Custom Query (10426 matches)


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Results (3001 - 3100 of 10426)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#1831 Multiple connections FOR DE SAME SERVER new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

File Transfer Settings

In the option of multiple connections add a check box "for the same server".

Ex: when downloading from 2 diferent servers and a setting of 2 max connections per server i can download 4 files at same time. if the server it´s diferent filezilla will use the max number of connections again.

And make a diference between Uploads and Downloads.. ;) .

I hope you understand :( my english is not very good.

#1832 Make interface like smartftp closed Feature request normal Unknown

Please make the interface and functionality like SmartFTP

One great benefit of smartftp is that multiple sites can be opened and transfers can be performed between the different sites.

#1833 recursive chmod closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

be able to chmod everything in a directory and, if specified, everything in all subdirectories.

#1834 provide reporting on directory sizes closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

provide reporting on directory sizes (i.e. the size of all the files in a directory and sub-directories)

#1835 Setting file access o Upload closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think is usefull to set the files access setting (owner=rwx, group=rwx, other=rwx) on uploading. This configuration could be included in the site profile (therefore one configuration for every profile).

Thanks for Your attention.

#1836 auto set chmod for a given file type closed Feature request normal Other

Being able to auto set the file attributes for a given file type (such as .cgi or .pl) would be very helpfull.

Thanks for all the work!


#1837 my wish lists closed Feature request normal Other
  • download a whole site.
  • site mirroring.
  • leech a whole ftp server.


  • download from sites require login, ie. yahoogroups file


  • support browser cookies to remember login
#1838 PAssive Mode with Client closed Feature request normal Other

There is a good way to use the passive mode.

Instead of choosing use it or not for all the remote site or none of them... Why can't we choose passive or not for each remote location in connection manager ?

Nice Job !



#1839 Minimize to tray closed Feature request normal Unknown

It would be cool if Filezilla minimize to systemtray next to clock :)

#1840 "all" check for users rights read-write-....-select closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

under ftp server it would be interesting to have a "all" check for the users rights read-write-....-select all

Pretty good software continue your good work

Nicolas Rodrigue nicolas@…

#1841 Mention "Overwrite if newer" in console on skipping new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading using the "overwrite if newer" option it is hard to tell when a file is skipped. If there was a mention of the skipping in either the console or queue or both it would be great.

#1842 Network Names would be *nice to have* closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Is it possible to display in the local Dir-Window next to the Drive-Names also the additional information (as the normals Explorer does)?

Then a selection of Network-Drives would be much easier instead of searching around which Drive I wanna use.

#1843 Per-site firewall (SOCKS) settings closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A single proxy/SOCKS setting is fine for if I am using it to connect to servers on the Internet, but not so for use inside complex network environments.

Per site proxy settings are essential for use in any larger corporation, or supporting multi-client environments. For example, I work for an outsourcing company and to connect to client A, I need to use SOCKS server a, and to connect to client B, I need to use SOCKS server b, and so on, as we have a SOCKS server that acts as a gateway to every client network. In order to use FileZilla for this, every time I connect to a different site I have to go to the settings and manually change the firewall options.

Note: This would be consistent with how products such as PuTTY work. Currently I connect to the same servers via SSH using PuTTY, and for each connection I define in PuTTY, I can set the SOCKS server (and SOCKS userid/password).

In summary - please consider adding this, as the client is great other than this issue. (I read that the site manager was getting a make-over at some stage so maybe this could be part of that?)


#1844 Auto disconnect when queue empties closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Auto disconnect when queue empties

#1845 remember the folder entered closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In a directory in which many subfolders exist, it's really boring to search or browse folder by folder, because every time we leave a subfolder to the upper directory, filezilla jump to the beggining of the upper directory, and we have to scroll and search the folder we have just entered in order to browse the folder next to it. If filezilla could remember the folder and scroll automatically to the folder when back to upper directory, it would be a useful feature.

#1846 Automatic switch of default port for SFTP closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I'd like to see a (really minor) usability enhancement, upon choosing SFTP as the servertype, the default port remains 21, I believe it should change to 22. Thanks in advance for your great work!!

#1847 Window Sync Button closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Was playing with AceFTP ( and it has a great feature I've never seen in a FTP client - you push a button and it syncs both right and left windows

  • so for example once you are in the root of your

directory and you go down a directory in the right window - the left window follows suit.

Makes upload web files a breeze as the directories are both the same on my development and web servers.

#1848 Recursive Listing closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be a good idea when connecting per konsole to the server to list the content of the shares recursive, with command ls -lR. Many other FTP servers provide this.

#1849 File filter closed Feature request normal Other

I'd like to be able to filter files based on filename/extension. Also, it would be great if it was recursive, that is, I could select a directory, and download all .html files in that directory AND all subdirectories.

Thank you.

#1850 Configurable location of FileZilla.xml closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If you use FileZilla.xml instead of the registry to store site information the location of the file FileZilla.xml is fixed in the install dir of FileZilla.

It would be nice to be able to specify a location yourself.

In that way we could use a central FileZilla.xml file for all FileZilla users. So we can all use the same settings...



#1851 comment to site in site manager would be nice closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A comment entry to each site in site manager would be nice.

#1852 Network Neighborhood not available closed Feature request normal Other

Under XP I can not see my Network Neighborhood which would be useful for downloading large amount of files.

I use the Network Neighborhood to have automatically mounted dirs and which are not required to associate with a Dir-Name.

Frankly said, don't know if it's a Feature Request or a Bug.

#1853 default action when file exists, both upload and download closed Feature request normal Other

Currently (v2.1.9a) you can only set a "global" default action when a target file exists. I would like to request that there is a seperate default action when uploading a file to the server and when downloading a file from the server. For example, I know that if I upload a file, 99.9% of the time I want it to always overwrite it. But if I accidentaly click on a file on the server side, I don't want it to overwrite the local file. Would be nice if I could have a different setting for both. This would also be easier for people to transition over from other clients. For example, CuteFTP has this.

#1854 quick filespec filtering closed Feature request normal Other

Feature request: ability to filter by file type by adding a glob to the end of the directory text box. E.g.,

C:\My Documents\*.html

Same goes for the remote directory text box.

Thanks, Tom

#1855 Transer lowercase and uppcase closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A function I truly miss (I need it at work) is the ability have a function that lets me transfer files and convert filenames to lowercase or uppcase on the remote host (today I have to script it on the server ... )

Thanks in advance!


#1856 Split FileZilla.xml in FTP Sites.xml+FileZilla settings.xml closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla settings.xml and FTP Sites.xml can be imported/exported separately but are merged into one file FileZilla.xml that is stored in the FileZilla program folder.

Because of feature request ID 777731 (see func=detail&aid=777731&group_id=21558&atid=372244) it would be better if the FileZilla.xml is split into two separate files FTP Sites.xml for the site info and FileZilla settings.xml for the settings.

The site info can then be stored in a central location and each user can have there own settings stored locally.

Now I think of it. It would be great if a user can have a local copy of their "private" site info stored locally and "public" site info stored central.

#1857 Split FileZilla.xml in FTP Sites.xml&FileZilla settings.xml closed Feature request normal Other

FileZilla settings.xml and FTP Sites.xml can be imported/exported separately but are merged into one file FileZilla.xml that is stored in the FileZilla program folder.

Because of feature request ID 777731 (see func=detail&aid=777731&group_id=21558&atid=372244) it would be better if the FileZilla.xml is split into two separate files FTP Sites.xml for the site info and FileZilla settings.xml for the settings.

The site info can then be stored in a central location and each user can have there own settings stored locally.

Now I think of it. It would be great if a user can have a local copy of their "private" site info stored locally and "public" site info stored central.

#1858 2 features from WS_FTP wanted closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Moving from WS_FTP, I like filezilla a lot. But I miss 2 features.

  1. Having a drop down history list of local directories. It

looks like this is almost there, since there is a similar list on the remote side. I find I'm ftp'ing from 2 or 3 local directories constantly, and it would be nice to not have to keep typing them in.

  1. I would prefer transfer arrows, rather than double-


Please accept praise for Editing a remote file: once I associate gvim with the file view/edit, editing just worked. Several other programs I tried said they did editing, but after bringing up the editor, the changes never got saved on the remote side.

FYI: I also tried the free AceFTP, which has these, as well as a bewildering combination of other unnecessary features. I did like the ability to have open FTP connections to two different machines, and switch with GUI tabs, but it kept crashing and was really just too complicated.

So while I campaign for my desired features, I do appreciate the basic simplicity and cleanliness of filezilla.

#1859 Show Number of Files in Queue closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This is a very simple request: Please, please, put the total number of files in the queue in the status bar next to the number of bytes in the queue. :)

#1860 Show Total Est. Time Remaining for Queue closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Assuming the transfer rate is pretty stable, why not put the total time remaining for downloading the entire queue in the status bar? It would be EXTREMELY USEFUL.

Please. :)

#1861 Decrease Queue Bytes Remaining as File is Downloaded new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if the queue byte remaining count went down as each file was downloaded. For example, if you have two 10 MB files in the queue, and the first file is 50% downloaded, the queue should show 15 MB remaining. As it is now, it will show 20 MB remaining until the first file is completely downloaded. With large files this can be very misleading, and a bit annoying. :)

#1862 Client: Show Connection # in Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While downloading several thousand small (few KB) files, I turned on 4 simultaneous connections to speed it up. When downloading such small files, the speed is held back by waiting for the server to start sending each file, so by running many at once, the overall transfer speed stays more constant.

I had to pause the download, so I unpressed the Process Queue toolbar button. Then when I resumed it, I got some failed transfers. Files were created with the right names, but with 0 bytes, and they were removed from the queue. As a result, I'm going to have to start the transfer all over again to be sure I get all of the files. :/

I was going to report a bug, but there is a problem: With multiple connections, you can't tell which commands and responses are on which connection, so you can't figure out which transfers failed! I have included an example at the bottom.

As you can see, it's impossible to tell which commands and responses are for which connections, so you can't tell which ones are failing and which are succeeding. A simple change to something like:

[1] Command: [1] Response: [2] Command: [4] Response: [2] Response: [4] Command: [3] Response:

Would show which commands and responses are for which connections. They could also be color-coded. Also, you could use a drop-down box to choose which connections' logs you wanted to see in the log pane.

If this is implemented, maybe we can track down this bug that caused the zero-byte files.


Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,148 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,149 Response: 200 Type set to I. Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Status: Download successful Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340comments.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340.ssi Command: TYPE I Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/34_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,150 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,151 Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,152 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,153 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,208,97,18,14,64) Command: RETR 340.ssi Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed

#1863 Show % in title! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you add possibility that FileZilla show percent of downloaded/uploaded stuff in title, so it can be seen when minimized? (or tray icon, that will show percent?)

Thanks and keep up good work!!

Regards Zoran, Serbia (Europe)

#1864 Move File (upload/download and delete) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be nice if there was some option to "move" (like download and delete from source) file instead of default copy...

thanks, filezilla rules ;)

#1865 Drag and Drop - 2 ways closed Feature request normal Other

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#1 - Drag and Drop to subfolders - both within the server and when dragging from local to remote (and vice versa). I typically like to drag files from local side to remote directly to their respective subfolders, rather than double clicking on the remote subfolder before uploading. Saves me some steps (yes, I'm lazy!) I also like being able to move items from root to subfolders if I accidentally put them in the root, for instance.

#1866 Tooltips closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#2 - Tooltips, rather than just status bar text for buttons. Either that, or more descriptive buttons (like the "selective text" mode on manywindows apps nowadays.)

#1867 Last X Connected Sites new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#3 - Rather than having the last connected site available by clicking on the 'R' button, it would be cool if you listed the last server as item at the top of connection manager drop-down, maybe with a line dividing the last connection from the sites. By the way, I really like how you can get to the sites by navigating the drop-down, as opposed to having to open the manager itself. Nicely done!

#1868 File Tree Drop-down new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#4 - If you've ever used CuteFTP Pro, you know what I mean by this: have the file system tree as a drop-down rather than a seperate pane on the local side. Gives more real estate to the file list.

#1869 Message Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#5 - In the interest of saving real estate, it would be nice to have the message log appear under the remote pane only, so that the vertical space above the local side can be greater. Maybe even make the message log so that you can show and hide by clicking on a tab in or around the remote pane.

#1870 Navigation Buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#6 - Windows Explorer style nav buttons over panes, like "back" and "up one level". With that, the ability to hide the ".." in the file list would be nice.

#1871 Remote Refresh (Manual) closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#7 - Does the remote pane allow manual refresh? It seems to flash but I'm not sure it's refreshing. (Updates done via other means don't always appear without disconnect and reconnect.)

#1872 Remote File Timestamp closed Feature request normal Other

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#8 - Allow uploaded files keep same time as local side file. (This is allowed in the remote to local transfer, but not vice versa)

#1873 Site List Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#9 - CuteFTP and WSFTP site import. I spent about 30 minutes converting my CuteFTP ini file to the proper XML format, so I know it can be done automatically. And yes, the 30 minutes was a time savings, with the number of sites I had to set up.

#1874 Tooltips for buttons closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


a new user can only guess what the GUI buttons do. I recommend to add tooltips to the buttons.


#1875 PASV IP address in a seperate file closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

How about storing the PASV ip address in a seperate file, that way people using dydns with programs like DirectUpdate can easily update the ftp server, and carry out the service restart. To do it at the moment requires reading the whole xml file in, changing the parameter than outputting it again... kinda long winded.

Alternatively provide a small program like pasvipupdate.exe which you could run with the new ip to update the ftp engin

#1876 Sound feedback (and other ways of notification) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to associate unique sounds (in CPL) to the major FTP actions (transfer failed, transfer successful, connect successful, connect failure, etc)??

#1877 Not Remember Passwd for QuickConnect? closed Feature request normal Other

Sometimes, you just don't want it be remembered, right?

#1878 add directory navigation "back", "forward", "up" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Now when filezilla goes to parent directory it makes selected '..' directory on top of list.

I'll save some time if filezilla in this case makes selected directory from which I'm returned.

P.S. Sorry for bad english.

#1879 Transfer Top-Level-Dir+All Subdirs Before Next TLD new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As it is now, when transferring directory structures, FZ has a strange way of doing it. Instead of transferring all files and directories in each top-level directory, it seems to transfer some files and dirs in each TLD, then goes to a "level two" in each TLD, and then a "level three" in each TLD. At least, that's how it seems.

A better way would be to transfer all files and dirs in each TLD before going to the next TLD. For example, consider this remote tree:









If that remote tree was transferred to the local tree with FZ, FZ *should* transfer /dirA, /dirA/level1, and /dirA/level1/level2 *before* transferring anything in /dirB. It should then transfer everything in /dirB before moving on to /dirC.

The reason is simple: if a transfer is aborted, and the queue is lost (with FZ currently unable to export large queues, this is a very real problem), you can easily find what directories have been completely transferred, and which ones have been partially transferred, and proceed to transfer the rest. As it is now, if you lose your queue, the only way to be sure you get all of the files is to START ALL OVER AGAIN. When transferring 30,000+ files totalling several GIGABYTES in size this is VERY frustrating.

I hope that was understandable enough. If you need more clarification, let me know.

#1880 Local Site allow network path names closed Feature request normal Other

The local site should allow you to enter network path names, or allow you to browse to desktop and select My Network Places.

#1881 Remote List View by Filetype closed Feature request normal Unknown

Suggestion -- Would like to be able to sort by filetype off the remote list.

#1882 SSL Feature Add to FileZilla Server closed Feature request normal Other

I would very appreciate if the SSL feature can be added to the next release of FileZilla FTP Server. It is a very useful feature. Thanks.

#1884 shutdown on complete closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

or maybe something like quitting filezilla after completed transfer or shutting down windows would be nice

#1885 % of completed transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

in taskbar minimized mode :]

#1886 Support for Universal Plug and Play? closed Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Would you like to offer an UPnP interface to your server as a plugin? Can your administration protocol work together with it?

How do you think about to support this standard with a library?,

#1887 Rendezvous Support closed Feature request normal Other

What about Rendezvous Support in Filezilla? It would

really be nice! It is so easy, so sweet. I want it! :-) 25rendezvous.html it would be nice if somebody can say his opinion to this technology TIA crashtron

#1889 Unicode support closed Feature request normal Other

there's still have problem with some special case for the file name with multibyte like JIS or Big5, is it possible to make the client and server side to use Unicode for filename communication?

#1890 Site to site transfer closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be cool if we could transfert files from ftp sites to ftp sites, just like FlashFXP does...

#1891 FileZilla Server - Comment field closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Would like to see a comment field to be added to the User and Group screens so notes regarding the user/Group could be made.

This could be from a seperate option in the TreeView list.



#1892 AUTH TLS Client support closed Feature request normal Other

It'd be very nice if you could add support for the AUTH TLS feature to the FileZilla client. Seeing as you already have the OpenSSL built in and even AUTH SSL implemented most of the work seems already done.

#1893 treepane left beside closed Feature request normal Unknown

this programm is totaly cool, my smartftp went to trash.

one recommendation: i think it is more likely that people have more files in a dir instead of long filenames. means you have more way to scroll vertical then horizontal.

so it would be more comfy to have the treepane on the left beside each filepane.

ps: if possible, order filetype after filedate(-sortbutton) sometimes filetype-names are quite long, so you have to scroll to the (more often used) filedate.

#1894 ssh login via pagent (single sign on) closed Feature request normal Other

For people who are not familiar with ssh keys. They allow you to connect to servers without entering a password every time. You only create a key and when loading pagent you have to enter your passphrase one time.

From then on you can connect to any server that accepts your key without entering a password. Especially when administrating many servers this is very usefull.

It would be great to have support for the putty key agent pagent in filezilla.

#1895 FZ doesn't save last used item in site manager closed Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

You run FileZilla (2.1.9a) and select a site to connect from bookmark, and after the connection and download / upload you go out from pg.

When you run the pgm next time and select the bookmark manager, the default selected item is not last used item (in previuos session) but the firsi site/folder in list

#1896 UTF-8 closed Feature request normal Other

Please add UTF-8 support to FileZilla Server...

#1897 Add Command RNFR RNTO (RENAME) closed Feature request normal Other

Please add the possibility to move on the server side a file or a folder using the drag and drop. Commands used to accomplish this are RNFR and RNTO.

Many thanks for this good product.

#1898 Suport for md5 checksums closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I usually use FileZilla to download iso images, that come with an md5 checksum. It would be very useful if FilleZilla comes with some way to check the md5 checksum of a file (perhaps adding this to the file properties)

#1899 Ban on hammering (filezilla server) closed Feature request normal Other

people who try try to login to quick after each other should be bant for a while (make an option of it). So when someone is doing a dictionary attack or so will fail. :)

#1900 IP restriction for Server closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Please add the IP controls in the server.

Thanks. yalding

#1901 Enable Sounds closed Feature request normal Unknown

I'd love to be able to associate sounds with various actions -- successful connection, disconnection, transfer, transfer error, etc.

#1902 FXP closed Feature request normal Other

Site to site transfer ability

#1904 FileZilla FTP Server Meg Limit Feature closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server


I would like to request the following feature. To be able to allow only a certain amount of megabyte that can be stored in a certain directory.

Meaning if someone has webserver space on my pc that he can only upload till for example 50 megabyte to my pc.

#1905 CHOWN option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to right-click on a remote folder or file and be able to change ownership (same way you can change permissions).



#1906 Optional sounds on transfer complete, disconnect, etc. closed Feature request normal Unknown

It would be nice to have the option (off by default of course) to have FileZilla play sounds when various things happen or fail to happen.

The sounds should be user-choosable with some unobtrusive defaults (or maybe even defaults based on language preference!).

This is really nice when you are transfering a lot (or slowly) and have to wait to do X until the transfer is complete.

That's the only thing I miss from other programs. Great work people!

#1907 Toolbar buttons for Transfer Type closed Feature request normal Unknown

This is one feature of LeechFTP that I use frequently.

Usually "auto" works, but occassionally I want to

force an ASCII transfer of a file type that I don't want to always transfer ASCII (like ".doc", for example). The "Transfer Type" menu is nice, but toolbar buttons would be even nicer.

#1908 Server: quotas & dl/ul ratio closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

It would be a nice feature, especially for whom use an ftp as a file sharing service

#1909 filzilla server: quotas closed Feature request normal Other

the option for quotas in filezilla server would be nice. either on a per-user base or on a per-directory base.

#1910 Transfer many at the same time by server closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

First of all I would like to congratulate you on the great work you have done. I have a small proposal for a feature enhancement you might like to consider.

In the file transfer settings, you can now set the total number of concurrent connections. It would be nice if you could set how many connections you can make by server.

For instance, you could be able to configure:

Transfer up to 3 files at the same time Maximum number of connections per server: 1

The reason is that many ftp servers limit the number of connections from an IP address, so that many times you cannot actually use the feature as it is implemented now.

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work!

#1911 Current User/Current Upload closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Is it feasible to list in the server interface the name of the file being uploaded along with the username? Percent completed would also be useful.

#1912 Integrate into Shell - Right Click option to transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would like to see the feature of Right Click mouse - and there is an option to transfer the file to the ftp server that we choose.

the right click mouse will appears when we are in the explorer just like cuteftp or winzip.

#1913 Save Window State closed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful if the window state (maximized or restored) could be saved automatically when closing FileZilla.

It would also be helpful if the width and height of the "Local file list" part of the program window could be saved automatically.

#1914 AutoRename Feature closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you implement the AutoRename feature of CuteFTP?

In CuteFTP you can set "Preserve Case", "Force Uppercase" and "Force Lowercase" for each FTP site seperately.

#1915 Add a description field in the site manager closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The site details should include a text field when the user can add some description or notes about the site.

#1916 UNC support closed Feature request normal Other


I would like to be able to get to remote UNC shares while working with the FileZilla client. For example, I would like to be able to get to
server1\share1\file1.txt and "put" it to

#1917 More powerful "File Exists" rules closed Feature request normal Other

To the suggestions for separate upload and download rules I add that you should be able to choose whether to resume, replace, rename, or skip based on file size; i.e. if the target file is larger than the source file, rename. If the target is smaller, resume. If the target is the same size, skip. The user should be able to choose what to do in each case for both upload and download. For a good example, look at FlashFXP.

Leaving age ("if newer") as an option is still fine. In fact, all the options currently available (2.2.0), including "Overwrite if newer" could simply be placed in an select box for each criterion (larger, same size, smaller), requiring a minimal code change underneath.

#1918 auto shut-down computer closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Before everything, your program is very good, easy use, and almost complete. I think it may be good to propose to shut down the computer, or to disconnect from the server, when the transfer was done. I also propose to show the progression and an estimation of time left of all the transfer queue.

#1919 select multiple files with shell paterns closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very useful to be able to select multiple files using shell paterns (or regular expresions), like say: when I conect with a debian mirror to download packages I would like to select all the files


(or *_{all,deb} )

in a directory for tranfering.

#1921 "favorite" directories closed Feature request normal Other

It would be nice to have a favorite directories drop- down somewhere on the local side. Not really necessary for remote side, IMO. It would be nice to have global favorites and favorites per site in the manager as well. Maybe add it to the right-click context menu on the local side... "Add to favorites" or something.

#1922 command line: start queue processing new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've been very impressed with the FileZilla tool thus far. However, I can see a possible improvement. Hopefully, I haven't overlooked this functionality in the tool or it's documentation.

I'd like the ability to invoke FileZilla from the command line. If I had a FileZilla Queue saved to a file, I'd like the ability to from a command line do something like:

"C:\ftpdir\filezilla.exe 'myqueue.xml' - processQueue=quietly -logfile=myqueue.log"

and, without the interface opening up, see that FileZilla is processing the queue and putting the log information into the given log file.

Is this functionality present? Is it possible? Do you think it may be included in the future?

Can I help :)

Thanks in advance for your response,


#1923 Add SSPI support closed Feature request normal Other

For Windows 2000/2003/XP add SSPI support for Kerberos instead of or in addition to the MIT GSSAPI. See for more details. Regards Markus

#1924 Linux port closed Feature request normal Other

Hi. What about an Linux port? I know that this wouldn´t be easy but it would make filezilla better usable for users with dualboot and it would make it able to use Filezilla as linux user.

#1925 Show Greatest Left time in TaskBar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I use FileZilla for thanks.

My Last favor is that I want know the remain time

without clicking on Filezilla icon on TaskBar on the bottom of screen.

If there are multiple file that download or upload, show

the longest left time in title like attached ScreenShot.

Briefly, I want know when Network is ready :D

Thanks for reading.

#1926 begin transferring files from the queue as they come in... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The way the transfer process is design causes an unnecessary slow down when transferring a large number of files at once. The process appears to be:

1) parses through the directories to get a list of files to transfer. 2) after parsing through all directories and generating a list of files to transfer, place an entry in the queue for each item in the list. 3) after placing each atem from the list into the queue begin tranferring the files

By changing the process to begin tranferring files as they get entered into the queue would speed things up dramatically when tranferring a lot of files. Furthermore, in this regard it would then further speed things up to begin adding files to the queue as they are gathered instead of waiting to build the entire list of files to transfer.


#1927 Sound events closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Ability to play a wav file from the hard drive upon certain events. For example, set FileZilla to play "connect.wav" when you successfully connect to a server. A practical use of this would be if one was trying to connect to a limited user FTP server. Once connected, a wave file like "connect.wav" could play, alerting the user that he was finally able to get in.

#1928 FZS different welcome messages for users/groups closed Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would like to be able to setup FileZilla Server to send different welcome messages to each user or group.

Thanks, Charles J. Tabony

#1929 Quick save for Quick Connection closed Feature request normal Unknown

Is it possible to add an option below Quick Connection to save information from Quick Connection to Site Manager? I think it's not a hard work to do, but may be very useful for me (and other people).. Thanks..

#1930 separate number of bytes into 3-digit groups closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For each file, the transfer queue window shows the number of bytes that have already been transferred, like this: 37890695 bytes (30.7 KB/s)

There should be an option to separate this number into groups of three digits, like this: 37.890.695 bytes (30.7 KB/s)

#1931 Refresh Remote Dir After Upload new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi there

How can I force a refresh on a remote directory automatically after an upload (like in CuteFTP) ?

If this is not implemented yet, is it easy to add the feature in a future release ?




#1932 SSH Client Cert Authentication? closed Feature request normal Other

Does the SFTP/SSH support include the ability to use a private key for logging in? I can't find anything in the docs or the latest UI that would suggest it does...

I'd love to have this login method supported!

(pagent support would be even nicer, but certainly not required)

#1933 Server: Show current uploaded/downloaded file closed Feature request normal Other

clicking on an active user would show current transfer, direction (up/down), progress and size transferred.

another option is to divide the log window, and add the information on top/bottom.

#1934 FileZilla Client - PASV Mode remote port range specifier closed Feature request normal Other

Given the fact that most users are behind some sort of firewall or NAT setup, they are left with Passive mode for FTP transfers. If the server itself is also behind a NAT or firewall, then this causes major problems with Passive mode as well unless you want to put the server in a "DMZ." A sure-fire method of fixing this while still keeping both client and server behind firewalls is to only allow a fixed number data channel ports to be forwarded/unfiltered to the server while keeping it firewalled/NAT'd and out of the DMZ. The server administrator could configure however many ports they wish, but then the client software also needs to be aware of the exact remote ports that are being forwarded so that the ports will not be blocked when building the data channel.

This feature would only apply to the clients when in Passive mode. It would also only apply to the remote port relative to the client, not the locals one. A configurable range would be great, it would also be advisable to have it site specific, not global, since different sites may use different firewall rules.

Hosting an FTP server behind a firewall/NAT device has always been a pain in the ass. This functionality would make it much easier for both the admin and client. Thanks.

John Urbanek jurbanek AT uwm DOT edu

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