Open bug reports for FileZilla Server (45 matches)

Shows all open bugs for FileZilla Server


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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Created
#13181 File transfer failed halfway while uploading process normal 5 weeks
#13178 my website doesn't connect high 6 weeks
#13163 Cant install file server pro critical 3 months
#13094 Server should accept connections again automatically after "no space left" normal 7 months
#13076 New Update Times Out critical 9 months
#13047 FileZilla Server geht nicht in Betrieb mit Fehler "ECONNREFUSED" high 11 months
#12991 Passive Transfers Fail When Client Has CGNAT IP normal 15 months
#12980 FileZilla server greeting excess info normal 15 months
#12977 Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. normal 16 months
#12960 My filezilla will not connect to the server normal 17 months
#12919 connection au serveur normal 20 months
#12856 служба сервера аварийно останавливается high 23 months
#12840 Filezilla Administration Interface current transfers dissapear on resizing window Fabio Alemagna normal 2 years
#12791 need help to install CA certificate to SFTP server high 2 years
#12666 Filezilla server 1.20 / 1.30 does not allow admin interface to connect ( possible tls issue) normal 3 years
#12596 Error in FTP Connection blocker 3 years
#12586 Serverfout (500 error) normal 3 years
#12582 Server does not follow junction links anymore high 3 years
#12537 Usernames are now case sensitive normal 3 years
#12535 Outdated documentation Fabio Alemagna normal 3 years
#12534 Logging to files does not work normal 3 years
#12514 при входе по непонятным причинам возникает ошибка 530 , не помогает не одно решение проблемы. critical 3 years
#12474 20 Second disconnect on SFTP uploads critical 4 years
#12472 files disappearing normal 4 years
#12449 Upload timeout normal 4 years
#12348 Service automatically starts after installation with highest system privilege even if specified not to normal 4 years
#12339 Filezilla Error normal 4 years
#12295 rename with existing to-name not accepted normal 4 years
#12259 Need Host ID and Port ID high 4 years
#12245 Non Updating of Folder Structure After Changing External Drives normal 4 years
#12168 Problema scan high 5 years
#12153 SSL Private Key Password unencrypted critical 5 years
#12094 Can't restart an upload for a zero length file normal 5 years
#12039 SFTP - no such file or directory normal 5 years
#12011 Filezilla is not connecting to server critical 5 years
#11741 Loss of connection data following the proposed update 3.37 normal 6 years
#11618 small bug for x64 build low 7 years
#11584 Delete group which is in use cancel button in German normal 7 years
#11569 Password incorrect but it's valid with old version. critical 7 years
#11418 Log date/time format not handling 00 AM hour correctly. normal 7 years
#11090 Failed to attach socket normal 8 years
#11035 port bounce attack normal 8 years
#6193 Allow long path names normal 14 years
#4698 Filenames including a : get stored as alternate data streams normal 15 years
#803 Hardcoded colour issues with dark themes Tawach normal 20 years
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