Custom Query (51 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1588 Info Tip on systray icons new taskbar-notification-area Feature request high
#2199 command line: Perform a Custom Command (SFTP/SSH) new customcommand, custom_command, custom command, custom, command, sftp, ssh, "not supported" Feature request normal
#2389 Shortcut to hide new taskbar-notification-area, keyboard-shortcut Feature request normal
#4490 cannot list symbolic links reopened cannot list symbolic links Bug report normal
#5054 filetype associations case sensitive new file-association, case sensitive, ignore case Bug report normal
#5148 E-mail notifications new e-mail notifications Feature request normal
#5225 DDE execute request failed.. new DDE execute synchronous Bug report normal
#5337 When uploading many files, some are not uploaded new upload not all files Bug report normal
#5485 Drag&drop from FileZilla to Nautilus (and Desktop) in Gnome doesn't works new nautilus, gnome Feature request normal
#5677 Problem with fast connection if username is equal to 'anonymous' new anonymous password Bug report normal
#7208 Regarding FTP Connectoin new Could not connect to server Other critical
#7248 files do no list if user group has spaces new SFTP user group spaces files do not list Bug report high
#7431 FTP Proxy - 'No-Auth' new proxy no-auth Feature request normal
#8478 ftp/s does not support certificate-auth (no password) new ftp/s certificate auth no password Feature request normal
#9960 When renaming/moving remotely, ask for confirmation if target already exists new drag-and-drop move file overwrite no warning Feature request high
#10637 Download/Upload Green Progress Bar in Taskbar new taskbar-notification-area Feature request normal
#10794 FileZilla does not combine unicode characters new upload unicode utf-8 normalization Bug report high
#10810 FileZilla System Tray Notification Doesn't Disappear, Even If The Program Is Closed new system tray, notification Bug report normal
#10843 No Such File or Directory moreinfo no such file or directory Bug report normal
#10952 Remote window shows blank, no files listed or odd white space above remote file list, but remote files re-appear when app is re-sized moreinfo Remote window, no files, empty, blank, white space, no files, re-appear on app re-size Bug report high
#11025 Version 3.22.0 SFTP cannot connect to server new sftp cannot connect Bug report normal
#11116 Connection issue, File upload issue, and File edit issue moreinfo Unknown command 99 get attrs for no such file or directory view edit Bug report normal
#11770 Cannot open subdirectories in directory tree after updating reopened Can't open folders, cannot right click to select Open Bug report high
#11778 Could not connect to server error new Could not connect to server Bug report critical
#11842 Could not connect to server new could not connect to server Bug report normal
#11846 Quicker file search new file search path does not contain Feature request normal
#11851 No internet connection for imac on High sierra. new No internet connection Bug report normal
#11852 No internet connection for imac on High sierra. new No internet connection Bug report normal
#11948 Files can not transfer. new no transfer Bug report high
#12123 Folder already selected does not reload when clicking new folder, does not reload Bug report normal
#12143 FileZilla cannot connect to FTP server anymore new 425 data connection TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired Bug report normal
#12163 "Local site" gives "(some path) does not exist or cannot be accessed." error for some folders on mounted CIFS shares reopened CIFS, does not exist or cannot be accessed Bug report high
#12191 New version of Filezilla has trouble verifying certificates new unknown certificates Bug report blocker
#12255 Home Security Products new wireless ip camera 1080p, home security technologies Other normal
#12266 bug with manual transfer : its no longer automatically retrieving login details for the currently connected server new manual transfer, not automatically retrieving login details for currently connected server Bug report high
#12288 3.50.0 will not ftp from desktop new 3.50.0 will not ftp from desktop Bug report high
#12362 Neue Version übernimmt Datum beim Herunterladen nicht new Zeit- Datumsangaben werden nicht übernommen Bug report high
#12403 FileZilla server times out - no connection new Server, Timeout, No Connection Other normal
#12454 Directory listing from server doesn't recognize deleted server files new directory listing not actual Bug report normal
#12524 Colon in filenames on server incorrectly translated to underscore resulting in "No such file or directory" error - Windows Devices reopened "No such file or directory", colon, underscore, file exists on server Bug report high
#12528 Could not connect to server new error, server, could not connect Bug report normal
#12587 transfer stopped after several downloads new Another command is currently pending Bug report normal
#12596 Error in FTP Connection new Could not connect to server Bug report blocker
#12688 fzsftp could not be started new fzsftp could not be started Patch normal
#12721 FileZilla process does not terminate on exit new does not terminate, still running after close Bug report normal
#12737 Files are not uploaded to live server from temp folder to live after updated to latest version new live server file upload not working Bug report critical
#12776 Filezilla closes out of nowhere new closes out of nowhere Bug report normal
#12837 filezilla CLIENT crash with no error ! moreinfo crash no error before Bug report normal
#13067 FileZilla not connecting to Quickconnect Server new FileZilla not connecting to Quickconnect servers Other high
#13079 iMac Sonora didn't give Filezilla permission to write to the home directory - can't write .xml files error new Sonoma, permissions, s Bug report normal
#11260 Unable to load anything new Not able to connect Singh Bug report high
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