Custom Query (1267 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 1267)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#2370 ftp between two servers normal 19 years 17 years
#2154 FTP server to FTP Server Transfers normal 20 years 17 years
#2117 Allow local filesystem to be another ftp server normal 20 years 17 years
#2031 fix PASV ip normal 20 years 17 years
#1752 fxp transfers normal 21 years 17 years
#1726 Browse to directories .. normal 22 years 17 years
#1699 Synchronous directory browsing normal 22 years 17 years
#1720 Directory ALWAYS FIRST in Sort by Date normal 22 years 17 years
#1669 Number of file Up and Download limit normal 22 years 17 years
#1668 Number of file Up and Download limit normal 22 years 17 years
#2609 Human readable log file normal 17 years 17 years
#1797 Play a sound on connect and final timeout normal 21 years 17 years
#1975 Play sound (.wav) after transfer normal 21 years 17 years
#1782 Alert on connect normal 21 years 17 years
#1927 Sound events normal 21 years 17 years
#2508 Notify in any way when transfer queue empties normal 18 years 17 years
#1625 sound on login normal 22 years 17 years
#1732 Clear Queue normal 22 years 17 years
#2501 Formatted numbers for transmitted data in transfer queue normal 18 years 17 years
#2130 number of simultaneous file transfers -> per-site setting normal 20 years 17 years
#2095 Pane Layout normal 20 years 17 years
#1918 auto shut-down computer normal 21 years 17 years
#1824 transfer option normal 21 years 17 years
#1592 Disconnect when transfer complete normal 22 years 17 years
#2336 Lockstep Folder Navigation normal 19 years 17 years
#1755 Comparing Directories low 21 years 17 years
#1722 Compare difference in files and folders normal 22 years 17 years
#1735 Compare Folders normal 22 years 17 years
#2538 Order by date: first directories, then files normal 18 years 17 years
#2561 A cut and paste normal 18 years 17 years
#1616 drag'n'drop from remote to desktop normal 22 years 17 years
#1631 drag & drop from remote to desktop normal 22 years 17 years
#1660 Conection retries normal 22 years 17 years
#2229 Copy URL to Clipboard normal 19 years 17 years
#2308 Right click get remote file URL normal 19 years 17 years
#1560 Copy URL to clipboard normal 23 years 17 years
#2181 Time Conversion feature normal 20 years 17 years
#1583 up-dir Button normal 22 years 17 years
#2050 drag and drop normal 20 years 17 years
#2546 Maintain a 'Favourite Folders' per Site. normal 18 years 17 years
#2616 Rembering last entry in servermanager normal 17 years 17 years
#2067 Maintain Letter Case for Folder Names Alexander Schuch high 20 years 17 years
#1955 Last Modified File Sort normal 21 years 17 years
#1871 Remote Refresh (Manual) normal 21 years 17 years
#1851 comment to site in site manager would be nice normal 21 years 17 years
#1833 recursive chmod normal 21 years 17 years
#1789 Save ASCII or Binary Mode In Site Configuration normal 21 years 17 years
#2110 Adding a file filter normal 20 years 17 years
#2408 lower case filenames normal 18 years 17 years
#1937 convert to lowercase normal 21 years 17 years
#1855 Transer lowercase and uppcase normal 21 years 17 years
#1773 Force lowercase names normal 21 years 17 years
#1689 # files to transfer: give range normal 22 years 17 years
#1633 upload problem normal 22 years 17 years
#1654 Convert illegal filename characters normal 22 years 17 years
#1544 Last Connected Site on Site Manager normal 23 years 17 years
#2473 Suggestion - bookmarks normal 18 years 17 years
#1697 bookmark normal 22 years 17 years
#2030 secure MD5 login normal 20 years 17 years
#1691 SCP support Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1898 Suport for md5 checksums normal 21 years 17 years
#2379 Queue and SFV normal 19 years 17 years
#1987 MD5 checking normal 21 years 17 years
#1657 Webdav support Alexander Schuch normal 22 years 17 years
#1783 filezilla sould support webdav protocol normal 21 years 17 years
#1938 SCP-Support? normal 21 years 17 years
#1791 Add SCP Support normal 21 years 17 years
#1776 Bookmarks normal 21 years 17 years
#1768 Zend Encoded PHP File Detection normal 21 years 17 years
#1943 owner's uid/gid together with permission normal 21 years 17 years
#2152 More debug for sftp failures normal 20 years 17 years
#2146 who's the owner/group of a file? normal 20 years 17 years
#2069 Dutch language support normal 20 years 17 years
#2648 Support Amazon S3 normal 17 years 17 years
#2377 request for a simple list normal 19 years 17 years
#2633 Backup Website normal 17 years 17 years
#2631 Multilevel File sorts normal 17 years 17 years
#2634 RightClick -> New file normal 17 years 17 years
#2427 local filename window copy/paste normal 18 years 17 years
#2626 Import sitemanager config from FileZilla 2.X normal 17 years 17 years
#2624 Remember queue between sessions normal 17 years 17 years
#2617 "Process queue" context menu item always available low 17 years 17 years
#2603 Folder browsing normal 18 years 17 years
#2608 Scheduled ftp normal 17 years 17 years
#2612 Customizable max number of connections for each site normal 17 years 17 years
#2607 Port to Linux normal 17 years 17 years
#2605 Check for FileZilla Updates normal 17 years 17 years
#2604 Check for updates to program normal 17 years 17 years
#2359 Ignore specific filenames or extensions normal 19 years 18 years
#2341 Remote File Edit normal 19 years 18 years
#2597 Missing option to clear a large queu normal 18 years 18 years
#2594 Choose Default local Path from Options high 18 years 18 years
#2593 Doubleklick on files to open them critical 18 years 18 years
#2592 Drag& Drop we want it back critical 18 years 18 years
#2492 Independent spec. of simult. uploads and downloads normal 18 years 18 years
#2587 command_line feature request: full path and filename normal 18 years 18 years
#2586 Minimize to tray normal 18 years 18 years
#2584 Make "Remember window size" the default behavior normal 18 years 18 years
#2583 import of sites from ver.2.2 normal 18 years 18 years
#2579 Exclude Files normal 18 years 18 years
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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