Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 8174)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#57 relative paths and quit-command Tim Kosse Bug report low Other
#59 Transfering filenames w/ spaces Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#61 Issues invalid PORT command Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#62 OpenVMS file listing problem Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#65 Uploading after timeout Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#72 / is not allowed in cwd command on VMS Tim Kosse Bug report high Other
#73 1.8 pasv mode freaking out ftp servers Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#76 Filezilla fraggs when... Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#81 remaining time and queue size ... Tim Kosse Bug report low Other
#83 Crash on file transfer Tim Kosse Bug report critical Other
#88 Date/Time Sort Problem w/Remote FileList Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#91 Denies existance of krb5 tickets Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#97 Proxy error in version 1.9.2 Tim Kosse Bug report high Other
#102 2 GB limit on file size ? Tim Kosse Bug report blocker Other
#105 FileZilla crashes while downloading huge Tim Kosse Bug report blocker Other
#107 VMS Directory Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#108 Remote Directory List failing on WinXP Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#130 Misses Long Filenames in OpenVMS Tim Kosse Bug report low Other
#215 Drop down menus turn black. Tim Kosse Bug report high Other
#222 Incomplete remote dir Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#247 Problems with GSS authentication Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#301 "Can't open data connection" on public IP Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#334 Server 0.8.3: Folder name problem Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#430 doesn't create empty folders Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#438 List in solaris ftp server don't show Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#442 Huge Bug: Creating DIRs Tim Kosse Bug report critical Other
#461 installer doesn't install to All Users profile Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#582 Filezilla 2.2.4c doesn't run on Windows 98 Tim Kosse Bug report critical Other
#583 Filezilla 2.2.4c and 2.2.4d doesn't start under NT 4.0 SP 6. Tim Kosse Bug report critical Other
#625 Connection by TSL and freeze Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#653 PASV mode being used when it should not be Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#811 Non repsonsive server Tim Kosse Bug report high Other
#827 No FTP possible with MVS / z/OS ( HFS ) Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#875 Timeout in big directory delete Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#887 Directory Traversing Problem on VxWorks Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#945 File corruption when uploading via SSL (client problem) Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other outdated
#1016 Speedlimit Settings confusing Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1083 no aliases on MLSD Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1112 FireZilla incorrectly parsing FTP protocol out of TCP packet Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1123 Transfer queue's columns don't remember their size Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#1171 Rename errors Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#1184 FZ server and IP*Works Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1206 Drag & Drop and double-click to edit Files Tim Kosse Bug report critical FileZilla Client
#1221 returns Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1271 Cannot do a directory list Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Server
#1443 standard anonymous password Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1444 Custom PASV settings for the server Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1445 Simplified Chinese Translation Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1446 FileZilla Server: show drives at rootlevel Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1449 Longer Welcome Message, Welcome Message Hidden Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1457 (fzs+fzsi) gui enhancement Tim Kosse Patch normal Other
#1502 Add an option to hide local hidden files Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1504 Add two more commandline arguments to FAQ doc Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1517 Stratus VOS listing support Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1519 keepalive for FZ3rc1 Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1528 Bypass proxy settings feature Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1531 Added file exist actions Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client
#1533 Suggested Feature Tim Kosse Feature request blocker Other
#1534 Site Manager Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1535 Feature suggestion: update only if newer Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#1536 Default Local Directory in Site Manager Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1537 Option for Site Manager to Show on Start Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1538 More control of file transfer Tim Kosse Feature request high Other
#1541 CHMOD of a group of files and/or dirs Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#1542 Remember Last Window State Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1543 ctrl-a to select all Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1546 Windows Resizing Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1548 Possibility to see "hidden" files Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1550 Site Manager Tim Kosse Feature request high Unknown
#1551 remember window position Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1552 file size view setting Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1553 remember most view settings Tim Kosse Feature request low Unknown
#1595 Remote directory tree Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#1637 Allow user defined PASV port range Tim Kosse Feature request high Other
#1642 more options viewing remote file Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#1643 Change password (Filezilla Server) Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#1711 Speed limit Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#1799 Missing Import to Queue format in docs Tim Kosse Feature request high Other rejected
#1883 dynamic Service Configuration Tim Kosse Feature request low FileZilla Server rejected
#1886 Support for Universal Plug and Play? Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated
#1895 FZ doesn't save last used item in site manager Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2038 Speed Limit in menu Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate
#2051 HTML Help (CHM) File Tim Kosse Feature request high Other outdated
#2148 Enhancement to logging Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed
#2183 cant handle long user names!??! Tim Kosse Feature request blocker Other
#2211 Skiplist Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#2236 Does FileZilla support Clear Command Channel (CCC)? Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2241 Don't add address to Quickconnet list on connection failure Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2245 On SourceForge website: add "for Windows" Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other
#2280 Minor Request: About dialog Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2291 ASCII file extension in Options too short Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2325 Preference to make site "read-only" Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2818 remember local/remote matching Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2992 automatically upload file after edit Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#2994 Add a "Open Existing File" to edit existing file dialog Tim Kosse Feature request high FileZilla Client
#3018 save column sort order Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client
#3019 Remote file listing auto scrolled down Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#3033 beta 1 elapsed time, and time remaining % display Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#3034 Can't Sort by Date Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
#3037 Servermanager does not store new servers Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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