Custom Query (10426 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 10426)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12267 Issue in directory listing new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When i search in one tab then open another tab , when second tab shows blank content , So i need to again Press(Cntl + F) and clear the search bar then tab shows directory list. So i think when new tab opens why search filter applies by default to it.

#12270 assert "m_indexMapping.size() == pDirectoryListing->GetCount() + 1" failed in UpdateDirectoryListing_Removed(). closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I'm attempting to delete a folder with one or more pdf files in it. There are currenlty 7,854 directories in /pdfs. I've done this many times before without issue.

Ex. path. "../pdfs/347555/347555.1588361310.pdf"

The error seems to occur *after* deletion when it attempts to update the directory listing.

ASSERT INFO: RemoteListView.cpp(652): assert "m_indexMapping.size() == pDirectoryListing->GetCount() + 1" failed in UpdateDirectoryListing_Removed().

BACKTRACE: [1] wxEvtHandler::TryHereOnly(wxEvent&) [2] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventLocally(wxEvent&) [3] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&) [4] wxEvtHandler::ProcessPendingEvents() [5] wxAppConsoleBase::ProcessPendingEvents() [6] wxApp::DoIdle() [7] g_main_context_dispatch [8] g_main_loop_run [9] gtk_main [10] wxGUIEventLoop::DoRun() [11] wxEventLoopBase::Run() [12] wxAppConsoleBase::MainLoop() [13] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t) [14] libc_start_main

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.28.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2017-10-29 Compiled with: gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-12ubuntu1) 7.2.0 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/filezilla-YKhf0t/filezilla-3.28.0=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 SQLite: 3.22.0 GnuTLS: 3.5.18

Operating system:

Name: Linux 4.15.0-117-generic x86_64 Version: 4.15 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx Settings dir: /home/.../.config/filezilla/

uname -a

Linux NUC-1 4.15.0-117-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 4 20:02:41 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic

#12281 Let's encrypt certs aren’t uploaded via SFTP to /etc/letsencrypt/live correctly new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I reported this bug on lets encrypt and was told that it's a Filezilla bug

Reproduction steps, taken from the internal documentation for my company, which I've written, doing dns verification method, on windows 10, uploading to centos, using latest version of Filezilla, over sftp.

  1. Download certbot for windows and run it in Powershell as administrator
  1. do this command

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --email --server --agree-tos --manual-public-ip-logging-ok -d * -d

  1. Once done the certificates will be downloaded to C:/Certbot, upload everything inside that folder to /etc/letsencrypt . Override all existing files in that folder, if that folder doesn't exist, create it.

Okay now when doing this

Note: make sure that the files inside C:\Certbot\live\ are uploaded correctly to /etc/letsencrypt/live/ because often filezilla fails to upload those

if I just upload what's in certbot folder to the empty /etc/letsencrypt/live/, only the readme file will be uploaded. All other files get uploaded correctly

If I then go to C:\Certbot\live\ And upload to /etc/letsencrypt/live/ everything gets uploaded correctly.

So it's not a permission error. Does anyone have a clue what's happening?

#12286 Clamd Files? closed Bug report high FileZilla Server

A new file has been added to all of my websites on the server side called "clamd". Has this file been added by Filezilla, or have I been hacked? I removed the file from each website and changed my password, but it has reappeared, so I wanted to check with your company to see if it has come from you before I figure out what to do next.

#12288 3.50.0 will not ftp from desktop new Bug report high FileZilla Client

It ftp's fine from the desktop with WIN 10 to our master Website

It will not connect from the desktop connect to our secondary Website

Please advise and assist.


Anthony Grigor-Scott

#12291 File Overwriting On Upload Unreliable At Present new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I'm using version 3.50.0 for updating website files on the server.

At present I can't rely on FileZilla to overwrite files reliably. The only sure way to do so is to delete the existing file on the server and then upload the new one.

Sometimes the first "Upload" click on the client-side file has no effect at all. More times there is a change to the date of the server file but it still is not the same size as the client-side file.

Surely, an overwrite ought to be total - and totally reliable.

#12297 Error: Could not connect to server closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP Server ready. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 502 AUTH TLS successful Command: AUTH SSL Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP Server ready. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 502 AUTH TLS successful Command: AUTH SSL Error: Could not connect to server

#12298 Configuration of Cipher Suites using TLS 1.2 new Feature request high FileZilla Server

Dear Filezilla Developers,

we work for a German federal government agency and have been using Filezilla server for a long time. We would like to continue using Filezilla since we are satisfied with Filezilla server and haven’t had a single problem until recently.

Currently one can not configure the cipher suites that Filezilla Server uses which according to BSI doc TR-02102-2 [2] poses a security risk and should therefore be changed.

The only post on configuring cipher suites - that we were able to find - is from 2016 [1].

In the post Tim Kosse says that..

  • a feature to configure the cipher suites is not planned
  • people who need to configure this should change the source code and compile their own versions of Filezilla

However, since 2016 new guidelines – like the one mentioned above - have emerged that require the usage or blocking of specific cipher suites when using TLS 1.2.

For example, German companies are recommended to follow the guidelines published by Federal Office for Information Security (german abbreviation: BSI). The guideline [2] lists a table of recommended cipher suites in section 3.3.1 "Cipher-Suiten" and explicitly discourages the use of all other ciphers.

Since most of German companies have to comply with the BSI guidelines Filezilla server could no longer be used. We expect other European countries to adopt similar guidelines in the near future making this feature quite urgent.

Since recommendations on cipher suites occur more often nowadays the use of a static set of cipher suites maintained by Filezilla doesn’t look like a modern solution anymore. Users of Filezilla server should be able to change the allowed cipher suites without having to recompile the software. A similar feature has already been requested in Ticket #11134 [3].

Is this feature perhaps already in development or is something similar on your scope for the next year?

We would greatly appreciate an answer to this ticket by Monday 12:00 UTC+2 since we have to discuss this issue with our management that day.

Best Regards and greetings from Germany Jonas

[1] "Weak Cipher Supported" Filezilla forum post from 2016

[2] BSI Recommendation - Cipher suites for TLS 1.2

[3] Ticket #11134 "Disable support for weak ciphers when using TLS 1.2" from 2016

#12307 [Patch] Auto-update proposal reopened Patch high FileZilla Client

Dear Sir,

I would like to make a proposal for automatic uploads of small files to avoid the popup window requesting confirmation.

I have been using this patch since quite some time now and I saw that many people over time keep asking for that. I also know this was already discussed several times.

Anyhoo, this patch includes a safe upload (avoiding file corruption) of the modified files and only applies to files smaller than 1MB. NB: The current patch is quite simple and do not provide any customization of the parameters (e.g. user could chose the max size for automatic upload or to disable/enable the feature by default)

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards, Marco

#12311 Opening Files new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, I have FileZilla installed on 2 windows 10 desktops. Both have the same quick connect connection. One desktop can open excel files in FileZilla, the other desktop you need to transfer file locally in order for it to be opened. Can we do a remote session so you can see the issue more clearly?

Thank you

#12312 Choose a key file dialog ("all files") doesn't show files without an extension new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Site Manager; edit or create a site
  2. For "Protocol" choose SSH, and for "Logon type" choose "key file"
  3. Click the "Browse..." button to browse for a key file
  4. Browse to a directory that contains a private key file whose name does not contain any dot
  5. In the file type dropdown selector at the bottom (by default "ppk files") select "All files"

Expected: Since I have selected "All files", all files in the folder should be shown. Since there is a valid file as per step 4 (the fact that it has no extension should be irrelevant), that file should be shown, among others if any.

Observed: The file is not listed.

The file is readable by my user. If I rename the file so it has ANY extension (e.g. "" instead of just "mykeyfile"), then the file is listed. And in this case I have tried selecting it and it works, confirming that it is a valid file (but this is not relevant because invalid files are also listed and you can choose them, then you'll get an error message when you try to use them).

So, when "all files" is selected, you show files with any extensions, but only if they do have an extension, that is, if the file name contains at least one dot. That makes no sense and it's something I've never seen anywhere else.

#12320 Filezilla Login problem new Other high FileZilla Server

I am trying to log into my server of but when it attempts the login it is using a different server name and I don't know where it got that name. It is using Somehow the A was replaced with an S???

Status: Connecting to through FTP proxy Status: Resolving address of Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known". Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to through FTP proxy Status: Resolving address of Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known". Error: Could not connect to server

Here is my Filezilla information: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.51.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2020-10-20 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.15

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 18363), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\msr\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12325 Files keep deleting unexpectedly new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, Could you help explain possibly why our file folders keep disappearing with all of our images in them for our website? It happened yesterday afternoon and we started rebuilding and it just happened again. Thank you, Emily Cooksey emily@…

#12328 Connection failed to Fedora 33 SSH/SFTP server closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Description of problem: Cannot connect to the OpenSSH server on Fedora 33 due to recent crypto-policy changes with using standard RSA-4096 keys (curve25519 works).

I can also reproduce this issue with FileZilla on Windows 10 and even in PuTTY client.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): filezilla-3.51.0-1.fc33 libfilezilla-0.25.0-2.fc33

How reproducible: Always.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install Fedora 33.
  2. Install OpenSSH server: sudo dnf install openssh-server
  3. Enable it: sudo systemctl enable --now sshd.service
  4. Disable password authentication:

echo "PasswordAuthentication no" | sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/00-disablepass.conf sudo chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/00-disablepass.conf

  1. Restart OpenSSH server: sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
  2. Create SFTP connection in FileZilla to
  3. Try to connection with RSA key authentication (id_rsa should be added to the SSH agent).

Actual results: Connection failure: FATAL ERROR: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

Expected results: Successful connection.

Additional info: Logs attached:

  • filezilla.log - internal FileZilla log file with full debug enabled;
  • sshd-filezilla.log - OpenSSH Server log with debug for the FileZilla connection;
  • sshd-console-client.log - OpenSSH Server log with debug for the default console SSH client.
#12332 PROXY PASSWORD displayed in CLEAR TEXT ! new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Since last version deployed with SCCM on our enterprise computers (3.51.0). When checking the settings, I've discovered that the proxy password is now displayed in clear text instead of stars !

Path: Menu "Edit" > "Settings..." > "Connection" > "FTP" > "FTP Proxy" > field "Proxy password" at the end of the page. (see attached printscreen)

This cause a security breach from our enterprise perspective and prevent us to use your product.

We are running Windows 10 1803 and 1909 64b.

Details: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.51.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2020-10-20 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.15

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 17134), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12342 Failed to retrieve directory listing closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello Team, When I am trying to access my FTP FileZilla Server from outside network, I am getting below error, not able to connect.It is working fine in company network with internal IP address. Satus: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead. Command: MLSD Response:425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/" Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Connection closed by server

Please resolve this issue.

With Regards, Lalit Patil Meticulous Research, IT


#12345 Uploading empty directory results in nonsensical items listed in failed transfers new Bug report high FileZilla Client

To reproduce:

  1. Upload a folder that contains some empty folders
  2. Upload it again

Expected behavior:

  • the first time, if the subfolders don't already exist on the server, they will be created
  • the second times, no folders will be created on server as they already exist.

Nothing should be listed in "failed transfers" as no transfer has failed

Observed: After the second time (or already the first if any if the empty folders already existed on the server), the empty folders will be listed in the "Failed transfers" tab. That makes no sense whatsoever because you don't upload an empty folder, you create it on the server. When "uploading" a folder, if it already exists on the server, you either know that by requesting the listing beforehand and hence shouldn't have to attempt creating it, or you try to create it anyway and detect that it already exists because you fail to create it. Either way, that's not an error and it shouldn't be listed as a failed transfer. The only case where a folder should be listed as a failed transfer is if you fail to create it on the server but it does not already exist. Additionally:

  • the "reason" column says "Creating directory". That makes no sense either. You are saying that you failed to upload a directory because "creating directory".
  • When I have failed transfers, usually what I do is: reset and requeue all, and then process the queue again. This results in the folders showing up again in failed transfers. So, it looks like there was some error creating the folders on the server and that errors keeps happening and cannot be fixed. And none of that is true: there is no error to begin with, the folders simply already exist.

Note that if the folders contain files, none of this happens. All is uploaded as expected and nothing is listed under failed transfers. As expected.

I'm setting priority as high because false errors are as bad as failing to detect real errors. If an error log of any kind is polluted with false positives that I have to ignore, I'll end up missing real errors.

I think this is a regression, I hadn't observed this until recently.

#12349 Remote Site DOES NOT REFRESH after idle !! new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Remote directory tree is no longer refreshing after installing the 3.51 update. 3.50 was working fine. After 3.51 refresh issue i tried to revert back to 3.50 but no longer had access to the 3.50.exe installer.

Next tried the latest beta 3.52.0-beta1, but getting same refresh issue.

Only resolve was to restart FZ, which causes extra work as I have to export active queued and successful transfers.

#12350 Debug level selector in Settings is broken closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Edit / Settings
  2. Go to Debug
  3. Change the value of "Debug Information in message log" to something other than "warning": e.g., "Debug"
  4. Save and exit Settings
  5. OPTIONALLY restart FileZilla (will reproduce either way)
  6. Go to Settings again and again to Debug

Expected: the selector for "Debug Information in message log" should show the current level. Saving without touching it should not change the setting

Observed: regardless of what the current level is (that is, if you followed the steps above, regardless of the level you configured at step 3), the selector shows "1. Warning". If you now save the settings without having touched the debug level setting, it will be actually changed to Warning.

This is broken in two ways: 1) it doesn't show the actual current level; 2) it causes you to unintentionally change a setting without having touched it (by only changing other unrelated settings and saving) if you don't notice.

#12354 SFTP not working closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I try to connect to any SFTP server I get an error "fzsftp could not be started". Interestingly if I switch to Czech language I get an "fzputtygen could not be started" error (of course translated). It happens since 3.52.0 version. Version 3.51.0 works. My guess would be that the double slash in path to fzsftp is causing the problem

#12357 Error issue moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server

#12358 FileZilla does not compile on macOS earlier than 11.0 closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I'm maintaining FileZilla at MacPorts and run into the following when compiling:

:info:build warning: instance method '-setToolbarStyle:' not found (return type defaults to 'id') [-Wobjc-method-access]
:info:build                 [tlw setToolbarStyle:NSWindowToolbarStyleExpanded];
:info:build                      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:info:build /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindow.h:185:12: note: receiver is instance of class declared here
:info:build @interface NSWindow : NSResponder <NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSMenuItemValidation, NSUserInterfaceValidations, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSAccessibilityElement, NSAc
:info:build            ^
:info:build error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSWindowToolbarStyleExpanded'
:info:build                 [tlw setToolbarStyle:NSWindowToolbarStyleExpanded];
:info:build                                      ^
:info:build 2 warnings generated.
:info:build mv -f settings/.deps/filezilla-optionspage.Tpo settings/.deps/filezilla-optionspage.Po
:info:build 1 warning and 1 error generated.
:info:build make[4]: *** [libfzmac_a-toolbar.o] Error 1

3.51 compiled just fine and it seem the change in is causing this because you use setToolbarStyle:NSWindowToolbarStyleExpanded, which is only available from macOS 11.0 onwards, see

#12362 Neue Version übernimmt Datum beim Herunterladen nicht new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Neue Version installiert. Seitdem übernimmt Filezilla nicht mehr das Datum beim Herunterladen der Datei (obwohl Haken bei "Änderungszeitpunkt der übertragenen Dateien beibehalten" aktiviert ist in Übertragungen).

#12365 New version of FileZilla does not preserve file timestamps closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

After installing the latest version of FileZilla client, the file timestamp data is no longer preserved on the transferred files. Verified that the option is still set in the transfer options.

#12373 Uploads and downloads failing with 3.52.x closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have been using v3.51 and earlier versions to upload files to a server running SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 to support sftp/ssh file transfers.

since updating to v3.52.05 (and also with 3.52.2), I have been unable to upload or download files from the server. It appears to write and then I will see an error that the file transfer failed, and then when it retries, it brings up the overwrite dialog to try to overwrite the file I just uploaded or downloaded - the file that is on the server after the initial upload is 0kb in size.

Trace:	DuplicateHandle failed
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2)
Trace:	CSftpFileTransferOpData::Reset(2) in state 4

I have been able to workaround by downgrading back to 3.51.0 for the time being.

It appears that for both the 3.52.2 uploads and downloads, the following message appears after the put/get command respectively:

Attaching files with the debug logs for both upload and download in each version.

#12375 Unable to 'mv' with overwrite new Bug report high FileZilla Client


it seems that v3.52.0.5 is unable to move (rename) a file when a file with same name exists in the destination directory. This is the error:

Error: mv /source/directory/TESTFILE /destination/directory/TESTFILE: received failure with description 'Failure'

TESTFILE is an empty text file; /destination/directory already contained a file named TESTFILE.

Trying the same operation with sftp CLI (rename /source/directory/TESTFILE /destination/directory/TESTFILE) the operation succeeds.

Optimal would be asking whether overwrite or not, which neither the sftp command does; 'Failure' looks like a bug to me.


#12395 FZ 3.52.2 on Big Sur 11.2.2 UI/panels disappears after all files have transferred closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

FZ will transfer all files but at the end the UI just drops out. I wish there would be a way to provide more details over and above what the "FileZilla.log" in "debug" mode can provide?

#12401 421 Could not create socket error closed Other high FileZilla Server

Dear Team,

We are using Filezilla FTP server on Passive mode with one static IP on the server. Actually we are facing an issue "421 Could not create socket" error. Kindly let us know any solution to resolve this issue.

#12405 Manually setting file permissions crashes the app new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.53.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0 Compiled on: x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0 Build date: 2021-03-22 Compiled with: Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror=partial-availability

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.15

Operating system:

Name: Mac OS X (Darwin 19.6.0 x86_64) Version: 10.15 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: /Users/mihai/.config/filezilla/


  1. open a remote site
  2. right click on a file
  3. select File permissions
  4. click inside 'Numeric value' input
  5. type any number (eg: 777)

Result - application crashes

#12423 File Import not successful new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi guys, We’ve been having trouble dragging our PDFs into FileZilla for a number of weeks now. When we drag the PDFs in, FileZilla either closes altogether or they all go into the “unsuccessful transfers” folder. The only way to get around this is to delete the app, reboot our computers and re download/re open. What’s happening? Please can you look into this for us. Thanks, Evan

#12434 FTPES Directory Listing fails new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FTPES server Directory Listing fails using FileZilla 3.53.1 Login to server is successful yet directory listing fails. .... 16:39:52 Command: PORT 172,29,23,55,23,253 16:39:52 Response: 550 PORT command not allowed. Connecting to a remote IP ( is not allowed. demo2 tried an apparent F X P transfer. 16:39:52 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing ....

When performing exact same test using for example Cyberduck same works flawlessly and directory content is shown.

#12455 REGRESSION: error message about filename encoding issue shows up every time at startup new Bug report high FileZilla Client

After a recent update (in OpenSUSE), this error message shows up every time I start FileZilla.

There are at least two issues here: the one that causes the error, and the fact that the error message doesn't give enough information. What file? Where?

#12458 下载数据出错 closed Bug report high FileZilla Client


#12462 Lost Password new Other high FileZilla Server

I moved recently for CA to NV if that mmakes a difference. I've been uploading to my website using 'Quickconnect' for years.

Somehow I cannot find my password so I can't connect and upload to my website (

I believe my ID is 'rapidog'.

Tried using this but no 'Filezilla server' file id there.

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla Server\

Can you reset this for me? I'm in truble if my clients doion't know what's up...

#12477 Where FileZilla downloads a file opened for editing? new Other high FileZilla Client

Hi there, I opened an html page for editing. Then I closed it, but needed to open it again to correct a couple of mistakes. However, FileZilla opened an empty local file for editing instead of the original html page.

The question: where does it download a file that was opened for editing in Windows? I tried searching the location, but couldn't find anything despite xml conf files for Filezilla.

#12487 Setting Up New Account new Feature request high FileZilla Client

I currently use FileZilla with one company and need help to set up another company.

#12489 filezilla.xml could not be loaded new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, I always receive an error message when opening Filezilla on my Windows7 64-bit PC. The message says: "The file 'C:\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Filezilla\filezilla.xml' could not be loaded. No document element found at offset 40678. For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.

I've seen previous tickets you've said to "repair" the xml file in a text editor, but not stated what exactly to repair it with. When I open my filezilla.xml file in textedit, there is no content.

What should it contain?

Thanks. Debs

#12498 infected ? closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have newest FZ I use FTP to manage Websites If I try connect to a Website FTP at I get a Trojan Message what is out-going see screenshot:

My PC is virus and trojan free (Malwarebytes prem buisness) So from where come a Trojan or is it a Bug again by FZ ? Need urgend a reply because I work here and cant work if these is not cleared or solved.

Thanks in advance Cheers

#12499 libtool error building filezilla-3.55.0 new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When building filezilla 3.55.0 I see the following error:

gmake[2]: Entering directory '/scratch/net/filezilla/work/filezilla-3.55.0/src/commonui' /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=link g++ -g -O2 -no-undefined -release 3.55.0 ../engine/ -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -lfilezilla -lpthread -lpugixml -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/lib -Wl,-R/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R7/lib -Wl,-R/usr/X11R7/lib -o -rpath /usr/pkg/lib libfzclient_commonui_private_la-buildinfo.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-cert_store.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-chmod_data.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-file_utils.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-filter.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-fz_paths.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-ipcmutex.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-local_recursive_operation.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-login_manager.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-remote_recursive_operation.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-site.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-site_manager.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-updater.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-updater_cert.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-xml_cert_store.lo libfzclient_commonui_private_la-xml_file.lo -lrt libtool: link: unable to infer tagged configuration libtool: error: specify a tag with '--tag'

Locally, I used a workaround patch (attached). Please fix this properly. Thank you!

#12517 It'is not possible to access to the server new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I enter with the same mode I used in the past but I always receveid the same error message. I insert: HOST: NOME UTENTE: 2038272@… PASSWORD: the same to my dayli access to Aruba but evry time I receave the same error message here indicated: "Tentativo di connessione con "EAI_NONAME - nome nodo e nome server non forniti, o sconosciuti" non riuscito ERRORE - Impossibile collegarsi al server. but I repeat: I work as I have always done

#12522 speed probem closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

the downloading of the server not working properly. I checked everything in my computer but the speed is still not good. and because of which i am having so much problem. please resolve my issue as early as possible.

#12524 Colon in filenames on server incorrectly translated to underscore resulting in "No such file or directory" error - Windows Devices reopened Bug report high FileZilla Client

When attempting to download files over FTP using the queue the download fails with the error "No such file or directory".

This appears to only happen to files with colons in their name and only if the files are added to the queue before they are downloaded.

Sample filenames that fail:,S=28627:2,S,S=4132:2,S,S=10776:2,S


Sample Connection Log (Processed from Queue):

Status:	Resolving address of
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:	220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
Response:	220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
Response:	220-Local time is now 14:34. Server port: 21.
Response:	220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
Response:	220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
Response:	220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Command:	AUTH TLS
Response:	234 AUTH TLS OK.
Status:	Initializing TLS...
Status:	Verifying certificate...
Status:	TLS connection established.
Command:	USER username
Response:	331 User username OK. Password required
Command:	PASS *********
Response:	230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Command:	OPTS UTF8 ON
Response:	504 Unknown command
Command:	PBSZ 0
Response:	200 PBSZ=0
Command:	PROT P
Response:	200 Data protection level set to "private"
Status:	Logged in
Status:	Starting download of /mail/,S=3489,W=3545_2,
Command:	CWD /mail/
Response:	250 OK. Current directory is /mail/
Command:	TYPE I
Response:	200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command:	PASV
Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode (255,255,255,255,144,137)
Command:	RETR,S=3489,W=3545_2,
Response:	550 Can't open,S=3489,W=3545_2,: No such file or directory
Error:	Critical file transfer error
Status:	Disconnected from server

Sample Connection Log (Downloaded Directly):

Status:	Resolving address of
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:	220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
Response:	220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
Response:	220-Local time is now 14:42. Server port: 21.
Response:	220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
Response:	220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
Response:	220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Command:	AUTH TLS
Response:	234 AUTH TLS OK.
Status:	Initializing TLS...
Status:	Verifying certificate...
Status:	TLS connection established.
Command:	USER username
Response:	331 User username OK. Password required
Command:	PASS *********
Response:	230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Command:	OPTS UTF8 ON
Response:	504 Unknown command
Command:	PBSZ 0
Response:	200 PBSZ=0
Command:	PROT P
Response:	200 Data protection level set to "private"
Status:	Logged in
Status:	Starting download of /mail/,S=3489,W=3545:2,
Command:	CWD /mail/
Response:	250 OK. Current directory is /mail/
Command:	TYPE I
Response:	200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command:	PASV
Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode (255,255,255,255,183,64)
Command:	RETR,S=3489,W=3545:2,
Response:	150 Accepted data connection
Response:	226-File successfully transferred
Response:	226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 10.27 Mbytes per second
Status:	File transfer successful, transferred 3,489 bytes in 1 second
Status:	Disconnected from server

I anticipate this bug has something to do with the way filenames are processed from the queue. From the above logs you can see the same file name is changed when processed from the queue.,S=3489,W=3545:2,


It seems that the colon (:) in the filename is translated to an underscore (_) resulting in the server appropriately responding with "No such file or directory".

I anticipate this translation is performed so the file can be stored on a local Windows system that prevents the use of colon's in file names. However it appears that the code incorrectly translates the filename on the server as well and this only happens when the file is processed from the queue rather than a direct download.

Client information:

Version:          3.55.1

Build information:
  Compiled for:   x86_64-w64-mingw32
  Compiled on:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Build date:     2021-08-09
  Compiled with:  x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406
  Compiler flags:  -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:
  wxWidgets:      3.0.6
  SQLite:         3.31.1
  GnuTLS:         3.6.15

Operating system:
  Name:           Windows 10 (build 17134), 64-bit edition
  Version:        10.0
  Platform:       64-bit system
  CPU features:   sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm
  Settings dir:   C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

Finally, I recently updated to 3.55.1 from a version 3.52.2. This bug was not present in that previous version so I anticipate it has been recently introduced somehow.

I have confirmed downgrading to version 3.52.2 resolves this issue while upgrading to 3.55.1 causes the issue to re-appear.

After a quick review of the source code in trunk (r10397) I discovered in /src/interface/QueueView.cpp on line 2974 in method CQueueView::ReplaceInvalidCharacters a code-site that may be responsible for swapping colons for underscores however as I do not have sufficient experience with the FileZilla codebase I'm uncertain if this is relevant.

std::wstring CQueueView::ReplaceInvalidCharacters(std::wstring const& filename, bool includeQuotesAndBreaks)
	auto& options = *COptions::Get();
	if (!options.get_int(OPTION_INVALID_CHAR_REPLACE_ENABLE)) {
		return filename;

	wchar_t const replace = options.get_string(OPTION_INVALID_CHAR_REPLACE)[0];

	std::wstring ret = filename;
	for (auto & c : ret) {
		if (IsInvalidChar(c, includeQuotesAndBreaks)) {
			c = replace;
	return ret;

Further review of that source file shows that line 359 may also be related, but again I don't have sufficient experience with the codebase to know for certain.

An ideal patch would preserve the server file-name in the queue while changing it locally to be compatible with Windows filenames.

If any additional information is required to resolve this please let me know.

To the development team, great work on FileZilla I've been using it for years and this is the first time I've encountered a (minor) bug. Thank you for your hard work.

#12527 ftp uploading: file corruption closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi All,

I recently encountered a very strange file corruption problem.

The scenario is that I upload a file from my PC(macOS) through FTP protocol with Filezilla(v3.55.1) to an FTP server(windows).


I have set the FTP mode to passive and FTP transfer mode to binary.

if the file size is bigger than 1M, it would be corrupted, but there are no errors shown at Filezilla. (File transfer successful, transferred 6014038 bytes in 12 seconds) I check the MD5 of the file at the server-side. Which has diverted from my client-side. I capture the packet of the communication between server and client with Wireshark, does not find any explicit error. I also hex dump the content of the original file at the client-side and the file at the server-side and compared them, the former 16385 bytes are different, but the remaining bytes are the same. (approximately 360000 bytes).

More info:

if the file size is smaller than 100KB. It could be uploaded successfully. if the upload speed is limited under 500KB/s(enable speed limit in FileZilla), the larger file could be uploaded successfully. the file could be uploaded by other FTP clients to the same FTP server without corruption, so the FTP server is working fine.

I tried other FTP client, which can also upload the files to server without corruption.

I although check with my two colleagues' PC (both MacOS Bigsur), they can upload with FileZilla(same version) successfully without corruption.

at first, I doubt that there would be some problem with my network condition, but the md5 of the file I uploaded is the same every time even if it is corrupted.

Any help or tips would be very appreciated.

Best regards, nRookie

#12536 login authentication closed Other high FileZilla Client

I am an instructor and one of my students cannot log into FileZilla. The messages he receives are: "331 User xxxxx OK, Password required" then "530 Login authentication failed".

He has changed his password with no success.

What are the username and password requirements for FileZilla? Are certain symbols or characters not allowed in the username or password?

Thanks in advance,

Kent Wenger

#12557 Filezilla Pro error AWS S3 moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client


After upgrading Filezilla Pro to version 3.56.0 we can no longer connect via FTP to our S3 buckets on AWS.


16:08:32 Erro: Falha na obtenção da lista de pastas 16:08:32 Estado: Obtendo lista de pastas... 16:08:32 Estado: A resolver o endereço de 16:08:32 Estado: Conectando 16:08:32 Estado: Conexão estabelecida, iniciando o TLS... 16:08:33 Erro: Failed to extract certificate trust path 16:08:33 Estado: Tentativa de conexão falhou com "ECONNABORTED - Conexão cancelada". 16:08:33 Erro: Desconectado do servidor: ECONNABORTED - Conexão cancelada 16:08:33 Erro: Falha na obtenção da lista de pastas

Please check it out.

Looking forward to it and thank you.

#12558 Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it Empty Directory Listing closed Bug report high FileZilla Server

Reporting a Bug I use FZ to upload files to 3 websites. 2 of the sites are fine in Filezilla but the 3rd website is experiencing problems when uploading to the remote server. Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it saying Empty Directory Listing Upload of files now fails. I get the message, Transfers Finished “All transfers have finished 1 file could not be transferred”

Example 1 Command: CWD /htdocs Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,32,7) Command: STOR sean courtney berwick.jpg Response: 553-Can't open that file: Invalid argument Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory Error: Critical file transfer error

all i get in the server window is a folder with 2 dots after it and a note saying "Empty Directory Listing"

Here is another example: -

Example 2 I tried to upload a jpg called “Odsal Bulletin” it failed saying: - Command: STOR odsal bulletin.jpg Response: 553 Rename/move failure: Success Error: Critical file transfer error Status: Disconnected from server The FZ local and remote server windows show the following:-

see file attached[[Image] 1jpeg attached

The 2 examples shown above returned different responses but both ended with the same result Error: Critical file transfer error and the Empty directory listing message in the remote server window with the folder and 2 dots.

  Example 3

I tried sending 3 files up but FileZilla said: - Command: STOR odsal bulletin.jpg Response: 553-Can't check for file existence: No such file or directory Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory Error: Critical file transfer error

I tried the Zilezilla Client Support forum and got the following answer from an apparent expert called BOCO Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it Looks like the server is on the fritz. It responds to the upload command with error messages. Code: Select all Command: STOR sean courtney berwick.jpg Response: 553-Can't open that file: Invalid argument Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

That's a case for the server support. You need to send a bug report their way.

From John Skinner Email jskinner06@… Date 16/10/2021

#12571 Filezilla closes when dragging Windows files moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello good Morning!

When I drag files up to FTP via filezilla, filezilla just closes, like a general crash. It's a lot to click and drag, but this way I can't work.

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.56.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2021-10-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.35.5 GnuTLS: 3.7.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 19043), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq lm Settings dir: C:\Users\armaz\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12575 FileZilla dont work / dont connect new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello! When I start FileZilla I became the Message that a new version is arrived from FileZilla! When I download and installed the new Filezilla I became all three seconds another Message that the Installation go wrong! Than i install the old Version! Than I become the same Message as before that a new version is arrived! When I installed the new version again! Than i become the Messages that the installation dont work again!

Can you help me?

#12576 Confirmation prompt before dragging and dropping new Feature request high FileZilla Client

imagine the consequences of moving your entire home folder to root with the click of a button. I am asking that you please add the option of having a simple prompt "do you want to move dir1 into dir2?" YES/NO. Its kinda insane that a project this big and old has not added this yet despite hundreds of suggestions from users over the last 20 years. Why can't this be added?

#12577 Issue with drag and drop new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I drag a folder into another folder the prompt asking to confirm its move does not show and filezilla immedietly begins moving files with no user input.

#12582 Server does not follow junction links anymore new Bug report high FileZilla Server

No filesystem links seem to work any longer. Junction links on windows 7 and windows 10 just result in a "550 Couldn't open the directory"

According to botg here this is indeed a bug.

This is an entire feature that is suddenly removed which renders the server software totally useless in my usecase since users can no longer enter their folders. The only current solution would be to totally re-arrange the filesystems, which is ofcourse completely unfeasable.

#12588 Unable to upload and view folder closed Bug report high FileZilla Client


I have updated the Filezilla recently and after update, the local folders are not visible. Unable to upload folders having files. It is uploading the empty folder only. I have to enter the folder and then upload the files individually in each folder.

Here is the details of client: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.56.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2021-10-27 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.35.5 GnuTLS: 3.7.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7600), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Vijay\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

Please let me know how to revert this update. Because previous version was working perfectly.

#12590 Filezile not working on Macbook Air M1 2020 - I cannot open Filezila - error msg: Filezila Quit unexpecedly new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezile not working on Macbook Air M1 2020 - I cannot open Filezila - error msg: Filezila Quit unexpecedly:

Process: filezilla [32257] Path: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/ Identifier: org.filezilla-project.filezilla Version: ??? Code Type: X86-64 (Translated) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: filezilla [32257] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2021-11-24 10:39:31.826 +0000 OS Version: macOS 11.6 (20G165) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 5BD02B7C-5F6C-C06F-7C6F-45BE69379115

Sleep/Wake UUID: AB85FA10-DA0F-4843-81E6-AA776C1DFD31

Time Awake Since Boot: 260000 seconds Time Since Wake: 210 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Notes: Translocated Process

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT at 0x00007ffdffcccd38 (brk 1) Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x5 Terminating Process: exc handler [32257]

Application Specific Information: rosetta error: /var/db/oah/223263137464320_223263137464320/8525bb1ba7f50efc9a4f51b635712d1821d4e417a61147fedea7d2f2c7d41a12/filezilla.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 runtime 0x00007ffdffcccd38 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 118072 1 runtime 0x00007ffdffcccd80 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 118144 2 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbc6e4 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 50916 3 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbddf4 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 56820 4 runtime 0x00007ffdffcbd5ec 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 54764 5 runtime 0x00007ffdffcb4440 0x7ffdffcb0000 + 17472 6 dyld 0x00000002015fd000 0x2015fd000 + 0

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):

x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000003 x2: 0x000000000000003c x3: 0x000000000000002c x4: 0x0000000000000303 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x00000000003eb7d3 x8: 0x00007ffdffcec000 x9: 0x0000000000000000 x10: 0x00007ffdffce208e x11: 0x0000000000000000

x12: 0x00000000ffffffff x13: 0x0000000000000000 x14: 0x0000000000000000 x15: 0x00007ffdffcd3758 x16: 0xffffffffffffffe1 x17: 0x00007ffdffcdc7b6 x18: 0x0000000306687fb3 x19: 0x00007ffdffce1fd0 x20: 0x00000003066879b8 x21: 0x00000001012c8000 x22: 0x0000000000000004 x23: 0x00000001012c8000 x24: 0x0000000000000003 x25: 0x0000000000000001 x26: 0x0000000306687ad0 x27: 0x00000002015fd000 x28: 0x00000003066908a0 fp: 0x00000003066868b0 lr: 0x00007ffdffcccd30

sp: 0x0000000306686890 pc: 0x00007ffdffcccd38 cpsr: 0x60000000

far: 0x00007ffdffce1fd0 esr: 0xf2000001

Binary Images:

0x2015fd000 - 0x201698fff dyld (852.2) <0CC19410-FD43-39AE-A32A-50273F8303A4> /usr/lib/dyld

0x7ffdffcb0000 - 0x7ffdffcdffff runtime (203.58) <BBDCFB04-7B39-3FDE-90D3-A6E55EE628E7> /usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime

External Modification Summary:

Calls made by other processes targeting this process:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

Calls made by this process:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

Calls made by all processes on this machine:

task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1048K resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1048K(100%) Writable regions: Total=22.7M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=22.7M(100%)


REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= STACK GUARD 56.0M 1 Stack 8176K 1 VM_ALLOCATE 10.5M 1 VM_ALLOCATE (reserved) 4088K 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated) DATA 288K 4 DATA_CONST 32K 1 LINKEDIT 272K 4 TEXT 816K 2 mapped file 4.7G 8 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 4.8G 24 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 4.8G 24

Model: MacBookAir10,1, BootROM 6723.140.2, proc 8:4:4 processors, 8 GB, SMC Graphics: kHW_AppleM1Item, Apple M1, spdisplays_builtin Memory Module: LPDDR4 AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme, wl0: Aug 18 2021 22:48:53 version FWID 01-3ed0e3a2 Bluetooth: Version 8.0.5d7, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.

#12597 Invoice required new Other high Other

Hi Team,

we have purchased file zilla through online however invoice not received Below order number FYI Kindly do the needful

Order Number: 169025187

#12600 DIRECTORY LISTING BUG closed Bug report high Other

I found a bug when I clicked on the free download filezilla client, after that I was directed to "", here it says "Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server.". After that, I started to make changes to the url to "", here a directory listing bug appears from the index page "". Did this bug reporting help you?, if so, maybe you can give me some money. Please reply to this bug report via my email "agungashjr@…". Facebook "https". Instagram "". Thank you.

#12613 Connection error/ forgot password closed Other high FileZilla Client

Hi, I'm having problems with accessing filezilla, I can't log in because I forgot my password and the provider, I'm waiting

#12629 [ERROR] Drag&Drop file from FileZilla Pro to XYplorer(Third Party Application) closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I used xyplorer(third party application) instead of windows explorer Not too long ago, when drag & drop any file from filezill to xyplorer, it's success with no error. But! now, isn't working.

[Alert Error Dialog Message] Cloud not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the file into an Explorer window.

And, a directory is generated on the xyplorer window which name is 'fz3-16414476052330'

I hope to solve this problem, Please help me.

#12647 Can not upload new Bug report high Unknown

Error: GnuTLS error -15 in gnutls_record_recv: An unexpected TLS packet was received. Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Error: Disconnected from server

#12648 [PATCH]Windows Long PATH support new Patch high FileZilla Client

It's easier than what I thought it should be, only need to add the following below to the FileZilla interface manifest xml. Patch added.

  <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
      <longPathAware xmlns="">true</longPathAware>
	  <activeCodePage xmlns="">UTF-8</activeCodePage>
#12651 Getting timeout error closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I am unable to log in my ftp account using filezilla. Getting error "Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out"."

I tried to log in by site manager option by selecting plain ftp(insecure) option but unable to log in.

I Installed a new version of filezilla still getting same error.

Please help out!

#12660 Filezilla does not connect to server closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I just installed the latest version of Filezilla, 3.57.0. Now when I try to upload files to my website, I get these error messages: "331 Password required" and "Critical error: Could not connect to server."

I have never experienced this before, in all the years I have been using Filezilla.

#12661 LIST * -> 450 Couldn't open the file or directory closed Bug report high FileZilla Server

After the upgrade from FileZilla Server 0.9.60 to 1.2.0 my FTP client can not list an existing folder. With old FileZilla Server version it works.

This bug breaks our automation processes. Please fix it.

You find the error 450 in the logs:

2022-02-12T15:50:10.322Z II [FTP Session 12] Session 0x17dc9d9d4c0 with ID 12 created.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z >> [FTP Session 12] AUTH TLS
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] securer(1) ENTERING state = 0
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] calling tls_layer_->set_certificate_file("C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\certificate-2020.crt", "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\certificate-2020.crt", "****")
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] securer(1) EXITING state = 1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z << [FTP Session 12] 234 Using authentication type TLS.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] ~securer(1) ENTERING state = 1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] calling tls_layer_->set_alpn("ftp")
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::server_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] ~securer(1) EXITING state = 2
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_send()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Received CLIENT HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Processed CLIENT HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: About to send SERVER HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Sent SERVER HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: About to send CERTIFICATE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Sent CERTIFICATE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: About to send SERVER KEY EXCHANGE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Sent SERVER KEY EXCHANGE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: About to send SERVER HELLO DONE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Sent SERVER HELLO DONE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Received CLIENT KEY EXCHANGE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.373Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Processed CLIENT KEY EXCHANGE
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z VV [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Received FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Processed FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: About to send FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] TLS handshakep: Sent FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z II [FTP Session 12] TLS Handshake successful
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z II [FTP Session 12] Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: ECDHE-SECP256R1-RSA-SHA512, Cipher: AES-256-CBC, MAC: SHA1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z >> [FTP Session 12] USER my_user
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z << [FTP Session 12] 331 Please, specify the password.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z DD [FTP Session 12] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.436Z >> [FTP Session 12] PASS ****
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z DD [File-based Authenticator] authenticate: is_from_system: 0, impersonation_token: { username: "", home: "" }
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 230 Login successful.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] PBSZ 0
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 200 PBSZ=0
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] PROT P
2022-02-12T15:50:10.623Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 200 Protection level set to P
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] SYST
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] TYPE I
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 200 Type set to I
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] FEAT
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 211-Features:
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 211 End
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] PWD
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 257 "/" is current directory.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] TYPE I
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 200 Type set to I
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] CWD /transfer/out
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [File-based Authenticator/impersonator client, user: <not impersonating>] info(C:\transfer\out): result: 0
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 250 CWD command successful
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] PWD
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 257 "/transfer/out" is current directory.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] SYST
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] PASV
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] Trying: data_listen_socket_->listen(1, 0)
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,114,200,32)
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] LIST TEST*.txt
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [File-based Authenticator/impersonator client, user: <not impersonating>] info(C:\transfer\out\TEST*.txt): result: 6
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 450 Couldn't open the file or directory
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] session::on_socket_event(): source = data listen, flag = 2, error = 0, state = -1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] Client wants a secure data connection.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] securer(1) ENTERING state = 0
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] calling tls_layer_->set_certificate_file("C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\certificate-2020.crt", "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\certificate-2020.crt", "****")
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] securer(1) EXITING state = 1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] Making the data connection secure.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] ~securer(1) ENTERING state = 1
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::server_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] ~securer(1) EXITING state = 2
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_send()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: Received CLIENT HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: Processed CLIENT HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: About to send SERVER HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: Sent SERVER HELLO
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: About to send FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] TLS handshakep: Sent FINISHED
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z DD [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::on_read()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z >> [FTP Session 12 my_user] QUIT
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z << [FTP Session 12 my_user] 200 Goodbye.
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::shutdown()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z VV [FTP Session 12 my_user] tls_layer_impl::continue_shutdown()
2022-02-12T15:50:10.639Z II [FTP Session 12] Session 0x17dc9d9d4c0 with ID 12 destroyed.
2022-02-12T15:47:23.467Z >> [FTP Session 11 my_user] LIST *
2022-02-12T15:47:23.467Z DD [File-based Authenticator/impersonator client, user: <not impersonating>] info(C:\transfer\out\*): result: 6
2022-02-12T15:47:23.467Z << [FTP Session 11 my_user] 450 Couldn't open the file or directory
#12673 Win7 / Win10 connection closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I'm using FileZilLa client 3.58 on a Win10 Pro workstation to connect to a Sony Deck Recorder through FTP Protocol. The connection is successful but when I tried to download or Upload a file it's says "421 1 users (the maximum) are already logged in" and follow "could not connect to the server"

When I'm doing the same thing while using or old Win 7 workstation with FileZilla 2.2.27 all went well.

All the firewall are off on both workstation. Is there any services you're aware of which could block the connection ?

#12675 File name length limit is too short new Bug report high FileZilla Client


It seems that the file's name length is limited to tight. I have long file names support enabled in Windows (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled=1)

I try to transfer game's saves from my PC to my Wii-U and very long files'names are concerned (using more than 128 characters).

FilleZilla client failed to open the file and so don't even send the STOR command.

I transferred the same files successfully using Cyberduck.

#12681 FEATURE REQUEST: Authenticate Private SSH keys with passphrase new Feature request high FileZilla Client

hi there, i have been using key authentication without passphrase for a long time with FileZilla. This works like a dream, however, there will come a time where you need to protect your ssh keys with passphrases.

A helpful feature addition would be to add the ability to enter your passphrase before you get access to your filesystem.

#12686 Error: Connecting to the server closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I keep trying to log in on the website and every time I try to connect it just says Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of activity and could not connect to server. I'm unsure how to fix this.

#12696 File Zilla Login failed closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Right after I logged in to File Zilla using the previous version, 10 minutes later I decided to get the new version and my login failed. I get this message: Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Error: fzsftp could not be started Error: Could not connect to server

Is this error from FileZilla or my website host?

#12697 Uploading CSS-files not longer possible new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, I'm using the latest version of FileZilla. I just noticed that it's not longer possible to upload CSS-files. Is this a bug ? Kindest regards, Luc

#12700 Developer ego induced bottleneck over high latency long range wifi network new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi. I am attempting to use Filezilla to transfer immensely large numbers of infinitesimally small files over a long range wifi network with incredibly high latency. I am aware of the developer stance of "If you feel you need more than 10 connections, there's something wrong with your internet connection.". Yes, my internet connection is utterly fu%%ed. That's the nature of long range agricultural IoT systems that at least one developer at Filezilla cannot seem to comprehend the potential existence of.

In case you don't believe me, here is a video that shows the bottleneck. Many connections are in a pending state, or a low speed state, because it takes time to initiate the connection and to start transmitting at maximum speed. Connecting multiple filezilla clients to the server so that there are 20 connections increases the transfer speed almost a full 100%.

Now, please, for the love of god, can you allow the max simultaneous file transfers parameter to be set to any user defined number rather than the hard cap of 10 so that my speeds are not arbitrarily limited by the ego of some Filezilla developer I will not name? Or at least limit to 32 to take advantage of my NVME (that's a new fancy storage device: imagine 32 hard drives in raid 0. Yeah i know, wild what these young whippersnappers are putting together these days, huh?) Thank you immensely.

If not, I will be forced to upgrade my company to another FTP software that does not place such ridiculous and arbitrary limitations on an otherwise almost unlimited application, solely because of the developers ego.

Thank you for your generous consideration.

Previous ticket on the issue for reference:,wrong%20with%20your%20internet%20connection.

#12709 change size overwrite window new Bug report high FileZilla Client

when the directory of file has a lot of subdirectories and FileZilla asks to overwrite a file over an existing file, the options are moved out of window (because of long names in directory) and it's not possible to scroll horizontally or change the size of window.

#12714 Interpretation problem and commands closed Other high FileZilla Client

You closed my ticket too early. Your conclusion is not correct.

One last response:

In your reply (1), you totally fail to indicate why I do manage to log in to my provider, upload files and download files using the other software (PC) and app (Android). If it is a provider problem, then this should not be possible with the other software and app either.

It is a FilezillaPro problem. I am happy to remove it from my PC, because I am completely done with it.

Have a nice day.


... Thanks for your reply. So the issue is not being able to log in (= getting folders) to my provider. I am using the same data/settings as with WinScp (PC) and Solidexplorer (Android). Filezilla Pro generates an error message. Also -eventually- specifying the external path/folder does not help. Already tried *everything*. Again: WinScp and Solidexplorer do not give any problems. I have to use Winscp next to FilezillaPro. A pity and not very convenient either.

Status: Mappenlijst van "/" ophalen... Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met Status: Verbinding aangemaakt, TLS initialiseren... Status: TLS-verbinding opgezet, HTTP-aanvraag verzenden Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met Status: Verbinding aangemaakt, TLS initialiseren... Status: TLS-verbinding opgezet, HTTP-aanvraag verzenden Opdracht: PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1 Opdracht: Connection: keep-alive Opdracht: Content-Length: 0 Opdracht: Depth: 1 Opdracht: Host: Opdracht: Keep-Alive: 300 Opdracht: User-Agent: FileZilla/3.59.0 Antwoord: HTTP/1.0 302 Found Antwoord: Location: Antwoord: Server: BigIP Antwoord: Connection: Keep-Alive Antwoord: Content-Length: 0 (...) Fout: Te veel omleidingen Fout: Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt

(1) Your answer:

This definitely is a server-side issue. A textbook example of a redirect loop. You need to contact your server administrator or server hosting provider for assistance.

#12717 Error message: 20 simultaneous connections limit closed Bug report high FileZilla Client


I updated to version 3.59.0 in Windows 11, but at various times an error occurs that says that more than 20 simultaneous connections are not allowed and it is disconnected. Even changing the value in the settings. In previous versions this problem does not happen. I went back to the previous version 3.57.0 and it works normally.


#12730 loungerie_6151427 new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Desconectado do servidor Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Desconectado do servidor Estado: A porta selecionada é habitualmente usada por um protocolo diferente. Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor

a Loungerie precisa de suporte para os erros acima, pois não está sendo possível baixar os arquivos hoje.

#12732 loungerie_6151427 closed Feature request high FileZilla Server

Usuário: 6151427 Não estamos conseguindo baixar os arquivos da GetNet pelo aplicativo Filezilla e precisamos de um suporte, poderiam nos ajudar? Por favor.

#12733 loungerie_6151427 closed Feature request high FileZilla Server

Usuário: 6151427 Não estamos conseguindo baixar os arquivos da GetNet pelo aplicativo Filezilla e precisamos de um suporte, poderiam nos ajudar? Por favor.

#12734 loungerie_6151427 closed Feature request high FileZilla Server

Usuário: 6151427 Não estamos conseguindo baixar os arquivos da GetNet pelo aplicativo Filezilla e precisamos de um suporte, poderiam nos ajudar? Por favor.

#12748 After uploading or downloading, the software crashes moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

After uploading or downloading, the software crashes

#12761 When connected over VPN and connecting to remote server using TLS, Failed to retrieve directory listing new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I am connected over VPN to my corporate network, I cannot get past retrieving remote directory. other users on same VPN do not have this issue. I am connecting using TLS. Works fine if not on VPN. FileZilla 3.60.2

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/P730822/C"... Command: CWD /P730822/C Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/P730822/C" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 206,66,66,1,195,230 Response: 200 PORT command successful Command: MLSD Response: 425 Unable to build data connection: Socket is already connected Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#12765 Shortfalls of FileZilla. new Bug report high FileZilla Client

-There should be a menu setting so that before copying/pasting begins,

if FileZilla encounters a duplicate file with the same name and size, which it occasionally does, that the setting to overwrite with the newest copy of the file can be a default setting, so that its present menu does not ever pop up during copying.

-Occasionally FileZilla produces Failed Transfers. There should be a menu

setting to "retry until copies successfully", all failed transfers, even if re-copying/pasting of all failed transfers only begins at the end of copying/pasting all of the Queues files, at the end of an upload, or during that procedure.

#12791 need help to install CA certificate to SFTP server new Bug report high FileZilla Server

I followed these steps:

1) create CSR and private key: $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout PRIVATEKEY.key -out MYCSR.csr Generating a RSA private key ...................................................+++++ .........................+++++ writing new private key to 'PRIVATEKEY.key' Enter PEM pass phrase: Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

2) Copy+paste the CSR to request a new CA certificate (PKCS7b - *.pem format)

3) Download the certificate in *.pem format to the FTP server

4) Add the private key to the filezilla FTP server (see attached screenshot)

5) The FTP server is unable to read the certificate details (grayed) and connection failed with "Response: 504 TLS handshaking failed!"

#12800 GUI: If Serverlist ist too long, last entries are cut off closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

Dear fileziller developers, thanks for your work.

I have a long list of Servers in my servermanager. Next to the button servermanager there ist a little arrow to pull down the list oft servers. This list dows not fit on my screen height, so it should scroll. Acually I have to open the servermanager dialogue box to get Serverconnections after "R"... It would be great, if the pull down menu would get a scrollfunktion.

Thanks and regards Martin

#12804 CMD+A doesn't work in file list closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

CMD+A does not work for marking all files in the file list (local and server).

System infos:

FileZilla Pro

Version: 3.62.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-apple-darwin22.1.0 Compiled on: x86_64-apple-darwin22.1.0 Build date: 2022-10-28 Compiled with: Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.102) Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -mmacosx-version-min=10.13.0 -Werror=partial-availability

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.7.7

Operating system:

Name: macOS Ventura Version 13.0 (Build 22A380) Version: 13.0 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 aes pclmulqdq lm

#12815 Problem with graphic when renaming file/folder in Filzilla MacOS new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hello, i use the new dark theme and after update i see problem with graphic when i try to change the file/folder name in Filezilla MacOS and it make very difficult to rename a file/folder

#12820 Malformed chunk data: Invalid chunk size moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

When using FileZilla/3.62.2 to download documents from Box, I see this message occasionally appear in my logs:

Error: Malformed chunk data: Invalid chunk size Error: File transfer failed

What causes this and what can be done to make the file download correctly?

#12825 Repeated images/files with various sizes new Other high FileZilla Client

Hi, i noticed that on my Filezilla FTP that its showing the same file with different sizes, if you could explain why that is happening and how i can prevent that because it taking up space in the server. As on the wordpress backend, in media folder i do not see these and i only use wordpress uploader to upload it, neither have i uploaded them with different sizes. For example i have a pdf that i have upload on wordpress, in filezilla its stripping the images separately and creating a imaged of it with various different sizes. please see the attached screenshot. Also, the amount of media files do not match on wordpress and FileZilla because FileZilla is producing images with different sizes. Please let me know how i can prevent that from happening and how can i go about clearing these files from filezilla.

Thank you Shahroz

#12829 Access to GovCloud? closed Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hello. I'm considering FileZilla Pro for accessing our corporation's GovCloud account. I've read the FileZilla forums and it seems, that at some point over the last 4 years, others have been successful in accessing the GovCloud with FileZilla Pro. Can you tell me if FileZilla now fully supports the GovCloud? Thank you.

#12835 can't access directories new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FileZilla Pro 3.62.2 on Win 10 22H2 This won't connect to a directory with many entries that FileZilla (not Pro) will connect to. On the same website I can connect to small directories. I see the "retrieving directory listing of" message and then nothing for 20 seconds so it times out, twice. That same directory is easy to reach from linux running the open source version of FileZilla (not Pro) and on another computer running an old version of FileZilla (not Pro), v 3.38.1

#12836 FileZilla and Inhouse s3 closed Other high FileZilla Client

Does FilezillaPro work with inhouse s3? I am running s3 on NetApp and every time I try to connect to my new internal s3 site FilezillaPro tries to connect to What is going on?

If FileZilla Pro does not connect to non-cloud s3 then I fear I have just thrown my money away.

#12838 Reset all FileZilla Installations new Other high FileZilla Client

Dear FileZilla Team, I have installed FileZilla with the product key on my home computers. Unfortunately, I needed to format them, and I do not know how I can remove the licenses connected to those computers. My FileZilla Pro registration key is: PU72-YGR4-XL7B-C9H4-X7BD Thanks in advance

#12842 Could Not Connect to Server / Connection Timed Out After 20 seconds of inactivity closed Bug report high FileZilla Client

I have returned to work after the Christmas break and tried to connect to my pre-saved credentials in FileZilla only to be consistently met with the errors of "Connection Timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity" and "Could not connect to the server". The port number being used is 22, and the credentials used are correct in terms of Protocol, Host, Username and Password. I have also updated to the latest version of the FileZilla software.

#12846 Wrong data returned (possibly after an ABOR command) closed Bug report high FileZilla Server

It appears that after an ABOR command, incorrect data may be returned. In my specific case, I was trying to download file chunks, and providing offsets to FileZilla. The first chunk returned (offset 0) is correct. However, subsequent downloads return incorrect data.

This is the C# pseudocode used:

[code] public async Task TestFileZilla() {

var ftpClient = GetUiFtpClient(); await ftpClient.ConnectAsyc().ConfigureAwait(false);

var ftpBuffer = new byte[1024 * 1024]; var fileBuffer = new byte[1024 * 1024];

var random = new Random();

these are pointing to the same file var remoteFile = "/test/"; var localFile = "c:

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

just randomly check the byte stream for a >= 100MB file var offset = random.Next(0, 100 * 1024 * 1024);

underlying rebex call is -> GetDownloadStreamAsync(path, SeekOrigin.Begin, offset); using var ftpStream = await ftpClient.OpenFileAsync(remoteFile, offset).ConfigureAwait(false);

using var fileStream = new FileStream(localFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

var ftpBytesRead = await ftpStream.ReadAsync(ftpBuffer, 0, ftpBuffer.Length).ConfigureAwait(false); var fileBytesRead = await fileStream.ReadAsync(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length).ConfigureAwait(false);

for (var j = 0; j < Math.Min(ftpBytesRead, fileBytesRead); j++) {

if (ftpBuffer[j] == fileBuffer[j])


Console.WriteLine($"Byte mismatch on loop {i} at buffer offset {j}. Expecting {fileBuffer[j]}, got {ftpBuffer[j]}."); break;



} code

I asked the Rebex support staff to verify their library is issuing the correct calls, and this is their response:

So this indeed looks like a FileZilla issue, and it occurs even when I use an offset of “1” every time.

To rule out a client-side issue, I captured the FTP traffic using Wireshark and analyzed it. The control connection looks OK, with the client attempting to download the same file twice:

TYPE I 200 Type set to I

PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,0,196,230,208) REST 1 350 Restarting at 1 RETR /incoming/ 150 Starting data transfer. ABOR 426 Data connection closed; transfer aborted. 226 ABOR command successful.

PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,0,196,230,209) REST 1 350 Restarting at 1 RETR /incoming/ 150 Starting data transfer. ABOR 426 Data connection closed; transfer aborted. 226 ABOR command successful.

However, data that was transmitted over the second data connection is clearly wrong. Apparently, instead of sending file data that starts at offset 1, FileZilla sends data from seemingly semi-random offsets such as 0x40001 or 0xA0001. So interestingly, FileZilla got the lower 16 bits of the offset correctly, but then used wrong value for the next 16 bits.

Out of interest, I added ftpClient.GetList() as the first call in your “for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)“ loop, and the results were even weirder – on the second iteration, the server actually transmitted some part of data instead of the directory listing. Because I also had “ftpClient.LogWriter = new ConsoleLogWriter(LogLevel.Debug)“ in the code, this actually showed up like this:

2023-01-09 17:00:52.526 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Command: TYPE A 2023-01-09 17:00:52.527 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Response: 200 Type set to A 2023-01-09 17:00:52.527 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Command: PASV 2023-01-09 17:00:52.528 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,0,196,236,89) 2023-01-09 17:00:52.528 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Command: REST 0 2023-01-09 17:00:52.529 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Response: 350 Restarting at 0 2023-01-09 17:00:52.529 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Info: Establishing data connection to 2023-01-09 17:00:52.530 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Proxy: Connecting to (no proxy). 2023-01-09 17:00:52.531 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Proxy: Connection established. 2023-01-09 17:00:52.535 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Info: Established data connection from 2023-01-09 17:00:52.535 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Command: MLSD 2023-01-09 17:00:52.536 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Response: 150 Starting data transfer. 2023-01-09 17:00:52.537 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Info: Data transfer started. 2023-01-09 17:00:52.537 INFO Ftp(1)[1] Response: 226 Operation successful Q#D?G?+c?*9?Py?~??mEq?E+???e‼??(+W?F▼?G??t??_?X?♥????]&_?8????▲?♦uP?&u???¶♣Ow?S?h▲??E♂c??}I??↑j?L???♥?Y?ZM??1↑??w0h?♠8?‼?Y??G?w(?DCp??◄g?o???m?# ??r????i?⌂P????☼O?rf?|g?∟?☻??f??e#?<????▲??Av?G?Z?4♀???K)?.??C%☺???A?? ???B}y*?II/%►4"*???~?Y/H???|a??☺??↑Sh♀??????????∟U6?z?]@▼b*↓Y?!?.I♥?⌂"??o????& ?? 2023-01-09 17:00:52.539 DEBUG Ftp(1)[1] Info: Item: x??? ?J5?.⌂?????C?♀M? ?▬???????V?e???????IW???n?b?↑???Nz▼_?{?:?↨?3n?8?iL?dG???5?_?i?t?g?M▬?;▲???a???C?I?Y8??∟?c?♠iT??????n???\????#?;f\Pf#?▬|?k◄?Fdb¶V?2???l???P?],♥?Df∟?▲§o?n▬▼S??~??e?☻?H?ZS??????lop???N??"▼v?e¶6?P??9?r????9?2?????U|p?p????;?►0♦?vvjXx▲?♫☺?L?E???‼??‼????F???*??*?l"↑(?6?{g|6E??♦7?an?+?h??5v|∟♦?Y???M???dgX?M↔E??K?s?<o?vTv?,G?'♀?V??♠?????X♦??E?F?Y?kr?4u9uRv??.?↓?~???=??⌂☻j??+§►??3r?&?9g¶????↔8j?U9??8EF??Y?☻☼??►↓P#?X?B???_¶1?iD6??<???L?↕♠t?D?G??g!↔p&>???7??x{3 ↓/?↑?!LU☻??|?▬‼????g???R??►?↔A????♦?F?!?ix?6??\??98aR♂~q??0pm??▬ ?M??@??:♣&????????"e???⌂?.n?i]?M??H?☺r????↔?$? fE~♂H?????7?B???1??H??%?X;??G Ftp(1)[1] Info: Item: ?9??'?V?~m??t?9??H|?,?~?%?|3→§♀??r{?]k??↕?X???↓?? ♦ ?N?|??fFI????V?{?@?6.|u(???M???2?????↕?§?>►?M↨<!??l??]↑??Bl;?"??+☼)?vT1Dc??‼?TM7????V?9?i/??x??↑?hO?m♫/r-??o?&☻?j??P"??↕►h1,%Gl??~u??N$?♣4%fSJ§?{▬?y??H?%???tO?%i??q?'vF?M?H?#?±?(P?5~?#<.C??E(U???b[?&????"?<d?_??????[??N?7?Dn?U??+?)♫????Q♣??♣?Y6u♂???,??????¶?p??N~@?i◄?p?Z,?♀?IM?WW}????????)2??S&◄6?<R??v?☻??☺W⌂?mJZ?Q,??♂?:♥???S??m▲?♣??Z??d}i????§???=Kz?n~????6??2♣?e???∟►↑??E????????Sba?☻?→☻??▲|?◄???f?u??AWy??>?|"????A☺S??s'?+>??L?☻b?►????e;s☻?Y4S?↔???↨▲Q

So please do open a FileZilla ticket for this – it looks like something very wrong is going on at the server indeed! My guess is that it has something to do with “ABOR” command – apparently, although it does stop the current transfer (before all data has been transmitted), part of the remaining data remains in some buffer and is later sent via data connection belonging to a subsequent command.

#12847 messed up text-editing display in dark mode new Bug report high FileZilla Client

Filezilla version: 3.62.2 OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

Ever since they added dark mode for MacOS I can't see the text I am editing when I change a file name. It shows the new text in white over the old text in black so it's hard to tell what I have actually typed.

#12856 служба сервера аварийно останавливается new Bug report high FileZilla Server

если подбирать логин/пароль с разных ip, то сервер падает. проверили на версиях 1.6.4 и 1.6.5.

#12857 dropdown list background black new Bug report high FileZilla Client

the dropdown list background for local site or remote site is black except when the dropdown list is selected

#12862 Dark Mode made arrows next to folders barely invisible on Mac new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The arrows that indicate that a folder has subfolders are black on dark grey, so they are pretty much invisible.

#12866 Files extension issue moreinfo Bug report high Other

Hi Team,

The program was always working fine with me but after the last update there is an issue with the files when I download them appears, particularly when I drag and drop them, it downloads as an empty folder, and only downloads fine when I press the download option manually, please help asap, thank you in advance!

my laptop is on Windows and 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Below are the information on my version:

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.63.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-01-26 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.7.8

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\abrar.ahmed\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\


#12870 Autoban does not reset counter after successful login closed Fabio Alemagna Bug report high FileZilla Server

The issue is in the SFTP Authentication. If someone wants to authenticate with a public key or a password, the Server logs at first a failed authentication and then a succesfull one. This example is with password authentication:

<Date> Info [Type] Message <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=4, user=*, service=ssh-connection] <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=4, user=*, service=ssh-connection] <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Error] User authentication attempt failed [user=*] [next_types=0x1] [error=4] <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=1, user=*, service=ssh-connection] <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * [Command] SSH User Authentication [type=1, user=*, service=ssh-connection] <14-02-2023 11:10:13> SSH SFTP Session 224 * * [Status] User authenticated successfully [user=*]

If one uses a public key, it would be the same except the type is 3. This authentication attempt will count as one failed login attempt, even tho the auth ended beeing successful.

Assuming that one configured AutoBan with 2 failed login attempts, its very likely that on the next Login Attempt (like uploading/downloading a File) will trigger AutoBan since the authentication will be the exact same.

Therefore either an authentication attempt like this should either count as successfull or after a successfully login attempt it should reset the AutoBan Counter

#12873 FileZilla won't upload files closed Bug report high FileZilla Server

I keep getting a 552 Disk Full error and says critical file transfer error. I've downloaded the newest version, restarted, tried on a different computer and I still keep getting this issue. However, if I go into my cpanel File Manager, I can upload it that way. Not sure exactly where this issue lies.

#12883 Local site directory pane trying to change to deleted directory after a variety of inputs new Bug report high FileZilla Client

When I connect to any given server, the local site pane is set to automatically show a particular folder. Sometimes, when I do almost anything in that pane, FileZilla tries to jump to some other local directory. It's always one that FZ has never shown before, so it's not in the local site drop-down history. Unfortunately, before today I never thought to get a screenshot of the directory it would try to display, but it was usually a temp folder.

This was all happening on the latest stable releases from the last couple months.

Today I installed the nightly build for March 10th to see if that fixed an unrelated bug (it did!), but then immediately encountered the folder-changing bug again. Here's what happened:

Three tabs are open. I start in tab 3, click tab 2, click the Local site files pane and click the "back" button on my mouse to go up one level. It should have gone from this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\Workshops\ to this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\

But instead, FileZilla tries to jump from this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\Web Changes\Workshops\ to this: C:\Users\John\Desktop\FileZilla- (see screenshot)

That "FileZilla-" directory only existed when I installed the daily build, and I deleted it after that was done. When this bug would happen in the past, FileZilla would try to jump to a temp directory somewhere else on the C drive (oh how I wish I'd gotten a screencap).

Anyway, I next clicked into tab 1, right-clicked the local site directory listing pane, selected "Create directory" and typed in a folder name. Upon pressing Enter, FileZilla again tried to jump to the non-existent ...\Desktop\FileZilla- folder.

In past occurrences of this bug, it would happen upon deleting a local file, renaming a file or folder, or moving a file by click + drag.

No idea what I can try to fix this, but am open to suggestions. Let me know what other info might be helpful. Sorry for my verboseness!

#12886 SFTP SSH Frequently disconnected new Bug report high FileZilla Client

FTP keep-alive NO SFTP keep-alive

Wait 10 seconds each time before connecting

I hope to maintain active sftp connections

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