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Results (10401 - 10423 of 10423)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12655 FileZilla fault moreinfo Other low FileZilla Client

Regret I have done something to my FileZilla and although I can open the Plugin's I am no longer able to open the .config to view my plug in's Is it possible you can see what I have done to mess it up.



#12683 a bit more granular controls on accounts new Feature request low FileZilla Server

in Prior versions (0.x) we had the ability to permit write, but not delete as well as write, but not list. In reading the forums, you has suggested that blocking delete was bad and you were not going to be brining that back (those were not the exact words).

The use case that I have is a single anonymous dropbox where people can easily just drop a file. Often this is a one time ad-hoc event, so creating a dedicated user account, while possible. is not always quick/simple.

Having "anyone" (anonymous) be able to delete a file that anyone else uploaded is not idea. If brining back the ability to prevent anonymous from deleting, can you consider the ability to remove list perms from anonymous account ? This would permit users/client to drop a file, but they can not see other files that were also dropped.


#12704 Set focus not working closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

When in a directory on the server side, highlighting a file and choosing "Delete" from the dropdown menu, the confirmation dialog box does not place focus on the default button "Yes".

#12735 need MimeType assosiation inside the 'filezilla.desktop' file new Feature request low Other

Most of Desktop Environments, like GNOME, use 'MimeType=' line from *.desktop files inside the '/usr/share/applications' and '~/.local/share/applications' directories.

This line make mime-type assosiation between program and file types, which this program support.

For FileZilla, this assosiation may be like this:


If this line placed into filezilla.desktop file:

[Desktop Entry] Name=FileZilla ... MimeType=x-scheme-handler/ftp;

then Desktop Environment will be know, that 'ftp://' links, which mime-type is 'x-scheme-handler/ftp', may be opened by FileZilla program. Desktop Environment will know this from /usr/share/application/filezilla.desktop file.

Then, all clicks to 'ftp://' links from browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) may be quickly opened in the FileZilla program.

Please, add this line to 'data/filezilla.desktop' file:


#12742 Show Dropbox team folders new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Currently Filezilla Pro only show one's private folder, usually the same as the user's full name. It displays as the root (/) in the Filezilla client.

Dropbox Business has shared team folders but it's not possible to list them through the Filezilla Pro client. This would be a nice feature for Dropbox Business clients, which probably makes up for a good percentage of the users who wants to use your Dropbox integration.

Mer info about shared team folders:

#12786 command ls -l not working since version 1.5.1 closed Bug report low FileZilla Server


Since version 1.5.1, the "ls -l" command no longer works. We have a program that uses the "ls -l" command to list files with creation date information. Can you correct this please? Do you need additional information?

Best regards,

#12895 purchase of Filezilla enterprise version closed Other low FileZilla Server

we need FTP server with more secured and various user level permissions, we require a below options.

  1. SSL certificate should work
  2. encrypted transmission
  3. Read and write permissions are available in your server, but we need to restrict the user to modify, rename, delete and overwrite the files
  4. different parent folder for each users.
  5. will it works on Linux - it is not mandatory
  6. any limitations for daily uploads / download- clarify.

If the above options are available with FileZilla enterprise, we are okay to purchase it. Do you have the trial version for the enterprise server?

#12906 Cannot connect to Filezilla server closed Other low FileZilla Client

Since last week, one of my customer cannot connect to FileZilla server. Keep in mind that it was working before.

One of her colleague is able to connect to the server on the same network and I can connect with her account on another network.

In the window, it says:

AUTH TLS 502 - Auth command is not supported. 502 - Please contact your network administrtator to enable FTPS service

What cause this issue?

#12908 Unicode characters in filenames (server side) not shown properly closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Seems like I'll have to upload the attachments afterwards.

I have uploaded a bunch of files to a server, with unicode characters in the file names.

I'll attach a screenshot of how such characters look like in fileziulla in the server panel.

For comparison, I'll attach a screenshot of a terminal where I'm connected via SSH to the very same server and I've run a "ls" command: you can see the unicode characters properly rendered in the output.

#12920 Registration with --register --regkey=XXX new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I was attempting to use the command line flags to trigger a registration so that the computer user is not prompted to register later and does not have to be directly provided the registration key by the IT department and ran into a little snag.

To reproduce, launch the app like this:

open -a "FileZilla" --args --register --regkey=XXXXXXX

The app will open, and the registration will be triggered with the registration key pre-filled. You will receive an error message indicating that you must provide an email address.

This seems to be because the radio dial for the first option (indicating that you are providing a registration key) is not automatically selected when the registration key is prefilled from the 'regkey' flag. Clearing the error message, then selecting this radio dial, then hitting OK will successfully complete the registration.

I have worked around the issue in our environment, but thought the information might be useful.

#12962 'Check for FileZilla updates Automatically' option is not being respected by program. closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Hi team,

I have my version to not to check for updates, and yet everytime I start up FileZilla it tells me there is an update available.

I'm running FileZilla 3.62.2

We run it on computers that need admin access to update and so it's just an extra step each day to remove the pop up prompt.

Cheers, Steve

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.62.2

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2022-11-22 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.7.8

Operating system:

Name: Windows Server 2016 (build 17763), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 lm Settings dir: C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12964 Crash when removing filetypes from list. closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Also affects filezilla 3.65.0.

Debian maintainer can easily reproduce this issue.

Debian bug:


Filezilla crashes when you go to Settings -> Transfers -> FTP: File Types -> Treat the following filetypes as ASCII files. And then remove all the filetypes except one from the list, and then click the last filetype.

Video showing the crash attached.

Backtrace attached.

#12966 Settings checkbox for "Display momentary transfer speed..." indicates opposite of its value. closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Settings checkbox for "Display momentary transfer speed..." indicates opposite of its value.

In Settings, under Interface, in the box headed "Transfer Queue," the checkbox for "Display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed" actually toggles the opposite of what it states (ie, it shows momentary speed when unchecked, and average speed when it is checked).

This is a legacy bug that has been around for quite some time. This bug does not affect functionality, so marked as low priority.

#12973 local tree closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Dear good morning, for some time it is impossible for me to see the download of files from the server to the local folder tree. Im use Windows 7

#13002 Icon in system tray stay after program closed closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • Run FileZilla
  • Connect to an FTP server
  • Upload anything (now systray icon appears)
  • Exit FileZilla

Ooops... icon in systray stil exists and disappears only after hovering mouse over it. Taskmon shows that FileZilla already unloaded and not running.

It starts after upgrading to 3.65.0 (from 3.64.x I suppose) and still exists on 3.66.1.

#13101 Syntax error on renaming file closed Patch low FileZilla Client

In Italian I get the "Errore di sintassi - Impossibile analizzare l'indirizzo del server: Nessun host fornito, inserisci un host." error (theoretically in English it would be similar to "Syntax error - Failed to parse server address: No host provided, please enter a host.") when I rename a file locally in FileZilla when a file with the same name already exists.

Then the message "Impossibile rinominare il file, Errore imprevisto, Se l'errore persiste, è possibile utilizzare il codice errore per cercare ulteriori informazioni sul problema. Errore 0x80070057: Parametro non corretto.". In English it should be something like: "Failed to rename file, Unexpected error" also appears. If the error persists, you can use the error code to look for more information about the problem. Error 0x80070057: Incorrect parameter."

In my opinion it would be enough to warn that a file with the same name already exists.

#13103 No message about new folder already existing new Patch low FileZilla Client

When I create a new folder and put a name of an already existing folder I expect that pressing "OK" will give me the error "Folder already exists".

Instead it doesn't tell me anything making me think either that the folder is actually being created or that it is empty (having just been created) and instead contains files that were already there.

This is "dangerous" because if I proceed to download various files in this folder I will have a situation that is not consistent with the original remote folder (there will be additional files in the local one).

The absence of the "Folder already exists" message happens both if I create a folder that already exists locally and if I create a folder (and it already exists) remotely.


#13115 local file explorer rename does not update file name new Bug report low FileZilla Client

renaming a file on the local side works, but the file name display reverts back to the old name until the directory listing is refreshed.

#13127 Translation: Missing german translation for close action since 3.67.1 new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the queue the user can select an action that is executed after the transfers has been completed.

The German translation for the text "Close FileZilla once" is missing there. While the other actions are properly translated, the close FileZilla once action is shown in english.

I think this is a regression, since the correct string was present in earlier versions of FileZilla. The correct translation would be "FileZilla einmal beenden"

#13139 70kb uploads, how? closed Bug report low FileZilla Client

extremely slow uploads. latest version. 500mbps fiber opctics wifi. cannot resume.

#13148 UX: New Version notification should happen AFTER user uses the app, not before new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I absolutely love when applications check for an update and let me know there is a new version ready to download. It is important to keep software up to date, especially on windows systems where the OS provides basically no support for it.

However, I don't think any user opens an app with the intention to update it right then and there. Usually, we're in a hurry to do something, get in and get out. We ignore the update warning because we're busy or don't want to be interrupted by what sometimes can be a long or distracting process. We do our thing, leave the app for a while or close it right then, but forget to take the update! Then the next time we start, we're nagged again about an update again. Starts to become notification fatigue.

It's not uncommon for apps to follow this UX, but it's really not great and probably results in more deferrals than installs.

Better approaches exist: 1) If you must check for an update at start up... 1a) Let the user defer it "Do the update when I close FileZilla". 1b) Show an icon in the notification area that a new version is available. 2) Notify the user of the update passively in the UI. 2a) When the user clicks on the notification, prompt for the update. 2b) When the user closes the application, prompt for the update. 2c) Wait for the app to become idle for a while, then prompt for an update. 2d) Do nothing. The user has been alerted and will deal with it when they choose.

Some examples of upgrades/notifications that are unobtrusive in popular software:

  • Firefox and Chrome auto update in the background when the browser is closed, and then perform the update work immediately on subsequent launch.
  • Visual Studio Code performs updates in the background when you close the application.
  • SourceTree shows an update notification in the header/notification area, but does not bother the user with it.
#13153 FileZilla download webpage: Apple Silicon Download new Feature request low Other

On the FileZilla client download page

It defaults to Intel Based macs, and the option for an Apple Silicon client is hidden behind another non-obvious link.

Apple Silicon was released four years ago. At the very least, the Apple download page should list BOTH intel and Apple Silicon.

(I work at a university and we send students here every term to download the client and regularly we have students not realize that there is in fact an apple silicon version of the software.)

#13169 File rename only becomes visibl after F5 new Bug report low Unknown

If you rename a file in the "local" window, the name that is displayed jumps back to the old name, as soon as it looses focus. Press F5 and it looks fine

The bug is only visual, not severe - and the bug is quite new. For years it had worked well

It only says "FileZilla" - neither client nor server

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