Custom Query (8174 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (1301 - 1400 of 8174)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2524 procedure when is error occured Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2525 Copy on Right Click Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2526 Open With ... in local file list Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2527 if default remote directory is not exists Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2528 WebDAV support Feature request low FileZilla Client fixed
#2529 Full timestamps on old files Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2530 Desktop - My Documents Shortcut Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2531 Support speed limit rules for arbitrary IP ranges Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2532 Option for Auto kick on administrator login Feature request low FileZilla Server
#2533 File Modified popup on top window Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2534 Place message log in a column next to site column Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2535 Statistic: e.g. total transfer-amount per user Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2536 http URL support like Bulletproof FTP Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2537 Save SETTINGS as restorable option Feature request normal Other
#2538 Order by date: first directories, then files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2539 Auto change local folder when connecting Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2540 Select changed files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2541 download failure recovery queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2542 Support for MDTM read and write Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2543 Add ability to use paswordless logins Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2545 always send Y-m-d hh:mm:ss for date/time in listing Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2546 Maintain a 'Favourite Folders' per Site. Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2548 Won't let me download files Feature request normal Other
#2549 Drag and Drop Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2550 Comma-separated byte counts Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2551 sftp client filename encoding conversion Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2552 Show status in taskbar? Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2553 integrated port knocking for security/firewall access Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2554 directory delete in new thread Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2556 Settings for single site Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2557 Multiple Servers At Once Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2559 Add/fix logical mapped drive support Feature request low FileZilla Server outdated
#2560 Recursive permission changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2561 A cut and paste Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2562 Notifications Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2563 Failed login attempt lockout Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2564 Silent Setup for ALLUSERS Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2565 File comparison Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2566 Adding a general password Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2567 Mac OS X UniversalBinary Build Feature request low FileZilla Client outdated
#2568 Different speed limit on user inactivity Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2569 scroll wheel should scroll the window hovered Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2570 Favorite buttons access Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2571 On Mouse Over information on system tray icon Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2572 FileZilla Auto-Update / Update-Check Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2573 Filezilla - Local Site to follow windows shortcuts correctly Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2574 FZS: Wildcard support for LIST Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2575 Showing speed when minimized Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2577 TCP Window Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2578 Syslog Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2579 Exclude Files Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2580 File Change E-mail Notification Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
#2581 Implicit FTP PBSZ 0 and PROT P optional requirement Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2582 Need to Recover Passwords Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2583 import of sites from ver.2.2 Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2584 Make "Remember window size" the default behavior Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2585 Auto-connect for "default" location Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2586 Minimize to tray Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2587 command_line feature request: full path and filename Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2588 Modify -s to handle sites inside subfolders Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2589 Audible Connection Alert Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2590 Rename dialog should default to current filename Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2591 Put download link (FTP, HTTP) for file to clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2592 Drag& Drop we want it back Feature request critical FileZilla Client
#2593 Doubleklick on files to open them Feature request critical FileZilla Client
#2594 Choose Default local Path from Options Feature request high FileZilla Client
#2595 FlashFXP sites.xml import Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2596 Run in Tray Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2597 Missing option to clear a large queu Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2598 Display time and date in server welcome message Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2599 Detailed log Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#2600 Ban an IP address if a specific username is used Feature request normal FileZilla Server wontfix
#2601 Site manager window not fixed Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2602 Side-by-Side Message log and Queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2603 Folder browsing Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2604 Check for updates to program Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2605 Check for FileZilla Updates Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2606 Installation checks to see if FileZilla is open Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2607 Port to Linux Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2608 Scheduled ftp Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2609 Human readable log file Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2610 UTF8 on/off switch Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2611 File Editing: IMMEDIATE UPDATE ON SAVE Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2612 Customizable max number of connections for each site Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2614 uploads as atomic transactions Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2615 Donation for a Few Updates Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2616 Rembering last entry in servermanager Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2617 "Process queue" context menu item always available Feature request low FileZilla Client
#2618 unc-paths for lokal side Feature request normal Other
#2619 Option to not list hidden files and folders Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2620 Block brute force after X attempts Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2622 Minimize button Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2623 Cascade sites rather than provide one long list Feature request normal Unknown
#2624 Remember queue between sessions Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2625 Saving of config settings file to another location Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2626 Import sitemanager config from FileZilla 2.X Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2627 Command line *.* Feature request normal Other
#2628 configurable response texts Feature request normal FileZilla Server
#2629 Please add RFC 4217 CCC Command Support to FileZilla 3.0 Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2630 Configurable location of Logs directory Feature request normal FileZilla Server duplicate
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.