Custom Query (10426 matches)


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Results (2501 - 2600 of 10426)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#1278 Filezilla shows hidden files regardless of Windows settings closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla ignores Windows options to not show hidden files and shows everything. This leads to accidentally uploading thumbs.db and other hidden files to the server unnecessarily. Maybe this could be tied to the 'Show hidden files on server option' or made its own option if it's too much trouble to poll Windows settings.

#1279 different sorting in tree and file view closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The sorting algorithm in the (remote) tree view seems to differ from the algorithm in the (remote) file view underneath. On one hand (german) vowel mutations are grouped amongst the classic vowels but on the other hand they are listed at the end.

#1280 MD5sum incorrect closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

The md5sum for the file FileZilla_Server-0_9_23.exe as mentioned in FileZilla_Server-0_9_23.exe.md5 is incorrect (Two download locations gave a different but identical md5sum).

#1282 Timezone issue closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I checked and found a bug entered from 2005. (didn't seem to have any answer) However, I am suffering today.

Client is XP PRO. Connecting to a Linux box (Linux 2.6.9-55.0.2.EL)

When I connect the times are +4 hours off. So it reads in FileZilla as 13:08 instead of 09:08. I set the time zone offset (TimeZoneOffset="-4" ) accordingly and the times are ok.

The Linux timezone is EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) - correct. Double checked the time and it is fine. When I drop a file onto my Linux box via FileZilla the FILE TIME is correct.

Current FileZilla is 2.2.32.

Very odd. Points to a "how is Filezilla determining the proper time zones?" question.

I dropped a file into another site and sure enough the time was wrong (compared to what my time zone is). The only issue is I have no control of that box so I am unsure what timezone it is in nor it's settings.

thanks belly

#1284 Win32: Sharing Two Root Drives Doesn't Work closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Problem: When I try to share both my C:\ and X:\ drives only one or the other is visible from remotely connecting users. Users should see two folders when they connect: /X/ and /C/ instead they either see the contents of C:\ or X:\ based on which one is the home directory. I would also like to note, that I don't have any groups set up, just one FTP user with full access to both drives.

Workaround: I can probably create two different logins and let each user have access to a different drive, but I'd much rather it just list both drive letters as if they were folders.

Thanks! This sure beats the hell out Windows' File & Printer Sharing File Transfers! Keep up the good work. Using FTP I can see the transfer speed, time remaining, and pause/resume transfers, it's terrific. I can also make sure I only transfer one file at a time while still adding to the queue.

#1285 Leading spaces confuse client closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The client will not deal with directories which have a leading space in the name.

#1286 Server won't release files after ungraceful xfer interrupt closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server


My router reboots a lot, and that's another subject I'm working on elsewhere. Nonetheless, when this happens, and I'm engaged in an upload from my home machine using Client to my work machine running Server, that drop in connection seems to confuse Filezilla server and doesn't let the client side resume transferring that file. All that happens is that the client runs up to the maximum number of permitted retries (very quickly) and then it moves on to the next upload file in the quue, stating the former file had too many retries. It's almost as if the non-graceful transfer termination causes server to not release the handle on the file, and hence it can't open up a new handle (even though it still has the old handle) so that a proper resume could take place.

Even if it wasn't that my router reboots all the time, that's probably something that should be fixed, I would think, as Filezilla should be able to work around that for any number of connection quality issues

Client is 2.2.31. Server is 0.9.23.

Thanks for your help and your time.

#1287 Deleting a lot of files takes very long closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla 2.2.32 (older versions too): Deleting multiple files from an AIX ftp server takes very long. When deleting > 1000 files, it will take about 10 seconds per file. If, in the remote file list, the cursor is set to a file outside of the list of files to remove, deleting speeds up dramatically. The application locks up (can not be interrupted), and usually needs to be terminated to gain access to the remote system again. No information (except the times) can be generated from the debug settings. This looks like a problem with the GUI when deleting an entry from the list of selected items when a file is remotely deleted.

#1288 Filezilla 2.2.20 introduced a USER32.DLL bug on Win95OSR2 closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I cannot run any Filezilla on Windows 95 since 2.2.20 to cuurent version. I tracked down he last working version was 2.2.19a. After installing bugzilla and attempting to execute it I get a popup error message:

C:\Program Files/Filezilla/Filezilla.exe The device connected to tthe system does not work.

(sorry, the actual message is not in English so I have to translate that).

A second popup window contains:

Error during program execution File FILEZILLA.EXE is connected/linked to USER32.DLL:EndMenu

Maybe the second message gives you some clue. Thanks. Martin

#1289 Deletes All Settings closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Warning, not only are there NO viable release notes, version 3 install to a new directory - for no known reason, does not read any settings from version 2, and someone decided it was not important enough for people to be able to import all their settings, for the "reason" that the file structure is different! That's a lame excuse, since the file structure certainly was known to the team and could be transferred

Someone(s) surely took a lot of time to build a new version - and then did not create it in a very logical way. Why not do it right the first time, as now most of my sites will not work because someone did not think about what they were doing? I now have to spend a couple of hours repairing the damage.

This should have been a HUGE warning and a release notes that actually says something - neither of which there was!

I was happy with this software for years, now someone(s) need to go back to school and learn that an upgrade is for improvement, adding features - not to remove features and settings.

Can we get the settings so they import as this a a LARGE bug!

#1291 Site Manager Size, Position and Drag-Drop closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using the site manager it would be nice if it saves the size and position you left it. This is especially annoying when you have sites with bigger names. At least size would be good enough for me.

Also, it would be nice if you can organize sites by dragging and dropping. I created folders to seperate work, personal for example to find I had to recreate all the sites again vs. just moving them. Now a move to would work as well if drag and drop is to buggy.

#1292 Remote connection with Server Interface doesn't work closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

If you try to connect to a remote FileZilla Server for administer it with another Server Interface from lan or public IP address, the interface doesn't connect. It connect only from localhost, or local IP of the server.

I use the latest version 0.9.23

#1293 Bug on MDTM closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Hi, I have a situation that i think it may be a bug, but not sure if ncftp client or filezilla server. Below i show the logs:

the problem is on the lines: --- (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> MDTM 20070920171248 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 550 File not found ---

(000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> MFMT (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 211 End (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> HELP SITE (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 214 Command SITE is supported by FileZilla Server (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> CLNT NcFTPPut 3.2.0 linux-x86-glibc2.3 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Don't care (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> CWD /Peixe (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250 CWD successful. "/Peixe" is current directory. (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> TYPE I (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Type set to I (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> OPTS MLST type;size;modify; (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 501 Option not understood (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> MLST (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250-Listing /Peixe/ (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> type=file;size=10578603;modify=20070920170855; /Peixe/ (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250 End (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> PORT 192,168,1,206,10,146 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Port command successful (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> STOR (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 226 Transfer OK (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> MDTM 20070920171248 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 550 File not found (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> QUIT (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 221 Goodbye (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> disconnected.

#1294 TLS handshake failure with MVS server closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The messages below are received when trying to connect to an IBM zOS FTP server using explicit TLS (the product SmartFTP can successfully establish a secure connection):

Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(948): CRealControlSocket::ContinueConnect(01387750) m_pEngine=0112BE18 caller=013A6508 Status: Connecting to nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R8 at, 10:18:13 on 2007-09-23. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 Security environment established - ready for negotiation Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Command: USER xxx Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: GnuTLS alert 40: Handshake failed Trace: GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received. Trace: CRealControlSocket::OnClose() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Error: Could not connect to server

I can provide the ip address to the server in case you wish to try this out.

#1295 Incomplete Contents of Directory closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Limited usability issue for users with many files:

Summary: When listing a directory it seems there is a limit of 2000 items Filezilla will display at a time. This affects at least versions 2.x through the lastest 3.0.1.

Reason for conclusion: I have a directory with maybe 2,200 files or so. When using my cpanel file manager I can see the last 200+ files but can't see them through filezilla. In my case I have 2 subdirectories in this directory. Filezilla displays the ".." up directory, my two subdirectory, then 1997 files, for a total of 2000 items in view.

Alternative fix: If this is a desired limit for security or possible bug problems, maybe there could be an option in settings that allows a person to override this max limit with a user entered max number of listings. This would allow those like me who keep huge listings of files to continue to use this excellent FTP program.

Thanks, Nick

#1296 Assumption of coding error in CAsyncSocketEx closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow::RemoveLayers(...)

Line 274 :

if (!pMsg
!pSocket pSocket == pOrigSocket pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket != pMsg->hSocket)

Should be :

if (!pMsg
!pSocket pSocket == pOrigSocket pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket == pMsg->hSocket)
#1297 Window Pushed off Screen on Mac osx closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using Filezilla 3.0.1 (build date: 2007-09-19) on Mac OS X (version 10.4.10)(Dual 2GHz powerPC G5),

The main application seems to work fine (from the small use I have had from it) however, whenever I open a window from the main app, (ie, site manager, update widow, about info) the location of the main application window is pushed down about half the height of the desktop toward the bottom of the screen, If I open 2 windows in a row, the main application is moved completely off screen, and the only way I have found to bring it back is to close down filezilla and open back up again.

#1298 Bad change of directory closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a site with this structure directory: DirA DirB --DirB1 --DirA (same name that first directory but inside DirB)

If I go to DirB, and I do double-click to enter in the second DirA, FileZilla open the DirA directory in root directory.

I use Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and FileZilla 3.0.0-beta7


#1299 Saving Directories After Reconnection closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After you are logged out of a server (delay), and then reconnect, the client does not save your visited directories anymore (in the selection box on top of the directory listing / tree view. Only the current directory is listed there, and if you go to another directory, the list is CHANGED to the current directory only.

#1300 CHMOD in Windows closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the previous version (the 2...something), you could have changed the file attributes in Linux AND Windows, but now you simply execute a simple "CHMOD" command, which of course does not work on Windows servers.

#1301 Filezilla Mac Interface Issue v3.0.1 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When opening any popup window, (ie. About, site manager etc) It jumps the main filezilla window down to the top left corner of the popup window. Do it enough and it jumps off the screen requiring you to restart the program.

#1302 files viewed as directories closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

some files are listed as directories but are really files. files with attributes with first bit 'l' are files but trated as dir. FileZilla version tested from 2.2.32 to 3.0.1

#1303 Can Not drag file from filezilla to Explorer closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla ver 3.0.1

I get the error message:

"Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the file into an Explorer window."

I have the shell extension installed and I dropped the file into an explorer window.

Also, I am able to drag & drop a file from explorer to Filezilla.

#1304 Client: Can't access/delete directories starting with space closed Bug report normal Other

Using FileZilla client v3 or 2.x.x you can't access nor delete directories starting with a space character (i.e. " mydir") even if they are visible in tree view.

#1305 error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version nu closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I am testing FileZilla Server 0.93 at the g6ftp site. Regular test works fine but both explicit and passive SSL return the above captioned error. I use Win XP Home SP2 with port forwarding through both Windows Firewall and a Netgear router. The latter two don't seem to interfere with non-SSL tests.

#1306 FileZilla Window on OS X Moving closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using FileZilla 3.0.1 for OS X. Everytime a window opens in FileZilla (Site Manager, Options, Overwrite File), the main FileZilla window moves almost off the screen. When I close the option window, I then have to move the main window back.

#1307 exporting settings closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I could not transfer settings from the old version to the newer version

#1308 Upload and download of large files not working closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Please note that these issues do not occur when uploading/downloading the same files on the same network to the same server with a 2.x version of FileZilla.

This FTP server on the other hand works well almost always: Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.0 Server (ProFTPD)

Any help is appreciated as I need to be able to access my client's server and prefer to continue to do it with FileZilla if at all possible.


Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.138:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service Command: USER username Response: 331 Password required for username. Command: PASS Response: 230 User username logged in. Command: SYST Response: 215 Windows_NT Command: FEAT Response: 211-FEAT Response: SIZE Response: MDTM Response: 211 END Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,1,100,11,87 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.138:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service Command: USER username Response: 331 Password required for username. Command: PASS Response: 230 User username logged in. Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final.Class.XML.EE.BB.Basic.1.[FINAL.v1.3].zip Command: CWD /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,1,100,11,92 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: RETR Final.Class.XML.EE.BB.Basic.1.[FINAL.v1.3].zip Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Final.Class.XML.EE.BB.Basic.1.[FINAL.v1.3].zip(22290778 bytes). Error: Connection timed out Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.138:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service Command: USER username Response: 331 Password required for username. Command: PASS Response: 230 User username logged in. Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final.Class.XML.EE.BB.Basic.1.[FINAL.v1.3].zip Command: CWD /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final" is current directory. Status: Skipping download of /DIR/DI/Basic/WWW/Final.Class.XML.EE.BB.Basic.1.[FINAL.v1.3].zip Status: File transfer successful ..................................



#1309 time zone offset not > + / -12 hours closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi team,

it must be a bit the ignorance of those who think they are in the center of the world and timezones (and their offset) are a term of the old World.

Here the bug (at least I would call a it a functional misconception):

the 'new' version 3.0.1 does not allow a 'server timezone offset' of > +/- 12 hours. This is a a functional mistake.

I'm living in Singapore, TZ is GMT +8 My server is in US, TZ GMT -6

means, I have to adjust the server time by plus 14 hours. The other way around it would be an offset of -14 hours.

In FZ version 2.2.31 this was not an issue and it was possible to adjust the TZ by +/-24 hours what is correct. Now, in the new version it is not working and if I try to reset the serve timezone offset to greater than 12 hours it is ignoring my entry and is keeping the last entry.

Interestingly, the pull down menu offers numbers from -24 to + 24.

Wondering which hard working freshmeat was thinking the world has only +/- 12 hours time zones so it must have also only +/- 12 time zone differences.


Carsten from sunny Singapore

#1311 MFMT Date validation bug closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

MFMT does not allow the hour to be zero. Also it allows it to be more than 23.

The problem is in ControlSocket.cpp where the hour is checked to be within 1 to 31 inclusive versus 0 to 23 inclusive.

Here is the wrong code:

if (year < 1000
month < 1 month > 12 day < 1 day > 31 hour < 1 hour > 31 minute > 59 second > 59)

{ Send( _T("501 Not a valid date") ); break; }

#1312 Accessibility - Navigating tree views with the keyboard closed Bug report normal Other

Letter navigation doesn't work in the local or remote tree views. For example, typing the letter F repeatedly should cycle through all the expanded items beginning with that letter. Possibly not a priority issue, but never the less it's inconvenient for visually impaired users like myself who rely primarily on the keyboard and screen reading software. I'm using the latest 3.0.1 official release.

#1313 Status Pane - No information displayed closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


You asked that we report all bugs found.

I updated this morning to 3.0.2

The first pane, the status pane – has quit working in this version.

It is blank and does not display any status information.

All other panes appear to be fine.

Only thing I noticed was the status pane.

Running Win xp pro sp2 Duo core P4 3.0 gig

Take care, love your product.

#1314 Reboot required but installation continues closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


When I download a newer version of FileZilla and install it, the following happens:

  • It prompts me to uninstall the previous version
  • I accept
  • It asks me if I want to reboot now
  • I accept
  • It proceeds to install the new version
  • The reboot stops

So ...

  • Should the installation of the new version occur when the reboot has been chosen?
  • Should the reboot stop when the new version has been installed?

At the moment it doesn't appear to work quite right.


#1315 v3 hangs or won't load closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Bear with me, since I have to give a good context for the problem. I work for a small company that maintains a working copy of it's website on the network (set up as network drive G:), then sends the changes to the live site via FTP. (I recently installed Filezilla and love it.) This company is very closely associated with a university, and we use their network since they have such vast resources, though that means I have no control over the quality/performance of their network.

So, here's the goods: I came in, tried to connect filezilla through the site manager to the ftp, which is configured to bring up the network drive (g:\) on and the public_html on the live site, and it hung. I killed it, figuring the program was just being bitchy, but then when I restarted it, nothing came up except for a running filezilla process. In any case, I found the source of the problem: the office has been having problems accessing the network drive, and it was being entirely non-responsive, and since filezilla goes right back to where I was, it was trying to bring up G:, but stalling (without even loading the interface). My thinking is, this might be easily fixed by adding a timeout function where it just gives up trying to bring up the local directory and defaults to something safe, say "My Computer". Just my thinking, someone else might have a better solution?

#1316 Mac OS: contents of activity pane missing closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

3.0.2 - i686 Mac OS 10.4.10

The pane where I was supposed to see the activities of the transfer shows nothing on my Mac. I realized that after running FileZilla on Windows.

#1317 MFMT + LIST problem closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

If server clock is a little bit ahead client's one during the synchronization with MFMT command, than these lines will cause no time shown in the following LIST command reply, because t1 > t2.

if (t1 > t2
(t2-t1) > ((_int64)1000000*60*60*24*350))

pResult->len += sprintf(pResult->buffer + pResult->len, " %d ", sFileTime.wYear);


pResult->len += sprintf(pResult->buffer + pResult->len, "%02d:%02d ", sFileTime.wHour, sFileTime.wMinute);

The question is, what are these lines for? Isn't it easier to show both year and time always?

#1319 Uploads to FTP server are converted to one line closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hey, when I upload a file to my FTP server using File Zilla the entire file is converted to one line. I used another FTP software to upload to my server and the other FTP software uploaded fine. When I uploaded my file with File Zilla, I downloaded the file, and every part of the file was on one line.

#1320 .html file becomes unformatted closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I use filezilla for all my purposes on 4 different websites.

However, for a particular type of webpage (our result files which are html), whenever I use filezilla, the whole page becomes unformatted/corrupted once uploaded, and shows all chinese fonts.

Because of this I have had to use another ftp software for the past one year, just to upload our result files, where that software works fine. For the rest of the html, asp, php etc. pages on the website filezilla works fine and I have had no issues with it for the past two years.

I am attaching an html file for your verification. Ours is a linux server. The websites where I have tried this out have been both on windows and linux servers but this problem persisted over the years.

#1321 Multiple log files closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

This is a rather strange error but it is not harmful - just strange. :-)

If, like me, you like to play around with the options then you have probably come across the log file option to have a single log file or multiple log files. I have found that if you happen to turn on the "I want multiple log files" and then turn it off (ie: single log file) and then turn it back on again and maybe select a maximum number of log files, then turn it back off and then turn it back on again you wind up with FileZilla only using one log file no matter what. But instead of using the single log file name it creates a separate file each day but then just deletes it at the end of the day.

My settings are: Multiple log files. Keep the last 14 days.

What I get is: One log file with the current day as the file name.

Strange, but true. :-)

#1322 Resume visual bug closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Resume causes percentage bar reaches 100% so fast, even upload is not finished

#1323 FileZilla Bombs When Attemping To Delete A Large File Array closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When attempting to clean out a directory from my server; FileZilla crashed with error "The instruction at "0x77bd8173" referenced memory at "0x01505000". The memory could not be "read"."

I was able to duplicate the crash by creating a directory with greater than 300 files and attempting to delete the upper level directory. The program successfully lists the directory contents and begins the deletion process but then shortly after it freezes and eventually abends with the above error. The files in the directory can be manually removed if done so a few at a time.

#1325 drag and drop closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The drag and drop function isn't work in FileZilla Client 3.0.3 after the installation...

#1326 error in deleting folder closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla dont delete empty folder. Filezilla crash when deleting file recursively.

#1327 Error when put files after SUNIQUE (STOU) command closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server


I recently replaced a Serv-u 4.1 ftp server by fzs 0.9.24, and since have some troubles when the 'store unique' mode is on. I got a syntax error when I try to put a file on the server. I've tested with different file types, it is not the root cause.

Please find below the ftp log.

================= Enter login ID (useros): 331 Password required for userftp 230 Logged on UNIX emulated by FileZilla Enter an FTP subcommand.

CD .

250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. Enter an FTP subcommand.


SUNIQUE (store unique) is on. Enter an FTP subcommand.

PUT DOCDIR/F00511.F00511 F00511.TXT

227 Entering Passive Mode (10,X,X,X,10,158) 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. Enter an FTP subcommand.


221 Goodbye ==================

If I type SUNIQUE again (to set 'store unique' to off), then I can put files as usual. So the problem occurs only when SUNIQUE is on. I read somewhere that STOU command was not yet implemented in filezilla server, but since the SUNIQUE command is available it should be ok now ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

#1328 Resume function problem with large files. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Trying to resume a file. I have 4 468 924 291 byte, the file is 18 115 551 271 byte. Resume has worked several times before, but now is unsuccessful. I think this is because it appears to try to resume at the very end of the file. Some sort of 4gb limit?

Here's an excerpt from the log (sorry for the Swedish, but I think it is clear):

Kommando: PORT 71,139,43,137,200,50 Svar: 200 PORT command successful. Kommando: REST 18115551271 Svar: 501 Reply marker is invalid. Status: Påbörjar hämtning av /Brochure/ANSPA.rar Status: Testar om servern klarar av att återuppta överföringar Kommando: PORT 71,139,43,137,200,51 Svar: 200 PORT command successful. Kommando: REST 18115551271 Svar: 501 Reply marker is invalid.

#1329 Ftp stopped working closed Bug report normal Other

updated to filezilla 3.0.3 client last update 11-7-07. I have vista ie7. Filezilla stops working when deleting folders with small thumnail images from my web host site. no recent changes to my files or folders. Only happens when deleating from host. started when i did the latest update. error message Filezilla FTP client has stopped working . a problem caused the program to stop working , windows will close the program. uploads files and folders to my site fine no problems. only when deleating

#1330 Directory and files names with accents closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


The new version of Filezilla is very good !

I have a big problem with the french language and accents. When I want to transfer pc-> ftp files or directories whose name contains accented characters there is a problem. The first time, the transfer goes well and directories are created and files are transferred.

I turn off Filezilla and restarts.

When I want to update their files, it is impossible.

I found that the file names are changed (UTF8?) on the ftp server.

From then on, it's useless.


Normal name: "Avec les médias" After the restart: "Avec les médias"

Thank's for your help !


#1331 v. Drag&Drop problem closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When dragging and dropping from FileZilla client into Windows explorer, the operation fails with the following message: "Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window."

Just installed this version, and problem happened on first attempt. Shell extension was selected for install. Using WinXP SP2.

#1332 Small bug in russian interface closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is a small bug in russian translation: Path: Правка-Настройки (you can find screen in attach) Now string: Правка файлов не сервере Correct string: Правка файлов на сервере

p.s. Also I saw some not exactly right translation in russian interface. May I sent you my version? p.p.s. with best wishes

#1333 Nothing appears in lower remote pane closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In classic mode, on the lower-right pane (where files appear) there is a scrollbar as if there should be something there, but nothing appears. This just started happening randomly when things were working fine before, and I tried upgrading, then reinstalling to no avail. I rebooted twice in the process and that didn't help things. It also still happens if I try to change the interface layout. I'm attaching an image to show the issue. Since this is a work computer, I blurred out some things for security reasons.

There are no error messages, e.g.: Response: 257 "/include/sitespecific" is current directory. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,28,174,147,17,109) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful

#1334 FileZilla and Flash CS3 icon look too similar closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The default FileZilla and Flash CS3 icon look too similar and are hard to distinguish when clicking around fast. It would be great if something could be done to distinguish it. See attached.

#1335 Listing Directory in Passive Mode Fails. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

This occurs in FileZilla Server Beta 0.9.23 running in Windows Server 2003 R2 Service Pack 2

There appears to be some magic condition where listing a directory in passive mode will fail.

In particular: the server will transmit a partial listing and then hang up.

I have tried to isolate the condition but it seems that deleting or changing the name of even one directory from the list will allow the directory to be listed again.

Attached is a list of folder names that cause this error.

Sorry this isn't more detailed!

#1337 win1251 filenames doesn't display correctly closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Nothing can add. It doesn't support win1251 coding file names.

#1338 directorz list after deleting closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If you enter a directory and delete it from the server list window FileZilla report an error instead of chaging a directoz higher

SEE THE SCREENSHOT! SOLUTION The window must change into a higher directory


#1339 Remote directory tree cannot display Chinese word correctly closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version: After db-clicked on the directory in Chinese, it will became chaos word. Following is the log: Command: CWD /其他歌手经典专辑交流/ Response: 250 Directory changed to /ÆäËû¸èÊÖ¾­µäר¼­½»Á÷

#1340 Remote directory tree cannot display Chinese word correctly closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version: After db-clicked on the directory in Chinese, it will became chaos word. Following is the log: Command: CWD /其他歌手经典专辑交流/ Response: 250 Directory changed to /ÆäËû¸èÊÖ¾­µäר¼­½»Á÷

#1341 Version displayed for FZS 0.9.25 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server


In FZS v0.9.25, it seems that the version that appears in server response still be 0.9.24

#1342 Downloads from server are corrupted closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hey .. when I download somehting from the server over normal FTP transfere ... files are corrupted ... this bug wasn't in the previous version ... my program settings are all default expet that I set the (send keep alive commands) ... thanks !

#1344 Filezilla crashes when entering server command GET KJ.RAR closed Bug report normal Other

Filezilla crashes with a protection violation (read attempt of memory address 0x08) when entering server command GET KJ.RAR

  • run Filezilla and connect to an ftp server
  • navigate to a subfolder on the server
  • the subfolder is configured for read access but no execute access (people can not see the files there, but can download them)
  • Server/Enter custom command ==> GET KJ.RAR enter
  • crash
  • I have activated the requested debug levels, but don't get any log files (may be because FileZilla crashes so quickly?)

==> any idea how to get the debug file?

  • Using FileZilla version 3.0.5
  • old version was uninstalled by the installer of the new version, before the new version was installed.

Anything I can do to get more data/clarify this issue?

Cheers, Klaus

#1345 Local file edit not working when not connected closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When FileZilla Client is launched and before making connection to the server, if right click a local file and select edit, nothing happens. This will only works after connection is established and remote files are visibla.

#1346 FileZilla Server & Client comm issue with LIST command closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

First off, we love your product over here at Xeno Innovations for our FTP Server since we switch back to MS Windows as our OS (vs Linux due to compatibility issues). However we're having some problems here with the FileZilla Client & Server talking to each other.

FileZilla Client v3.0.4.1 & v3.0.5.2 cannot connect to FileZilla Server 0.9.25 after the 'LIST' command.. however, if i'm using SmartFTP Client, that works just fine. I checked my settings over and over on bother client & server, i could not find anything. Do you have any suggestions?

Below is a log from the FileZilla Client: ========================================= Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-=[ Response: 220-=[ Welcome to Xeno Innovations, Inc. Response: 220 -=[ Unauthorized access will be by fully punishable by LAW! Response: 220 -=[ Command: USER Response: 331 Password required for Command: PASS Response: 230 Logged on Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,236,92) Command: LIST Response: 425 Can't open data connection. Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#1347 empty directories could not be deleted via ftp closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'am using FileZilla-Client Version When I connect to a FTP-Server i seems that it is not possible to delete empty directories (on server).

Workaround : upload a file to this directory and then delete directory including file.

#1348 VMS Directory List Fail closed Bug report normal Other


Connecting to my VMS box with version, which worked fine with version 2.2.31, it responds 'failed to get directory list' and you are then unable to navigate the remote site. Regards, John

#1349 Error when attempting to drag and drop to desktop. closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After upgrading to version, I connected to a server and attempted to drag and drop a small text file from the server pane to my desktop and got the following error message: "Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window." A folder was created on my desktop with the name "fz3-12003270676720".

Since I have performed this operation in the past without a problem (not sure of my previous version, but it was a very recent one) I assume that this is a bug. No trace messages appeared in the message window during this operation.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2.

#1350 Site Manager, F2 should rename closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version In the Site Manager dialog, the F2 key should rename a site since F2, on Windows at least, is the rename key.

#1352 Client fails to launch on Mac OS X 10.3.9 closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client
Description bounces once in Dock then disappears.

Console shows a number of errors in the form: " undefined reference to (xyz) expected to be defined in Carbon"

#1353 TLS/SSL certificate closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

the option to "always trust certificate in future sessions" is grey'd out meaning one has to ok it everytime he logs.

#1354 Changing to certain directories causes server to disconnect closed Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Filezilla Server 0.9.25 beta Filezilla Client Build date 2008-01-11 (Windows)

Another issue found during the same tests that were described in bug 1881461

Filezilla Server will error and disconnect host when trying to change to certain directories (typically very long named directories). An example is shown below (specific folder names have been anonymized, but overall directory name length is the same):

Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /drive-d/Downloads/Xxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxx/for_xxxx/Xxxxxxx_Integration_Test/JDK/sample/jnlp/jreinstaller/src/share/classes/jnlp/sample/JreInstaller/resources/ Command: CWD /drive-d/Downloads/Xxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxx/for_xxxx/Xxxxxxx_Integration_Test/JDK/sample/jnlp/jreinstaller/src/share/classes/jnlp/sample/JreInstaller/resources/ Error: Disconnected from server

This was observed with Filezilla Client as well as command line FTP client, so it appears to be a server-side issue.

#1355 Fail to handle Big5 code filename closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Both 3.05.2 and 3.06 fail to download and upload many file with Traditional Chinese characters (Big5 code). same file can upload and/or download without problem after rename. Rename back to orginial Chinese name through the client have no problem. Download of same file with orginial Chinese name through DOS mode FTP have no problem.

Debug log is attached.

#1356 421 I can't accept more than 1 connections as the same user closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

for no apparent reason the client believes I am logged in more than once, when I checked manually and no other clients are logged in.

#1357 Transfer fails when special character in remote path name closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

My downloads do not start in the latest versions of FileZilla when I select files in folders which contain special characters in their path name (i.e. ä - a with dots on top etc.).

This worked in previous releases.

#1358 simply wont upload closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client
  1. Opened filezilla and prompted me to download and install versoin 3.0.6 which I did
  2. Without restarting I opened the client and connected to a server
  3. Chose a bunch of files and clicked upload
  4. After transferring 246 files out of over 2039 it stopped.
  5. Enabled debug mode and showed the following information:

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::FileTransfer() Status: Starting upload of E:\wamp\www\Folder\Proyect\1.6-19\upload\design\templates\default\admin\config\core.html Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Status: ftpcontrolsocket.cpp(1764): Waiting for replies to skip before sending next command... caller=0p1405ad8

#1359 unable to connect to VxWorks Server if rootdir is not / closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla 3.0.6 on WinXP 32bit Server VxWorks on my dslbox

FileZilla logwindow: Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(979): CRealControlSocket::ContinueConnect(0p22d1f4) m_pEngine=0p10dc238 caller=0p132a750 Status: Verbinde mit Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Antwort: 220 VxWorks (VxWorks5.4.2) FTP server ready Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Befehl: USER admin Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Antwort: 331 Password required Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Befehl: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Antwort: 230 User logged in Status: Verbunden Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Befehl: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Antwort: 257 Current directory is "/RFA/" Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(346): Failed to parse returned path. caller=0p132a750 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: state = 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2) Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

WireShark capture of connect: 220 VxWorks (VxWorks5.4.2) FTP server ready USER admin 331 Password required PASS DSLadmin 230 User logged in PWD 257 Current directory is "/RFA/"

I created a profile for this server with type "VxWorks". the remote directory listing does not appear - no matter if I set a remote startupdir (Standard-Verzeichnis auf Server)

hint: the connection with a simple ftp client works fine. I can do a CD / or CD /RFA/ /RFA/ is the chrooted root directory! there is no way of changing to /RFA (!)

Gruß Stefan K.

#1360 Filename starting with blank causes Error closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I'm trying to transfer a file which name startes with a blank, Filezilla isn't able to transfer it.

Client Filezilla 3.0.6 , Windows Vista Home Premium Server Filezilla Sever 0.9.24, Windows XP Greeting Tim

#1361 Filezilla client maximized window too big closed Bug report normal Other

After latest Filezilla upgrade (to 3.0.6), Filezilla maximized window frame (with controls and menu), extends outside monitor image area. This is new behavior, and doesn't occur with any other program. Alt+SPACE+r does not restore it.

#1362 filezilla cannot open closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

hi.. i want to report a bug, is filezilla cannot open ftp at i'm using filezilla 3.0.6. i can open it using other ftp programs.. but not with filezilla, it's always stuck at the command : LIST and after waiting for several times it got disconnected..

here's the command execution list


Status: Resolving IP-Address for Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-FTP server ready. Response: 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login Command: USER leonlanford@… Response: 331 User leonlanford@… OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 230-User leonlanford@… has group access to: ftp Response: 230-You must respect a 1000000:1 (UL/DL) ratio Response: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Response: 230-1 files used (1%) - authorized: 100 files Response: 230 0 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1048576 Kb Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: EPRT Response: IDLE Response: MDTM Response: SIZE Response: REST STREAM Response: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Response: MLSD Response: ESTP Response: PASV Response: EPSV Response: SPSV Response: ESTA Response: AUTH TLS Response: PBSZ Response: PROT Response: UTF8 Response: 211 End. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (205,252,24,146,118,252) Command: LIST Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing


i've tried using 3.07-rc1 but still doesn't work..


#1363 FileZilla Version Connection Timeout closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla is disconnecting even with keep alive enabled. FZ 3.0.7 is not exhibiting this problem. I have had to revert to 3.0.7.

#1364 File listing refreshes not occuring at logical times closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FZ is not doing refreshes on the file listing listboxes, and is hence reporting incorrect file sizes.

F5 corrects this like expected but on transfers file details are not being updated.

#1365 uncomplete deletion closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

3.0.7 windows locked up with filezilla running for reasons unkown, media file/codec error of some sort. Had to hit the restart button with filezilla running. After that it would complain "could not load filezilla.xml or Que.xml, will run with standard setting now. So i tried reinstalling filezilla, it continued to do this. I had to go to documents and settings/application data and delete the filezilla folder manually. It might be better to just delete the folder with all settings during uninstall due to some type of problem it had.

#1366 Remote Directory Listing Does Not Refresh After Name Change closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I just updated to version 3.0.7 from the most recent prevoious release and noticed a minor bug. After renaming a remote file, the remote site directory listing does not refresh. The impression is that the file rename failed - but that is not the case. Pressing F5 to manually refresh the directory shows that the rename did in fact, succeed.

Previous version did not have this bug. After renaming a file, the remote directory listing would automatically refresh to show the new file name.

#1367 Drag Copy Causing Data Damage closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

To recreate this issues use the following steps:

Drag a folder from the "local site" to the "remote site".

The bug is that there is data loss in that the directory tree is destroyed. A directory tree is data, and this is being lost.

I am unable to name ANY other application that destroys data like this. I am computer programmer and I blame Fillezilla for destroying few hundred dollars worth of work.

#1368 Problems with drag and drop shell extension closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

filezilla drag and drop does not work with teracopy installed ( moving files from filezilla.

#1370 £ symbol not allowed in sftp logins? closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I try to connect to a server via sftp using an account withthe £ symbol in the password filezilla reports a connection error - I expect this is due to the encoding of the £ symbol in the password string passed to the server - I am a php developer and have seen many problems with the £ symbol under utf-8 encoding - so maybe this is the issue?

When using putty to connect to the server with exactly the same credentials I can login without a problem, so I'm quite sure it's a problem with filezilla's inbuilt ssh client.

I'd love to use filezilla for all my ftp related work but with this issue it makes it impossible :(

Keep up the good work guys


#1371 Filezilla forget the download que closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After close the Filezilla client the client forget the download list and the failed transfer list as well.

It should be viewable after execute Filezilla again.

#1372 SGID permissions value not calculated closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

See attached screenshot. For a directory with value:


Filezilla is calculating permissions as 745. Accounting for setgid, total value should be 2755. I understand first octet not necessarily needed, but "4" instead of "5" is causing confusion.

#1373 [Security] Passwords saved as plain text closed Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Originally reported on

(sections are individual comments) ============

Passwords saved as plain text in ~/.filezilla/sitemanager.xml for fielzilla 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 on gutsy.

Password should be stored encrypted so that it is more protected to abuse.


The .filezilla directory itself is mode 700, so no one can read the plaintext passwords. That said, it would be a good idea for filezilla to use the Gnome Keyring instead of storing plain text passwords.


Confirmed on Hardy (filezilla

#1374 refresh closed Bug report normal Other

i was downloading some files using filezilla (3.0.0 - the latest for ubuntu). i added a file to the remote directory (by some action there - ssh), but could not see the added file in filezilla's showing of the directory. i was looking for a 'refresh' button, to have filezilla re-read the directory, i did not find one (is there one?)

how to proceed in such situations? should filezilla not reread the directories?

thank you for a wonderful too! andrew

#1375 Configuration Wizard failed closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using FileZillaPortable downloaded 03/19/08 from on a Toshiba Satellite P205D-S7438 running Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit OS. Firewall is part of Windows Live One Care. Internet connection is Qwest DSL through an ethernet hub and ActionTec DSL modem/gateway.

In the Edit/settings dialog connection section is a configuration wizard. I ran it multiple times with the same failure each time. I chose passive transfer mode with allow fallback selected. I next selected to use the servers external IP address. On the next page I first chose to ask the operating system for the external IP address, then during test faze I got the following log: Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address IP bjc-bgi-a-f Response: 510 Mismatch. Your IP is, gd-cce-cci-bi Wrong external IP address Connection closed

I then restarted the wizard and chose to use the reported IP address of and selected "ask operating system for a port". Next page was the test section where we connected to This was the log: Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address IP gd-cce-cci-bi Response: 200 OK PREP 50472 Response: 200 Using port 50472, data token 1835879006 PORT 63,224,228,18,197,40 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Failure of data connection. Server sent invalid reply. Connection closed

The final wizard page advised me that the server sent an unrecognized reply and asked me to check for latest version (using submit a bug report. This is it ;)

Is this a problem with my firewall not allowing the port connection? I also tried selecting to use port range 6000 - 7000 (default sugestion), and configured the firewall to allow incoming tcp/udp protocols in that port range for FileZilla. This returned the following end message: LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Connection closed

In every case there was a long pause after the "Response: 150 opening data connection" line, then failure!

The above log copies came directly from the wizard as the FileZilla client was not actively doing anything to create a message list. (I set degugging to verbose level but did not see any output)

I have loved FileZilla in the past and would really like to use it more if we can get it communicating.

Could this be a bug caused by the PortableApps modification maybe? Unlikely I'd guess, but you guys are the experts not me :)

#1376 Mac V PPC crashes on OS 10.3.9 (?) closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

at least this appears repeatable for me.

here's an excerpt from the crash log i found

Command: filezilla Path: /Applications/ Version: ??? (???) PID: 573 Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

dyld: /Applications/ version mismatch for library: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (co\ mpatibility version of user: 7.0.0 greater than library's version: 5.0.0)

Host Name: g4mac.local Date/Time: 2008-03-21 12:45:36 +0100 OS Version: 10.3.9 (Build 7W98) Report Version: 2

Command: filezilla Path: /Applications/ Version: ??? (???) PID: 587 Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

dyld: /Applications/ version mismatch for library: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (co\ mpatibility version of user: 7.0.0 greater than library's version: 5.0.0)

#1377 During the file transfer a part of a file gets currupted closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

During the file transfer a part of a file gets currupted which results in having a server plugin broken.

In the attached documents (orignal and changed file) the lines (original) 1950-2023 will be removed. In addition, line 1949 (01521;;Teleport) will replaced with (01521;;TelePORT 82,83,17,203,128,62 to). Altough some parts were deleted the file sizes are both the same.

#1378 Errors opening Access files closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I get error dialogues when trying to run Access files from Filezilla. After the several popups, the database properly opens. The errors I get from rightclicking an mdb file and selecting Open are:

1. The Command line you used to start Microsoft Office Access contains an option that Microsoft Office Access doesn't recognize.

Exit and restart Microsoft Office Access using valid command-line options.

2. Failed to create connection to server 'Msaccess' on topic 'ShellSystem': a client's attempt to establish a conversation has failed.

This happens in version 3.0.8

#1379 Deleting Folders German Umlauts closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client


i am using the latest FileZila Version 3.8.1. This Version still has problems deleting subfolders those parent folders names contains german umlauts.

For example create the following folders:


  • test

It is not possible to delete both folders at once (recursive). The folders still exist after deleting.

Thanks for your work.

Best regards. David

#1380 date/time of transfered files are not preserved closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I try with menu option checked or not. Same thing, all the time the file I uploaded on server take the time of the transfer and doesn't keep origin time.

I use fileZilla, in french winth XP SP2.

#1381 Files missed when downloading closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, i was using Filezilla to download a site from a ftp server. the site had about 3200 files. when i downloaded the site it only contained about 2300 files i.e. about 900 files were missing. that is about 30% of the total files. please fix this bug otherwise it will be impossible for me to continue using Filezilla because of its extreme unreliability

#1382 Installer requires acceptance of GPL closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The installer requires acceptance of the GPL. This is incorrect, since end users do not have to accept the GPL. The GPL is not an 'end user license'. It even says so in the GPL itself:

" 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works"

If the user 'does not accept the GPL' of an application, then that just means they can't distribute it. It does not prevent them from using the application.

To fix this, the EULA agree/box should be removed from the installer.

#1383 Cannot keyboard-browse filelists properly closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the "Local site" pane, try the following:

  • Navigate to C:\
  • Set focus to the filelist
  • Type the name of a directory (directory gets selected)
  • Press Enter (it opens the directory)
  • Now try to type the name a subdirectory

Expected behaviour: Should work select directory as typed.

Actual behaviour: Doesn't work.

Additional information: Works after a delay. Presumably pressing ENTER doesn't reset the keystroke buffer. It should.

#1384 V3 upgrade overwrote V2 settings closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When installing V3 Portable, it mentions that an "OLD" directory is where I'd find my V2 settings in "FileZillaPortable\Data\settings\old\FileZilla2.xml". This did not exist and apears to have been completly overwritten. Should V3 recognized an existing install?

#1385 An unhandled win32 exception occurred in filezilla.exe closed Alexander Schuch Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I connected an FTPS server(port 990), and then closed filezilla. After filezilla UI hided, an dialog shown: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in filezilla.exe [3480]." with title "Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger".

My OS is Windows XP with SP2. I installed Visual Studio 2005.

with FTP, all is OK. with FTPS, the exception is occurred.

#1386 No " LIST" before downloading a folder closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Maybe it's not a bug, and you design FileZilla like that for performance.

Firstly, I went into a folder "/testfolder", there was only 1 file "a.txt". Then I go back into the root folder "/". After some minutes, someone uploaded a file "b.txt" into the folder "/testfolder", and now there were 2 files(a.txt and b.txt) in "/testfolder".

Secondly, I downloaded the folder "/testfolder" by dragging it to my local disk. FileZilla downloaded "a.txt" only. Because FileZilla didn't execute "LIST" before download, it didn't known "b.txt" existed now.

#1387 PWD Reply Parse: single-quoted paths are never parsed (bug) closed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is a subtle bug in CControlSocket::ParsePwdReply():

int pos1 = reply.Find('"'); int pos2 = reply.Find('"', true);

if (pos1 == -1
pos1 >= pos2)


int pos1 = reply.Find('\); int pos2 = reply.Find('\, true);

The variables “pos1” and “pos2” are overridden within the inner “if” block so, after it completes its execution, the assigned values get lost and the original variables remain unchanged.

The fix is straightforward: simply remove the “int” keyword in the assignment of “pos1” and “pos2” within the “if” block.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.