Custom Query (8174 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (7001 - 7100 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2257 FileZilla Server: Anti-brute forcing defense Feature request normal Other
#2259 Smoother interoperability with Pageant Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2260 Synchronized browsing Feature request normal Unknown
#2267 (Server) Admin Interface only Install Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2270 Seperate upload/download transmission thread count Feature request normal Other
#2271 UPnP support Eirik Feature request normal Other
#2272 Ability to exclude certain files/directories Feature request normal Unknown
#2273 per user/group SSL Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2274 proxy config Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2275 move file Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2276 SSH Key base auth Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2277 master password Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2278 Quickconnect clear unfunctional? Feature request normal Other
#2279 Two FTP browsers Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2280 Minor Request: About dialog Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2281 Tooltips Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2282 Disable enter command Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2283 ASCII file types Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2284 Interface Improvements Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2285 Parent Directory Feature request normal Other
#2287 Raw Command Line Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2289 linux version? Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2290 Site Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2291 ASCII file extension in Options too short Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2293 FTP custom BOOST-mode in FileZilla server (like Avalaunch) Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2294 FTP custom BOOST-mode in FileZilla client (like QWIX) Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2296 Multiple remote sites Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2298 client override for server type Feature request normal Other
#2300 choose which connection to use for each site Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2301 "Send QUIT on/to disconnect"-option Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2304 List Site Manager sites in a menu Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2305 Confirm on exit Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2306 Disconnect button on the toolbar Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2307 Use Windows default program to view files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2308 Right click get remote file URL Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2311 FZS: Option to force PROT P Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2312 Remember WIndows Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2313 Update Feature Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2316 MAKE filezilla compatible with OS MAC Feature request normal Other
#2317 Command line features Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2320 Full row select Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2322 Site startupfolder Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2323 Uploading to write only directory Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2324 MDTM implementation Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2325 Preference to make site "read-only" Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2326 Force SSL login at user level Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2327 Lock local and remote views Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2328 Synchronizing views Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2329 Search for files. Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2330 Common Windows local treeview Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2331 possibility to work with hidden folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2336 Lockstep Folder Navigation Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2339 Meaningful system tray tooltip Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2340 conversion ANSI to ASCII Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2341 Remote File Edit Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2343 Filezilla for linux (.deb or .rpm) Feature request normal Other
#2345 use existing SSL cert Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2347 Preserve date/time of uploaded files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2348 Like to see Desktop from Local Site Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2350 Overwrite read-only files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2351 Option to hide unix dot file in remote panel Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2352 Commas in Bytes (File Size) Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2353 rsync support Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2356 file and folder permissions Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2357 Support for OpenSSH instead of PuTTY Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2358 Scheduler and Rsync Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2359 Ignore specific filenames or extensions Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2362 Remove password of previous logon Feature request normal Unknown
#2363 Exclude file(s) matching pattern... from transfert Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2364 PRET support for DrFTP interaction Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2369 virtual folders of other ftp sites Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2370 ftp between two servers Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2372 Active Directory Authentication Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2374 Hammering protection Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2375 Ability to specify private key for SFTP connections Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2376 Drag 'n' Drop Out of FileZila Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2377 request for a simple list Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2378 Number of retry attempts Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2379 Queue and SFV Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2381 Need translation for server Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2382 File filter Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2383 Preserve file time when uploading Feature request normal Other
#2384 Do not use LIST command with selected downloads in queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2385 Get a remote file full link Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2390 Link to the Desktop in Browser Feature request normal Unknown
#2392 Primmary comands Feature request normal Unknown
#2397 Remembering previously accessed Remote Sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2398 chat Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2400 Vulnerability: FileZilla Server Interface Password Feature request low FileZilla Server
#2401 Server interface password encryption Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2403 Hide zero size files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2404 Local Right Click -> Explore Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2408 lower case filenames Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2409 Include use of Novell Border Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2415 file transfer settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2416 windows treestructure file view (Desktop) and shortcuts Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2420 Mirror folders, Automate, Schedule Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2421 Mac OS X Support Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2423 a list of to be ignored file-types to be uploaded Feature request normal Other
#2424 Automatic account lockout / IP Ban Feature request normal FileZilla Server
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.