as 2 prior posts

#2000 option to change font in the log window new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it would be nice, if the font of the log window could be configured somewhere in the "appearance" part of the options menu.

the default font is currently something like "times new roman".

i would suggest to change the default font in the log window to "courrier" or any other font where the characters have equal widths.

many ftp sites use ascii-art welcome messages and other information ouput, which is specially layouted for fonts which have characters of equal widths. with the current font configuration they are quite hard to read.

thanks a lot for that great software!

#2001 Non Default Login Retry Dela new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, I love your idea of a global connection retry / login delay in the connection settings! Could you install an option for each individual ftp site so you can manually put in a non default retry delay incase it has to be set to the non default option.

I.E. global retry delay is 50 seconds. For you can set it for 2 minutes via a 'non default' option withing the


#2006 Queuing folder shortcut doesn't work new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • I want to be able to automatically disconnect (and not

reconnect) when my queue is complete. How is this done?

  • Also, I tried to queue up a shortcut to a folder hoping

it would queue up the folder contents but nothing queued up at all. Is there a way of doing this? I have no problems with queuing up normal folders.

#2016 Reconnect new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful if the Reconnect item (under File) were to indicate choices of sites previously connected to.


Luigi Bianchi

#2023 monitor local directories for changes (auto-refresh) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to have the local subtreeview refreshing ever 1 second, because when i create a new file in the open folder it never appears until i go into a subfolder and back into the original folder!

Surely there's a way to program this yeah?

#2042 Allow multiple mirrors per file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I recently downloaded RedHat Linux from one of the mirrors. Due to the number of current users it had to reconnect hundreds of times wasting a lot of time. Since I was already halfway through the download I didn't want to try to find the files on another mirror which could potentially have the same problem.

What would be really nice is to assign several mirrors to certain files. Most mirrors will have an identical file structure once you get down to a specific level. It would be nice to have FileZilla check each mirror in sequence until it found one available and then download the file from there rather than trying the same mirror over and over again every few seconds.

For example I could highlight a large amount of files in the Queue and assing the following mirrors for RedHat Linux: ...

Thanks, Matt Penner

#2046 Local Treeview Improvement new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, the local treeview doesn't display the folder of My Network Place. So user can access the local intranet by local treeview.

#2053 download from URL using Quick Connect Bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Start a download or connect to site/directory entering an URL like


connect + cd

#2075 Client Traffic Logs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

One of the features that I need in an ftp client is logging of uploads and downloads. On more than one occasion I have had to produce evidence that a file was in fact uploaded along with the location and time. This would be a very useful feature to add and I think very simple. Options on what to include in the logs would be handy, but not necessary as long as the standard information is there.

Thanks, Craig

#2080 Toolbar Button for Default Site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be helpful if the user could connect to their default site by doing one of three things, instead of having to go to the file menu and choosing "connect to default Site".

  1. The behaviour of the button to open Site Manager

should be changed so that if you click on it, it will open the default site. To access Site Manager it should be moved to the first option after the user has clicked on the small down arrow.

  1. If no site details are entered into the QuickConnect

toolbar then Filezilla should connect to the default site.

  1. Simply add a new button on the main toolbar to

connect to default site.

Yes, I am lazy and I don't like having to click on the fiddly little down arrow to get to my default site. I would like a nice big fat button for my big fat fingers to aim for and click on!

Darren aka Darkbee darkbee@…

#2081 Add FW support for kerberised ftp new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To allow kerberised ftp through a stateful firewall the (E) PORT and (E)PASV command must be send in cleartext. Can you add an option to allow the transfer of these commands only as cleartext. There is an example client/server implementation at group_id=70951&package_id=70374&release_id=194711.

I know it lowers the security somewhat but is better then opening all high ports on the firewall.

To support further Network Adress Translation on the firewall channel binding as to be removed. Could you add another option on the client/server to set the channel binding to GSS_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGs. The above implementation has this implemented.

Thank you Markus

#2120 Flash taskbar button on connection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When server is full FileFlash automatically retries to connect to FTP server. Sometimes it can take quite a while before the connection is established and users usually do other things when waiting. During this time the FileZilla window is begind other windows. So when FileZilla connects to server it would be nice if its taksbar button flasshed so that users can see that something happened in the FZ window.

#2122 Differant directory views new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently when viewing either the local or remot directories it is in the "list" view. I would like to see over views added like "licons". (basicly making it move like windows where you can have your folder views many diffeant ways)

#2124 Support for NTLM proxy auth new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla will not work through Microsoft ISA Server with NTLM authentication required.

Mozilla, including Mozilla FireFox does support NTLM auth for the HTTP proxy, so the code could be taken from there.

There is also a Python program APS that will work. It belongs here:

It references a description of the protocol here:

#2132 auto transfer charset filenames and textfile by iconv new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use some language environment of computer. Often Filezilla un useful on server that use UTF-8 charset to filenames. Because, I want to function of filenames transfer server charset to client charset.

please feature !

#2139 Ability to save transfer paramiters new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To be able to save the transfer paramiters including wildcards in a way that you could dave a full or partial directory structure download to ba repated at a later time to make it so that you can do "one click backups".

#2153 different local filesystem view new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to see a different local filesystem view, or the choice to change local views.

Something where the special windows folders are more easy viewable. (desktop, my documents etc) Possibly something like the notepad file dialog?

#2157 show average transfer speed per transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

At present, the only time stamp is when FileZilla is started. I request that each event is time stamped. Also, a request that average transfer speed should be logged. The two items are linked and it can be calculated manually if required so long as one item or the other is put into the log file.

Cheers SeismicBod

#2163 PASV: Output Actual TCP Port As Well assigned Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This is just visual "icing", but it would be nice to have the actual TCP port (((217*256) + 7) = 55559) for passive connections logged immediately after the server response "Entering Passive Mode (...". Something like what is seen in the FlashFXP FTP client would be nice:

[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,225,88,75,217,7). [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 55559

#2166 Saving list of files to transfer as a project new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to be able to save a "project" file that contains a list of rules for what to transfer and be able to "run" it.

It would allow you to specify the remote ftp server, local directory, file extensions to upload/ignore, list individual files to upload/ignore, sub directories to upload and to ignore.

This would be very cool for anyone publishing a website that locally contains other files you don't want on your production server. If the other feature requests for uploading based on pattern matching of file names is implemented that would work very well with this feature.

#2175 Windows Shell Menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice when right-click a file in the local view, be able to choose: "Windows Menu" refering to the Windows shell Menu is showed when you right click a file in windows explorer. Other programas such as Flashfxp has this feature, and it is very useful. thanx

#2186 quickconnect automatically fills in anonymous new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I tried getting around the user name length bug in filezilla by using quickconnect with the address and port filled in only. filzilla then fills in user with 'anonymous'

I should be able to leave it blank and fill it out after connecting. I would suggest including a 'login as anonymous' button if your concerened about users having to type anonymous.


#2194 DirSync Mirror new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

1st of all I love File Zilla ! Courd be use full to have dirsync otion in the transfer (i.e. remove filas that do not exist anymore in the source dir from the source dir / make target dir content identical to source dir content)


#2199 command line: Perform a Custom Command (SFTP/SSH) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to see a command line option in the FileZilla client, allowing to pass a Custom Command to the server.

This would be valuable when scipting automated tasks on the client (the ability to perform remote execution of scripts on the server).

Best regards, Palooka

#2201 Macros new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can we please have macros added to FileZilla? That way, I can enter a bunch of commands, save them as a macro, and run it whenever I need to.

#2213 Priority list for file transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla is already one of the best ftp programs avalible, muchless for free. There are three features that i can think of that would make this stand out above the rest.

FXP Support. Cute FTP 6.0 Pro supports this, but the interface on it, is very cludged. Looks like it was added as an after thought, and it unpleasent to use. If you were to make the local site be able to switch between either the local machine, or another remote site for fxp, that would take care of the UI problems.

Filter lists, and Priority lists are also important. What good is uploading a 20 file list, with an sfv(or any other md5/crc32 checking), if you cant make sure its there. Being able to force files up first would be a large boon.

Filter lists would also be nice. not nearly as important as the others, in my opinion, but very nice.

Thanks for your time, and the excellent program.

#2219 uploaded file verification new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading lots of small files for websites (especially PHP coded sites) I've encountered times when several files are corrupted. For PHP sites, this usually breaks some part of the site.

Is it possible to have an option to make Filezilla verify uploaded files (or at least double-check the file sizes?)


#2222 Mirror Connections new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

What would be a cool addition to a super-cool program, would be the ability to designate a connection as a mirror to another connection. so that whatever you do to one connection (Send / Rename / Delete), it will also do to its mirror connection.

Many thanks, with kind regards,


#2226 Display files in tree view like Dreamweaver new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

One really useful feature of Dreamweaver is the ability to quickly find a file just using the tree view alone, select it and hit 'put' to upload it. This saves a lot of time double clicking and looking at different parts of the screen.

It would be great if FileZilla could incorporate this idea, having the option to link or synchronise local and remote folders, so it knows exactly where to put each file when you click it in the tree view and tell it to upload.

Also being able to 'link' or synchronise more than one root folder for an ftp site would be great - I currently work on multiple web sites on the same server, and find it a very slow process in FZ to navigate around the local and remote directories just to upload one file...

This is my first request, so if it's rubbish will someone let me know?

Cheers ;-)

#2230 Option to not ask 'break current connection?' new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

How about an option to avoid the question: 'Break current connection?' when changing ftp sites.

I use FileZilla with many different sites, very frequently switching between them. Removing this message would make things a fair bit smoother.



#2231 Import 3rd-party generated queues new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I made my own FileZilla Queue, more or less copied everything from a transfer queue I generated, but I deleted the password. The transfers don't work! And yet I _AM_ logged in the server I want to upload.

FileZilla should allow passwordless queues generated by third-party programs. After all, it's called import/export, not "save/load".

Also, please publish the specs regarding the XML. What's that 4096 0 or 256 0 at the beginning of the Remotepath?

#2250 Make "Use Multiple Connections" setting persistent new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I know there's already at least one feature request asking for this, but it's been almost 3 years and is unresolved.

I prefer not to hammer any servers I'm downloading from with multiple connections, and would like to see this setting become persistent, and ideally should be disabled initially.

#2252 way to build or create a transfer queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Looking for a way to "build" or "create" a transfer queue easily from the existing Site Manager. In other words, have a way to easily select a number of files to transfer and "tag" them, while also have a way to easily select a number of sites and "tag" them to create a queue. This will enable the "build a queue mode" whereas you send a number of files to multiple sites (e.g. 500 sites within a LAN/WAN environment) and have the system work through the queue without manual intervention.

#2255 Quality of Service (QoS) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I'd be great if FileZilla (client) could use QoS.


#2261 Copy directory listing to clipboard or file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

as seen in WS_FTP:

... The DirInfo button opens a window that displays the files and folders in the current folder, as well as the file sizes, and dates and times last edited. ... as in ls -la

#2263 UNC Path for Remote Site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


is it possible to do a quick fix for UNC path support on the remote site.

pcname\share" should result in "CWD
pcname\share" instead of "cwd drive:/pcname/share".

thanks in advance


#2268 Upload file as <new name> new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please include a function that allows you to change the name of a file when uploading it without having to change the source file´s name. This is usefull when the source system does not allow long filenames.

#2269 Autohide queue window when empty new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Autohide queue window when there is nothing in the que so that there is more screen space for the interesting bits.

#2286 Toolbar customization/hide Quick Connect Bar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If right click on the toolbar then you should get a menu where you can hide the Quickconnect bar.

I know you can do this from "View".

But in other toolbars in Windows you can get a menu to show/hide toolbars.

#2292 Display ASCII/Binary Transfer Type in Queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be really handy if the Transfer Type of a file (ASCII or Binary) would be displayed in the Queue. This might be an optional display setting, of course.

#2295 Ideas for improved ASCII detection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently there are lists of file extensions that should be used in ASCII mode. This has problems as everyone knows, because you have to explicitly make sure that files are in the list, or if they have no extension like many UNIX files, you have to set the transfer mode.

I propose an addition to this system that comes into play when an extension for a file is unknown, or if the file has no extension. FileZilla would try to determine the use of ASCII and non-ASCII character codes within the file being transferred. More on that in a little bit. Once it has detected the type, it would confirm with the user that this is the correct type for the file/extension, and also allow them to add the extension or file name to the list of extensions/filenames.

This system would be easier to implement than you probably think. ASCII files generally use a limited subset of the available combinations for each byte. A good example is that ASCII files *generally* use only things you can see on your keyboard. You would scan the entire file for usages of bytes outside this range, (for example, the ASCII control codes, anything with a decimal value of greater than 127, anything not visible on the keyboard) and if one is detected the file would be labeled as binary for confirmation by the user. Text files are generally significantly smaller than binary files, so to scan a text file would take limited time, and scanning of a binary file would halt quickly because it would soon discover a non-ASCII character. Even so, you could have an option to limit the size of a portion of a file to allow scanning on.

Of course this would bring false positives, and this is why a dialog with a pre-selected button with possible values of ASCII, binary, ASCII [save extension] and binary [save extension] (which I mention above as confirmation from the user) should appear upon detection. The save extension options selection would be determined by whether the file had an extension or not.

Thanks for reading :D

#2297 Visible Password reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi i use FileZilla by some month and i have see that the password is only with Can you put in next release a choise between masked password "*" or not masked password "mypass" I have try this solution in another ftp program and is very very comfortable when i not remember the pass for use it in another program or when a have to change ti.. thanks Johnny

PS: FileZilla is the best ftp software!! I like it!!

#2299 Don't save password on quickconnect new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This will save the password with the user account. This could be a security problem.

#2302 Save queue configuration in client to settings.xml new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

great program!

but i find it very very annoying that my settings for the download queue are NOT saved! so i have to set my settings for "use multiple connections" and "proces queue" manually everytime i launch filezilla.

those settings should be stored both global and for every site.

should not be too hard to implement, i think.


#2333 upload/download scripts for command line new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great if you could include in one of the next releases an option for FileZilla to accept "scripts/batches" for uploads/downloads that could be passed as an command line option.

This is usefull in case of scheduled transfers between PCs of multiple files.

#2335 Customizable keyboard shortcuts new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I'm sure that someone must have requested customizable keyboard shortcuts in the past, but when I searched the feature requests for either "keyboard", "shortcut", or "shortcuts", there were no matches. So, I hereby request customizable keyboard shortcuts. :-)

Thanks for your time.

#2349 File Transfer Overwrite Rules new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Could you add the option in the File Transfer overwrite rules that a file could be overwritten based upon the destination file's size. Eg. Overwrite if destination file is bigger/smaller. Thanks for a great product!!

#2360 Add "Folder size" option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can an option "Folder size" been added to the context- menu of directories?

In other FTP clients (such as FTP Voyager) there is a very usefull option called "Folder size", which recursively walks through the tree below that folder and counts all files and subdirs below.

Thanks in advance, and success with the project!


#2366 Store Macros / Command Line new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to trigger a stored job would be incredibly useful, especially if it was coupled with a command line of some description.

Being able to press an up arrow and hit enter to transfer 10 files I'm modifying every few minutes would save a lot of clicking and dragging, changing my current folder, etc.


  • Ability to create, modify, save and delete macros to

transfer a file, files, or directory structure

  • Ability to do this with a minimum of mousework.

The main reason for this is that with the mouse I find I am constantly losing focus on the areas I need, can't select a bunch of files really quickly (I have to minimise FileZilla, go to explorer, select, drag-n-drop), and that's distracting.

#2367 Forward DNS requests through SOCKS4A new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently Filezilla handles its own DNS requests, even when using a socks4a proxy. It'd be cool to have just the site name sent to the socks4a proxy, thus eliminating DNS leaks on the client end (like using TOR).

#2368 simultaeneous download through different computers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

feature: simultaneous split download through multiple clients from multiple machines

Description: i wanted to request something like this: say.. two filzilla clients A and B in entirely different computers connect themselves.. then when a user from A or B gives a file to download, one section of the file is downloaded by A and other section by B. this gives rise to distributed downloading of the same file (starting from different file offsets) so that the overall speed is faster. the user from A or B then can meet physically and get the missing parts from each other.both user A and B have to download less per connection.

of course.. there is no need to be two users.. one user with two computers can manage... and also.. should be able to handle around 10 connections(not only two computers) from 10 different computers, each downloading only part of the file on the FTP server .the connection between the two ftp clients is used to keep it ordered so that there is no repeated downloading of even a single byte from the file from either A or B. maintaining 10 connection may be hard.. but.. say.. a custom named irc channel (made temporarily for the 'talks' between the 10 computers) can be utilised for keeping alll the 10 computers in sync( to know which client is downloading which part of file..)

i think this is very important for people .. with this feature.. user can download a 700mb file by utilising two separate connections, eg: office and home (office can download 350 and home another 350)

i dont think many people will comprehend this feature well.. but.. :->

Thanks in advance, FiRE

#2386 editable list of latest connections new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


at very first: wonderful, wonderful filezilla! one feature request: when using "quick connect" there pops-up/drops down a list of my latest connections.

now: it would be fine, if i could edit this list, at least delete those, who shouldn't be there any more/aren't used any more.

and there should be a longer list too.

would this be possible?

greetings from very winterly salzburg hans horwath

#2388 "open directory in Explorer" in menu popup reopened Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I'm trawling through my local file window in FileZilla client 2.2.18.

I often find myself wishing to open a file's target directory or even the selected directory in Explorer.

But there appears to be no way to do so.

Therefore I've got to find this directory or file via Explorer and trawl through the directories *again* which can take an age!

This inability of FileZilla to do this, just makes me and no doubt hundreds of others irated. :-)

But why not save thousands of users grief and add a wee icon or an extra Menu line to do a 'open Container' command on a file or directory right into Explorer please?

Can't be hard to do surely?

#2389 Shortcut to hide new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Now we can hide FileZilla in systray on minimizing the window. It would be good if there was a shortcut to hide the window in systray.

#2393 windows explorer navigation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful if there were a windows explorer navigation toolbar with commands such as back, foward, up, delete, views, properties, etc. This would make finding files easier.

#2399 (Re)store permissions new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think a great feature would be if FZ could read and store permissions of all the files it downloaded, so it would then have the ability to (optionally) restore those permissions when the files are uploaded back to the server.

This would solve a perpetual problem that I have -- whenever I use FZ to restore files, my website is broken until I manually figure out what the permissions should be.

#2407 Rudimentary per-directory log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Could we please have this feature? WS_FTP has it and it's the only thing I miss in FileZilla.

All WS_FTP does is a very rudimentary log:

  • time of initiating the transfer
  • filename being transferred
  • remote filename (even the remote path alone would do,

to avoid rescanning the remote directory in case the file was auto-renamed upon upload)

  • direction of transfer (upload/download)

I've also posted about this in the forums: t=1452&highlight=log+wsftp

Hope that helps, Dan Dascalescu

#2414 individual server connection settings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

wouldn be great to be able to set up connection retry settings (wait, attempts) individually for every server

#2419 Copy & Paste between FileZilla & Explorer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if it was possible to implement the feature of copying files from FileZilla's file explorer (e.g. files on ftp server) by pressing Ctrl+C and pasting them into the Windows explorer by pressing Ctrl+V.

#2426 Upload file rename new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When invoking a manual transfer, with a file highlighted in the local site filename window: 1) right mouse click to invoke manual transfer 2) automatically populate the manual transfer local filename

This should probably be a window sensitive right mouse click - if you are in the remote site filename window, the right mouse click should be aware that the manual transfer is a 'download' and automatically populate the correct field.

If you are in the local site filename window, the right mouse click shown presume you are doing an 'upload' and populate the local site filename window.

Alternatively - should the automatic upload process be knowledgable that the upload target is a mainframe, itcould simply truncate the noteds to 8 characters. For example: put fubar.uploadfile <to a mainfraim> would transfer as fubar.uploadfi or even better fubar.uploadfi.le

thanks, pg

#2435 Allow registration as a URL handler for FTP, SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Optional) registration as the default URL handler in windows may be added with a registry addition similar to:


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp] @="URL:sftp Protocol" "URL Protocol"=""



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp\shell\open\command] @="\"C:
Program Files
FileZilla.exe\" \"%1\"" --END--

Allowing FZ to register itself for FTP and SFTP URLs would be useful.

For SFTP, this is potentially blocked by this bug:

#2441 automatic upload on local dir change new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello FileZilla-Team!

I really like your Software, it's fast and reliable, but there is one function that would make it perfect:

In addition to filezila, I am using a free, feature- reduced version of ftp-uploader (http://www.ftp-, which uploads all changed files on a local directory-tree to a specified server. In the registered version, it would do this automatically, that means, it would run in the background, detects changes automatically and startes the upload of the file. In the free version, the program does this only on button press.

It would be fantastic, if FileZilla would offer this feature as an option the configured Servers, so every user can choose, if he wants to work manually or have everything be done without a click.

I hope you find my wish usefull and consider implementing.

yours sincerely, Jens

#2443 unique queues for different hosts new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if filezilla could download from multiple hosts with only on filezilla running and the ability speficy to use multiple connections to one host and to the other only one.

#2444 Queue creation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When Drag&Drop an directory or more to upload/donwload, don't get all file first in all directories. This often stops when an FTP Error during Get File List occured. So just read the directory content when the specified directory is next in queue.

#2447 Transfer Type on Context Menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add Transfer Type (Ascii/Binary/Auto) to the context menu that is presented when I right click on a file. Selecting this should override but not change the default setting for transfer type.Thanks Brent Milton

#2450 better handling of lots of files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Sometimes when I'm downloading an archive, I'll just add the whole directory by dragging it to the queue pane.

When I do, filezilla will recursively go through the directory structure and add each file. Just like it's supposed to.

But sometimes when a subdir has lots of small files in it, filezilla will spend so long adding those to the queue that it seems to lock up. And it'll loose the ftp connection and be unable to continue traversing the directory stucture for the rest of the files.

The more that gets added, the slower things go. And it'll reach a point where filezilla just locks up for a couple minutes or more and the connection times out and it wont finish adding the rest of the stuff.

Even though the files being added are small and could be downloaded pretty quick, by this point, filezilla is spending more time adding a file to the queue than it would probably take to just go ahead and download it.

#2451 Metalink (mirror description) support new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

.metalink files are simple XML text files that list the multiple locations (Mirrors/P2P) for files, along with checksums & other useful info. There will usually be more than 1 FTP & HTTP source, so a program can get a segment of each file from different sources at the same time. If the download manager doesn't support all or any of the P2P networks listed, then it just uses the mirrors.

This can be really nice for downloading large files like ISOs.

<metalink version="3.0" xmlns=""> <files>

<file name=”example.ext”> <verification>

<hash type="md5">example-md5-hash</hash> <hash type="sha1">example-sha1-hash</hash>

</verification> <resources>

<url type=”ftp”></url> <url




<url type=”magnet”/> <url type=”ed2k”/> </resources>


</files> <metalink>

#2452 Transfer type in site settings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add Transfer Type (Ascii/Binary/Auto) to the settings for each site within the Site Manager. Some hosted accounts always take ASCII files, while others take binary (e.g., Zend Optimizer). It is really annoying to keep forgetting to switch from one transfer type to another, depending upon the particular site that one is uploading files to. That should be stored within the settings for that particular site, and would be a really handy feature. Thanks!

#2454 redirect connection two logins and password new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


We have one customer, which have two server. There is an first login password then an other before acces to ftp server. So we need two logins and two passwords before acces to directory ? Where could i register theses two logins and passwords ?

Regards Philippe

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